At the risk of adding fuel to this…
All factions are subject to attack/take over whether you are here to do anything about it or not.
Its sorta the thing you have to expect and be prepared for.
I don't agree with walking into someone's area for the express desire to insult and tick off all people in said faction.
Coming in here to throw around insults is childish especially when your beef is with our faction leader.
It shows poor taste bringing it out in the open like this, especially in the manner you have done.
Its not my fault that you took over a faction that is aggressive, but were it not you it would be someone else.
Yes, you just got this new shiny toy, but thats the nature of the beast.
You went on vacation, so be it, but the game doesn’t stop nor does life just because you have gone away.
I, personally wouldn’t mind waiting, but see, you insulted us.
YOU started throwing stones.
YOU came into OUR area and decided to bring whiney drama to us, so no, I’m not inclined to feel charitable.
Maybe next time you’ll be better prepared when you gain control of a doomed faction.
My advice, work on your defenses next time, keep your head down and make allies.
Thats how you survive a game with constant fluctuating pvp like this.
I hate drama, you could have done this in pm, instead, you took it to us all.
If you don’t expect to lose territory, go play some other game where this doesn’t happen.
The net is a big place, if you want baby-proofing, bubble wrap and being safe, by all means, I’ll point you where you can have it.
Otherwise, play the game, have fun, don’t tick people off and don’t pick a drowned ship to try and save.
Now, get the hell out of our board if this is all you are going to do, we don’t want you here.