The force was being formed and strengthened within his body, the low amount of skills he knew were being heavily strengthened. He was temporarily getting his force abilities strengthened by taking some of the dark side magic strength. Then something had happened nobody could have ever thought of his eyes were getting blank, his mind was fading away for a moment. It was a creepy moment till he was able to hear her thoughts on how he would do now. The boy looked creepy towards her, a dense voice was heard coming from his mouth, "How about healing, I will instead crush him!" He said while the darkside of the force was currently making him kill for his first time. Nick opened his hands and soon started to slowly close it, as the pig was screaming of the pain and suddenly on his stomach it could be seen, a red spot through their green skin, the blood of the heart was coming through. The heart was currently getting crushed towards total pulp. This was maybe the reason why the child was neutral and not an evil person, if he was an evil person, he would most likely be a manipulative murderer, who would try to kill on mass scale.
[member="Darth Praelior"]