Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Legacy of a Carrick and more.


I had come here once before when I was younger. Looking for anything that had once been my name. Carrick was a name long forgotten myths of what was once my father being a Jedi Knight and also a Mandalorian Knight was all I knew. I knew that he was a human and that he was once alive. All I needed was to find where I could find information about him. Landing the the Capitol city of Garang, I put the Jedi starfighter down on the landing pad and made my way off. Dressed in traditional Jedi Robes of a black color with a mix of silver lining. On my hip was my electrum lightsaber. Double bladed and made from a crystal that had originated from here on the planet. Around my neck was a metal collar that looked somewhat like a futuristic choker, only it was really a helm that could collapse on itself to let it store around my neck.

if I needed it, A simple twinge with the force and it would activate in a second. Activating as fast as a Lightsaber could unleash it's iconic blade. Reaching within my pocket I checked the time to be at mid day. nodding my head as I walked towards the temple on the grounds that they might have something on who my father or mother once was.

The sun beamed down on the crumbling Jedi Temple; odd shadows danced about as the light penetrated large holes where the roof had long ago given in. Inside, a lone figure sat in the middle of the room, legs crossed, eyes closed. A lightsaber floated in the air inches from his face, completely still. But for all the Jedi Master knew, he could be a million miles away from Dantooine. His mind was gone, so lost in a meditative void that the outside world had completely slipped away.

Death. Destruction. That is not of what a Jedi dreams. Yet Hwo could focus on nothing else. He replayed the images in his head...over and over. What could he have done differently? How could he have saved them? There must have been a way...some way...

Hwo's eyes snapped open, and his hand instantly extended to catch the falling hilt. Someone is here. The Jedi stood and attached his weapon to his belt, then reached for his cloak. The presence was unfamiliar, but not threatening. Surely they could feel him as easily as he felt them, though. He pulled his hood over his head and moved to the shadows. Patiently, silently, he awaited their entrance.

@Veino Garn
[member="Xander Carrick"]
Veino dropped the pack he had slung over his shoulder down onto the ground beside, and studied the temple. It was a ruin, clearly. Stones had collapsed. The roof had holes. He could see a few collapsed walls. More interesting was the two Force signatures he could sense down inside. When he first noticed them, he had considered shielding his presence, but they weren't Dark Side users by any means. He estimated they were full Jedi. He paused for a moment, thinking this through, and then picked his pack up again, before heading into the temple ruins, drifting between shadows with a confident, but cautious air. No need to be caught unawares by a collapsing wall or roof section. That would be embarrassing. He stopped inside, and slowly spun around, and then deciding to call out.

"Hello in here!"


[member="Xander Carrick"]
Hwo stepped out of the shadows and examined the young man before him. He was hardly a threat--younger, smaller, less experienced, or so he seemed. He knew he should not be too quick to judge; underestimating one's opponent is the quickest route to defeat, after all. The Jedi held the hilt of his lightsaber loosely in his right hand, twirling it every few seconds out of habit.

"I thought this Temple had been abandoned," Hwo said dryly, carefully studying [member="Veino Garn "]from beneath his hood. He took a few steps closer, then pulled his hood back to reveal his face. "You don't appear to be here to kill me. That's a good start. The other he with you?"
"No he is not, but I do know him." It was only a few minutes walk from my ship inside the Temple. Most of it was gone and wasted. Old and abandoned, but there was a feeling of serenity and peace within the crumbling walls. I had been on the other side of the room. Watching the man in the middle meditating. Watching him to make sure that he was not someone of a threat. Looking to him, I could see that he was of my age, or even older than myself. However, that didn't matter. What made it was the question of me. Moving from the second man, @Veino Garn, to myself showed that he felt something stronger than him. It also showed experience in wanting to find the person with more power first. Done deal.

Clearly visible was a hammer that was gripped in my hand. Small in the shaft, but heavy in the head and able to withstand lightsaber strikes, it was a weapon made for bashing and smashing people into a pulp, as well that with my steadily increasing Force powers of Telekinesis I could throw it with accuracy and smash through walls and even light or thin metal walls, maybe a door if I tried hard enough. To show that I meant now harm, I let the hammer drop with a very loud thud on the ground. Landing squarely on it's head.

"Good you see you again Garn, been a while since the Imperial Knights." The two of us were training as Imperial Apprentices but just as I was about to be crowned a Knight of the Fel Imperium, they disbanded and vanished not to be seen again. After that both of us worked for the CIS for a time and then we parted ways. Been a long time since then. Turning to the man I nodded to him. "Yes it is abandoned of people, but that is not what I was looking for. You seem to be knowing of what is here, so I will ask if you know where they keep records of Jedi Naming?"

The thud of [member="Xander Carrick"]'s hammer echoed in the old Temple, sending a few native bird-like creatures squawking away from an opening in the roof. That's a nice weapon, Hwo thought to himself, having recently noticed that more and more Jedi were carrying exotic weapons along with--or in lieu of--traditional lightsabers. His ol' Jedi sword hadn't failed him up this point, so he'd never seen a reason to switch.

He let the newcomer and [member="Veino Garn "]properly greet each other while watching on in silence. Sometimes a talker, other times not so much, Hwo figured he was better off just listening for now. He guessed he could take either one alone, but not both at once. It was best to play nice for now. Besides, neither had shown any aggression toward him yet, which was a plus.

Once the two were done with their niceties, Hwo considered the blonde's question. "I didn't look around too much," he admitted. "I doubt the computer systems are in any sort of working order, anyway."
Veino turned, and nodded in agreement with [member="Xander Carrick"] and his words. "So it has. Not sure where everyone else ended up after the move to the Confederacy. I didn't really follow and lost track of everyone pretty quickly." He leaned against what looked like a fairly stable pillar, eyeing the hammer.

"That's quite a change in your arsenal compared to last time we met." He shook his head at the mention of records of Jedi naming. He had no idea, and it wasn't what he was here for. Not that he really had a reason. He just wanted to come visit the temple and see what remained of the ancient Jedi legacy. He was, and forever would be, an incurable tourist.

"As for computers, you're probably right," He added in agreement with @Hwo. No computer system could remain operational this long. Time would slowly erode them from existance, just as it does to all else.

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