Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Lost City


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Of course," Valery said, permitting him to adjust her stance. As he did, Valery felt the warmth of his breath against her ear and couldn't help but smirk. He was being careful, keeping just enough distance to maintain propriety, but she decided to test him a little and tease the Prince of Onderon. She shifted her weight slightly, deliberately pressing her lower back into him as she leaned forward to take the shot, closing that gap he'd so carefully maintained.

"Like this?" she asked, her voice playful, with just a hint of challenge. She could feel the tension between them, a mix of excitement and nerves, and she enjoyed pushing him just a little further. "Deep breath, right?" She inhaled slowly and steadied her breathing, letting the moment stretch out before she finally pulled the trigger. The shot rang out across the chasm, and Valery actually managed to hit her target.

Both because of his help and previous training sessions, but she'd not admit to the latter.

Once the shot had struck the target, she looked back over her shoulder at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "How was that, hmm?"

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

'Like this?' she asked, after pushing up against him with her lower back. His belt was filled to the brim with equipment. Although the blaster had left its holster and the rope was bridging the gap, the pommel of his knife, a torchlight, commsunit and a few other items were all there. The Jedi was bound to feel something poke against her as the two of them made contact. Instead of answering her immediately, he took a moment and slowly stepped back a few centimeters "Excuse us" he spoke, with a hint of discomfort or awkwardness in his voice

He then got back to business. "That is excellent." She knew to hold her breath and he simply nodded. Although he could not be entirely sure that she could see him, their proximity ensured that she would be able to tell that it was indeed a nod.

A big smile flared up when she hit the target. The hands which had been by her arms for potential support and adjustment were slowly removed as to not cause a disturbance. He also took a small step around her and raised a hand for a high-five. "Outstanding! For someone who claims she cannot shoot; you did very well." The speech was about as formal as it always was - likely, it was more than something he just put on for show. The enthusiasm was there too as a bright smile shone at her.

He then moved closer to the edge to start pulling the rope up, consequently letting his back face her. Whilst working, he turned his head to the side to speak to her. "We apologise for earlier."


Outfit: Jungle Outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"It's quite alright," Valery said with a smirk, having felt his equipment before he stepped back. There was a teasing glint in her fiery eyes as she turned slightly to watch him, her expression composed but with a hint of playfulness that she didn't bother to hide. She understood the awkwardness of the moment, but instead of letting it linger, she decided to diffuse it with a bit of lightheartedness.

As Vince turned his back to her to start pulling up the rope, Valery took the opportunity to compose herself fully. Her fingers lightly brushed against her own hand, still tingling from the high-five they had shared. The warmth of his praise and the genuine smile he had given her lingered in her thoughts, making her feel a bit more at ease despite the earlier tension.

"You know," she began, her tone still carrying that playful edge, "You're a pretty good teacher. Maybe with a few more lessons, I might actually get the hang of this." She let her gaze drift back to him, the smirk still playing on her lips as she observed his focused demeanor.

Should she tell him about her previous lessons?

...maybe another time.

"And don't worry about earlier," she added more sincerely, "These things happen in close quarters. I think we handled it pretty well." With that, she stepped a bit closer, ready to continue with the task at hand, but still carrying that genuine, confident energy that she always seemed to exude.

"You ready to keep going?"

Vince Vince

The Lost City
Exploring with Valery Noble Valery Noble

Despite actively working on pulling the rope back in and ordering it in a ring to hang it back onto his belt, the young Royal's broad shoulders fell as she spoke with lightheartedness and grace. A relieved smile grew on his lips whilst he continued doing his task.

His head turned to her right when she suggested a few more lessons. His eyes carried doubt, confusion and a bubbling sense of eagerness. The Prince truly had yet to show the sort of poker face one might expect from a person who had spent most of their life at the Royal Court. "Learning to properly handle the blaster could come in useful if you ever find yourself unfortunate to be in that situation." he stated before pausing to think for a brief moment. "A few more lessons would be our pleasure to provide. Odds are that we shall be spending some time to build relations on Coruscant for the forseeable future, perhaps we could meet there."

He offered a pleased nod upon hearing her brush the situation behind them. "Yes, let us be off." Vince stood back up and hooked the rope to his belt once more. He would wait for her to take the lead and follow. While he might have been comfortable in a jungle, this was rather clearly her home turf. "The sun seem to be setting. In a thick jungle like this one... we both know what that means. Are there any nightly predators we should be weary of?"

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