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Dominion The Lost City | AC Dominion of Nathema



Nathema has been famous for many things over the millennia. It was ruled by the Sith, among others, but before that it even connected the old Eternal Empire through Vitiate. The late Sith Emperor performed a ritual here, destroying all living things on the planet. After his death, life returned at a rapid pace. The planet has become a lush jungle again. However, Nathema also hid countless dark secrets; a lot of relics, artefacts left after the former Sith emperor. Over the millennia, of course, much has been found of these and many thought there was nothing left on the planet. But not everyone…

During the last Sith Empire, Vanessa Vantai ( Onrai Onrai ) ruled the planet. Nathema became an agricultural planet. After his resurrection, @Dath Xanesh also visited the Sith Lord because Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco also lived at the time of Vitiate's reign. Xanesh has launched countless exploration stations and excavations here, some in secret. Their numbers increased after Onrai lost control of the planet. And after the collapse of the Sith Empire, there was no one to oversee the work of the ancient Sith Lady.

Thus, Xanesh continued her work even after she joined the Brotherhood of the Maw. However, the Ashlan Crusade came closer and closer to the planet, so we had to hurry. A day after the first Ashlan Crusade units arrived, Xanesh’s men made a mistake and a huge earthquake shook the entire southern part of the planet, especially the desert arctic, where a huge area sank and another area rose. The rising area was an ancient, ruined city. A city they have long forgotten about.

Luckily, there was also a Children of Ashla with the company who studied the ancient knowledge that Ashla knows in the Netherworld. From these, he knew that thousands of years ago, very, very many years ago, shortly after the collapse of the Infinite Empire, a group of Ashlan followers reached this corner of the galaxy and then established a colony on an alien world where they lived for a long time. But there was no contact with them anymore. All indications were that this city was none other than Lumis; the Ashlan Colony which had disappeared and been lost millennia earlier.









Objective 1: Secrets of Lumis
Lumis, a former lost colony, is a city that had been underground for thousands of years for unknown reasons. Now, however, it has reappeared and Ashlan Crusade members have the opportunity to explore the city. Much of the place was still underground, but there are flights and ways into the underground area. Based on preliminary reconnaissance based on recordings of drones, the place was destroyed during battle and war. The ruins of the city still reflect the marks of Ashla, but the place is now infested with death and the Bogan’s power.
What happened there? What is left of the once glorious and beautiful city? When and how did the Bogan infect that area? Or who were these Ashlan believers at all? And perhaps the best question is whether these answers will be revealed as they explore the city. What do the thousands of years old ruins hide?

Objective 2: Humanitarian Duties
There are a lot of mostly agricultural settlements on the planet. These were civilians under Sith rule for a very long time, who have been forced to prosper on their own for years now, since the fall of the Sith Empire. Their equipment and technology have become obsolete, and due to the current earthquakes, a significant part of their houses and assets have been destroyed. That is why a humanitarian catastrophe is threatening the south of the planet. These people need to be helped with reconstruction, the distribution of aid and everything that includes into the category of humanitarian aid.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Reconnaissance the city
Location: Lumis, South Pole, Nathema
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Open
[ Death Come Near Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was at home in Ession when the news arrived about this city. She is still recovering from her injuries in Quermia. These were nowhere near as severe as the ones caused by the parasite and Hyrva, but it was also unpleasant because of the Sith runes. It's more painful. The injury itself was soon gone, but it left constant pain and fatigue in Valkyrja's body. It was getting better every day and it didn’t stop her from doing anything, precisely from this when she heard what was going on at Nathema.

For her, it took about five to ten minutes; she first went to the Netherworld and then back to Realspace, the place where the city was. So Eina arrived on the ancient city's ruins before the Ashlan troops. With both HPI Consortium and the Brighter Future Foundation present on the planet, she immediately received data through the biochip about what her family’s companies are doing. As a humanitarian catastrophe threatened the planet, both the BFF and the HPI offered assistance.

The BFF brought new tools, medical supplies, prefabricated housings and machines for 3D printing devices. And, of course, they also worked with Ashlan Crusade, and the member of the representation was Lady Hyrsi Moldenson-Rien, who is also Tubrok Ragal's second female cousin. Thus, in fact, House L'lerim was also directly or indirectly involved.

But returning to the South Pole…

It was warm, sunny weather, and hot winds were blowing in the desert when Eina arrived at the ruined place. There are typically only a few walls, building sides, or just broken columns left on the surface. According to the recordings, the place was deep in the mountain. That is, it now looked like such a mountain, because that’s how the earthquakes shaped the place. Or past events are likely, as anything can happen under thousands of years. She wondered what the place was, who they were, and how they connected to Ashla.

As she stood in the sand, not far from the entrance, she could feel the Bogan's strength, but not Ashla's. This place was dead. Other times she used to see clues, wounds, souls, the past through the faint rifts, the echo that souls leave behind. But there was nothing here. She found this interesting; although she has never been to such an ancient place. The Valkyrja heard voices in the distance. The dropships of Ashlan Crusade was approaching.

Eina stopped and looked back, waiting curiously to see who would join the reconnaissance.




Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Location: Lumis - Nathema

Greer soared through the air alongside the Ashlan dropship riding her Serianan Griffin watching the ground sail past beneath her and the large miltiary vessel cruising along next to us. As the ship landed in a nearby clearing and the soldiers began to disembark, Greer landed the beast closer and within eyesight of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . She dismounted the beast and whispered a command to it. In kneeled and folded its wings back patiently.

"Eina! It is good to see you, its a shame we can't all get around as quickly as you. She smiled broadly. "I was very concerned by what I heard happen at the negotiations, are you healing well?" she wished she had been there, they achieved their own mission, but if should could have prevented a valued collegue being attacked like that she would have preferred it.

Greer felt a chill up he spine, despite the warm sunshine. She ran her fingers along a knocked down pillar that had been worn smooth be years of sand. "Something isn't right here Eina, I can't feel the light, I mean, I can feel you, but this place, Ashla has abandoned it long ago" Greer seemed in a thoughtful place as she looked at the different ruins and picked up the dry sand, letting it gently run through her fingers and then stood up.

"the others should arrive soon, the drop ship isnt far away. I took your advice and have spoken to the masters," she showed Eina the back of her gauntlet, no fuel tanks, no flame projectors, only some electrical device "non-lethal, barely even painful, one of the jurors suggested it to me as a way of safely incapacitating someone." she was still the warrior, looking for tactical advantages, but hopefully Eina would see that the Greers desire for violence was being tempered a little.

Greer sat on the pillar and shut her eyes letting the sun beat down on her and attempting to fight off the chill that was bugging her.

Obective: Investigate the ancient city
Equipment: Lucignis
Tags: Open

Sala could feel it as soon as her boots touched the dirt of this world. This world, through the millennia, had been scarred by the pain and death of millions, and Bogan had left its unholy taint throughout. Not since Arorua had she felt such a darkness and, subverting her expectations, it seemed an even stronger concentration of darkness had settled deep in this supposedly Ashlan city.

Walking ahead of the soldiers as they secured their landing zone, the Blade straightened her tunic and pulled the hood of her robe over her head as she walked towards the entrance, where it seemed some of her compatriots were already preparing to make their way into the city. Stopping short of the city, she knelt down, felling out into the force, seeking any signs of Ashla in the dark, abandoned city. Yet, it appeared her instincts at touchdown were true - she could find no trace of what was supposed to have been a bright city, burning with the warmth of Ashla. Tightening the robe around her, she awaited the rest of the Ashlans who would be delving into this lost city.


Objective: Steal shit
Stuff: Some pretty rad armor, big disruptor go boom
Tags: Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich

Little Gibby heard tales of ancient treasures and magical stuff, or at least that was the way the infobroker had put it. Toydarians were always unimaginative with their works. Truth be told Gibby didn't much care for their kind, but then their information tended to be reliable even if it was given a bit inartistically.

"Maybe a little aut-" the boom of Giborot's musings was halted as his pod shuddered to a halt. The Ithorian jerked forward with the motion. slamming his bulbous head on the pod's ceiling with a loud thud. Gibby grumbled a string of curses as he fell back, pawing at his sore eye stalks as the red light of the pod's internals turned blue, informing him that he had indeed landed...somewhere.

"Shoulda stayed with the herd, feth, aghhghhg...." The Ithorian complained as he popped the pod's ceiling hatch. It was a disposable little mining shell that a few friends had hastily attached a life support system to. The drill at the aft end of the thing had little trouble boring went straight through the rock layers of Nathema's upper crust.

Near total darkness greeted him as he stomped his plate-clad feet into the dirt. With a loud grunt, he hefted his disruptor rifle from its rack within the pod, checked to make sure the charge was still holding, and slung it over his shoulder. "Looks pretty gross, pretty dead," he continued to himself. A few clicks on his eye-stalk-visor shifted his sight to night vision, casting the ruin in a dull green glow that reminded him of the herd's home on Felucia. It was comforting, in a strange sense.

Unsure of where to first begin his search, Giborot drew in a deep breath, and bellowed out into the darkness with his twin mouths and quadruple throats. "GOOD EVENING CITY!" His alien voice boomed, carrying for several miles into the otherwise seemingly silent ruin. If there were any locals hiding in the darkness, then it was better to get their measure openly rather than trying to skulk about. Stealth and ambush had never been the Ithorian's strong suit.
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The Librarian of Petrite

Objective: Explore Rui----I mean keep Eina Safe. Totally not to collect treasure and knowledge.
Location: Lumis, South Pole, Nathema
Equipment: Wide Brimmed hat, Spacer's Leather Jacket, Micro-Lightsaber, Micro-blaster, tool belt with gear
Tag: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and all


Eina was the heiress of the Eternal Empire, the official Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade, and the daughter of the Empress. When she got injured, it spread ripples through the Wardens. It was no surprise that one was tasked to keep watch for a time, until they could be sure the Valkyerja had been truly healed. As such, the Librarian had been sent out to perform this duty. This was mainly due to his unique "properties". Force sensitives and force entities found him next to impossible to even perceive. As well as the fact Light nexus didn't do anything to him. This was lucky for him, as Ashlan space was where his fellows in the Order resided. It was a rare event when he got to be in contact with them. Even luckier, he wasn't the only one who watched the heiress.

Onboard a beaten old freighter, the small Squirrel had just been to a conference with some fellows, and was returning back to Ession, to switch places. However, as he had stopped to refuel, he got two equally strange messages. First was about an ancient city that had appeared, and a natural disaster on Narthema, second the princess had vanished again. It was incredibly hard to keep track of her. However, his gut tingled with excit-, ahem, he meant with a hunch. He took on a medical supplies and food rations, and the ship quickly made for hyperspace.

As an "independent trader" Tyth had all the proper clearance papers. First, he unloaded the supplies to awaiting ground crews, and asked for no payment. Wasn't he nice? Then, out of his freighter's cabin the Squirrel grabbed a Spacer's leather jacket tailor made to fit him. It wouldn't provide much defense, but some was better than none. Next, a wide brimmed hat was put on his head. Finally, his adventuring belt was wrapped around his waist. It had a light source, grappling hook, food and water rations and a basic medical kit: All designed to fit his small form. He took his micro-lightsaber from its hidden container and put the Warden's saber in an inside pocket of the jacket. A micro-blaster was taken and put in the holster next. It was small and had only the power and range of a cheap hold out blaster. But again, some defense was better than none. Besides, if all else failed, the Force would not.

Kitted out for the adventure, the Librarian found a military vehicle that made the trip to the South Pole. It was only natural that the locals would be nervous and send at least a few people to watch over the ruins of the city as well. So, he snuck aboard and joined them. How could one simply resist the call to explore an untouched ancient city? It was criminal to think he would pass this up! Oh, and he had "reason" to believe Eina would be there too! Yeah! That was it.

As the vehicles dropped the few security troops off to oversee the ruins on their planet, Tyth snuck out as well and walked over to the ruined walls of the city. The dark side oozed out of the place, it made him quite at home. As whistled in delight, his eyes caught the very visage of an angel. Yup, Eina was here! Well, um, see? Now he was just doing his job if anyone asked. His hand nervously went into his pocket to make sure that his Eternal Empire citizenship paperwork, and military leave slip were in place. Just on the off chance he got stopped in this large group that gathered to explore the city.

The small creature tipped the brim of his hat down a little to hide his face a bit. There was nothing quite like the gathering of new knowledge, the new adventure. The treasures here belonged in a Library, after all.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Reconnaissance the city
Location: Lumis, South Pole, Nathema
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon | Giborot Habat Giborot Habat | Tyth'xio Tyth'xio | Open
[ Death Come Near Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Lady Greer! Yes, thank you! It was a great lesson that I must not forget that all the Sith still want to see me dead." she said to her. "And how are you?"

She asked back, referring to what she had felt in the girl, on Odessen before, Bogan. So it wasn't just her who felt it. Eina nodded at the other woman. She is already used to seeing the different things, the Force, the souls, and life better than others. Even here among Ashlan Crusade members, to her this vision was much deeper than to others. This was due to her species and also to the fact that both parents were mainly concerned with soul and soul. Even in a negative sense, but she is never, she always just healed and helped them. But this kind of ability to see was helpful to her.

"Yes, I feel it too. I mean, it wasn't just Ashla who left this place. All. There are no echoes, no souls. Nothing here. At least up here." she explained.

And inside, she probably wasn't the only one to feel the Bogan's strength. As Greer showed that she had replaced the flamethrower, the Valkyrja nodded contentedly. She was glad they didn't let that brutal weapon be used by her. Death by flames was slow and extremely painful. Not something Ashla would have accepted.

"I'm glad. I hope you were able to talk to the masters about this as well." she said.

Meanwhile, several others have arrived at this place; the Ithorian shouting was not pleasant to her. And Eina was surprised to see the little squirrel creature. A really interesting group has gathered here now. Since apparently no others had come, she set off inside, but if someone will join them later, they can find the group easily. The flights were developed well, but ancient. There was no metal or other modern things here. Everything was carved out of stones and rocks. After a good few minutes of walking, a bluish light was visible in the distance.

The road led to exactly that. After a while, the smooth, ascending and sloping road turned into stairs. On the way, huge crusaders were carved into the walls. They were at least two to three metres high, and many were even larger. Especially the two that stood at the end of the road and stairs. They were at least ten metres tall on either side of a door. And the stone door was partially open, and the bluish light emanated from there. The drones got this far, for some reason they couldn't get inside.

"Let's go, I think that's what we're looking for." Eina said and walked forward.

From inside, the Bogan's strength was still felt, only very gently, not disturbingly. There were still a few steps left. When she reached the door, the bluish light blinded her, she saw nothing until she reached the inside.

And where there was something waiting for her and the others that Eina hadn't dared to think about before - a huge, completely intact but uninhabited city…





Location: Nathema disaster zone
Objective: save people
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Aria Scavo Aria Scavo Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

A creak resonated through the massive bulk of the Apostle of Light as it touched down on the planet of Nathema, it had landed in an area that geological surveys had suggested had been relatively untouched by seismic disturbance. It was a salt water inlet near one of the major population centre which was large enough to land the enormous bulk of the Invasion vessel. This would serve as the mobile command centre for the Ashlan Relief efforts. The long telescopic legs disappeared under the water and sank metres into the mud to the harder surface below, but the ship was down and all systems reported normal.

Isla walked along one of the hallways in the advanced hospital that made up a significant portion of the ship, seeing medics from the different healing corps already preparing to received injured and sick citizens. The smaller dropships of her fleet and the smaller vessels of both the Kobitana Foundation and Brighter Futures Foundation had already dispersed across the planet to hot spots where they were most needed. This was the biggest purely humanitarian mission that Isla had led and she wished that Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Was here to see the good work her foundation continued to do in her absence, but she was still missing and Isla missed her sorely. Their relationship was public knowledge now, at least amongst the higher Ashlan Commanders, but even having friends around her didn't remove the feeling of loneliness.

"Please give me a fast comm link to Lady Hyrsi Moldenson-Rien, I would like to ensure our forces coordinate effectively with hers, I don't want anyone being missed because we assumed the other companies were already engaged." she pulled a holo in front of her as she entered the room she had been walking too, the commander of the Sister's battalion stationed on this warship had asked for her to attend a briefing of her sub commanders to ensure that the best information was disseminated. She would not step in until requested, this battalion commander was extremely competent and did not need the Grand Master second guessing her. But she was invited to speak. She had little to add, other than messages of confidence in the abilities of the Order of the Sister's of Ashla. This battalion had its armour lightened to reduced its intimidating appearance, as was fitting for a humanitarian force.


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A R I A⠀ S C A V O
OBJECTIVE: Prepare the Sickbay
LOCATION: Apostle of Light
TAGS: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana & Open!

Nathema, Aria's first deployment with the Ashlan Crusade. A terrifying prospect to say the least yet one she was eager to complete, she could finally put her training into practice after leaving the academy, which she had only just completed. She took a few moments to get herself ready, eyeing her fellow crewmates as they departed to head on-duty; eventually working up the courage to head towards the sickbay, which her cabin was thankfully close to. After weaving past her fellow crewmates and various officers through the corridors, she made it to the medical facility, immediately reporting in with the chief physician. She snapped to attention, "ARIA SCAVO, REPORTING IN!"

After a brief induction by one of her colleagues showing her the ropes, she got to work assisting in the preparation of the sickbay - preparing hospital beds, configuring bacta tanks and reorganising medkits. While conversing with one of her fellow medics as they both prepared one of the hospital beds, Aria glanced up after seeing movement outside, seeing Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana stride past she turned to the medic she was assisting, "
Was that the Prime Minister?!" she questioned quietly out of curiosity, blissfully unaware that the Fourth Fleet was commanded by the Grand Admiral..



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon Giborot Habat Giborot Habat Tyth'xio Tyth'xio
Location: Lumis - Nathema

"And how are you?"

Greer looked fairly introspective "you know, I'm alright I think. I keep a bit too much bottled up, it's good to talk, and to have someone when doesn't mess around trying to be polite and just tells me... Greer, your doing it wrong!" there was a warmth and acceptance on Greers face, but she had still lost none of the drive or energy in her eyes. "let's see if we can't find out where this darkness is coming from, after you.... her voice was momentarily drowned out by the bellow from the Ithorian and she raised an eyebrow." "..after you my Lady."

She looked around at the strange group, the Itho, the bushy tailed rodent, and angel and a pair of knights. She had not dealt much with Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon , or the sacred blades, mostly keeping the company of her own Star Thistles, but she knew the name. Giborot Habat Giborot Habat was an unknown to her, as was Tyth'xio Tyth'xio . She might call the little guy in the hat adorable, but it was usually about the time they were cooking you alive you regretting calling ewoks cuddly.

"I'm Greer, don't wander off to far yeah? Stay together and we can stay safe." she said to the new pair.

Greer walked forward and into the light behind Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , shielding her eyes as the glow increased until she walked through into the wide open chamber. "wow! It's breathtaking, is this really here? It doesn't make sense that all this is buried her." she thought for a moment and looked at Eina, knowing a little about her heritage "We haven't shifted somewhere else have we? Are will still on Nathema?"

The old Ashlan ruins were beautiful and she stepped forward to observe them closer, touching the cool rock, pausing a moment before she did to try and feel if this was some kind of mental trick, or worse. 'Where to start?' She thought to herself standing next to Eina she raised her hand, trying not to think where it was pointed. "There, her finger had rested in the direction of an ornate looking tower. "I don't know what it is, or even what this sensation is, but the force is telling me we should head there."


Objective: Steal shit
Stuff: Some pretty rad armor, big disruptor go boom
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon , Tyth'xio Tyth'xio , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Giborot's only response was the howling of winds skirting through the ancient cityscape, and the occasional chittering of movement from the vermin that inhabited it. He couldn't have hoped for better. Isolation meant safety, and safety easy pickings. Perhaps he'd indulge himself once he returned to Hutt Space. It'd been many moons since his last huff of quality spice; the last few grams still on his person were the cheapest of huff, enough to stave off the shakes but nowhere near what was needed to actually.

If he hit a big score here, maybe he'd even treat himself with some glitterstem.

"Oh, by Ithor I would KILL for some glitterstem." Giborot rumbled to himself, though his speaking voice would register as something closer to a shout for anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. "Ah feth, those Toydarians only ever have the worst of the ryll. Who am I kidding?" He asked of the empty street. Once again, the forgotten city answered only with the wind's howl.

The Ithorian shook his head-stalks and continued onward. He was unfamiliar with the architecture, though it looked fancy enough to be important. Several statues lined the way, and the darkness of his landing zone was quickly replaced with an eerie blue light. It originated from a ball of energy that flickered atop the center of the cavern ceiling. Some sort of artificial generator perhaps, or some form of arcane contraption. It didn't matter much to Gibby beyond forcing him to shift to natural vision.

He drew nearer to the entryway, having landed not far from the cavern's mouth. Any force sensitives feeling his presence would be presented with a sedentary calm, more akin to that of a docile animal than a sentient being. Foolish as he might have been, the Ithorian's mind was a steel cage, and the techniques of his ancestors served him as well now as they ever had.
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The Librarian of Petrite
Objective: Admire the ruins and the company
Location: Lumis, Nathema
Equipment: Micro-blaster, the Librarian's Spacer Leathers, Lightsaber, supplies,
Tag: The lovely Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , The Regal Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , The Rival for Treasure Giborot Habat Giborot Habat , and Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon


As the Librarian settled into the group, his black eyes fixed on Eina. She was the heiress of the Eternal Empire. It was reasonable to assume she would know who he was, but its also possible not. He had no clue how much her mother had truly told her. In truth, he didn't much support this creature as the next Empress. His support was for one of her younger siblings and raising them to take over the Empire. Eina's temperament simply wasn't a good fit for the hardened people of their Empire. At least, that was his thoughts on the matter. Would she be able to do what it took, like her mother?

His leather clad feet made little sound as he moved. Eyes fixated on all the statues, and carvings. Quickly from his pocket a small sketch pad was brought out along with a small piece of charcoal. Almost super humanly quickly, his small hands sketched out incredibly detailed pictures of each statue. True, he could just take holo footage, but he always felt it made him more disconnected from what he was experiencing. Holo-drones always came second.

The sketches were rolled up and put in a safe inner pocket of his jacket, and the charcoal was placed back in the pouch. As Greer's voice reached him, the small squirrel looked up at the amazoness. Black eyes blinked up at her as she expressed concern over his well-being. Immediately he was touched. It was obvious she was smitten with him; she wasn't the first. Or maybe she was just being polite. Either way. The man took his hat off his head and placed it over his chest as he walked side by side with the woman. "Please, call me Xio." One would have expected his voice to be squeaky, and small. However, this was not the case. While not particularly deep, his voice was clear, well-spoken, and easy to hear.

"To have such a beautiful and obviously powerful woman such as yourself watch my back makes me feel quite at ease. I assure you; I will also help keep you alive throughout this endeavor. I may not look it, but I am quite experienced at exploring these types of places." His gloved hand waved across the sight as they entered the intact city and then placed his hat back on his head. "Who thought I would find ruins like this again?" His voice was a reverent whisper.

Eyes looked over each and every inch. The small creature quickly hopped up on a stone so he could see further. For a moment, he looked very much like the alert squirrel he was. Once more hands grabbed the charcoal and sketch pad. Expertly he drew the way it looked upon their first entrance and took in each detail.

As Greer spoke and pointed, he tilted his head. "Any reason why you feel that is a good place to start?" Carefully, he hopped down and moved over towards Eina and Greer. He gave a nod of greeting to Eina, but for now said nothing directly towards her, and left his gaze upon the lovely Greer.

However, he did glance over at the Ithorian after a moment. It was obvious he had been INSIDE before they had. He hadn't joined with the group. Only one thing was obvious about him: He was a rival. The information inside here belonged in a Library, not inside the private collection of those who could never appreciate or learn a thing from it. In a way, that also included the Ashlan Crusade. As righteous as they tried to be, they wantonly destroyed what they didn't like, rather than learn from it. It was a sad thing, but one he hoped that he could one day correct and get them to understand the value of the past. He desired co-existence, to ruffle their feathers would only be counter productive here.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Aria Scavo Aria Scavo


Nathema had a... troubled past, to say the least. It had been destroyed... rebuilt... and had switched hands more than a few times. Since then, the planet had at least somewhat recovered, though there was still much to do. The Crusade had taken it upon themselves to give the planet a gentle nudge in the right direction, bringing a great amount of resources to Nathema in what was becoming a massive humanitarian undertaking. Though Heinrich was just as curious as the others about the lost Ashlan city of Lumis, he knew that he was needed here.

The ship itself was bustling with the sounds of the crew as Heinrich made his way through the halls. Though humanitarian works weren't his strongest suit, Heinrich knew much about Ashlan logistics. He had spent entirely too much time keeping their supply lines in order, particularly in the early days of the Crusade. It wasn't his favorite job, but it was something he found himself to be quite good at. With this skill came his humanitarian efforts, as he often worked with the Prime Minister to ensure that such endeavors continued to be successful.

As he passed the sickbay, Heinrich stopped for a moment to check his own holo, looking over notes of supplies and their dispersal across the planet. At his side was an officer from the Sons of Ession, who had been deployed to the planet as a peacekeeping force alongside other elements of the Ashlan military.

"Have we had any issues thus far?"

"No, Grand Marshal. Things seem to be going smoothly, though I am hesitant to speak too soon. This planet has a very long history of darkness, after all."

"Yes, but it also has a history of Light, should the rumors be true. We cannot forget that. Treat the people as if they were already our own. We are not meant to be here as conquerors, but as a helping hand."

The Sons wouldn't do anything aggressive unless either provoked or ordered, but Heinrich felt it was necessary to change the perception of the planet. After all, if they were to heal the Tingel Arm, they would need the people's support. In order to get it, they needed them to know that they weren't the enemy.



Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: Humanitarian Duties
Location: Nathema
Thread Partners: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Aria Scavo Aria Scavo Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


When Oraada had joined the Ashlans, she hadn't been so sure about what they would do. If they could bring light to the darkest of places. Yet, even against all odds or any strife, they chose to try. No, they chose to do. This current mission brought Heinrich Faust (and consequently, Oraada) with the Ashlans to Nathema, a planet with history spanning millennia. Much of it had something less than ideal happening to the world, but there was still a chance it could recover or even thrive with the right guidance. Oraada had heard about the city of Lumis in all its mystery, yet she felt the strong pull towards aiding those in need over sating her own curiosity.

It was enough to pull her to Nathema, at least. The bonus was that Heinrich was there, providing only his best for the cause. What was amusing to her, however, was the discomfort with which he navigated his way through calmer moments. Oraada supposed that much of his life had been about fighting and righteousness, but it didn't make it any less comedic for him to squirm. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Oraada was well-versed in dealing with people, as well as any maladies afflicting them. It was only natural that she be employed to help with assisting those recovering in the medical zones.

They had just landed, however. Many of the individuals brought for this mission due to their expertise in medicine were rushing about, getting themselves ready for what was undoubtedly going to be a flood of patients. Oraada herself was taking deep breaths and attempting to help around where she was needed. Having been a general aide on Ession, she was quite decent at doing odd jobs.

When she finished moving supplies, she could hear the voice of two men outside the sickbay. One was familiar and commanding, leading her to realize it was Faust. It was rude of her to listen, but it wasn't like Oraada could cover her montrals with her hands. Nonetheless, she dismissed herself politely and exited the sickbay as casually as was possible. The last thing she wanted was to seem like she'd been following him.

There was another one of her shy smiles as she nodded, "My apologies for appearing so suddenly. I was simply going to pass by, but... it would be rude of me not to give at least a greeting to the Grand Marshal." Oraada seemed to cast a quick, knowing look at Heinrich, then sidled her way through the two men so they could continue to talk. "Oh, and good luck out there. I hear we are anticipating quite a number of injured or sick."

Of course, there was a ghost of a pause to allow Heinrich or the Son of Ession a reply. Oraada wasn't without some manners. Besides, she was hoping that there might be a brief conversation before the organized chaos really began.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Reconnaissance the city
Location: Lumis, South Pole, Nathema
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon | Giborot Habat Giborot Habat | Tyth'xio Tyth'xio | Open
[ Death Come Near Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I’m sorry if I was too rude and honest, I didn’t want to hurt you. The communication of the living is still unusual. We don't need to talk to Gei many times, we communicate in different ways… so I'm not standing very well at progressing." she told her, and when she mentioned Geiseric, she blushed again.

When they entered the underground city, it impressed the Valkyrja as well. She didn't really expect to find something like this here. Or why it was built deep in the ground at all. Eina looked at Greer after her question as she reached into the Force to find out where they were or if they had moved somewhere else. However, the answer she perceived was clear.

"We’re still on Nathema, we haven't gone through any rift or we are not in any other dimension." she told them.

Eina has been proven countless times on the battlefield; although she did not act in such a way in Realspace, she was also a warlord. Although she was better known for this ability and talent in the Netherworld. Here, in Realspace she fought the Sith and the Maw. She was there and played an important role when they defeated Bryn'adûl on Danuta. And it wasn’t even mentioned then that she was also fighting the Mandalorians twice. She has already earned the respect of the majority of Ultranauts on the battlefield.

The Valkyrja looked at the ithorian; the man behaved and spoke very strangely. She tilted her head slightly to the side as she looked at the man.

"Does anyone understand what he is talking about?" she asked confused.

She would have just answered Greer's question when Xio jumped down and asked his questions. The Valkyrja only noticed the creature because of the words, otherwise she did not perceive or see him at all. She usually looked at the world in the Force and with her eyes at the same time. The Force showed nothing here, so she had to rely on her eyes. A Void in the Force. And Eina was a vergence; the two different extremes.

"Who or what did this to you?" she asked him.

Eina finally looked at the building, which Greer suggested. She herself did not feel anything special, so there was no reason not to accept her intuition.

"Let's go there, what Lady Greer suggested." she told.

With that, she started towards the mentioned building. Thus, it was better seen that the entire city was made of marble-like material, or marble-like material, alloyed with some shiny metal. Nothing was damaged here, there was no dust, the place was as if it had been left a few minutes ago. Actually, it was as if time had stopped at this place. The light source gave the bluish city a golden, pleasantly warm effect. There was no extra energy sign, nothing to suggest that anything would have energised the light source or the city itself.

Anyway, there was no sign other than the lights that there was any energy or modern technology in this place. The windows of the buildings were closed, covering them as a protective layer of shiny metal. So neither of the inside could be seen. There were beautiful star maps on the ground, as if depicting the galaxy on it. A real masterpiece. In several places, the old Je'daii order, or even the ancient Ashlan symbol, was also visible. Finally, on the side walls in front of the building, there are also reliefs of knights, and the pictures depict some kind of move, like when a group moves into a new place.

"That was your idea, Lady Greer. If you want to be the first to explore the building, here is the chance." she offered kindly standing at the entrance to the building.



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon Giborot Habat Giborot Habat Tyth'xio Tyth'xio
Location: Lumis - Nathema

"I’m sorry if I was too rude and honest, I didn’t want to hurt you.

Greer smiled and shrugged with acceptance, "I was in a bad place, you said a thing, now I'm in a better place, so I guess you said the right thing didn't you. Thank you, and we'll say no more about it unless I need correcting."

She listened to the voice talking about wanting to score some glitter? Greer had seen what that stuff did to people. She looked at Eina and raised an eye brow and shook her head. "he's after drugs, that's all" she quickly turned and snapped a sharp whistle to get the attention of the Ithorian. "You! No glitter alright? Not having you tweaking out on us." It was a friendly but clearly delibrate warning to him, the Ashlans did not want to be dealing with a drugged Ithorian when they were trying to explore.

The little guy spoke up, was he flirting with her? That was a strange thing to come from a creature that was, to all outward appearances, a squirrel, she was absolutely convinced there was much more to him. She had a flattered grin on her face when she responded.

"Any reason why you feel that is a good place to start?"
"Not sure, but Ashla wants me to go thay way, so that's where I'll go," she contiued speaking as they walked, "The place we are going to looks like temple, so are you going to stay respectful? If you start defiling and Ashlan church, no amount of charm will stop me stuffing you down my kilt" she laughed and looked at Giborot "That goes for you too."

They reached door and Greer felt certain they should enter here. Eina looked at her and suggested she go first. "That feeling when the most powerful force user you know suggests you go first, hey." she said to herself as she approached the door, the handle felt cool to the touch, pushing it, it creaked open and she entered. Stepping in, her boots echoed on the steps in the cavernous space, inside was simply lit but the bright blue light outside streamed in through stained glass windows and cast strange shadows on the rows of pews. She walked over to a large vista and put her hands up, framing an angelic image wreathed in golden flames. "Hey Eina! This one here looks a lot like you" she continued around, running her hand on the pews before sitting down on the floor behind the altar that had a golden phoenix statue, untouched by the patina of age. The priest could been here yesterday.

There were two passageways here. "I don't know, it feels like we need to go down" she gestured to the left passageway "But it isn't clear, and part of me, that part that wishes to fight, wants to go up." and she gestured at the right, which led quickly to a doorway and a spiral staircase.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Aria Scavo Aria Scavo


As the pair continued to pour over the details of the situation on the planet, Heinrich noticed a familiar energy within the Force. His assumption was found to be correct, as he turned his head and noticed Oraada passing by. She had been proving herself to be indispensable at the Grand Temple on Ession since her first visit, having become a familiar face to those that worked to bring the sacred place back to its former glory. Heinrich took a moment to acknowledge her presence before turning back to the soldier, handing him the holo as he spoke.

"Make sure that the supplies are secure. I'll take care of things on this end. Should you run into any issues, you are to contact me immediately."

The Son of Ession replied with a salute as he took his leave. Heinrich turned his attention to Oraada as the soldier made his way down the hall, offeing her a smile as he approached.

"I'm glad you came, Oraada. The number of those in need of help are greater than we originally thought. I expect this place to be entirely too full before the end of the day."

That wasn't the only reason he was glad to see her, of course. Heinrich often found himself feeling more at peace in her presence, as if some of the weight of his office had been lifted from his shoulders. Perhaps even some of the weight of his past, despite the fact that he was still working through it. He motioned for her to walk beside him as he made his way through the ship.

"The people here have largely welcomed us, though there is still tension in the air. It's to be expected, considering the planet's history. It'll be the kinder souls that show the people of Nathema that we are indeed here to help."

He shot a look over to her, implying that he was talking about a certain Togruta in particular.



Tags: Giborot Habat Giborot Habat , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon , Tyth'xio Tyth'xio


Vaxis walked alone within the empty streets of the city of Lumis. Though the Jury had been deployed in considerable numbers in the wake of its discovery, Vaxis had opted to take his own path. Something within the ancient streets called out to him, beckoning him to explore every uncharted corner. Something about the idea of an Ashlan society so much older than the Crusade was fascinating to him. It showed just how old the way of the Light truly was, and the timelessness of Ashla's warm embrace upon the galaxy. It was, in many ways, incredibly vindicating.

His vibroblade remained at his side as he calmly stepped through the quiet city, his eyes scanning as he took in his surroundings. There's much to be learned from this place, he would think to himself. He wondered what secrets could potentially be uncovered... what truths were yet to be found. So many questions... lingering within the back of his mind.

As he proceeded forth, he could feel the distant signatures of his comrades. Perhaps they would make their own discoveries in this sacred place. For now, he would leave them to their own devices as he continued to press forward.

The silence kept him focused as he walked. The Nagai didn't know what his destination was, but something was pulling him in a certain direction, deep into the city itself. It was as if the city itself called to him, but only as the faintest of whispers. Whatever it was, Vaxis was determined to find the source. So he would continue sojourning forth, seeking the greater mysteries of what resided beyond. There was no rhyme nor reason to his search, save for the guidance of his faith. In these moments, that faith was more than enough for him.





Location: Nathema disaster zone
Objective: save people
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Aria Scavo Aria Scavo Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre

As the sub commanders reported in their readiness, Isla was impressed but unsurprised by the efficiency of the union between the organisations involved, data filled the large holofield as the humanitarian area was broken up into sectors with SAINT compiling the hundreds of data feeds into a managable interface. Lists of specific requirements of each area were available at her finger tips. "sub commander, what is this location here please," she spoke as the holo span to show a population center with a conflict marker. "err, that is a large detention centre, mostly political prisoners, data indicated significant issues with disease. But the Planetary authorities are denying access to our relief forces, those are KF forces in that area"

Isla shook her head, not suprising if she was honest, at every step, the transition from Sith rule to Ashlan rule had been bumpy, a government, used to Sith leadership might not want the Ashlans coming in an meeting their political prisoners, there would no doubt be concerns about sentences being overturned.

She opened her comm to Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust "Grand Master Faust, we have a situation thay required some diplomatic words to smooth over, I am taking a shuttle to the attached coordinates and leaving the Apostle in command of Captain Andrews, if you are not already engaged you are welcome to come" she left the comm after his response and headed into the room with the senior physician and several other hospitaliers jncluding Aria Scavo Aria Scavo .

"Have a look at this, eleven thousand inmates, disease rampant and refused access by authorities." The Senior shook his head at the situation looking at the pad. While he read, Isla adressed the hospitalier Sisters. "Good afternoon ladies, may Ashla guide your work. We have a lot to do on Nathema, but I always know I can count on my Sisters.. The senior handed back the pad and Isla informed him of her intentions.



Objective: Steal shit
Stuff: Some pretty rad armor, big disruptor go boom
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon , Tyth'xio Tyth'xio , Vaxis Vaxis

Where in god's green fugg did this pink skinned pig thing think it could get off telling him what to do?

Giborot regarded the Ashlans as he whirled another city corner, halting in his tracks once they made eye contact. There were a few of them, though they were all skinny little things. Easily broken if they decided to cause him any trouble -- suggesting that his spice intake might be limited certainly qualified. He kept his digits on the strap of his disruptor rifle, his four throats booming in stereo. "Maybe I'll do whatever the feth I want, and you can go jump off a bridge pig-skin." The Ithorian made a rather offensive hand gesture, stomped backward, and trundled off away from the group. He liked a good fight, lived for it really, but he wasn't about to killing the pig-skins just because they were being their usual, tightwad pig-skin selves.

Giborot found his way to the church too, though rather than meander his way in through the front doors, he found a window near the back. It was a beautiful thing, painted glass with the mosaic of some bathrobe wearing pink human thing thrusting a yellow flashlight up to the heavens. "How grotesquely self-aggrandizing." Gibby grumbled. He wasted little time in climbing up on the sill of the window, testing its creaks to make sure his enormous weight wouldn't make it collapse, and then promptly shouldering his way through the mosaic.

The glass shattered inward, and so too came Giborot, tumbling down clumsily onto one of the pews. He slowly rose to his feet, grumbling streams of curses until he once again met the gaze of the Ashlans. "That was broken when I arrived," he gestured to the Ithorian-sized hole in the window. His alien digits rested on the bulk of his disruptor rifle, yellow eye-stalks glowing menacingly in the din as he waited to see if the pink-skins would try to keep him from his plunder. "Just eh, move along."

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