Preliat stared around the club, noting the Zeltron and the Bounty Hunter speaking, the Sith personas, the other handful of faces. But here - he was here to drown in his loneliness and his woes in a bottle. The demon drink, filled his bloodstream with such calming solution. It numbed his senses, blocked his memories, and gave him insight to what he really wanted - more. More of the demon drink. Music pulsated in his ears, bass around him shook his armor. Crushgaunt-adorned hands grasped the drink again, some vile liquid that went straight to his head. He cringed, shutting his eyes tight.
He stood, feeling dizzy. He was fine to walk, but he was far too hurt to do anything particularly hard. He made his way further to the dance floor, catching looks from girls, and others alike. Mandalorians were still a sight to behold, nonetheless with the decorations that he wore. Tally marks on his shoulder armor, the shawl from his home planet. The hair. He stepped forward, stumbling after a moment, slamming into a booth, holding his eyes, enjoying and hating himself at the same time.