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Faction The Lion's Order, Introductions

Martin Dux

The old man rubbed his forehead, wincing as he did. That court session had been long, and although he barely remembered the majority of it, he'd been told that he made quite the fool of himself. So what? It's not his fault that everything he said about Brodan Dobson was true, the boy had it coming.

He leaned back in his chair, staring at the lightsaber laying on the desk. Maybe he needed to be nicer, maybe he needed to lower his standards. He needed to remember the type of people he was serving, imperials. While not all of them were bad, there certainly were bad ones. Martin had learned that when meeting the first of his recruits, it wasn't easy to knock the pretentiousness out of them, but the old man had done it.

Now, Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was coming for a visit. He liked Burtch, the Chiss was humble, much humbler than most of his kin. Although the old master didn't have much experience with the Chiss, he'd trained one before, one of his only successful students. He wondered, could he train Burtch? He smiled, chuckling. It seemed unlikely but there was always a chance.

Despite that though, he'd also heard there'd be a group of new recruits coming in today, so there was that.

Martin Picked up the saber, admiring it. He frowned, Alek should have been here, he thought. He clipped the lightsaber to his belt, rose from the desk, threw his robe on, and made his way into the atrium. There were lessons due today, and he couldn't let the svaaris twiddle their thumbs.
Burtch had come in on a Val Khaar-B Corvette and was taxied down to the Vesti facility by a Freestar transport. He was wearing a basic navy uniform, since he didn’t own a single article of civilian clothing. He hoped that they had some kind of local uniform or appropriate attire that he could wear for his duration. He would ask about it when he arrived.

Life in the navy had spoiled him badly. He never needed his own possessions and relied entirely on the empire to provide all of his basic needs. He never took leave and never showed interest outside of anything outside of his ships. The only reason he was here was because Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson had strong armed him into taking days off when he was beginning to crack under pressure. When he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do for R&R, he decided to see about checking out the new Force academy and learning what he could about the Elysium Empire’s new Force Order. He also wanted to take some time and inquire about a personal matter that Martin Dux had brought light to in a recent meeting mere months ago.

Burtch felt extremely uncomfortable going on a personal venture like this. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He was all navy and was stepping into a civilian world.

The transport landed roughly. The Freestars were not known for their comfortable rides, but they got the job done. The hatch opened and biting cold air surged into the cabin.

Burtch was happy that he had worn his navy uniform since it offered some protection against the cold. Most Chiss tended to do well in the frigid climates, but Burtch was so accustomed to regulated temperatures on Navy warships that he didn’t like it it at all. He even considered deploying the flexicris hood in his collar to keep the wind off his face, but stopped himself as that would be embarrassing.

He stepped out onto the icy tarmac and struggled to keep his balance. He hoped someone was there to greet him, but the blizarding air nearly blinded all his senses, including his Chiss infrared vision.

Martin Dux

She had her own way to go now, she was meant to make herself of use. And make use of the Elysium Empire, mainly by making connections. But this was a real opportunity. The force, she had never known it as deeply before her change. Before she was kidnapped, altered, and then released. It odd moment in her life. She was left blind, but powerful. Lost. Sandra Valhoun had helped her to see, literally. Even if it was not with her eyes.

The Avansas woman made her way, where she was told they were supposed to meet. A recruit to learn more of the force, in service to the Elysium Empire. She had light skin covered by a thin layer of fur that was hard to notice at first, covered in the glowing green symbols formed out of crystals that were deep in her skin, her eyes covered by a wrap, though a slight green glow peaked through, a set of horns, and notably even wings folded at her back. It was certainly a particular appearance.

She wrapped the wings around her from the cold, thankful she already had some fur on her. Already she began the slow process of growing a thicker skin and thicker fur. It wasn't nearly as fast as it was originally intended, but eventually it'd be noticeable. But it'd be longer than she wanted, she spread her wings and sent herself soaring through the air, partially aided by the force. If it wasn't enough that she had such an abnormal appearance and attributes, the crystals in her tended to cause a feeling of discomfort in those around her, some were certainly more tolerant of it than others. Most weren't.

The wings wrapped around her as she landed trying to trap as much heat as possible. She didn't know how long it was going to take, and didn't feel like waiting, so she tucked herself in between her wings, watching outside thanks to the force-sight she'd been getting better at.


Cynisy Rhu

Cynisy Rhu entered the Vesti for the first time. She was the complete antithesis to the military formality that was dominant in the Elysium Empire. She had been on Spindle VI for a couple years now. She spent most of that time living in whatever hovel she could find for cover. Sneaking through the streets, stealing to eat. But the Empire was emblazoned with the symbol of a lion. And Cynisy was a lioness. It was meant to be and so she would make it work.

Unfortunately the young Cathar was not good at anything other than stealing, and the Empire was sorta a strict place. When she was finally caught a few weeks ago Cynisy thought it was the end of her destiny inside what she had taken to calling the Lion’s Empire. As luck would have it this incident ended up being the chance to make something more out of herself. The outside Force that helped her to stay safe and free from capture was sensed by one of those that finally ended her string of good luck. And for the first time Cynisy sensed a person was more than just normal.

The knight of The Order of the Lion convinced the local security to overlook her crimes if she was willing to dedicate her life to the Empire and more specifically The Order of the Lion. Cynisy was overjoyed by this deal. The Elysium Empire took the lion as its mascot, but The Order of the Lion, the symbol that drew her in the first place, was right there in the name.

Over the next couple weeks Cynisy underwent testing. It was grueling for a young woman who had mostly lived on her own whims. But she performed well and was given the rank of Svaari and the chance to make more of herself. She heard whispers during her training that she was destined to be a Silent Knight. It sounded like it was less than what she wanted. Cynisy would do more.

Now she was cleaned up, but still was not dressed in a way that she thought belonged in her new surroundings. Following the directions she was given Cynisy made her way to the meeting place. The only other… being in the area was a strange looking… girl, she guessed. For a moment she wondered if her astonishment was what humans thought the first time they caught a glimpse of a furry girl with big pointy ears and a tail. Cathar weren’t exactly rare in the galaxy, but not as common as humans.

“Um… Hi there,” Cynisy called out meekly to the other attendee. “Is this the right place to start training? I’m Cynisy Rhu. Supposed to be a Svaari? Or something.”

Lun Lun
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Martin Dux

Martin pulled his hood further over his head, as the blast door began to open. He sunk further into the robe, the faint chill of the base growing to a roaring wind. His eyes darted to the knights that flanked him, studying them. They were some of the more experienced of his students, a lot more proper than the rest. It made sense to have them on display, and besides, Martin certainly wasn't going to carry those robes.

They marched out onto the cold landing pad, the wind wiping their capes every which way. As they got closer to the two ships, and the small group of new arrivals, Martin noticed a familiar blue face. He smirked, the Chiss looked a little chilly. The old master broke into a light jog, the knights following suit. As he reached the group and Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , he chuckled.

"I have to say, I never thought I'd see you here." He patted the admiral on the shoulder, "By the force, you look like you're about to freeze half to death." he gestured for one of the knights to give the admiral a robe.

The old man's gaze crossed over the group of arrivals, two in particular catching. A green-hued blind girl and lioness. He chuckled. Fitting, he thought. "I suppose you aren't the only one freezing." He waved the other knight towards the group, offering them robes as well.

He turned back to Burtch. "You'll have to forgive me, these robes are about the only things we have out here that can protect from the elements. We've ordered more practical gear, yes, but it won't be here for a while. Aside from that, How have you been?"

Lun Lun | Cynisy Rhu
Burtch waved a short friendly wave at the green woman ( Lun Lun ) that fluttered in front of him. He quickly re-burried his hands in his armpits for warmth. He wasn't sure what had happened, but in the blizzarding winds, he thought he had seen her land in front of him, and wrap… a robe around herself? He couldn't tell. His eyes were so unaccustomed to this kind of climate and he was more focused on not freezing to death. He tried to squint to get a better look at her but couldn't make out any more details. Is that a blindfold?

Then a Cathar girl (Cynisy Rhu ) came up to them and greeted the green woman warmly, and with a level of comfort that suggested she was at least somewhat used to this climate. Burtch wanted to say hi to her attention, but he was embarrassed to attempt speaking with his chattering teeth. The cat-lady then mentioned being a Svaari "or something" and an old report file resurfaced in Burtch's mind. With chattering teeth, he said to the girl, "h-h-hi! I-I-I'm B-B-Burtch! Y-You're already a s-student? Th-that's excellent! I myself am m-m-m-more of a tourist than a-anything!" He tried to chuckle warmly through his gritted teeth. It came out as an awkward hiss.

Then, finally, Martin Dux arrived with some of his knights and greeted everyone while distributing robes. Martin approached Burtch and stated that he "never thought I'd see you here"

Burtch jerked a shaky nod, "W-well I h-had t-to check it out. I was p-p-p-practically forced into using my v-vacation days, so I had to see history in the making." He wasn't about to get into "meat and potatoes" of why he had actually come here until he had a chance to sit down with Martin. Of course he had been forced into vacationing by his quartermaster, but he also wanted the powers that Martin had hinted at a while back in their first meeting.

Then Martin Dux apologized for the robes and asked how Burtch was doing. Burtch replied after throwing on the rob himself, and tried not to chatter any more, "that'll do for now, thanks. I'm sure the new gear is coming soon. I am good, thank you. It's good to see that you are receiving newer students too, I see," Burtch pointed and looked at Lun Lun and Cynisy Rhu and continued, "It will be nice to try out your classes with some fellow peers"

Cynisy Rhu

A man, Cynisy assumed to be a third student, filled her with a bit of surprise. Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was dressed in a military dress uniform. She wasn’t experienced enough to note his rank, but worldly enough to know it was high.

When the military officer approached and praised her she smiled, though a bit sheepishly. She wasn’t sure if anyone had officially given her a title within the organization, but after her tests were complete she was told that she was being sent to be a Svaari. “A very new student,” Cynisy responded hoping she wasn’t digging a deeper hole for herself. His chattering teeth made her giggle slightly. Quickly she corrected herself and straightened to make herself seem more disciplined than she actually was. This may not be the military proper and he might just be visiting, but the Elysium Empire was a formal place. Cynisy suspected giggling at a military officer was not a good sign to her trainer.

Cynisy smiled but waved away the robes offered by Martin Dux , through his underlings. He seemed to be the one in charge of the training. She hoped that no offense was taken by the refusal, but her fur was enough to keep her warm, and honestly she hoped they would be out of the elements before long. She listened politely to the discussion between the two older men, puffing out her chest a little when the officer mentioned her as a potential peer. This was going to be an interesting day, she thought to herself. She looked to Lun Lun wondering if the other woman found this as exciting as she did.

Lun glanced out of her wings as a felien, cathar maybe, it was the only one Lun really knew that well, Cynisy Rhu approached her. She smiled in response, "Well I certainly hope so. And I'm Lun Chaan, I don't actually know where or what I'm supposed to be just yet. Much of this is...quite new to me. Pleasure to meet you!" She was perfectly happy to talk with whoever wanted to do so. Though proximity did increase the chances that the nightsister crystals within her could cause a sense of unease or discomfort in those around her. So she was cautious to over-act.

She managed to 'see' Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch wave to her and she reached a hand up returning the wave. She didn't really know who exactly that was but he definitely seemed important. Besides she didn't really want to seem rude even if it meant getting her arm a little colder briefly.

Thankfully, they didn't have to wait that much longer before answers started coming around with Martin Dux flanked by knights. She gratefully took and wore the robe as it was given to her giving a nod to them.
"Thank you." she said, not really any more that she could think to say.

The man mostly seemed interested in talking to the military one who seemed to know him. In spite of the chattering of teeth she listened intently to the chiss talk, still cautious about everything. Her first run-in here was with a force user she wagered was quite dangerous and she didn't want to cause problems for herself. She glanced over to Cynisy as he referred to the two as peers. Alright, so he was a student.

She glanced back and forth, uncertain. That is likely what Cynisy would see when she looked at her. This was not Lun's environment. In fact she was still only partially sure why she was even here. She wasn't instinctively capable, she'd simply been...imbued with the abilities that would make her useful here. It was essentially going to be a job to her, and she expected to treat it as such. But it was a job that involved very important and dangerous people, and a dangerous power that she'd only just begun to tap into.

Sorry about that, don't think i realized it was my turn.


Martin Dux

"It will be nice to try out your classes with some fellow peers"
Peers, Martin thought. He would keep a mental note of that, a very large mental note. But they could continue that chat inside.

Martin scanned the newer students, the group was small, but they looked extremely eager, far more eager than the first students that arrived. Martin was particularly taken by the two that had originally caught his attention. Moreover, he recognized one of them, if only a little.

Martin did not Cynisy Rhu, not by a long shot, but he had seen the reports on her. She seemed promising, although Martin had more than learned to not put all his chips on one student. On the other hand, he barely knew anything at all about Lun Lun . He'd received word that an exotic type of student would be arriving, but he didn't know what he was in for. He couldn't quite describe it, but it was like the girl was stitched to the force in some way. Well, she certainly looked like it.

Martin sighed, the foggy breath escaping from his mouth. "I'd say it's about time we moved inside!" He shouted, getting the attention of all who were present.

They would make their way into Vesti, moving into the large atrium, which served as the primary training area, and an orientation area.

Burtch, He thought,
What are you up to?

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Cynisy Rhu

Lun Chaan introduced herself which made Cynisy smile. She didn’t truly know what to expect from the Order of the Lion, but so far she definitely felt like an outsider. The trainer and knights seemed well disciplined. Burtch was obviously treating things quite formally as well. Even with chattering teeth. Lun, seemed a bit nervous as Cynisy caught her glancing around the area, there was something else about her too. Cynisy shrugged the feeling off assuming the feeling was because Lun was not a being from a species Cyn recognized.

The young Cathar was about to tell Lun that this was new for her as well, or something else supportive at least. But she was headed off by the trainer, still unnamed as far as Cyn knew. Though she hadn’t come out and introduced herself either, so she guessed it was fair. The trainer announced they should go inside, that was a good thought to Cyn as well. She had turned down the robes, knowing that her fur would insulate her for a time, but even her fur was not turning out to be enough shelter.

“Woah this is a big place,” she muttered to herself as they entered the Vesti’s atrium. She hoped no one had heard her, but she hoped even more that they wouldn’t hold it against her that she was used to small, poor, confined buildings or the openness of the outdoors. “So, uh do you know what we’re here to train to do?” she asked Lyn hoping the young woman would be more forgiving than she guessed the others would be. “I mean they just said I was gifted and they would show me how to use the gifts the right way.” The catgirl gave a shrug. “The wrong way had me living on the streets no matter how much I could steal, so I figured what could it hurt to do things the right way.”

Martin Dux | Lun Lun | Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

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