Darth Velox
![Talohn Atar](/data/avatars/s/18/18918.jpg?1626124398)
Hearing that he had no idea what the Master's plan is, was all the confirmation she needed. As he want on to talk about plague and missed history, her mind began to work. If he was force sensitive, that meant he was either untrained, a Sith or one of the Scum... Jedi. When he mentioned battling a Sith that went around slaughtering children, she felt a pang of pain for them. She was once like that. A child with a family, hope and joy. But that was taken by people long since gone. But they might have survived in some form or another. Seeing his hand in front of her, she took it for a brief moment before using it to move him out of her way.
Hearing his name and that he knew that Sith like that were just bringing shame to the title of Sith was at least something. "So the Sith have devolved from what they once were. The slaughter of innocents without any prize to be sought after is disgraceful," She said as she began to slowly walk forwards, her eyes focused in front of herself as she memorized the weapons they had on hand. A couple of blasters, and that appeared to be it. Apart from the droid the organic, that was surprisingly a Cathar in this line of work, would be almost defenseless. By why give the droid the blaster. Did he have a weapon that he concealed. Either way, she had to know what he was like. And how strong he was. "The Sith should be proud warriors of the Dark Side that have an objective behind every thing they do. Not the Murder of Innocents for NO REASON!" She almost yelled as one of the medical droids began to crumple will it almost looked like it had imploded upon itself. It's remains staying airborne for a moment before hitting the ground with a clang and thud. To any Force Sensitive individual, a cold chill would have passed over them as the droid crumbled and "died".
"If you truly are capable of engaging in combat, what is Barely a Sith, then...." She said as she moved about 10 meters past them, turning before standing before them, facing the two intruders of her base. "Allow me, Talohn the Mercenary and Madlad the upgraded battle droid," Her voice sounded foreboding as she drew her lightsaber from her belt, "To test your abilities. And don't worry, I won't kill you. At least if you prove you can hold your own against a True Lord of the Sith." Her saber ignited with a deep crimson blade with an almost blackish red core as she moved her hand so the blade crossed her body from her right waist to the left shoulder. "Let me, Darth Velox, test your strength," She said as she awaited any form of combat from the droid or Cathar. Her eyes watching the many blasters that the droid had as he hand tightened on the black handle of the weapon she wielded.