Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Lost City


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

The dense canopy of New Cov's jungle cast shadows across the forest floor as Valery led the way through the lush undergrowth. The air was thick with humidity, every breath carrying the earthy scent of rich soil and the distant aroma of exotic flora. The sounds of unseen creatures echoed through the trees — chirps, clicks, and the occasional rustle of leaves — as if the jungle itself was alive and watching.

She loved every bit of it.

Turning to Vince, Valery tugged on the straps of her backpack and smirked. Her outfit was specifically chosen for her little journey through the jungle. She wore a sleek, form-fitting top with a plunging neckline that added some feminine allure. The fabric was breathable yet sturdy enough to withstand the jungle's grasping vines and thorns, and her boots were easily able to snap branches and avoid anything from piercing through. Her vest was outfitted with utility pockets, ready to house the various tools and supplies she might need. Her long, dark-brown hair was pulled back into a practical, yet stylish, ponytail, strands of it occasionally falling forward to frame her face, dampened by the humidity. Her eyes, sharp and alert, seemed to glow with a fire that contrasted with the cool, green surroundings.

She was ready.

"The city is a few miles out," Valery said, glancing back at Vince, the Crown Prince of Onderon, who followed close behind her. She was certain that he'd be curious and excited about going into the jungle, both to find this lost city and to explore the otherwise dangerous jungles she had challenged him to go into. Valery, of course, was equally as excited.

"I wonder what we'll find inside. Maybe it's just more jungle with remnants of the old city, but what if something very scary caused it to be abandoned?" She grinned, clearly hoping that it was something interesting.

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

Even without bathing in sunlight under the dense jungle canopy, the environment was humid and hot. A thin layer of mist remnants and sweat had formed on Vince's skin, causing it to glisten whenever they stepped into the occasional patch of sunlight. Still, he looked unbothered as he moved behind her with what could almost be described as a bounce to his step. Excitement clad his face and round eyes went from spot to spot as the jungle constantly seemed to reveal something new for his attention to linger at.

This day, he did not need to wear a uniform or a ceremonial one - or even need to dress formally at all. Instead, a good pair of boots coupled with utility pants and a green-beige tank-top. The utility pants had a number of large pockets which seemed to contain something. The tank-top, of course, had no storage space and instead sat snuggly on his person, revealing an impressive chest shelf and thick lats underneath. Most of the Prince's storage seemed to consist of a belt carrying his officer's saber, blaster pistol, grenades and a rope as well as a backpack with storage on the straps as well as in the backpack itself. Along with that, his rifle hung by a band which hung by his neck. Thickly muscled shoulders and arms remained uncovered. A thick machete-like knife which had been attached to the backpack's straps was being held in his left hand. The Prince's appearance seemed far more imposing now than it usually when covered by formal clothes. In a way, he seemed reminiscent of a beast whom had finally be let out of the cage.

Vince let out a bit of a chuckle "If so, we would consider ourself lucky to be travelling with one of the most adept Jedi in the galaxy." He paused for a moment, stepping over a stone and onto a thick root before returning to the path. "We shall be careful as we approach. Should animals have turned it into their nest, we should be cautious not to disturb their peace. The Beast Riders taught me many things - few of them work when intruding in a predator's lair."


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"One of the most adept Jedi, hm?" Valery chuckled and looked over her shoulder with a smirk, "Don't sell yourself short. You're a capable fighter, and this time you're not restricted by fancy clothes either." No, quite the opposite. Useful utility pants, boots that would help his feet survive in this environment, and even a tank top that did little to hide that he was built like a warrior either. For a moment, Valery looked him over, an approving smirk tugging at her lips.

Seems she wasn't the only one who had considered attire a little more for this mission.

"Well, it's more than just the predators you need to look out for here," Valery continued as they traversed the jungle, "The predators are extremely dangerous, sure, but every creature here adapted to them with their own lethal evolution. The plant life is no different, and can easily kill you in just about any way you could imagine." She spoke with a serious tone, but the smirk that lingered made it obvious that there was another reason for telling him all of this.

She wanted to see his reaction — get a feel for his adventurous spirit and figure out if this would scare him a little~

Looking over her shoulder, Valery flashed a wink, "Don't worry though, I practically grew up in these jungles. We'll reach the city in one piece, though we're not going to make it before nightfall. Do you prefer a cave or a self-made shelter?"

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

A hearty laugh followed her comment on his usual appearance. "We are not sure if you realise how good it is to be here, just the two of us with no risk of running into the press subjects, other royals or even cameras. Screaming, stumbling over, laughing over the silliest of things - we could do it all without anyone's judgement or disappointment." the somber words were accompanied by an eager smile and brilliant eyes. The Prince was bubbling with excitement. "And yes - we would like to think that you are one of the most adept Jedi. Do not think that your rank and standing within the order - or your fighting acumen - has escaped my notice."

Her smirk was most definitely noticed as the young Royal smiled back at her with a happy innocence. Continuing to follow in her footsteps, he listened to her speak of the potential dangers that could be found on the planet. Interest and eagerness mixed with curiosity for a dangerous blend and his eyes did not hide any of it.

"We spent some time with the beast riders during our youth. They tended to stay out and watch the stars whilst their beasts laid in the caves. With one option, we get to feel nostalgic, with the other, we get to try something new." he trailed off for a moment with his gaze resting upon her eyes until an adventurous glint appeared "Let us set up camp in a cave, if we should be so fortunate to find one."

The duo continued pushing on farther into the jungle with him often simply watching her back or the spots where she placed her feet whilst following. "Would you mind telling us a little about yourself? Did you grow up in one of the domed cities or did you manage out here in the jungles with your family?"


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber


Valery looked at Vince for a long moment and smiled. It was endearing to hear what excited him and realize it was as simple as being able to be himself. A moment without cameras, press, or anybody running after him for attention, recognition or to bother him with an absurd amount of questions. All he wanted was some freedom and to be able to enjoy the smaller things in life for once. It made her want to do her best to make this day memorable.

"Well, let's make the most of this, alright? I wouldn't want you to go back home, feeling disappointed." No, this had to be thrilling and adventurous, but also with humor and beautiful moments he'd never forget. Looking around, she knew that at least the latter wouldn't be very hard to accomplish.

The Jungle was stunning, and when shared with the right company, it was absolutely perfect.

"A cave shouldn't be hard to find. If we stay close to the cliffs, we'll see them everywhere. Just... some aren't too spacious." She blushed just faintly and beamed a warm smile. No matter what they'd find, she was hoping to show him the Jungle at night. The sky was so clear because there was barely any pollution on the planet, so they'd be able to see all the stars.

It had always been relaxing to stargaze.

When he asked her a question, Valery looked over her shoulder and chuckled, "I went with the Jedi when I was very young, so I never really knew my family. I was brought to a hidden Temple here on New Cov. Not quite a domed city, but it's also much safer than the Jungle. The Jedi Beastmasters made sure that no dangerous animals reached our grounds by communing with them."

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

A smile quickly grew on his lips with a nod. He took a few quick steps forth to place a large hand on her shoulder and spoke a steady "There is no risk of that." The hand lingered for a while as faithful eyes lingered on hers before a narrow path between two large tree trunks forced him to fall back in behind her once more.

From behind, he was completely unaware of the rosy tint that had taken her cheeks. Instead, Vince nodded along with a deep voice of light contemplation "That is likely for the best. We are not entirely familiar with New Cov, but if it is anything like the jungles of Onderon and Dxun, it will get cold at night. A smaller cave would serve us well." It was better than the desert - warmth did not immediately disappear with the sun but it did still shift quickly.

He looked to her with curiosity when she spoke of her early days. He faint smile touched his lips when she mentioned the people from her past. It was not quite the fully committed happiness which he usually displayed - something was likely on his mind. Still, he did not do anything out of the ordinary and simply carried on. "Not in a domed city? Few other than the Jedi could accomplish that feat. Perhaps the beast riders would be able to do something similar - but that, we will never know. Should we come into a precarious situation, we might have a trick up our sleeves." he shot an almost playful look at her before continuing to express interest in her. "Have you ever considered coming here to settle down more permanently? We have noticed that you are not wearing your robes" his eyes went up and down her outfit before swallowing hard and returning up to meet hers.


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Good, I just wanted to make sure." Valery's smile widened as Vince's hand lingered on her shoulder, his touch grounding her amidst the jungle's dense and untamed surroundings. As they continued, she found herself glancing back more often now, curious to see the expression on his face when he wasn't aware she was looking.

He really was enjoying this.

"A small cave it is," Valery said with a lingering smile, "I know these parts, so I'm sure we'll run into one soon enough. We can set up camp, collect some firewood, and have some time left to see the stars." She wanted to show him the clear night sky, even if it meant losing an hour or two of sleep.

They could rest plenty after some stargazing.

The mention of the domed cities and the Jedi finding their own safe haven brought a fond smile to her lips, memories of past adventures flickering briefly in her mind. "It wasn't easy, but sometimes it's good to break away from the expected," she said, her tone playful yet thoughtful.

When Vince's eyes traveled up and down her outfit, Valery couldn't help the flush that crept up her neck, her cheeks warming under the attention. She quickly turned her gaze forward, though the blush remained, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Jedi robes and jumpsuits are great for the temples and most missions, but out here? Well, it's easier to adapt, to be more… flexible." She looked over her shoulder at him and dared another grin.

"As for settling down... not here," Valery said with a sigh, "As much as I love the jungle, it's not the place where you'd want to raise a family, and I prefer to keep my home closer to the Core, so it's easier to travel between the Temple and where I live." Which meant she got to see her children more often.

"What about you? Do you see yourself living on Onderon for the rest of your life? Or do you secretly wish you were able to live somewhere else?" She smirked, but she was genuinely curious about this.

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

The papers, the bloggers and the paparazzi had all caught the young Royal blowing off some steam at a party or snapped a few photos of him sporting with friends or spending late nights with a drink and a few companions on a raft or small isle in the archipelago outside of Iziz. The public image created by those events showed one side of an otherwise somewhat quiet person. A person who enjoyed smaller contexts far more than wild nights out and large crowds. A content smile formed on his lips when she mentioned stargazing together. "We would like that" he spoke with a warm and young voice.

An almost relieved look could be seen spread across his face as she talked about the jumpsuit and the advantages of it in the jungle. Although haven grown up with courtly intrigues and important diplomatic meetings, he had shown relatively poor skills in keeping a good poker face. The conversation continued and just like before, he would wait for her to say her piece whilst listening with interest.

"We were born on Onderon, and should the stars be so kind, that is also where we shall take our last breath." For someone who had just shown signs of yearning for freedom and liberty, the Prince seemed rather genuine in the statement. "The people of Onderon deserves a monarch who is fully committed to their wellbeing. The horrid day when the Queen is no longer with us, the duty to serve them will be ours. And there is nothing we wish for more than to serve them well." It was clear that he meant every single word he had just uttered. The weight carried and the many insecurities he wrestled with were but a few layers underneath.

He shook his head as if wanting to move on "But all Royalty will likely have the exact same answer at this age" he joked with a chuckle and quickly proceeded "We find your side much more interesting. A jungle as aggressive as this one might be too extreme, that is a good point. We have heard that Tython used to be pleasant. Perhaps it is a good alternative for the long-term. What about the others? Does the rest of the family have a preference?"


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I'm glad to hear that," Valery said when he talked about one day ruling the planet and wanting to serve his people, "That you really mean it, that is. I wasn't born into the Jedi or in any family with power, so I don't know what it's like. But I wouldn't blame someone for not wanting their blood to determine their future." That didn't seem to be the case with Vince though, and he wasn't just becoming a ruler because it was his destiny.

No, he actually cared a great deal about his people.

"It's comforting to hear that good people will be rulers." She offered a smile but didn't let the conversation linger when he seemed to have questions of his own. A part of her would have loved to live on New Cov, and perhaps she might one day build some kind of residence here.

But he already mentioned the reason why she wouldn't do it now.

"My family is very happy with where we live currently. We've built a home on Niv Hani, a relatively new settlement where survivors of Panatha established their new home. It took some time for me to get used to it, but the people and my family have done a lot to make me feel welcome."

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

A humble smile appeared when she mentioned not blaming someone for wanting something different. A chuckle followed her mention of how good people would rule. Monarchy - outside of a mere representative one - was a hit or miss system. But then, heirs could be groomed from birth. Soon, apparently having thought about what she said once more, he looked away, as if unable to look at her. "Thank you" he uttered, gracious and hiding a shy smile behind a brighter and happier one.

"Niv Hani?" he looked to her curiously "We may not have read much of it before. Is it temperate? Let us guess: You settled a bit away from the nearest city?" a friendly glint could be seen in his eyes as he threw the guess out at her but before offering much of a chance to answer, he'd nod up ahead, eyes widening "Hold!"

What looked like a chasm appeared to block their path to the other side. It was hard to notice, for massive trees grew from down below and still towered up high above them - what gave it away was the lack of shrubbery and importantly, a far way down to the ground. His eyes ventured from one side to the other "It must be four or five meters at least. We might not be able to make a leap that far." he spoke with an analytical tone, showing no fear of embarrassment or signs of pride in her presence.

Patting his belt to show her, he mentioned "We did bring rope" before walking up next to her to look out over the chasm "But you know the lands. If there is a bridge nearby..." he trailed off with brows raised enthusiastically. The obstacle did not seem to dampen his mood in the least.


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Good guess," Valery said with a warm smile, choosing not to poke at him for the shy smile she just barely spotted, "Niv Hani is a temperate planet in Alliance Space. It currently has one big city and a few smaller towns, but it's expanding very rapidly," she went on to explain, "We built our home close to one of the smaller villages, so we can walk there for groceries but still live in peace. There's a forest and a lake nearby, and I've got a really nice garden and plenty of space." She chuckled, realizing that she was painting the perfect picture for what she wanted her home to look like.

But it still took some getting used to, especially with the Epicanthix and their culture.

"I even-"


Valery paused and smirked when she looked across the chasm they had run into. They'd likely encounter a lot more obstacles like this, but they were largely fun and exciting to her, "I can pretty easily make the jump, but we can use ropes." She'd have to wait for him on the other side, otherwise, or carry him while she jumped across.

Climbing with ropes was a bit more adventurous and a lot less awkward.

"No bridges anywhere. These jungles are mostly untouched," Valery said as she began to pull her own gear from her backpack and waist. It wasn't going to be a terribly long climb to the other side, but more than enough to give them quite the view across the terrain.

"Do you want to go first?"

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

The pleasant resting smile which could so often be found on his lips had grown broader as she spoke of the home she had made for herself. It faded quickly, however, when he spotted potential danger. Of course, nothing seemed to come of it as they stopped in time and had a solution at the ready. His brows rose as she confidently proclaimed to be able to make the jump with ease.

A chuckle escaped him when it seemed like she had decided to take the rope with him instead. "If you can jump across, by all means" he spoke with a smile and gestured for her to go ahead with his hands. "Would you like for us to help carry anything heavy? If you would be so kind as to help us tie this rope to a tree on the other side, we should be able to bring it along without any issues." He leaned his head to the side and pondered for a brief moment before continuing "Of course, we shall not take the chance to use the rope away from you, if that is what you desire. We cold make a lasso and swing over to the other side without too much trouble."


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery looked across the chasm, chewed on her lower lip, and finally turned back to face him with a grin, "If you don't mind me also taking the rope... I'd like that," Valery said, perhaps to his surprise, "The Force can make many tasks in life much easier, but we're taught not to use it when we don't need to. Selfish use can lead to us cutting corners or growing disconnected from the people around us. It'll become a crutch we rely on more and more, and that's not something I ever want to happen." She puffed out her chest, placed her hands on her hips, and looked at the other side.

They could easily climb across.

"I'll get the lasso across and I'll let you climb first." It allowed her to assist or step in if something were to go wrong, and well, she wouldn't mind watching him climb across first. She was curious how well he'd hold up, but with those biceps, she doubted that he'd struggle much at all.

Reaching for the rope, Valery tied a knot into it to form the lasso and swirled it around a little, "I bet I can get it around that tree in one attempt," she said with a smug grin. The Jedi Master then turned around, wound up the rope, and threw it across to snap the lasso around the tree.

"What do you think? Confident it'll hold?"

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Very well, the rope it is." there was a sense of enthusiasm in his voice as he gazed out over the obstacle in front of them.

"Those are some wise w- word" he spoke, first calmly until seeing her strike a new pose. Whilst not startled or displeased, he did quickly avert his gaze to once more look out over the gap in the ground.

He offered a nod upon hearing her wanting to throw the lasso. He watched her tie it before taking a step back to let her throw it without him getting in the way. "We would be a fool to bet against you" he spoke with a confident smile. A calm little applause followed as the lasso seemed to have made it to the other side and attached itself to part of a tree.

"Good job" he commended her whilst approaching to take the rope. First he pulled it gently and noticed that it did not seem to budge from its position on the other side. He then put his back into it upon pulling harder. Whilst the tree did budge somewhat with the power produced by his pull, it was far too stable to concern him.

A mischievous smirk grew on his lips as he nodded "Climb over, right" With a quick couple of moves, signifying that he had done it in the past, he tied the rope around his waist before taking a strong hold around the rope in front of him going to the other side. A playful glint in his eyes could be seen before he charged to hop over to the other side. Just like he had initially expected, he failed to make the jump but he did not fall straight down either. Instead, he managed to hold on to a large rock whilst planting his feet in the dirt wall. Now, in the stance of a rock climber with way too much gear, he started to climb up quickly, sometimes pulling at the rope for leverage.

Once up, he immediately laid down on the ground filled with laughter He said something about how fun it was but the exact words would be lost in the laughter. Eventually, he untied the rope from himself and tossed the end over to her. "Should anything happen to the knot or the tree, we shall be here to pull you up" he said, picking part of the rope on his side of the chasm up with both hands.


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Hm?" Valery turned around, catching the way Vince quickly averted his gaze. She blinked in surprise before a playful grin spread across her face, realizing what had caused his sudden distraction. A soft chuckle escaped her, but she decided to focus back on the task at hand—getting across the chasm.

After expertly securing the rope around the tree, Valery handed the other end to Vince, watching with amusement as he tested the rope's strength. The tree shifted slightly under his pull, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Alright, easy there, big guy," she teased, stepping closer to pat his shoulder with a smirk. "If you rip the tree in half, this is going to be a lot more difficult." She winked, her smirk turning just a bit more mischievous.

When Vince made his dramatic leap, only to end up clinging to the side of the chasm like a rock climber, Valery couldn't help but laugh. His infectious laughter made her shake her head in amusement. "You sure know how to make things interesting," she called over to him as he tossed the rope back.

With the rope now secure, Valery stepped up to the edge, her gaze sweeping across the chasm. She grabbed the rope, and with a determined grin, began her crossing. But rather than simply climbing hand-over-hand, she added a bit of flair — swinging slightly to gain momentum and using her agility to make the climb seem effortless.

Halfway across, she looked back over her shoulder, catching Vince's eye. With a playful smile, she called out, "Watch this!" before she used the flexibility of the rope to start bouncing up and down. Faster and faster, until she suddenly used all of that momentum to launch herself in the air, perform a flip, and land on her two feet next to him.

She was without a doubt showing off now, but why not have some fun?

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

A hearty laugh was offered when hearing her jest about ripping the tree in half. Judging by the somewhat enlarged biceps and shoulders, he had yet to release the grip completely. "The tabloids would have a field day if they ever discovered us doing that." his tone was light and there was a playful glint in his eyes as he looked down to her. A smile started to grow on his lips as his eyes lingered by hers until he finally decided to proceed with crossing the chasm.

Once over and having enjoyed himself for a bit as well as tossed the rope over, he looked to her as she was about to cross. An impressed brow rose "You sure are confident, Grand Master. No safety lines and with a companion who cannot bring you back up with a mere thought."

His expression had been premature, of course. For soon, she put a bit of flair into it all. A lot of flair. His eyes filled with fear and concern as she moved and he quickly approached the edge of the cliff, seemingly fully prepared to take a bit of a risk to catch her if she were to fall. Of course, her landing was as elegant as the flip. He turned to her and let out a relieved breath. "We have gone through much together" he begun, his voice warm and seemingly calming down from a thrilling experience as he transitioned to the next phrase "We trust you a lot. But keep in mind, that we cannot provide the same security a Jedi traveling companion would."

There was a fair bit of seriousness in what he said - but his words were still warm and his eyes glimmered at her with a friendly warmth. It was not a reprimand, but a humble heeding. The Prince then flashed a smile and patted her on the back as he added a low "And let us be clear, that was most impressive. Now, let us figure out how to get as much of the rope back as possible. We think it might be time to set up camp, sooner, rather than later."

As he mentioned looking for a way to get the rope back, he rested the hand which had just been by her back on his hip as he leaned a little closer to her whilst drawing his blaster with the other "We could probably hit it without too many issues from here."


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

After her landing, Valery couldn't help but notice the mixture of awe and worry in his eyes and tone. He seemed impressed by her little stunt, but as her friend, he also worried that he'd not be able to help if something were to go wrong. She appreciated that care and kindness, even though she would have been fine if she had fallen from the rope. That fact didn't matter — she focused on him caring enough to talk to her about it.

"I appreciate it," Valery said, "But don't worry. I wouldn't do anything to seriously endanger myself without reason." Still, she offered him a smile. One that grew into a smirk when he patted her on the back and made it clear he was still impressed. It'd have been a shame if he didn't enjoy her little show, after all.

"Agreed, we should have our camp set before nightfall. We need time to gather wood for a fire, too." She turned to him with a focused expression but blinked again when she realized how close he stood to her. A gentle blush seeped into her skin once more, and like every other time, she tried to hide it by turning away quickly.

A little too quickly.

"You think so? I'm not a great shot, so I'll leave it to you." She briefly chewed on her lower lip and eagerly waited for him to take the shot. As much as Valery could show off with her Force abilities, Vince had skills of his own worth showing.

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

His eyes followed her turning away, just a little bit too quickly. A soft and mellow smile grew on his lips as she did. When the smile grew wider, he quickly looked down to allow his lips to return to the resting smile they normally carried. By the time he looked back up, she was already halfway through her last sentence.

Looking over the chasm to where the tree the rope was tied around he thought for a few moments before leaning his head from side to side as if evaluating something. Finally, he spoke a spontaneous "We think you could do it. Here, try" he offered a an encouraging nod and smile as he handed her his blaster - the same model that he had given to her in the past.

"Of course, we hope you will not have to use it - but if you do, let us make sure it is with a bit of practice. Do you know how to hold it properly?" he spoke with a friendly tone before demonstrating how to hold it by forming his own hands if if holding the weapon with both hands holding it with a firm grasp- "The punch of this blaster is light enough for it to used with a single hand, but beginning with two should make it a little easier to learn. Now, line the rope up, try to see if you can use the iron sights. The tip at the end of the barrel is your point of reference, the two at the back are to see that it is properly aligned. Look for symmetry."

He watched her patiently and would - if needed - tenderly raise a hand to help adjust her stance a little if needed. "Alright, let's begin with a straight back and straight arms, okay? We can get into the more intricate positions later."


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Me?" Valery blinked, looking up at him with a hint of surprise. She hadn't expected him to hand her the blaster, especially without knowing if she could even use it properly. Though she had taken some lessons and knew her way around a pistol, she decided it would be more fun to play along.

For reasons.

"I could use some help," she admitted with a convincing smile, her voice carrying a playful undertone. She could feel the warmth rising in her cheeks, both from the little lie she told and from the closeness of his presence. As he stepped in to adjust her stance, Valery purposely kept her arms slightly bent and the blaster a bit too low, giving him every reason to step closer and guide her.

When he reached around her to correct her positioning, she felt her heartbeat quicken, a subtle thrill running through her. "Like this?" she asked, her voice softer now as she peered through the iron sights. She steadied her breathing, focusing her gaze as his hands gently guided hers.

Once she received his signal, Valery pulled the trigger, the shot ringing out through the air. She couldn't help but smirk, knowing full well she didn't need the help, but thoroughly enjoying the moment.

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

'Me' she wondered, looking somewhat unsure. The Prince offered a steadfast nod. She could do it. Likely better than he realised.

The two began working on getting her stance, and ultimately aim, right. At first, it seemed to be going relatively well. Standing roughly half a meter to her side, he reached out and helped to adjust the position of her upper and lower back and comment on widening her stance. Still, some things were not going very smoothly at all.

With a careful step, Vince moved closer and put the back of his hand onto the small of her back whilst using his other hand to tug a bit at her wrists to straighten her arms out whilst maintaining the posture they had worked on so far. By this point, she would likely feel his breath by her ear. When her arms still weren't properly aligned, he let out an apologetic "If we may." before taking another half a step to move in behind her. The hand which had been placed by the small of her back now moved to her shoulder with the middle and index fingers going out along her arm to help align it. Meanwhile, his other arm reached for her wrists once more to further the efforts. Had his frame been smaller - the two of them would have stood close indeed. Now, however, a small bit of distance would be maintained as his chest hovered close to her head. Rather purposefully, he allowed his upper body to be far closer to her than the lower half.

With eyes fixed on her arms and hands, a focused voice, resembling that of a concentrated pool player, spoke close to her ear "This should be good." His fingers adjusted her arms just a little bit further "A deep breath, then pull the trigger. Take your time."

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