Mandalorian Legend

The War for Kestri continues.
The Enclave was no longer aware what, or who, they faced. Not only were they fighting the Praetorite Remnant, an ancient and twisted faction of extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong that had mutated and evolved under Kestri’s harsh conditions, but the fauna and weather of the planet as well. But they also knew what they were fighting for.
It was vital that they recover all the keys to the Mind Forge, the sentient and intelligent Forge that required no operator to fabricate and control weapons of great power. Such an ally would be vital for the Enclave; similarly, the Mind Forge would be a terrifying foe, and if it was lost to the enemy then it would be a devastating blow to the Mandalorian people. Kestri had the potential to be a new Mandalore, a secret kept from all the galaxy except those who would seek refuge there.
But first, Kestri needed to be won back.
They’d fought in the catacombs of the Temple of Javarr. They’d swam through the sinking docks, facing terrors of the deep. But now, the Praetorite Remnant was becoming more and more utilitarian. Their leader, the High Priest Bolg’orok, had decreed that these Mandalorian intruders be exterminated. And so in secret a force of Vong had been dispatched to Kestri’s moon to establish their first step of a counterattack: a series of sensor shrouds preventing transmissions from being sent or received.
There was only a limited number of Mandalorians on-world when the shroud began broadcasting. Now, they are the only ones who can destroy the shroud, lest they be stranded on the planet for who knows how long.

- Descend into the co-opted facility to destroy the Vong tech placing the system under a broadcast shroud. Expect heavy resistance, and do not expect any reinforcements. You’re on your own.

- Wyrmhaven: Scout data of the moon has shown that there are large tunnels that traverse through the moon’s crust and minor tremors that shake it periodically. Any number of strange or mutated monsters could be here; you are here to ensure that they do not disturb the team destroying the shroud.
Akshae Dragr
Aloy Vizsla
Aria Nox
Aro Vizsla
Aselia Verd
Caeos Prahl
Corvus Dravere
Darsch Vizsla
@Emberlyn Rekali
Forjund Australis
Gaia Sunaris Cadera
Hinah Dragr
Jan Kryze
Jebaaj Skleros
Jerrick Shado
Jett Vox
Jiriad Galaar
Kale Onara
Kell Nedrann
Kandosii Ka'rta
Kar Bakar
Karsan Munin
Kaz Vizsla
Kelisea Dragr
Kes Stag
Khyr Beviin
Kranak Vizsla
Kytana Horizonis
Lana Cuyan
Leenic Ellsil
Merrax Quez
Mig Gred
Miria Tanau
Nix Avyena
Oya Skirata
Radon Krayt
Rav Bralor
Rito Hust
Rixa Numeck
Saram Kote
Sera Sen
Seris Vant
Sinya Ani
Siv Dragr
Stardust Solus Skirae
Tahlah Vizsla
Talon Aegis
Tan'yill Vizsla
Rhavik Mimbev
Tarre Priest
Thom Betna
Torrack Torrackstur
Tristan Ortega
Tyran Numeck
Uriel Kahn
Ursula Vizla
Vaux Gred
Vren Rook
Wen Tzu
Xero Lang
Zephyr Krayt

Aro Vizsla

@Emberlyn Rekali

Hinah Dragr
Jan Kryze
Jebaaj Skleros
Jerrick Shado

Kar Bakar

Kaz Vizsla

Khyr Beviin

Merrax Quez

Rav Bralor
Rito Hust

Sera Sen

Sinya Ani

Tahlah Vizsla
Talon Aegis

Tristan Ortega

Uriel Kahn

Zephyr Krayt