He listened to the woman and then he thought, "Ah, hmm..She does not want me to fail for her very own reasons... I will be the one doing all her dirty work at the end." He had sighed shaking his head, "Very well..BUT...I am capturing one for myself as well! I want to create my own sith spawn!", He told her showing a grin onto his face. He needed some bodyguards for when he was going to become a sith knight and hide his appearance for his life so he would never be found out who he actually is. "Tell me... What is your plan with those creatures, my lord?" He asked her after an answer he would practice by himself once again
He concentrated the force into his body, as he had to think that he was one of the slaves. He focused the force onto the creatures so he knew how they had actually looked like, but not with his own eyes but through the force slowly his body was showing a bright white light layer of black around his body. His soul was pure of heart, his mind had the blackened source of manipulation. His body was changing as an illusion was made around his body, he looked like a slave.
[member="Darth Praelior"]