Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Leper's Lesson


The hall was large, and mostly undecorated with the exception of racks around the edge of the room, holding what looked to be wooden blades of various different lengths and shapes. At the center of said room, stood a single figure who held a wooden blade in each of his hands. The boy seemed to be relaxed, before taking a deep breath and shifting into a stance, and slashing through the air with his two training blades. Strangely, as soon as he concluded the moment, he returned back to that original relaxed posture. He’d pause for a few moments, before repeating this motion, only sometimes breaking the pattern of his attack.

Where the slashes had originally been sharp and accurate, they became increasingly sloppy as the boy's breath became more labored, and frustrated. Him having a theoretical knowledge of how to apply these skills was good and all, but it frustrated him having a lack of opportunity to even begin to apply any of these skills.

“Damn.” He muttered to himself, kicking his toes against the floor as he paced alongst the width of the hallway slowly, taking a break from his previous monotonous actions.

Darth Sabbat

Darth Hellique II

"Form will only take you as far as the body's limits." The Sith Lord stopped his watching and informed from the outside of the durasteel threshold. "Only understanding of those forms will take you beyond." He continued as he hunched to fit his hulking body through the room's entrance. The scales on his elbows scraped metal, leaving their mark as he struggled through the small doorway.

"Where are you in your training, Acolyte? What form do you favor?" Sabbat asked. His curiosity was genuine. Given an honest answer, he would share his knowledge with the young man. If not, discipline was also an area of expertise for the Sith Lord.



Lukas halted his pacing, glancing over in the direction of the voice, nodding at his voice, interjecting with a “Yes.” when it seemed appropriate. His shoulders relaxed, the blades handing idly by his sides, watching as the figure squoze through the door frame, a small frown on his face upon noticing the scratches.

“I’m still early in my training, and I’m somewhat conflicted on the form. As I’m ambidextrous, so dual wielding naturally makes sense for me to learn, as I should capitalise off of that.” He raised the two blades, as if to demonstrate. “I’ve heard both Form IV and Form VI can utilise that well, so my interest lies in those two forms primarily.” He stepped back slightly, creating more space for the large figure, should he want it.

Darth Sabbat

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