Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Varys Amun

    Private  A Lesson in Obstinance

    - Location: Outside the Coruscant Jedi Temple Objective: An unconventional lesson I really need some friends my age thought Varys as she paced the steps in front of the temple. It was a chill morning, but the sun was shining and already gaggles of tourists were gathering to try and get a...
  2. Zeptepi Zambrano

    Private  A Lesson In Everything, Everywhere

    The Dark Inquisitor As the Lords of the Sith Order assembled to discuss their future stabilization of the Rimward Trade League, the weakened security of the Jedi Temple on Dagobah did not go unmentioned. A direct attack would further weaken the moral of the Jedi who already lost two of...
  3. Shan Pavond

    Private  A Healing Lesson.

    Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple Objective: Learn more about healing Equipment: Lightsaber - Blaster Tags: Kat Decoria Healing was something that Shan had always been interested in. Helping others, making sure that they didn't die or have to deal with being in pain. It was one of the reasons...
  4. Caltin Vanagor

    Public  History Lesson

    “The only reason time seems to be moving rather fast is that sometimes we’re too busy living in the past.” ― Dominic Riccitello The Museum of Intergalactic History on Coruscant was a mecca for sentients to flock to and experience while learning about historical events. Day after day, hundreds...
  5. Liin Terallo

    Private  A Lesson in Proper Etiquette

    Mister Doren was a puzzle; and a frustrating one at that! The way that he spoke to me at my event yesterday was quite rude. Not only that but he treated me as though he wass one of my betters; of which he clearly is not! His name does not come up among the Board of Directors families or kin and...
  6. Silas Westgard

    Private  Cruel Intentions

    Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Objective: Teach the class Tag: BB-610 "Alright everyone, masks off!" A symphony of groans echoed around the room as the group of younglings took off their headgear. For the past hour, they had been learning to use their instincts without the use of sight...
  7. Lirka Ka

    Private  A History Lesson

    These were strange times. It was the first thought that had come into Lirka’s head as she threw herself into the folds of the Sith once again, once more serving the vestiges of an Empire she swore herself: one long since dissolved. This new breed of Sithlings were something else, some faces...
  8. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  A Humbling Lesson

    Outfit: Jedi Garb Location: Coruscant Tags: Valery Noble Dreidi had been attempting to demonstrate her skills and abilities more to the Jedi that were at the New Jedi Order, so far it hadn't gone to plan. She had clashed over ideas of approaching missions, butting heads about the fact Dreidi...
  9. Hollis Orenn

    Private  A Lesson in Resilience

    Hollis made her way to the training hall -- and she'd only gotten lost once this time; she was still learning her way around the NJO temple. Dressed in a loose tunic, leggins, and a cardigan, she was ready to do some saber training. She'd done some lessons that took her through the motions of...
  10. Darth Insatious

    Private  A Lesson Of The Pathos

    Tag: Cadere | Location: Fortress of Void fa-play fa-pause After a day of travel, the Marr class Star Destroyer finally arrived in the Pybus system near the planet of Pybus. Insatious stood on the bridge, watching the lush-coloured green planet wearing his dusty and weathered cloth. It had...
  11. L

    Private  The Leper's Lesson

    The hall was large, and mostly undecorated with the exception of racks around the edge of the room, holding what looked to be wooden blades of various different lengths and shapes. At the center of said room, stood a single figure who held a wooden blade in each of his hands. The boy seemed to...
  12. Tes'Reya Hedroke

    Lorinar (The Lesson Learned)

    Midday. The clouds were closing in, threatening to release heavy rains as flashes of lightning illuminated the skies above. Tes'Reya would take a peek from her window panel out of the right side. She turned to look at her surroundings and what she had accomplished thus far..Managing to fortify...
  13. Silas Westgard

    Private  Judgement, an unexpected lesson

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Help the man Tag: Ivory Stroud (The Donna) The sun was slowly calling it a day over the horizon as Silas slowly jogged through the bustling streets of the urban jungle known as coruscant. It wasn't safe to be out at night, but by the time he had finished his...
  14. Valery Noble

    Private  A promised lesson

    Location: New Cov | Jedi Enclave Valery: Appearance Tag: Sergeant Omen After meeting again in a park on Empress Teta, Valery had promised the Sergeant that she'd be helping him gain more control of his Force sensitivity. It had been rather surprising for her to find out that he had such a...
  15. Valery Noble

    Private  Lesson on Denon

    Location: Denon Valery: Appearance Pregnancy: Start of 3rd trimester Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Shortly after accepting Briana and Iris as her Padawans, Valery found out that she was pregnant. In the first few weeks of their training, this didn't particularly hold her back from spending...
  16. Salazar Niminen

    Private  A Lesson From Defeat

    “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Padawan Salazar Niminen of the SDF. Does any friendly station copy? I have been detected by the Bryns & currently in hyperspace moving towards the Atollon System. My ship’s badly damaged but I’m still trying to evade capture. Need backup ASAP! Any station! please...
  17. Aurelion Nova

    Private  The First Lesson

    Aurelion's Lightsaber || Aurelion's Sith Armor Beneath the darkened skies of Dromund Kaas did Aurelion answers the summons of his new Master, Darth Prazutis for what was to be their first session of 'training'. Whatever that meant among the Sith Aurelion was not sure, however, he dared not...
  18. Asaraa Vaashe

    Mission and Lesson Board

    Missions Sign-Up: We've all had those times, times when you want to go on a mission, want that adventure but have no idea what story, or who to bring with you, or you have an idea for a mission yourself but you don't know how to get people together for it. This mission board is a way to unite...
  19. R

    Ships Of Space

    KASHYYYK - PLANETARY ORBIT Onboard Pickle Rick, Rick Kaloo sat motionlessly at the command bridge. Today, he would be teaching another his craft, his expertise in commanding warships. Rick had been on the bridge of a vessel for nearly two decades, aspiring to command from the day of getting...
  20. Taeli Raaf

    A Chill Upon the Wind

    [member="Sophie Gustav"] Reading through old files within the Sith archives, Taeli had come across an obscure technique of the Sith that was intriguing her greatly. Flipping through the old parchment pages, she analyzed the few sentences dedicated to the ability of cryokinesis and the more she...
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