Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion The Light Cometh Unseen- Underground Rebellion of ZU Ilum, Redoubt, and Volik

Allies: Zweihander union.
Targets: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson and his space forces
Location: Space combat with Joseph Torson Joseph Torson 's forces.

Salis was distracted, but the distraction she had was one that made her exceedingly dangerous. She had suffered the loss of her husband, probably the only person she'd ever bothered to actually trust. Sure, she had her daughters. But they were children, there was just not the same feelings that went to one as to the other. And for someone who'd been important to her for so long, the loss of destructive. In quite the literal sense.

And she was turning to the only thing she could get to distract her, violence. For that reason, her response to the Union's issues was not one of discontent, but excitement. She had the Dvasia prepared and a hyper-ring attached. She hit the field of battle at the same time as the First Fleet. Releasing the hyper-ring.

A wicked laugh began to emerge from the woman as the fighter leapt forwards towards the ships belonging to Joseph Torson Joseph Torson . B-lining towards their ships. Naturally, she was going way out of range of her allies as Ivan's ships were apparently out of range at the moment. She didn't know about their plan, she didn't care. She just wanted to destroy things and she was pretty sure they were enemies.

She would reach them long before her allies did. Her ship was small and it moved more like a missile than it did a ship. The instant it was even remotely in range of their fighters firepower it swerved firing it's laser cannons at the numerous droid fighters intent on making a whole in their screen. They looked like they were protecting the larger fighters behind them.

Unacceptable. She wasn't going to let them go past the First Fleet, not without casualties. Not because she cared if they succeeded, it wasn't about actually stopping them. It was about the destruction. Her mind and body were fueled with the force as she felt all around her, it was what allowed her to pull off the absurd movements she was doing now. She wanted to open a hole, just long enough for the Flextubes to release Two proton Torpedos. Sure, they could move the droid fighters back in the way, and lose them, allowing her to fire another two.

She didn't care about Joseph Torson Joseph Torson . Nor did she care about the Zweihander Union. She only wanted the raw thrill of a distraction. The feeling of her heart beating faster and harder. The sight of destruction.

But the feeling of joy was also tainted by her hatred that grew. That ached.
Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen Not Ordo Not Ordo
Malthael Malthael Imperius Imperius
Ilum was, and would always be, a Jedi world. Here, the kyber crystals dwelt in harmony with the Force and the Jedi, creating a symbiotic relationship between that practically resonated in the very core of his bones. It filled him with power and sensations of the movements of the Force and the living beings in which it dwelt. He reached out fully in the Force, letting it fill him and flow out of him to those in his party and those sensitive to its movements.

It was what told him there was an imbalance in the world. Dark presences, full of violence and rage, and suspicious spots that indicated something dampening or weakening Force sensitivity in the area. Some were not far off. He closed his eyes and focused more closely, before nodding.

"I do not mean to interfere with your business, Sergeant," Tiland called over the wind that roared past him. "But I believe I have sensed the location of the enemy scouts." He pulled up a borrowed datapad and put several waypoints on the map, indicating where he felt the weakening of the Force. "I suspect some sort of anti-Jedi equipment. Ysalamiri, perhaps, though they have no love for climates such as these." Two of them were somewhat close, at least close enough for what he guessed scouting to be.

It was the other two that concerned him. A static-filled message rustled through the comlink and he listened to it a few times before nodding. "Young Rannegan! Delighted you could make it. I have heard good things about your work." Tiland clapped his hands together to keep the slight chill from penetrating further than the skin. Anzati physiology certainly had its advantages. "We're at the rendezvous point and can await your arrival."

He turned back to gaze into the ice and snow laden winds, frowning. That left the two Dark Sider users. Powerful, yes, but no more than those he faced before. He raised his voice again, "I sense two Dark Side users. Can any of you detect more?"

It was rare for his senses to be wrong, but he always wanted to double-check. The Force moved in mysterious ways, after all. "It may be necessary for us to split and lure them away."


Tags Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Salis Salis

Tyrael was ready. The prisoners who resided in prison were, finally, paying back- with significant interest, too.
In other words, @Garm Ki-Sapan, as well as every other prisoner related to the Sularen Association had been strapped to every side of the drop ship, and were surrounded by explosives. Even the slightest flak fire or auto cannon would blow them up, with no hope of escape. They had three separate types of restraints securing each limb to the drop ship, and covered the outer surface of the drop ship.

The Drop ship was rushed at full speed towards the enemy Flagship, the Exactor, and Tyrael was confident in the knowledge that they would be momentarily boarding it



I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
I already made the first gaudy post, so now I'll switch to a more sane posting bb code


O B J E C T I V E | Show dat Jedi who's boss
L O C A T I O N | Jedi Temple, Ilum
T A G S | Old geezers and young fools Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

T H E M E |
G E A R | Here.​

The Information from Imperius's precious Recon Squad trickled in. There were, apparently, two Jedi in the group. One old man who seemed to have let his minuscule power get to his head, and an even more pathetic youngling, who let the Old Man walk all over him.

He spoke, his raspy, voice shattering the silence in the hallway. I'll take the old man. You deal with the other Jedi and the accompanying Garbage.
Having said all that he wanted to say, He moved out of the Jedi Temple, taking position where he was certain he could be found. Then, he started flaring his presence, Inviting the Relic to seek him. Perhaps he would be entertained for more than just a moment- who knew what the future held?
"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."

Strike Team Sentinel
Allies: Veino Garn Veino Garn
Volik tags: Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek Varloc Varloc Right Hander Narrator Right Hander Narrator Tyrael Tyrael Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Salis Salis

Static watched the effects of their plan unfold with pleasure. When it was found, the trace to the hacker would likely be followed up with legal efforts. No doubt the hacker would gladly claim the credit; this was far beyond anything he'd done in the past. Yet along the wall, the chronometer had started counting up from the start time. At an impressive thirty-one minutes and seventeen seconds, the hacked broadcast cut off. Whoever was operating the civilian system was decently good at their job. Not great, but definitely not getting paid enough.

Yet even as the civilian stations ceased throwing out the sensor shadows, something else started occurring. Having a single layer to a tactic only went so far: this case went thirty-one minutes and seventeen seconds as they'd seen. Instead of sensor feeds showing masses of vessels, they would now just start showing pure static. Some minor physical sabotage had aged the equipment in the civilian stations, and when combined with the sudden power burst from the earlier hack the equipment itself started failing. That failure didn't reveal itself with shutdowns but with massive amounts of interference on sensor and comm channels. Short-range communication - line of sight really - would operate but anything longer than that would require a powerful comm unit, and planetary sensors - even military-grade units - would be more or less useless.

And because they could, Static had done more or less the same thing to the planetary system's hypercomm relay that was built onto the moon. The sabotage was more obvious, but the net effect was the same: no long-range communication in or out, and space-based sensors severely impeded.

It quickly became obvious that the planet was more of a hotbed of activity than intelligence had suggested. It didn't seem to be related to the work they'd done so far or anything incoming, but with as many ships incoming as they could see things might get dicey. For now it would be better for the on-planet team to simply keep their heads down.

Thirteen minutes after the leap into hyperspace, Task Force Sentinel dropped back into realspace. The reversion point had been plotted to be away from the capital city and any military concentrations based there. It hadn't quite been possible to put them on the opposite side of the planet, but it was close. Many of the pilots were smugglers and were expecting the electronic chaos. The rush to get into the atmosphere and low to the ground was relatively organized, and from there various vessels and teams split off to their own objectives.

Audren had decided to stick with the Swarm team. There he could use what experience he had to guide the project and smooth out issues that would undoubtedly arise, and if necessary would act as one of the team's guardians. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, as the goal at this point was to remain hidden from view and disengaged. A few of the ships - mostly those carrying the control systems - found their way inside a couple existing smugglers hideaways. A few lucky others were able to partially conceal inside caves or overhangs, while the rest landed where they could. Camouflage coverings were immediately put into place and beings began scurrying around putting equipment in some semblance of order. Ground-penetrating and seismic sensors were brought into play almost immediately, and their amphibious friends began scouting the waterways to verify clear paths. They were on schedule so far and looking to keep it that way.

"Young Rannegan! Delighted you could make it. I have heard good things about your work." Tiland clapped his hands together to keep the slight chill from penetrating further than the skin. Anzati physiology certainly had its advantages. "We're at the rendezvous point and can await your arrival."

If the Jedi master had heard of his "work" and been so welcoming, that meant the Old Hans was prevailing. When he finally made it to the rendezvous point and followed the group as they approached the temple, nobody batted an eye to his presence. At least not out loud. Yet. The Jedi master that led them was ancient, and he seemed completely at ease despite the harsh landscape of this world. He felt the intense pull of the light side of the force, one he had not felt since his teenaged years and his few short trips to the Jedi temple at Voss. His Knight-Commanders could never stress enough to avoid the pull of the dark side, but they had discussed little of the pull of the light side, equally as dangerous to an order of Grey Jedi such as the Imperial Knights. He knew the pull of the darkside well. It had surrounded everything at the Battle of Bastion, and it had cried out in wrath and agony when the Sith had been purged from that world. The dark side of the force felt like unchecked anger and hatred. The light side felt calm, serene almost. Such a strange feeling for Hans as the winds (they were anything but calm) battered him.

The ragged group of Underground rebels, humans, wookies, and whoever else might be able to stand Ilum, looked ready to go. They were enthusiastic. They had hope. Hans wanted to believe he had hope as well. He had hoped the New Imperial Order would march all the way to Dromund Kaas if it meant taking the fight to the Sith. That was sadly that wasn't the case, and Hans had to suffice with fighting the Sith here, although this assignment had its merits as well.
The Heir to the Starchaser Legacy was stepping onto the planet. Ilum was a relic world, sacred to the Jedi and rebuilt from the ruins of what it once had become. A place Jedi ventured to retrieve Kyber crystals for their lightsabers, it was part and parcel to the history of one of his chosen religions. His hood was up as he stepped onto the frozen surface and surveyed the landing zone.

“Keep your eyes peeled, but more importantly, we need to watch the Force. If we can find and secure the crystals, but our goal is to clean this world from the darkness.” He knew that they were going to be fighting the weather, but Jared was trained as both a Hunter of the Fringe, a Jensaarai, and a Jedi Knight. He understood what was ahead of them, and without much concentration, he was finding the Jedi Temple on this world.

“Master Kortun. I’ve got the temple. Its … Something feels wrong with it.” He looked to the Anzat Master. “I do sense the darkness, but I can’t pin point it. I wasn’t prepared for Ilum to be so…”


He grabbed his blaster pistol and nodded. “Which way do you want me and mine to go?”

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Not Ordo Not Ordo Imperius Imperius
Not Ordo Not Ordo Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen
Imperius Imperius Malthael Malthael

Tiland was about to speak to others, but stopped. His brows knit together as Hans and Jared spoke, and the Underground scouts flared out, targeting the presence of the two recon troops from multiple directions. He had to agree with Jared. Something was very, very wrong.

But then, he laughed out loud. Fully, deeply, and with his sides heaving and his eyes beginning to water in the corners of his eye. This lasted for several moments before he regained control over himself and shook the mirth from his face, although his eyes still sparkled.

"Forgive me, but someone is trying to use a Sith spell against me from this far out, and..." He paused again, opening his mind to the telepathy in the Force. "And trying to ask me about my personal weaknesses. How little they know me or one who has faced themselves." He brushed a frozen drop of mousture from the corner of his eye and settled his satchel more securely on his shoulder.

"Jared, I'm picking up another powerful Dark Sider. Flank to the west and draw that one off if you can. I'll go meet with this one, since he seems to be trying to challenge me to a duel." He paused to consider. "Perhaps I can persuade to drink tea and then depart instead, but either way, I will keep them busy."

"Sergeant, Hans, that leaves the two of you. Give us some time to draw off what we can of the defenses. Once we've engaged, push ahead and secure the entrance to the cave. I feel what I think is roughly a platoon's worth of enemies armed with some sort of anti-Force technology, so proceed with caution. They are undoubtedly some sort of elite to have that sort of gear."

He squared his shoulders and turned his gaze to the direction of the challenge, his gaze growing distant and misted. "I go now for what I hope is but a duel of wits, yet I fear shall not be. Go now, and fear no darkness, for we walk in the Light upon its own world, and though we walk boldly into the Dark, it cannot survive the Light."

With that, he gave them a salute and strode off into the howling winds, disappearing into the fog and icy gales. It did not take long for them to vanish in the distance behind them. He did not bother answering the challenge yet, but he picked up his pace, almost to a jog across the ice, his beard flapping into the wind, until he sense he was close and make out the form waiting for them.

"My strength is my humility, my fear is myself, I cherish simplicity, and all I crave is a cup of tea, which I have already." Tiland cast his voice across the wind, putting his full strength to it so that it boomed and echoed over the wind. "And I have a riddle for you!" These words he said after coming close enough to see clearly the foe standing before him. "What is so easily broken as spoken?"

Now that he was closer, he could see the hand signs that signaled the usage of the Dark Side spell and the power of it beating against his mind, but he paid it no mind. He had already lived and experienced his greatest fears, so what could it invoke from his mind but images of himself that he saw in his dreams?

He reached deep into the Force and let it flow through him, filling his mind and his body, as he stopped several meters away from his opponent. "Why are you here? Your government has abandoned you. From reading the treaty between the Union and the Alliance, you are breaching it, which means you'll likely be disavowed, would it not?"

Tiland gestured around them with his arms, loose sleeves flapping in the wind. "Go home. There's nothing here for you."

Roth Tillian

Arryn Jhanson

"We read you, Nomad," Roth replied in the comms as he guided his X-wing out of the hangar-bay. Behind him, the twelve other shapes glided after him in a loose formation as they wove their way through the eclectic assemblage of ships. The fighters swung behind him until they broke clear of the other ships.

"All pilots, check in," Roth commented through the squadron's channel, while he activated the navcomputer to double and triple check the pre-programmed jump coordinates. The computer whirred away at the project. He also flicked another switch and behind him, the hyperdrive spooled up in readiness for the jump. The other fighters filled in around him. Their voices ticked off one by one, and a part of his brain sorted that information away.

"Strike Team, jump on my mark. Things might get spicy so we'll start screening as you come in. If we're all exploded by the time you arrive, just run away as fast as you can." His voice light with the joke, but the lack of any humor on his face revealed he was serious.

"" As he counted, the navcomputer indicators had all turned green. "Jump." He pushed the levers forward and the familiar dots of light turned into streaks and then the familiar clouds.

For the moment, he leaned back and closed his eyes, feeling the controls through his hands and feet. It wasn't long, however, before he dropped back into realspace on the edge of the mysterious star cluster. Immediately, contacts appeared on his sensors, but they were pretty far off still.

"Alright, I want full system scans," Roth said. "Shields up and move ahead of the transports."
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Audren Sykes Audren Sykes
Varloc Varloc Tyrael Tyrael Salis Salis Right Hander Narrator Right Hander Narrator Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek

The transport dropped out of hyperspace on the system and the sensor screen flared up with dozens of contacts, sounding alarms across the cockpit. "What in the everliving kark," Veino spat. He picked himself up from his seat and threaded his way to the cockpit. His stomach turned at the sight and a low whistle escaped across his lips. The pilot just shrugged and looked at him. "Still want to go secure the command center?"

Veino shook his head, counting the ships that filled the screen. "Not with a fleet like that in orbit. Take us away around the far side, away from the capital, but between it and the construction site. If they send anything, at least we'll be able to give them a heads up." The pilot nodded and adjusted the course, directing the ship on a full-burn along the far edge of the system, well away and out of range of all the warships. Some were Zweihander. Some were something called the Sularen, according to their registration. He wasn't familiar with them, but made a note to have agents start doing digging. Who were they and why were they here? Just in general, what was going on in this system? Intel had reported the fleet, probably their First Fleet, judging by the command ship, away over by the capital when they last had solid, verifiable information. Apparently, they had been wrong. Wasn't the first time or the last and it would just have to be something they needed to keep in mind. Stay flexible, adapt, survive.

He stepped back into the hold, gripping the edge of a hatch as the ship rapidly adjusted course, throwing more than a few of them. against the bulkheads. "Change of plans. There's a Zwei war fleet here. We're not taking any direct action at this point." Veino returned to the cockpit, watching as the fleets engaged, or disengaged. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening from here.

But they were a small freighter and moved fast across the far reaches of the system, leaving a trail that would normally be noticable, but with that many warships and snub-fighters leaving ion trails all over the system? They barely emitted enough to register on something of that scale. He could just barely make out the shapes of the largest ships, and only occasional flashes of light indicated where explosions or turbolasers had been, in the moments before. It was too far away still to watch in real-time. Only the delay as light traversed the vast distances.

But soon, it passed away behind the sphere of the world, ringed in the light from its star blazing past the edges. Now sheltered from the battle, they changed their course angle to lead them in on a fast course to the surface.

"Well, hopefully we'll make landfall before they're on to us," Veino said after a moment. "Otherwise we might have to try and take their ship."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Gib took the events up to this point in stride. He knew his place. The Underground had been made by simple people with a very simple set of moral standards. He wasn't a killer, he wasn't a savage warrior, he was a 12 hour shift worker from the Taris under city that had gotten tried of watching people hurt and doing nothing for them. His purpose here was simple, as well. He was here to right a wrong. If that goal could be reached by talking? All the better.

He stood still beside the Jedi. His heavy repeating blaster, that was just a hair lighter than what would normally be a mounted weapon, was held easily in his thick fingered hands. There was frost on his jacket, snow on his heavy pants and boots, and a layer of fog on his helmet face plate the grew and retreated with every breath. He stuck out his lower lip and blew a sigh up passed his tusk-like lower canine teeth and passed his nose. He was frustrated in a small way. He didn't really understand why bad guys or at least folks who worked for bad people couldn't do their stand offs under some cover. Everyone would be a whole lot more reasonable with their boots off sitting in front of a heater on a world like this. But, he supposed if these folks were the reasonable sort they wouldn't have been here to begin with.

"You folks should listen to Master Tiland." He said calmly, "He tends toward helping avoid all this unpleasant stuff. We can go inside, get ya somethin' warm in yer bellies and yall can gather yer things and go. No need for undue fussin over this place and y'all know it."

He didn't know if he should have talked so much, or at all really. But he didn't want to hurt people who were just as small of potatoes as he was. Potatoes fighting each other was just about the dumbest unnatural thing he could think of. Just because they was from different fields? That was just silly and he bit back a grin as he thought of it.
Strike Team Sentinel
Allies: Veino Garn Veino Garn
Volik tags: Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek Varloc Varloc Right Hander Narrator Right Hander Narrator Tyrael Tyrael Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Salis Salis

Work went about as smoothly as one could hope for in this sort of situation. With the limited maps they had available before arrival and the additional details provided by sensors and ground-penetrating radar they were able to find - and use - the channels that already existed. This limited the amount of changes they needed to make to the environment which in turn severely lessened their chances of detection as well as improving their completion time.

The specialist species were especially helpful. The aquatic species knew how water flows behaved and were able to safely navigate dangerous areas; what would have drowned a human merely inconvenienced a Mon Cal. Before long they had control and data lines - sealed against the water of course - run from the myriad of sensor dish arrays down into the caves, and even between caves. What had once been envisioned as a tight-beam network was able to instead become an entirely physical one, decreasing latency and increasing stealth. One of the last pieces was being assembled and set up entirely underwater in a nearby lake...and of course calibrated so the water wouldn't interfere with its operations. They were even able to set up basic hydroelectric generators to power certain areas. Meanwhile the cave-dwellers helped secure the caverns against creatures that would try to take shelter there and generally improved the habitability. One enterprising group had discovered a false wall that led to a long-unused smuggler's hideout. Rather than the sensitive control equipment being set up in just any cave, they could instead set it up in a more secure location. Plus if anyone had to actually stay here it would be relatively safe.

Of course, throwing a disparate group of people together caused some sparks here and there. Typically it was just disagreements over how the plans needed to be implemented or in what order, and those were easily remedied by a third opinion or a captain stepping in. Only once did Audren have to physically intervene in a fight, and that had its origins years in the past due to some rivalry that he didn't care about. The two were separated and shifted to work teams on opposite sides of the project, and that was that.

At last, all the pieces were in place and the technicians were ready to bring the system online. It powered up with a gentle hum, next to inaudible against the surrounding noises of nature. The equipment cycled through standardized self-test diagnostics and screens started displaying information. was nonsense. Static. Perplexed, the technician had the system run through self-diagnostics again. When everything passed he turned to the group and shrugged, perplexed. One of the other technicians went to examine the physical connections, and when she found they were all secure initiated a system reboot. There was no change. Disappointed, Audren pulled out his comlink to confer with some of the other captains. As he opened the channel he heard the whine...of the jamming that team Static had implemented. He rubbed his temples in annoyance, then announced the reason to the rest of the team, who all had similar reactions.

So. Hardware in place. System configured. The testing would have to wait for the jamming to end, or taken on faith that it worked. With no way to contact Static and see how long the overblown distraction would last, there was a chance that the latter would be the case.
Audren Sykes Audren Sykes
Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek Varloc Varloc Right Hander Narrator Right Hander Narrator Tyrael Tyrael Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Salis Salis

The tension in the freighter was thick enough to cut with a fingernail as the small ship hurried towards the planet. Veino's knuckles were white against the bulkhead as he gripped it, staring out the pilot's viewports as the bulk of the planet slowly moved across their vision, hiding the space battle away. Behind him, in the hold, nobody spoke. It was their worst fear. Hardened freedom fighters, guerillas, and rebels that they were, they were still, at the core, infantry. Light infantry, if anyone wanted to be pedantic about military science terms. And while they could tango with armored battalions and heavy infantry all day, in a ship, they were helpless. Passengers.

That nervous practically resonated in the Force around Veino, and he was forced to close his mind to it. He needed to be able to think clearly and swiftly should even more issues arise. Slowly, the flashes of light disappeared and the battle disappeared on the far side of the world. On the edges of the viewport, the the hull started to glow as it skimmed across the edges of the atmosphere.

"All clear, Veino," the pilot said, and Veino let out a long breath. He felt the tension bleed out from behind him as they felt the familiar sensation of atmospheric entry. The hull shuddered another the impact as the angle of descent changed, angling to their secondary landing zone, far from the construction site to deflect any attention away from it. "Landing in half-hour."

"Well done, friend," Veino said, clapping the pilot on the shoulder and stepping back into the hold, where he resumed his position. Time seemed to stretch on forever until with a creaking of metal, the ship settled onto the planet's surface with a hiss of mechanics. The boarding ramp opened, creaked, and then fell the rest of the way open. Veino shrugged and stepped onto the surface of the world, his sense stretched out in the Force.

Behind him, the rest of the team spread out from the ship, weapons ready as they moved to secure the perimeter. It was a clearing inside a canyon wall, with a rocky overhang sheltering them from the sky. "Let's get those defenses and camo netting set up," Veino said, surveying the area. He turned around and craned his neck to look up the canyon. "I want a sentry post up above the overhand and hidden defenses across the front of the plateau."

Around him, they broke into teams and set about the tasks of making a serviceable base camp from this.

Roth Tillian


Arryn Jhanson

"We read you, Commander," the response came back from elsewhere in the squadron. Roth stared ahead into the depths of space, towards the entryway into the convoluted star-cluster. Already the long-range sensors were getting garbled and jumbled results from the intersecting gravitational forces that made the cluster a nightmare to navigate. The voices were coming back a bit garbled, but understandable.

"What's the sensor readings? I want results before the transports drop out of hyperspace. Knight Three, let them know to hang back from reversion." Roth spoke quickly, decisively, while his fingers danced across the controls.

"They're coming back now. False positives. Looks like some sort of asteroid just recently collided, scattering space with the debris and there's some residual energy readings. May have hit a ship or something."

"Roger that," Roth let out a breath. "Lock S-foils and advance. Signal the transports to come on in." He eased the throttle forwards and the squadron hurried forward. "Deflectors double front. Don't want anyone hitting some barely sub-lightspeed microscopic particles from those collisions."

"Nothing else on the scans. No movement or signs of other vessels." The voice came in on the comms and Roth nodded, leaning back in his seat and letting out a breath.

"Very well then. We're clear for now. Move the transports in and start releasing the cargo. We'll get the buoys and command post set up for the charting. Well, everyone, looks like we're on a milk run this time. Let's break up into flights and start running patrols farther in. I'm not sensing any trouble coming in. Stay sharp, just to be safe."

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