This might have bothered me more if it was clearer. For me it wasn't that easy to tell what was going on, so I just kinda sat back and went "Seen worse, read worse, heard worse". From what I could see... yeah, it's not exactly pretty, so to speak. Does it bother me? Personally, no, not really. I've stumbled my way into a few too many internet videos, watched too many horror movies, and had a few too many nightmares for this to seem that bad to me.
Though I can understand why it might make someone else uncomfortable. While it's not really that realistic (not just in the graphics/animation, but with the fact that the player manages to survive this, despite the fact that they'd be bleeding heavily, likely going into shock, and all that stuff), it is bloody. The voice acting isn't superb, but it's decent enough that it sounds like the guy is really in pain. Regardless of one's personality, or experience with these matters, generally humans react to the sound of another human being hurt.
Because science.
Do I think it's too much? Too bloody? Nah. I just think that the game should have the proper ratings, warnings, and whatnot. I don't think it really crosses any lines when it comes to how graphic something can be. Like I've said before, I feel like I've personally seen worse (publicly available things that are worse). When it comes to things like this, in my opinion I think it's best we just label everything as well as we can and hope that the consumers don't go after something they can't handle.
For example, I'd probably never buy or play Dead Space 3 (or was it 2?) because I know, for a fact, that there's a scene involving eye surgery. I can't handle that kind of stuff. Hell, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. So I'll avoid that game. But this game? I don't really play games like Black Ops, but if I did, I'm pretty sure I'd be find playing this. As long as the robot doesn't mess with your eyes later on in the campaign. Man, that'd suck...
EDIT: Also, are we joking about the spoilers thing? Because the info on this video made me think it was towards the start of the game or something. And I'm bad at telling internet sarcasm/satire from serious internet conversation.