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The Limits of Glory (OP Dominion of Eriadu)


@[member="Ayden Cater"]

Her cool gaze turned to Ayden. A single ebon brow rose high. Blinking passively, but hiding what stirred underneath, Cira gave a cordial smile with zero warmth reflective in her gaze.

"Ah, then Mr. Cater," she practically coo'd, "What do you suggest?" the other brow rose to match the other. His answer would be most intriguing, seeing how he'd reacted to a slight with the Red Queen.
Tegaea waited until they were alone in the room with just Cira and Ayden, and then turned to him.
"They are the ones who declared war on us. We offered them terms which they could have declined. Instead they shot our diplomat. That is an act of war, and like it or not, they are now set against us. They will, given the chance, contest all our progress in the Sullust area. The plan we have devised will lead to a swift victory I am sure. What alternative do we have? Let the death of our ambassador go? If we assassinate Tarkin or otherwise remove him then there is nothing stopping them from building forces and taking the fight to us. We don't want a protracted campaign over Sullust or anywhere else. Therefore we take our strike to Eriadu and stop them quickly."

She shrugged. "Unless you have a better plan?"
While the higher-ups discussed strategy and the advantages and disadvantages of invading a sovereign world over the murder of a diplomat, Siobhan had taken a quick tour to her apartment.

Opening the cupboard that held her weapons with a tug of telekinesis, she donned a suit of light armour and retrieved her boltgun, cradling it fondly. She tended to rely more on her sabre, liking her combat up close and personal, but the weapon had proved extremely effective time and again, not least against zombies on Denon.

She loaded it with explosive grenades, then slung the boltgun over her shoulder. More grenades were attached to her belt, alongside the lightsabre that was never far from her grasp, a knife went into her boot.

Thus equipped she moved to head out, closing the cupboard. As she passed a mirror she beheld her features, scars and all, a robot eye glowing back at her. At this juncture some melancholic thoughts about whether it would be her fate to get blasted to pieces in some trench or some other site of battle on Eriadu might be in order.

Perhaps even some existentialist thoughts about the meaning of it all. However, this was Siobhan Kerrigan and so she had no time for useless ponderings of such a nature. Instead she just stuffed a packet of cigarettes into her pocket after taking one out, lighting it, then stepped out, swinging the door shut to head for the hangar bay.

The mission was clear to her. She was not privy to the senior staff conference between Ayden, Cira and Tegaea, but one could assume that her thought was to strike hard and fast. They wanted to expand towards the Sullust sector, men such as Tarkin respected only force, much like the gangsters she knew so well from Nar Shaddaa. Of course, there was a reason Siobhan was not management! Big picture thinking was something she excelled at, after all.

Down in the hangar the troops were assembling, large walkers of the AT-SE rumbled through it, getting loaded onto the large Omega Fleet. War seemed on the horizon.

Maybe @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] and @[member="Lenavina Martin"] had already found their way there. She activated her comm as she stepped into the turbolift, informing them to meet her in hangar bay 12.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
"Sorry. Exarch Alcori, I would like to present my idea on the situation, if it is alright with you."
Placing a holoprojector pad on the table, he called up an image sequence. "I have created a new dropship for our vehicles. The Killik-class is capable of carrying even an AT-SE to the front lines."
Setting a sequence in the hologram in motion. "I propose that we send a large force outside the city here," he said, pointing to a set of coordinants outside the city boundaries, "making a distraction that will draw out most of the enemy forces, allowing a group of operatives to get to the royalties without much resistance." Shutting off the holo, he rose again and turned to his CEO. "What do you think, ma'am?"
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"]

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Republics of old didn't run off to prep their war machine whenever they lost a liaison or Jedi. As I said before, we're not warlords. We don't get to so casually throw off a planet's legitimate government just because they don't like us or they kill a diplomat. And whether you like it or not, Tegaea, we are no longer beholden to our own whims. We have scores of worlds, billions of people who now depend on us and trust us. If we so callously attack another world like this, how would that reflect on us? What would the Republic think of us?" Ayden crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "Like it or not, the days of running in, guns blazing are over. We can no longer afford to act so rashly."

He started to walk around the table, his gaze shifting from Tegaea to Cira and all across the room from time to time. "The fact of the matter is that our first priority should be securing the body of our fallen diplomat. If we want the galaxy at large to see us as a legitimate government and not a band of thugs, we have certain expectations to meet. And we can't afford to reach for the blaster just because someone spit at us." Ayden came to a stop on the far side of the table, directly across from where Cira sat. His eyes bored into hers. There was something there in his gaze that he tried to convey to the Prex, but after a moment, he stood back up and closed his eyes with a sigh.

"To think that a planet like Eriadu would so callously execute a fellow human like this..." To anyone who had spent more than a day around Ayden would surely know the Corellian held absolutely no ideas about humancentricism. So this comment surely seemed out of place. "It would be a terrible loss to the systems of this sector if Eriadu were to be corrupted by some sort of hidden group. A group that had, until recently, operated with autonomy in the northern half of the galaxy. A group that recently allied themselves with the Sith. But surely we would never find evidence of such operations in a quiet, covert manner on the planet. Don't you agree, Prex?"


@[member="Ayden Cater"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Cira narrowed her eyes, "Just what are you driving at Cater?" she demanded curtly, watching him walk away. She had no time for games; if he was going to say it, say it plainly.
Zero nodded his head at the woman Tegaea. He would be there quickly. If Mao didnt keep up he would leave her behind. When she came over to say "Sup Zero just shook his head, and said "I dont talk on jobs. Keep up or fall behind." Zero didnt want to talk to someone who was obliviously a chatterbox. He would only give the details and that would be all the talking he was doing. "Your gear, Go get it. Meet me in Hangar bay ASAP."

Zero didnt have any extra time to spare and there fore would not waste it. he left the room before he could give her a chance. He walked quickly to his room to grab one thing. More ammo. He didnt buy ammo from Omega Pyre stores because he never trust the armory. He went of world and went to see his 'dealer' to get the ammo needed for his GH-44's And if he was taking out a Ion cannon he would need more than just spare ammo. He walked to the armory next and grabbed some explosives. If he had to break a door or two. or even blow up the Ion cannon manually he would need some explosives.

With that done he walked to the Hangar bay and waited for Mao to get there. From there he would have to figure out if he would have to Borrow a ship or have both of them fly their own ships. He preferred the second idea.
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"], @[member="Lenavina Martin"]

As Siobhan learned from the comm message, Sarge was already on the drop ship. Motivated go-getters were always good. If Siobhan was honest with herself, she was not keen on briefings either. For very obvious reasons she preferred debriefings.

The Argent-class dropship was already filling with mercenaries and heavy equipment when Siobhan boarded it, kitted out in full combat gear. Doubtless rumours of what had transpired on Eriadu had already travelled down the grapevine, need to know basis could only cover so much. For those who did not feel righteous outrage, there was the prospect of considerable booty and action to motivate them to go out and participate in the conquest.

Siobhan gave Sarge a nod as she stepped up. "Get ready to saddle up, people, vacation's over. Since we all had such fun on Denon, the gods of war have given us a new target," she joked cornily. "The Eriaduan leader made the mistake of murdering our ambassador. Fool think we'll cower and let him mess with us. It's our job to teach him a lesson. One he won't live long enough to appreciate."

She produced a datapad from her and pressed a few buttons, bringing forth a holographic map of the area. "Space boys will cleanse the orbit, we land here a few miles from the capital." The hologram shifted to show the bridge to Phelar and the garrison that protected it. The defences were not to be trifled with, but it was doable.

"Eriaduans ain't pushovers, expect heavy armour. So we're taking the AT-SEs and hitting 'em hard and fast. Garrison gets wiped out, then we blow up the bridge, cutting off reinforcements. Sarge, you're on demolition duty. Once that's done we move into Eriadu City. One group from the west, the other from the south. Inimicas are on call if we need a good inferno. Try and keep collateral damage down, but don't let anything stop you. Hit 'em hard where it hurts. Priority targets are the spaceport, military headquarters and Tarkin's palace."
Tegaea was not a genius, but she had spent a long time in the Republic's military. Double-talk and spin were part of every day vocabulary, while in her role at Omega Pyre she'd learned to 'moderate' the truth, even if she didn't like it. She got Ayden's point, though she didn't like it.
"We all know that the Bando Gora are working in this area. Witness their attempted assassination on Naboo's Queen. It's clear that radical elements of that cult are working with the Sith to take over Eriadu as a means of subverting order in the galaxy. They may even be planning a surprise attack on us or the Republic. It's in our interest to make sure this doesn't happen, and bring these elements to justice."
It was said mechanically. She didn't believe it, but in the end she didn't have to.

"@[member="Ayden Cater"], I think you were quite right to bring this matter up. We would not, of course, consider bringing a planet into the Protectorate over revenge, but rescuing the planet from a hostile cult? Well, that's another matter, isn't it?"
She didn't like it...but she knew she had to do it.
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Sarge nodded, making sure his rifle is secure and upright in it's position between his knees. "Someone hand me some thermite charges." There was some muted mutterings and the sound of packs being searched and several charges were passed down the line of seats to the man in charge of demolition duty.

There was one of the most psychotic grins anyone had ever seen plastered onto the face of the Sergeant as he tucked the charges into pouches and webbing.

"You just give the signal. I'll blow that bridge."

Smiling darkly as he pulls his hood up, he settles himself in for the ride. "I'll go it alone along the river and get the charges planted, then clear out. Support will just slow me down."

Normally that kind of talk would be seen as dismissive, overconfident. But Sarge was a proven solo operator when it came to insertions, and no one took offense at all.


@[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Ayden Cater"]

Cira took a deep breath, mulling over the information. Here they were, the three, alone, where no one else would hear of the proceedings.

Clipped boots brought her over towards the enormous holoarray, her attention draw over the shimmering blue image of Eraidu's planet. Her lips drew into a thin line. Thoughts went wild. Crossing her arms over her ample chest, she considered exactly what they would be doing.

"Do it," she said finally. "For Eraidu's sake.... we must protect them from the looming threat of the Bando Gora..."
Tegaea nodded. "It shall be so. Once our people are landed I will send a proclamation to the people of Eriadu. We will give their leaders a chance to surrender, and when they refuse we can move in as necessary." She looked at the others, the three of them were the highest members of the Protectorate.
"Let us hope that Eriadu will be the start and finish of 'pragmatic acquisition'. Let's hope we will not find this to be the limits of glory."

A loud snicker came to the Firrerreo at Zero's curt vernacular. "Well well well... ain't we got a fethin' tight lipped one here." she chomped down on her cigar and chuckled. None the less, she too made her way down to the hanger.


One last drag of her ciggara sent a steadying amount of narcotic to the Firrerreo's lungs. A flick of her fingers sent the roach towards the rubbish container. A minute afterward, Mao clipped the visor over her head, ensuring wisps of blue black hair didn't stick to her face.

"Ready to go." she cracked her neck as she rotated it to the right. A wide grin crept over her gold lips as her cobalt blue eyes twinkled with glee.


@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Gold eyes rose to stare at Tegaea with a weighted measure of solemness. A line had been crossed. Let us hope it never does so again.

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

"Good. Give me a big bang." While it looked less psychotic, the grin on Sarge's face was matched by the one that spread over Siobhan's lips. She could always appreciate a good explosion, the bigger the better, and made no attempt to hide it.

You did not go out and risk your life on crazy missions and cause maximum carnage if one a certain level you did not enjoy it, however much the civilian crowd and your shrink would tell that you should deplore your actions and all that.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Allaina assembled all her senior captains on the bridge of the Invicta. They were all there, listening to the plan created by the beautiful @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and regaling at its simplicity. They, as commanders of overall military forces, would be in charge of basic deployment.

"We will stay on the far side of Eriadu's moon, where we can deploy into blockade position quickly. We need to be out of sensor range for the most part until the ion cannon is down. Once achieved, we enter orbit and jam their communications and deploy tactical strikes as requested by ground forces. Any questions?"

There were none.

"Good. Captain Tanner, Captain Kerel, Captain Iqshe, please prepare your Jaegers for deployment. Commander Marius, prepare Tempest Squadron. See you all atEriadu. Dismissed."

The plan was in motion. The flotilla of four vessels of war made their way to the rendezvous point, where they could hyper in to Eriadu and lie in wait, ready, about to pounce on the foes that were before them. Allaina was happy to wait - she just wished Siobhan the best of luck. The rest, too. They all had important tasks to perform. Hers, however, was not until later.
Zero nodded his head once at Mao. He asked in the shortest words possible "Fly together or separate? Zero was not to fond of flying with others. When ever he was traveling in a ship he felt eerie. He never trusted anyone else so he usually flew a ship himself. If the girl wanted to fly together then he would. but he would be in silence like always.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak sighed. It looked like the request wasn't going through. So he just jogged over to the battlefield control to meet with Admiral Mare. "Admiral, where do you need me?" he asked politely, remembering his earlier bumble with the rank system.
(Apologies, @[member="Jak Sandrow"], things got political!)

Tegaea left the meeting room with a heavy heart and also headed to @[member="Allaina Mare"]'s flagship. There, he found Jak Sandrow. "Captain, apologies for not replying to you before. Matters of state, you see," she said vaguely. "Please remind me of your idea, and what your plan is for the incursion."

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