Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Lost Base Mystery

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Hearing that he had no idea what the Master's plan is, was all the confirmation she needed. As he want on to talk about plague and missed history, her mind began to work. If he was force sensitive, that meant he was either untrained, a Sith or one of the Scum... Jedi. When he mentioned battling a Sith that went around slaughtering children, she felt a pang of pain for them. She was once like that. A child with a family, hope and joy. But that was taken by people long since gone. But they might have survived in some form or another. Seeing his hand in front of her, she took it for a brief moment before using it to move him out of her way.

Hearing his name and that he knew that Sith like that were just bringing shame to the title of Sith was at least something. "So the Sith have devolved from what they once were. The slaughter of innocents without any prize to be sought after is disgraceful," She said as she began to slowly walk forwards, her eyes focused in front of herself as she memorized the weapons they had on hand. A couple of blasters, and that appeared to be it. Apart from the droid the organic, that was surprisingly a Cathar in this line of work, would be almost defenseless. By why give the droid the blaster. Did he have a weapon that he concealed. Either way, she had to know what he was like. And how strong he was. "The Sith should be proud warriors of the Dark Side that have an objective behind every thing they do. Not the Murder of Innocents for NO REASON!" She almost yelled as one of the medical droids began to crumple will it almost looked like it had imploded upon itself. It's remains staying airborne for a moment before hitting the ground with a clang and thud. To any Force Sensitive individual, a cold chill would have passed over them as the droid crumbled and "died".

"If you truly are capable of engaging in combat, what is Barely a Sith, then...." She said as she moved about 10 meters past them, turning before standing before them, facing the two intruders of her base. "Allow me, Talohn the Mercenary and Madlad the upgraded battle droid," Her voice sounded foreboding as she drew her lightsaber from her belt, "To test your abilities. And don't worry, I won't kill you. At least if you prove you can hold your own against a True Lord of the Sith." Her saber ignited with a deep crimson blade with an almost blackish red core as she moved her hand so the blade crossed her body from her right waist to the left shoulder. "Let me, Darth Velox, test your strength," She said as she awaited any form of combat from the droid or Cathar. Her eyes watching the many blasters that the droid had as he hand tightened on the black handle of the weapon she wielded.
"I grew up a citizen of the sith empire. Dunno if cathar was a part of that during your time....Wait no, you're from the clone wars." He chuckles. "Sorry, uh, this must be confusing for you since there wasn't a sith empire back then...Uh..there's a sith empire now. Republic is still around too. They're at...constant war. As one would expect." He's glad she agrees with him in regards to the slaughter of children, instead of attacking him for daring to oppose the sith. Though when she yells. he takes a step back. "Most sith don't kill without reason...But...the amalgam is a slave to her desires." The amalgam being the sith he fought.

Then she asks to test his skill. He takes in a deep breath. "Allow me to be clear here....that sith kicked my ass thouroghly, I only survided with a lightsaber I picked up from a nearby dead jedi, a pulse grenade, and madlad here doing the bluff of the century with a void-7 seismic charge." He states, pointing at the droid. A droid that can lie? Now that is interesting. There's more going on with these two than they let on. "I honestly still don't know what was going on with the amalgam...she would like, grow flesh...her blood was white. Blood should not be white. I honestly th-" Then she ignites her lightsaber. "Oh...we're fighting. Uh. gimme a minute."

He pulls the lightsaber he took from a dead jedi out of his coat. She's easily able to tell he's no jedi, simply because of the condition the blade is in. It looks like it was scavenged from a battlefield. The one thing sith and jedi have in common is taking proper care of their lightsabers. He gets into his fighting stance, and presses the button to ignite the lightsaber. Nothing happens. "Gah, shit. Gimme a second." He slaps it against his palm a few times, then presses the button, illuminating the room with that blue light and that audible menacing hum. He stands there in a fighting stance, that isn't any of the known lightsaber forms. If she's knowledgeable, she would recognize it as a catharese viroblade fighting style, which means he got cathar warrior training at some point despite being so far away from home.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Hearing that he basically got knocked around by the, what she called, Dishonest Sith warrior she expected this to go quickly. As he finally ignited the lightsaber, a brilliant blue, she was reminded of a Jedi Master and her Apprentice. The two of them wielded lightsabers with blue blades. Instantly her mind focused. The fighting stance was odd, and unfamiliar to her. As she stood still she analyzed how the weapon was in its condition and state of damage since it was collected from a battlefield. She wondered why the droid didn't do anything, probable waiting for her to make the first move.

"Let's hope you last longer than the Jedi most likely did," Velox said before bolting forward, instantly covering 9 of the 10 meter gap distance as she swung the blade in a diagonal motion from her right shoulder downward. If he had some skill, he should see this coming. If he didn't, she'd stop the blade inches from his face. There was no point in killing him... yet.
He was much faster than expected for someone who had looked like a bumbling fool just moments ago. She'd feel the presence in his force aura spike, as if he were somehow unintentionally using the force now, and it's true. He was. Without training, his force abilities only minorly surfaced, in the form of reflex enhancement. The mix of catharese catlike reflexes and the force itself made for a combo that was very hard to land a hit on.

He dodges to the right as the blade comes down, and could have put in a strike there. But this was a spar. His dodges are fast as well. Almost a blur, he sidesteps as she swings downwards, and puts the blade a single inch from cutting range right up to her throat to emphasize that he could decapitate her then and there. Even if she dodges, she would realize why the droid wasn't attacking. Talohn can hold his own.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

With the first strike at failed attempt and Talohn pointing his blade at her throat, she showed as somewhat impressed expression. "Impressive speed, Talohn," Velox said as she moved a couple inches away swiping upwards to knock the lightsaber away as she went for multiple rapid slashes and thrusts with the crimson saber as she focused on where he would be going, rather than where he already was in order to make him move or act increasingly desperate. She wanted to see what she had before her.

This was at least something similar to what she did when her Master assigned her tasks and missions to carry out. Mainly assassinations of Jedi and anyone else in his way. She should have had him already with the first strike, but something was off about herself. Being in Suspended Animation in the Pod for 800 years must have done something to her. What exactly, she would have to look into later. At this point, her strikes her growing much more powerful, using the force to increase her strength and speed in strikes and counters, not quite going all out though.
He had managed to dodge, but he recognizes a deadly sith when he spots it. "I'm in over my head again..." He mutters. But that's what he had a reputation for, overcoming impossible situations. His lightsaber his knocked away, but he quickly pulls it back into a guarding stance to block her flurry of blows, sparks flying all around them. Madlad stands, still prepared to leap into action should things get too dicey.

He was good at keeping a cool head, and did't try to dodge out of panic. He instead decided to block every blow, as he could tell she was waiting for an opening to likely sideswipe him when he eventually tried to dodge. Oddly enough, or it would appear odd to her, he uses a different technique, one often used by the cathar. He gets in a slightly crouched position as she lays down blows upon him, pressing forward instead of stepping back. When doing this, instead of blocking, he meets her strikes with swings of his own, making sure to hit just above the handles of her blades, where the least amount of force is built up, making it easier to block. This of course makes it so that the lightsaber goes further past his guard, hence his crouched position so he isn't slashed by the blade. The cathar call it prowling, and if it works correctly, Velox would find that instead of losing ground, he is gaining it through the simple use of physics to counter her powerful blows.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
As the barrage of strikes kept being fired at Talohn, Velox kept and eye on his stances. His style had to change when she heavily began to assault him in quick succession, but he did keep his composure which was an interesting thing. It was really strange how he was able to hold onto such a calm state when her crimson blade was inches from him till he blocked it. Maybe she should give him much more credit than originally planned. But she would just have to wait and see.

When he showed a unique style of blocking her strikes with his own to gain ground, she tried one last attempt to see how powerful he really is. "interesting stance, might have to learn that sometime," Velox said, slight interest in her voice as she prepared for the next phase of this test she was conducting. With a few more quick strikes, she acted like she was going to swing downwards at him, but as soon as their blade were going to connect, she pulled it back and thrust under his blade towards his body. Her eyes flashed with a menacing glint as she held her blade, inches from his chest with still much more possible reach in one simple movement forward. The point of the crimson blade of light was directly where his heart would be. Since his weapon would have gone towards her black when it was above him, the blue lightsaber would have had a time moving back into place to counter her own. If he did manage to block that, she had another way of showing how powerful the Sith truly can be.
he's been in worse situations, staying calm is easy for him to do as he gains ground, meeting her blows with his own. "Catharese warrior training." He states when she expresses interest in his style. Then it happens. He reaches up to block, but she feints the blow to stab directly at his chest. Luckily it's a thrust, so it's not about blocking, it's about dodging. He sidesteps to the right as he brings his sword downwards out of the upward block to make a downwards strike that stops just above the arm which is holding her lightsaber. "Careful, you need those."

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

After Talohn dodges her feint, and shows her how open she just was, anger starts to rise within her. Something was really off with her. She could have dispatched him with ease, but she was sluggish and weak. "Enough of this," Velox said as anger built within her. Having enough, she moves her arm back and knocks away his blade before using the Force with her left hand to push him away into the wall behind him. She was not going to be made a mockery of. She was Darth Velox, Assassin and Sith Warrior.

After the push, she motioned with her hand to pull the lightsaber out of his hand, aiming to have him defenseless before her. Keeping an eye on Madlad, she readied to really show all the Hate that has built up inside her. Her calm and focused expression showing flashes of rage as she readied a blast of Force Lightning at Talohn. Only for a bit though, not enough to seriously harm or injure. Just enough to let her vent some anger on something. That medical droid wasn't nearly enough for her.

If his droid engaged her from behind, she'd deflect his shots then blast him back as well. Droids can be repaired after all. She didn't want to kill Talohn, but his droid could survive at least some cuts if it pushed her too hard.
The droid still doesn't move to act. Something she may want to find as a bad omen. Talohn seems to sense her anger, but it's too late. He can't use the force, not on purpose atleast. He's sent flying up against the nearby wall with an irritated hiss. "Gah, fuck...." He begins to pull himself up, wiping the dizziness from his eyes. "I've still got some tricks up my..." That's when it hits him, the force lightning. The first time he dealt with force lighting, it was the most painful thing he'd ever felt. The Amalgam had filled his body with nearly lethal voltage.

But now, this second time, with this minor voltage, it was still painful, but not nearly so. Instead of buckling to the floor like he did last time, he staggers back a few steps after the force lighting makes impact with his body. "Fffffff.....damn that stings." He hisses through gritted teeth. Yet, he doesn't fall to the ground. Instead his head lifts from the floor to look Velox directly in the eyes. Then, he begins taking steps forward, unslinging the gun from his back. She would recognize it as he takes aim, a clone wars era laser shotgun. Shotguns, the bane of force users since they couldn't deflect all the debris that came out of them. Aiming the shotgun, despite the pain flowing through his body, he grins widely. "Checkmate." She can see it in his eyes when they lock onto hers. Pure and utter controlled madness burning in his eyes. He wasn't a sith, but he would make quite a good one. Unless she had other ideas, it was checkmate. At this range, she couldn't deflect the shotgun. All it would take is the pull of his trigger.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

With the anger building and being released through her action, Velox having some knowledge of what the war soldiers of the Republic would wield was prepared. When Talohn pulled out a blaster shotgun, she simply moved his arm to the side, pointing the barrel nowhere near her. She kept him in position using the force, constantly causing his arms, legs and head to freeze in its current position. "Nice try. And I must admit, you are a skilled duelist," Velox said, some admiration in her tone before shifting back to normal. "You could have made a great Jedi, or Sith with the proper training," Velox said before pressing the button on her lightsaber, retracting the crimson blade.

Releasing him, she belted her weapon and simply stood there. "It's good to see that the galaxy still has some fight left in its inhabitants," her voice said, as she turned to walk away. She stopped at the door before looking over her shoulder and saying, "If you want the blasters from Storage or anything else of value, then take it. I have no need of it. But I will need to get some pieces before I leave," Velox said, moving towards the Master's Quarters before moving out of sight.
"FFFFF...dammit." He hisses as the shotgun is pushed aside. He had other gadgets he could have quickly thrown her way, but this wasn't a duel to kill. This man does have quite the amount of willpower on him, she'd find it a bit diddifult to keep him still with the force. "I was trained to be a warrior on cathar....Mom was a good teacher." He says in response. When she finally lets go, he staggers a bit before slapping himself across the face. "Amalgam promised to teach me the way of the sith, proceeded to attack me when I said no. I wouldn't mind becoming sith....But I refuse to interact with that filth." He states in regards to the Amalgam.

He begins following her as she exits the room. He pulls the crystal glass out of his bag and holds it out to her. "This yours? Also uh...I'm sorry for your loss, in regards to your master." The Madlad, who is following behind them, speaks up. "He does not sound like the sort to be missed. He was more excited to test out the stasis pod than he was to properly care for his apprentice. Scum." The droid states, showing an odd amount of emotion for a droid as it hammers it's fist into the nearby wall.

"Also, you gonna need transport? If so, I've got a kid on the ship. She's been orphaned by a sith already, so please be...well nice if that's possible for you, but if not..." He shrugs. "Just try 'not scary'." She would oddly, even after that fight with her, not sense a hint of fear towards her existence within him. Either he has other ways to beat her...or he's an idiot.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

When she sees the crystal bottle when glancing over at Talohn, she smiles and says a simple, "No. That's not mine. It was my Master's," As she walked into the Master's Quarters, she presses some buttons on the Master's chair. Suddenly, a part of the wall opens up, showing a suit of Sith Warrior armaments' with a metal mask included. It looked similar to the Sith Warrior armour that was worn near the time of the Old Republic, but modifications lined the metal pieces. With a wave of her hand, she closed the Master's Quarters door and within 4 minutes, she walked out fully armored in the metal pieces all over her body. A large hood was draped over her head with the mask in hand. Her black gloves were replaced with metal ones, the finger sections still wearing a black material. her body was armored with metal plates, similar to body armour, but more slim fitting. It was clear that beside the intimidation factor, this suit was designed for Stealth. She momentarily presses a button on her left gauntlet causing her to turn invisible with cloaking technology before becoming visible. "It still works. My Master truly didn't spare any expense in this armour," Velox said, impressed at the lack of degrading in quality that the armour possessed.

Velox walked back to Talohn, her slow steps slightly echoing in the small room looking towards the Madlad. "My Master wasn't Scum. He was the reason for my preserved life. He gave me a life to live instead of leaving me in the dust to die," Velox said as she started to walk down the hallway to the Main Room before turning around and stating, "As of the Experimentation. Project Phantom, wasn't the Stasis Pod. It was me," Velox said as she continued to walk. "I was made into a Sith Assassin and Apprentice, kept hidden from his own Master. I killed many Jedi for him, and was never discovered. The Stasis Pod shrouds you from the Force and keeps you hidden. One of the Droid's or base's systems must have done something to bring you here." Her eyes glanced around before she turned around to hear what Talohn had to say.

"I might take you up on that offer. For now," Velox said hearing Talohn's offer. Her face showed something slightly break through to her expression when Talohn mentioned a child on board his ship. That the so called Sith caused her to be orphaned. Her composure was immediately recovered before saying, "I will act accordingly towards the child. After all, I know the pain of loosing everything," Her voice sounded, like before, calm and precise, but something was different. Her body moved on, quickly, but like something was on her mind.

She walked out to where Talohn's ship was located, looking it over a couple of times before going to a now lit up control panel next to another platform with a massive amount of space before it. With a couple of pressed buttons and typing, she pushed one final button before the base started to move. A large platform started to rise beside Talohn's ship, bringing with it another ship. A Star Courier. It was all black except for some dark grey parts along it. "That's my ship. The Hunter," Velox said as she admired a ship that had been hidden and preserved in the lower depths of the Base's levels, a concealed treasure from before the Wars and death her Master had foreseen. She turned to Madlad and asked, "Would you like to pilot it for me?" She said, knowing that none of the droids in the base could do it. It wasn't in their programing.

"I mean, I know it was your master's, but like, was seeing if you wanted it if you're...the sentimental sort. Though most sith I run into don't seem to be." He shrugs, still holding out the glass to her. Then the metal door containing the armor opens, and Talohn lets out a whistle. "Looks good. I have to depend on armorweave's functional...but...Man if I could get ahold of some beskar. Oh yea, the mandalorians are still around, you should know. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing for you." He shrugs.

Madlad goes silent as she explains the purpose of the stasis pod, and that she was project phantom. It was good that the master went through such lengths to protect her, but it still caused Talohn to frown just a bit, crossing his arms. "It's....nice that he wanted to protect you I guess, but it doesn't sound like.....a life worth living, y'know? Spending time in a stasis pod between battles as a life sounds...lifeless. But I'm just a mercenary, what do I know. Armor fits you well, by the way." He shrugs.

Velox would see Talohn's ship, a Barloz class freighter with various combat upgrades. Typical for a mercenary like Talohn. As the ship rose, Madlad scanned it over. "Ah, a sith infiltrator, extremely rare these days, been a long time since they were made." This droid is a well informed one, definitely well made. She'd likely never guess that Talohn was the one to make the droid. Then she asks Madlad to pilot it, to which the droid nods. "I can indeed, however, only until we get you where it is you need to go. I stick to Talohn."

Talohn speaks up finally. "Where is it you need to go anyways? Or should I just bring you to the nearest sith planet? Also....the universe is so different. What do you plan to do?"

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Upon Madlad's terns in mind, Velox nods back and gestures to her ship. "My plans are my own. But I can tell you, that it involves this Sith Empire and the Republic," Velox says, before slowly starting to walk to Talohn's ship. "If you could take me to any of the main capitals of the Sith Empire, or even your Home planet, I will be most grateful," she said, her head turning to look at Talohn as she spoke before waiting for Talohn's ship to open.

Realizing that Madlad, still needed to get inside her own ship, she pressed a single button on her gauntlet which opened the door to it. The inside was typical to the original design of the Star Courier. The interior was still clean and ready for use. Multiple pieces of Equipment were either visible in the storage, along with what appeared to be two more lightsabers. Both where kept in cases that had clear glass to view them. Both of them looked different, as if they belonged to someone else. It was these two lightsabers that Velox had gotten from the Jedi Master and Apprentice that she killed before being in Stasis for over 800 years.
When she states her plans, Talohn nods. "Ah, back to ripping and tearing then?" He questions. "Should have expected so. Well..." He hands her a data card. "Here's my card, Madlad and I do good work if you ever feel like you need support. Just uh....I refuse to help with enslavement. I'm no slaver. I also don't harm civilians. But if you actually have control of yourself, unlike the Amalgam, that won't be a problem when working with you. Even if they're republic civilians, the goal is to rule them, not kill them." Talohn looks to Madlad. "You have the location mapped in your systems. I'll follow you." With that, Talohn heads up the ramp of his ship. Before the ramp shuts, Velox would momentarily see a small blue furred head peeking out at her, with expressive yellow eyes. The child, it seems.

"Will do." Madlad says, bidding Talohn goodbye with a wave. With that, the droid begins to enter Velox's ship. The way it moves, talks, and expresses itself. This is not an average droid. It feels more...alive. "You think him a fool, I'll bet." Madlad states to the sith with a wry chuckle. "Perhaps you're right to a certain extent. But....look at it this way. He's given you the card, which means he trusts you enough to do business. Sure you'll have to pay him, but he won't ever stab you in the back. Catharese warrior honor and all that. A person that won't stab you in the back is a valuable thing to have while in the ranks of the sith empire. Not to say the sith empire is bad. But it is a treacherous place....and will eat you up if you let down your guard for even a moment." The droid stops before the lightsabers, looking them over. "Well preserved, better than the one Talohn picked up, for certain."

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

With Talohn giving Velox his card for business and departing into his ship, Velox's eyes catch a flash of blue and yellow. That must be the child that he told her about. Poor thing. "It's better to Rule than to annihilate everything. A galaxy to rule needs people to be ruled. You can't have one without the other," Velox called after him before the door closed. Walking to her ship, Madlad's words about Talohn trusting her got her thinking. If she truly is that different from the rest of the Sith currently active, what barbaric nature have they adopted in the last 800 years of her being in Stasis. "If he trusts me, then I will trust him. I know little about this galaxy, so an ally will be a great thing to have," Her voice sounds slightly distant, will Madlad mentioned the lightsabers. Walking towards the two sabers, Velox chuckled, "My Master must have kept them here for me once the war was far enough away for me to improve myself. Either that or to hold as a reminder of his training."

She remembers the day she went to take out those two Jedi. They had fought well, but once the Master fell, the apprentice was full of rage and anger. She could feel that within him. That young Zabrak boy had fought wildly till she took both his hand. His master, a female Kel Dor, fell at her hand and she truly at a point before the small child was executed could have become a Sith like her. But she knew the Sith's Rule of Two. "Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it," Velox said, quoting something her Master told her once she had completed her training. The Infamous Rule of Two. He had broken that rule by taking her on as his Apprentice. Maybe in a different time, she could have been an architect for the Sith Empire by her Master's side.

Snapping back to reality, she looked at the lightsabers more focused before saying, "A Sith takes the lightsabers of those they have killed. A trophy and a sign that they are strong." Velox moved towards the cockpit using the basic lift to get there, taking a seat in one of the passenger side places. When Talohn disembarked from his base, she knew Madlad would as well. The Base would shut down, back to its dormmate state again. Awaiting the day either her Master, or herself enter its walls again. The Signal appeared on the Star Courier's sensors, but suddenly stopped. "Now only four know about this place. Myself, you, Talohn and the Child on your own ship," Velox said, her eyes closing in meditation as she awaited them to take off.

Madlad makes his way up to the cockpit. Once there, he sits down a jack coming out of his palm that he inserts into a hole so that he may interface with the ship. The ship responds to him, and begins liftoff. Quite the advanced piece of tech, this droid. "Talohn is a good ally to have. He is honest, most sith would say that is bad." The droid chuckles wryly. "But there's the thing about honest people, amongst liars and traitors, they are the scariest. You can always depend on a liar and a betrayer to lie and betray. However, you can never tell what course of action an honest person is going to take."

Them she mentions the rule of two. "Ah, Revan's rule. That was abolished as the war with the republic raged on, as the jedi are many. Now there are just as many sith. The rule of two has been out of effect for some time now. There are numerous sith throughout the galaxy. Only one emperor though. Do not worry, the base will stay secret." The droid's head turns about to face her. "Incoming communication." the, the holoscreen pulls up on the ship, of Talohn in the cockpit of his ship. he seems to be drinking some sort of smoothie from a bottle. The blue furred child in the seat beside him is also doing the same. She looks to be at least six years old. That young and already without parents...dreadful. The kid hesitantly waves. "Things going alright over there?" Talohn questions. "I was updating her on the situation of the sith empire. Though you likely have more to say than I, so I will let you take over." With that, Madlad goes back to flying the ship.

Talohn takes a large slurp of his drink. "Oh, right, the sith. I suppose I should say everything I start...not all the sith are like the Amalgam. She is her own separate category of disgusting. Sith today do have control of themselves do I put it....Velox, I am a fan of the classical sith, not as in the rule of two, but before the rule of two. This makes me very critical of the sith we have now." That goofy aura he has about him as faded, it's obvious he's very serious about this subject. "These days, sith only focus on the aspect of rage and hatred.....But the sith code is about emotion. The sith I've met in this era, they're all husks of nothing but rage, who can kill whoever they are told to kill for their emperor without hesitation. Perhaps that's how it's supposed to be? I don't know. But with ancient sith, there was more than just anger and hatred. There was passion and love as well." He pauses to drink from his bottle. "It's not about just rage, it's about feeling emotions in general. Sith these days hate the concept of friends because they see love as a weakness, when in reality, hatred, anger, love, passion, they are all fuels, the mediums to make you more powerful. You can draw a lot of anger when something you're passionate about, or someone you care about, is threatened. Forging bonds is not a weakness, it is a strength, and it keeps you from becoming a husk. But...I'm just a scavenger, so I don't know what sith are supposed to truly be like." He shrugs. The kid just stares at Velox blankly. It's hard to tell what she's thinking.

Darth Velox Darth Velox
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

As Madlad talked about how the intentions of a truthful person can be hard to pin point, Velox thought back to the child. She was orphaned by the Sith. But the Sith at the least would have done more to take over some place, rather than burning it to the ground. Before Madlad broadcasted the transmission, Velox donned her mask. The red visor like dots glowing softly as it activated. A special HUD came up displaying the information the ship had to her since they were made to at least connect so she didn't have to look at multiple screens at one. Her voice as the result of this became slightly muffled, but no less clear at the same time.

When Talohn informed Velox on how the Sith he fought was different from the rest and how all the current Sith are just husks of the former way they were, she sat there and simply listened. When the child waved at Velox, she turned her head slightly to look at the young one. A memory flashed in her mind, of blaster fire, screams and fire. The Slavers who tried to take her to make her become a slave for auction. The way she killed them. Was it because she was angry with them? or because the Dark Side had taken over then. Was it her choice to kill them rather than force them to flee. After Talohn finished, Velox confirmed in her mind. She killed them because she had to. Because she wanted to. And because they deserved it.

With a soft, yet slightly mechanical (Vader-ish) voice, she asked, "What is your name, child? It's not often I get to see new faces." Her sitting posture was now more upright and attentive. "And please, don't be frightened, I am a friend of Talohn after all," She watched the child's expression and body language closely. It was probably for the best she didn't know that Velox was a Sith. Especially when the Sith did so much to her already.

After a bit of time, Velox stated, "With all the knowledge you have given me, Talohn, I believe that the Sith need to be reminded of how the Sith used to be." She straightened into a straight back position before saying. "Once we arrive at the destination, I'll take my chance to learn as much as I can before moving on. I might need your help one day, I do hope you answer when I do," Velox finished before adding, "It was Darth Bane's rule of Two. Not Revan's by the way," Velox sounded a bit more stern, almost like a teacher, when talking about the Rule of Two. She was from a time when that was a main part of being a Sith, even for a basic Assassin like Warrior.

"You lead the way and we'll follow," Velox said before giving a short nod and waiting for Talohn's response before ending the transmission. Using her gauntlet panel, she typed out a message using the same link they had just used to send a small message to Talohn stating, "Please keep my true nature from the child. She might distrust you because of the ally you just made."
The child speaks up. "Name's Monari. I'm not scared, it's hard to scare me nowadays. You do not scare me, you confuse me." She states pointing at the screen. "Your mask has no face holes, yet you see. How is it that you see? Is it those glowing red lights? That's a lot of grief to go through when you could just have a visor that projects holographic images. I mean, it looks cool, but like......why go through the trouble when there's a much easier way to wear a mask. Also, I saw your face. You have pretty eyes, why have a mask over them?"

Talohn sighs deeply as the child Bombards the sith with questions. and shakes his head. Then she corrects them on the revans rule, to which Talohn simply stares at Madlad in sheer confusion. Then he continues on.

"Yea, I'll lead the way. Madlad has put my holo frequency in your system, just call if you need me and such." When she ends the transmission, Talohn receives the message, and sends back in return, "She's a tough kid, but you are correct. Best keep it on the downlow. Honestly, I would learn the ways of the sith. But these days, it is custom amongst the sith to treat apprentices like trash in order to build up hatred. The sith academies encourage the students to hate and turn on eachother. That isn't a life I wish to live. A life of paranoia, where you seal yourself off from everyone? Sounds lonely and pointless."

With the transmission now ended, Madlad chuckles. "The wrong info about the rule of two is my fault. It was bane? Gah...I don't know. Talohn made me from salvage when he was 19 years or so...Though my memory goes back further due to the mental processors he used. I was pulling the data from old...corrupted..and degraded databanks." it taps the side of it's head. "Talohn refuses to fix it though. more sentient than most droids of my kind, I am sure you have noticed. Talohn did that by accident, and refuses to mess with any of my mental systems in order to preserve my consciousness. He considers me a brother, and I consider him such as well."

Darth Velox Darth Velox

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