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Dominion The Longest Night | EE Dominion of Maya Kovel and Qina

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

Luckily, Ingrid was able to pay attention to more than one at a time without anyone noticing, so in the background she could even talk to one of the officers who was a Force User and Warden. So it was less striking that they were communicating. She didn’t know much about what kind of rebels they were at ZU, but she thought they were one of the worse people here.

”So you're prepared for the Jedi too, I'm glad to hear that!”

She said and watched the man's face curiously, wondering what he was going to say about it. Whether Ben Craig has already found this in the files or not yet. Picking up a fight with Force users is always harder. Ingrid was trained to kill those, even before she became a Force User. But it was so rare and not common. She nodded to the next, as far as they knew, and the rebels here did not have explicit leadership, so they agreed with other similar groups.

Meanwhile, she was informed that everything was going as well as possible on the other planet as well. If she had made a choice, she would still have been there, but her duties at times resulted in balls like this.

”The rebels have innumerable bases, most of them outside the borders of the Empire, and must always move if one is attached to the Eternal Empire. They typically play a cat-and-mouse game. They are constantly trying to find alliances from other factions, this should be prevented. Isolate them and then hunt them down.”

On the other news that the man was learning the language, she nodded in agreement. The Overlord didn't expect less from the man.



Ben Craig
Deputy Director of Blackwatch ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Objective: 1
Dress: Link
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Ben tilted his head slightly, "Yes, I have encountered the Jedi. Interesting people they are, quite different from the Sith yet similar in their own way. Force users intrigue me, but yes I shall be prepared to make a stand against them." The deputy director nodded, "Of course they do. They must prepare for the worst and have multiple headquarters. No matter, I shall hunt them all down. The Eternal Empire's flag shall fly across the whole galaxy."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

Instead of the term “interesting people,” the woman would have used something very different than that. For Ingrid, they were not interesting at all, much more a congregation of narrow-minded and silly people. So far, she hasn’t really had a good relationship or experience with a single Jedi. Plus, they had the same flaw as the Sith, the Force pulled them on a string, but the Sith were still a degree better.

”It’s a pleasure to hear you have such a diverse experience, admiral.”

After all, that’s why Ingrid offered her the position, even though little things like this weren’t in the files she got about the man. So it was all very refreshing for the woman. And she will see in practice how the man performs anyway. Because the admiral may have excelled in ZU, but may not get the same results here. The Eternal Empire was very different from the other states in the Galaxy.

”For now, we're getting to the Unknown Regions, Admiral. The rest will follow. Ambitions are great, but let’s stay within the limits of reality. Too big ambitions can easily get into a person's head and then the person accumulates a mistake.”

She has experienced this many times in her life. That’s why she tried to stay ambitious, but not go too far. It may have seemed modest, and also because her ambitions never served to gain power. At least not for yourself.

”And of course, let’s not forget the Eternal Truth besides them. What is your opinion about them?”



Ben Craig
Deputy Director of Blackwatch
; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Objective: 1
Dress: Link
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
He smiled, "Thank you. " It was true he had encountered many situations great and small, difficult and easy, he had learned much within the Zweihander Union. "Of course my lord. Please excuse my overeagerness. I do admit that I am excited to get started and help the Empire in whatever ways possible." While it was true he had learned much within his first few weeks within the Eternal, there was so much more to learn and understand. He had yet to read about the corrupt blacksun that had apparently a major influence and power within the the Eternal Empire's bureaucracy and government. He also hadn't read much about the Eternal Truth, "I'm afraid I have not read much about the Eternal Truth yet, however I do know that they are a force user group that is aligned with the Eternal Empire. If i'm correct, they hunt down other force users?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

For Ingrid, there were always strange people who could not restrain their enthusiasm, their excitement. Of course, many may consider what awaited them here to be an honour and a great task, but she always thought differently about it. She was not excited, she did not jump in joy when she became a disciple of the Emperor, received her appointments, or just became the second-in-command in the Empire.

All of this she received was completely cold and emotionless for an outside observer. It is for this reason that the Emperor has repeatedly said that Ingrid is an example of the Imperial idea and a perfect citizen. Cold, thoughtful, spacer in all situations and she was a soldier.

”It's okay admiral, you can be enthusiastic, but don't show this to others. Our enemies, or your enemies, can only wait for such weaknesses to strike you down. We can’t afford the luxury of showing emotion.”

She never understood why this was not taught at the academy, how to behave correctly, it could have saved the lives of many soldiers. Even at home, this was expected of a woman as a child when the Eternal Empire did not even exist. Thus, for her the Imperial standard was also the expectation at home. When Ben started talking about the Eternal Truth, what the man thought they were, there was no emotion on her face.

”We have no Force User group within the Eternal Empire, no unified academy or school for them. Blackwatch alone is where they are registered, in the Psi Corps.”

She lied, at least in the beginning, the existence of the Psi Corps was known, as was that it was made up of Force Sensitives. But the Wardens of the Shroud was secret even within the Empire, so she couldn’t talk about it and didn’t.

”No, the Eternal Truth is the military group that dissected and carried out a coup attempt on the day we announced the Emperor's disappearance.”



Ben Craig
Deputy Director of Blackwatch
Admiral of the First Fleet ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Objective: 1
Dress: Link
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
"Understood." He gave a curt nod, Blind ambition was his strength and weakness. He was ruthless and cold, dedicated to thoroughly completing whatever task was at hand, yet when committed, would under no circumstance go back. Ben's flaw was that he could never accept defeat. His methods were efficient and swift, and that's what made him an excellent officer, or so he hoped.

Ingrid had a blank face. He could usually decipher the meaning of words clearly expressed through the facial feature. However the Empress was hard to read. "Of course, apologies for being mistaken. " He made a mental note to go back to the massive data archives at Blackwatch headquarters. "It shall be my duty to hunt every last one of them down then my lord."

The Emperor's disappearance, one of the great mysteries of the Eternal Empire. Even his high clearance gave him access to a relatively small case file on the situation. There were still many questions left unanswered, questions that should probably be left alone Ben thought.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

Well, the truth was that Ingrid had been taught since childhood not to show her emotions, not even from her body language. She also had to do agent duties so that others could only see on it, read from her body language what the woman wanted. She had learned this since she could walk or understand things, it was so natural for her that she essentially had to pay attention when she wanted to show something that was her own feeling and not just acting, or just nothing.

”For us, this is the expected behaviour in the army. I know the rules are looser elsewhere, but the Emperor required this of all officers and soldiers as well.”

He remembered the soldier who referred to the emperor as “Daddy-bear” on Lanteeb, who had been given forced labor for at least a month.

”No, it's not really yours, it's not our business, but to the army. I was just wondering what you thought of them. All we have to do is find them and not let them do anything in the Empire.”

After all, Ingrid was still the leader of Blackwatch. The Emperor's disappearance was a mystery even to the woman, not just to the lower-ranking officers and personnel. All they could know was that the Emperor was on an official trip and then disappeared back. Since the ship was not found either, they knew no reasons, only assumptions. Most of these were also suggested by Wardens. And their names were not included in the files, for obvious reasons.

”But surely you also have questions, so feel free to ask them if you want, Admiral.”



Ben Craig
Deputy Director of Blackwatch
Admiral of the First Fleet ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Objective: 1
Dress: Link
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Ben had been in the ranks of the old Galactic Empire's army, not long before they were defeated. He knew discipline and structure. These things were necessary for any nation to grow and prosper, however he believed that an officer while still maintaining discipline, were allowed the luxury of being more relaxed. Afterall, he earned his position, these luxuries were a testament to his achievements. Ben was by all means not a military man. He was a terrible shot and combat was not his forte. He was a mastermind, the one that gave orders and directed precision strikes from aboard a star destroyer or within a secured facility. He hoped the Empress understood that.

Yes, in the Zweihander Union, military discipline and proper doctrine was required by all individuals." He nodded, "Of course. Apologies overlord, i am still acquainting myself with the position."

While the Emperor had not been called missing in action yet, he had heard rumors from the lowest trooper to even higher ups that things didn't look very good. While it was true that Ingrid was "Empress-Regent" for now, many referred to her as Empress for simplistic reasons. Politics were a bit more complicated within the Empire then what Ben was used too.

He was surprised that the Empress allowed him to even discuss the topic of the disappearance. It was true that even she did not know much more than Ben did about the disappearance, but surely she knew more than she cared to give out. Afterall, he was still getting his access codes for clearance on more official and classified files. "
Thank you my lord, while the disappearance of the Emperor is relatively known, at least within the Empire, not much information is provided on the exact timing or destination of the emperor, provided he accidently disappeared of course." While many had their beliefs that the Emperor had been secretly disposed of by dissenters and those that disagreed with his views with The Sith Empire, Ben quietly believed that it was true that the Emperor did disappear. Perhaps a expeditionary voyage gone wrong. The numbers surely did not add up, but then again he didn't have access to that many numbers to add up in the first place.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

Ingrid thought that even warlords, or tacticians, were soldiers, even though they were not involved directly in the front row, but only from the back, from the back row, they were involved in developing war plans. Nevertheless, she still expected the Admiral to remain in the military. If the man did not want to do this, she will have to take back the position he received. After all, all positions could only be filled by members of the military.

She just nodded at the apology, then offered to ask her anything. Well, that’s when the topic came up that was quite delicate and unpleasant. Nevertheless, she knew that there were such rumours that she was the one who arranged for the Emperor to disappear and for herself to come to power. These were all stupid things. Her favourite part of this was when even several people in the Sith Empire believed this. The reality was much sadder than that. For she also wanted to be there on that ship because she had a bad feeling.

She brought this to the attention of the Emperor, but the man did not listen to her. Was there one when the man listened to her at all? But no, she may not have agreed with the ruler on several issues, but the man knew all about them. After all, if not in front of others, but personally, when there were only two, she gave voice to them. Maybe she was the only one who dared to say no to the Emperor. Since she always suppressed her emotions and didn’t show how she was feeling, letting him see for a moment, saw Ben see how tired she was because of this matter. It only took a moment, after which the strong and determined woman stood before the Admiral again.

” According to them, you too have heard the rumours that I am behind their disappearance. This is as far away from reality as possible. I never entrusted the protection of the Emperor to anyone else, I always personally checked everything if I could. I was there to protect it. I wanted to accompany him on this journey as well, but he wouldn’t let me. The first half of the trip, the official planet visits went well. On the way home, the connection with them was lost. The Emperor is notoriously fond of experimenting with the Force, we believe that at that time something could have happened and they could have entered another dimension. This is not only the text of propaganda, but also reality. And, of course, we can't rule out that the rebels had something to do with them either.” she said completely honestly.



Ben Craig
Deputy Director of Blackwatch
Admiral of the First Fleet ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Objective: 1
Dress: Link
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
While Ben excelled in science and engineering, he also was a strategic mastermind. His years of service in the navy fortified his critical thinking abilities. Ben was a soldier at heart, dedicated to the cause, however he was more adapted to intelligence operations.

"Of course my lord, I would never doubt you. I understand how close you and the Emperor were. A master and apprentice relationship perhaps. Though it is not my place to judge." He nodded, "Yes, the rebels must be connected somehow. If not directly, indirectly. I already know our best analysts are on top of it, but I shall help in whatever way you like."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Autumn’s ball, Maya Kovel
Attire: Gildenweave Elegant dress | Mask | Tiara | Necklace (Shield talisman)
Tag: Kelsen Ghastt Kelsen Ghastt | Race Tolsen Race Tolsen | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Open

She thought whoever did not doubt this question was a fool. Her double agent’s role and the play before that they showed to the outside world with Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe provided a pretty big basis for that. But there was trust between them all the way through and Ingrid wouldn’t have done what she said during her role that she would be able to. That is, she would have been able to do it quite accurately if the Emperor had given orders to do so. Fortunately, this never happened.

Based on the man's words, Ingrid thought the Admiral also thought the two of them were lovers. The Emperor had a wife, even if it was a political marriage, she knew they liked each other. As for Ingrid, she was more complicated than that, but she was never attracted to the Emperor anyway. And their relationship is a friendship, that is, between the Emperor and the Overlord. Nothing more, many believe that such cannot exist between a man and a woman; fools.

”We are friends with the Emperor. Provided when formalities allow this.”

She specified the situation, of course she said it all at the present time. The red-haired woman has not yet given up hope that the Emperor will be found one day and that the ruler may return home. What would happen then would be a completely different question, but in the meantime, she would have been happy for Tacitus to return home.

”All right, thank you, Admiral. Feel free to continue the evening, I still need to talk to a few people. So I hope you forgive me!”

She said, then waited for the man to say goodbye, or perhaps say something, and then headed back to the ballroom inside. At times, especially alone, it was very tiring to hold the control of the Empire in her hands. She couldn't wait to give it back to the ruler.

How much she wanted Tubrok or AMCO AMCO to be here with her…

OOC: Last post.


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