Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Objective: A - holding the paremeter outside the fort.

Location: Outside the fort
Allies: The Primevil, [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Enemies: Mandalorians [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] @olivia demadas ?
Gear: Blaster, double bladed vibro glaive. Seated at a turret inside a Multipurpose Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Unit: Golden Banner

Strength: 14/20 MIFV + 79/120 infantry
Objective: Causing trouble for any mando reinforcement trying to reach the fort
Location: Outside the fort, fort paremeter.
Controller: Ka-Aver

Post: 5

With the monster laying his eyes on Ka-Aver the weequay warrior sensed death. Ka-Aver was a formidable warrior and had trained close combat since he was an infant. But one hit with that hammer and it would all be over. As [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] started his approach Ka-Aver leaned his upper body forward, resembling a cat ready to leap.

The monster knocked over yet another MIFV who went tumbling through the air landing on its roof several meters away. Ka-Aver cursed.

"Wut the hellz iz thiz thing..." he mananged before they finally were face to face on the battle field - the terrible hammer arced through the air meant to end Ka-Aver in one swift blow. Decisvly he pushed his legs onto the rock behind him and leaped up and to the side. Flipping his body barely escaping the huge hammer head. As it sdmashed down creating a crater where Ka-Aver had stood the mere shockwave caused Ka-Aver to stumble to the side and trip over. With a roll he managed to regain his footing but was slightly dazed.

He would be an easy target, a sitting duck.

Then, out of nowhere [member="Vilox Pazela"] appeared. Ka-Aver blinked as he realised that it had been enough to distract the monster. He regained momentum and flipped forward once more landing slightly to [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] side. In an ever flowing motion he ended the move with sweeping his glaive across the ground aiming for the monsters heel tendons.
Location: Bomb room
Objective: Disable the bomb
Allies: [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"]

Xe was still in the middle of catching xir breath when Jun Nez piped in through the comlink, his voice similarly labored. The sound of footfall in the background let xem know that the Kel Dor was following xir tracks down the length of the detention blocks — not very hard, considering the sniper hadn't tried to cover them in any way — but most of that was obscured by the man's near-panicked shouts.

Self-serving and rash as Laguz was, an impending explosion that could possibly level the whole mountain and its immediate surroundings — if not more; it wasn't like xe could ask the bomb — was convincing enough, and the tone of Jun's voice was… troubling. Without any ado, the shifter crossed the last few meters and fished out xir trusty knife, the paws disappearing in favor of the opposable thumb that would come in handy as xe attempted to defuse the situation.

Xe had already unscrewed the rusty metal panel on the side with a few dextrous twists of xir wrist, casting it aside carelessly as xir heart thrummed wildly in xir throat. It wasn't xir first, and very hopefully not xir last, but it was certainly the biggest bomb xe'd ever put xir hands on. The shifter's mind flashed through the information Jun Nez had relayed a few moments ago, connecting it with the insides of the explosives in front of xem. It was lucky xe hadn't put the knife to the wiring yet, or the quake that shook the ground again might've sent them all down to Netherworld, express and first class. While not exactly a walk in the park, the Field of Blades was interesting enough, and certainly better than this.

The heat was unpleasant, but there were worse ways to lose a couple of extra pounds put on during the lazier summers on some garden world. Xe would've done xir best to enjoy the sauna as xe worked, too, but the annoying scrabbling and scratching behind the duracrete and durasteel walls of the mine was growing louder and louder.

Xe whipped xir head around, abandoning the bomb in a flash as xir knife clattered to the floor in front of the device. A loss xe would mourn in a moment; currently, xir self-preservation instincts were kicking in, flesh bubbling and transforming like a pliant mass of living, highly horrifying clay. With no bonds to restrain xem, Laguz went from golden to black fur in the time it took to blink an eye, maintaining the size as xir jaw broadened and xir muzzle flattened, the eyes of the barabel assuming almond shape to mirror theirs.

Xe grinned and disappeared amid them, an Alpha whose size had never before been witnessed by Kremlin eyes. Laguz, banking on the classic adage 'Might makes right' would intimidate the swarm of small creatures, leaving Jun Nez to deal with the bomb. As the shifter began asserting xir dominance over the horde of beasties, the ground would start to shake again, the tremors growing ever closer and stronger, dust and debris falling off the ceiling in flecks as xir teeth clattered. The crescendo was becoming almost unbearing, xir blood roaring in xir ears as it sought desperately to pinpoint the source of the incessant rumbling.

Then, as if somebody had cut the tension with a lightsaber, it stopped, xir heart squeezing just once in xir chest before a massive screech of pained steel and crumbling duracrete reverberated across the room, and an abyssal mouth opened behind Chaos Maxtor and Anija Ordo, where the stairwell met the wall of the room. It was much smaller than its siblings of the old, nigh starved from the many years of hibernation deep in the bowels of the planet, but it knew the taste of war, like all Vong creations, and it would beckon to its call; always.

Wayland... You fear to go into those mines. The Mandalorians delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Tantiss… a Chom-Vrone.
Location: Objective B, Jungle
Enemies: [member="Garrus Garon"] | [member="Muad Dib"]
Allies: [member="Damien Daemon"]

Backpedaling while slashing with a heavy sword was generally not a winning combination in terms of strength. Then again, it didn't take all that much force to hack through one of Bal'gul's tentacles. Thankfully for the Iyra, he never had to find out just how much tentacle a Mandalorian could cut if a Mandalorian could cut tentacle.

As two of Bal'guls sabers lashed out, the vandal's blade arced down. A pair of tentacles sprouting from the sides of the cephalopod immediately moved to pair, crossing their blades above the endangered tentacles to form an x. The beskad hammered into the middle of the x, sending a cascade of sparks flying. Bal'gul would have counter-attacked with a saber, but three of his rear tentacles were out of commission due to serious burns. All he felt back there was numbness and occasionally sharp flashes of searing pain.

The cephalopod noted that the Mandalorian was moving steadily backward, but unfortunately he could not follow him. Every inch of forward movement would be agony due to dragging shrapnel and burnt limbs. Instead, as the Mandalorian sought to disengage, Bal'gul let him.

Bal'gul drew upon the Force as he reached out and pulled on the inferno directly behind his adversary. The effect was much like a precision-guided breeze hitting a wall of fire. Tongues of roaring flame and hot cinders blew toward the Mandalorian's back. Since the humanoid did not have eight eyes, Bal'gul deemed it impossible for him to recognize the attack from behind, but one could never be certain. Even so, with the ray shield down the humanoid's would be in troubled waters. The flames might not cook him immediately, but the embers would likely have a way of finding their way into crevices in the armor and making the fellow terribly uncomfortable.
Objective C
Location: Bombside
Allies: [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear: Personal Armour | Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

Impending doom, or how I learned to ignore the doom and love the bomb.

As Jun Nez was getting his breath, he saw and felt a figure closing in fast on the same room as Laguz was in, then soon another person was closing in, even faster. He barely got the chance to warn Laguz, before the first creature had arrived in the room with Laguz. Jun Nez stumbled down the last step of the stairs and into the room, when the other person arrived in the room too. He was surprised on how this creature and person had arrived so quickly, when they had been at substantial scanner range until now. He did not have time for delay as he looked over at the sniper and saw, how it had already begun disabling the bomb.

At this moment the ground began to shake; dust and small pieces of rock fell from the ceiling as he had taking a few strides closer to the bomb, ignoring the creature and person that were appearing on the far side of the room. He saw the worried look on the Sniper’s feline face as it in an instant looked at the wall and then changed to a giant furry creature with sharp teeth and became one with the mass of monsters emerging from the wall near the bomb. However, it appeared the sniper had become one of them. Jun Nez was ready to shoot until there was nothing left to shoot, but the mass of creatures that had begun swarming towards him, changed direction and aimed for the mandos. Thank the gods, he thought to himself, but as he thought that the rumble suddenly came to a halt as the stairway he used to enter the room with turned into a rock pile. He looked back and when he looked in front of him again, he saw how there were two mandos on the other end of the room and behind them a Chom-Vrone. He thanked the gods once again and ran up to the bomb.

When he got to the bomb, he picked up knife that Laguz had dropped and now that he was closer, he could get a proper deep-scan of the bomb. He took his hand, gripped the nearest wire not connected to the bomb, and began siphoning its energy to boost his scanners, but not too much, as this would cause him to blow up his helmet, again. “CAN’T YOU HEAR THE DRUMS!” He yelled as the drums in his head had become increasingly louder. He had quickly scanned the entire structure of the bomb and he knew exactly what he needed to do, to disable it. It was the same as turning off an engine midflight. You just had to remove its fuel and reverse. As the scanning had finished, he let go of the wire and looked at the schematics now inside his helmet. Using the knife Laguz had so nicely dropped for him, he used the magnetic powers in his glove along with remaining energy from the wire to weld it in place in between two plates of durasteel. He then grounded himself, rerouted the power from his helmet to his boots, and took hold of the nearest metal beam. He then thrust his hand in between the plates, so it would touch them both and the knife. His other hand he used to grip the central power-wire inside the bomb. *FZZT* *CRACKLE* *Pooof* He was sure he could see his brain for a few microseconds and was that the smell and taste of Java spice? The bomb stopped making any sound as only smoke was emerging from it now.

The klaxons had stopped, and the lights went dark for a few seconds, but then they flickered on in that cool yellowish emergency lighting only a mother could love. This was when Jun Nez realized his scanners had stopped working and so had his left arm. "Feth" he said as he looked over at the ball of fur and teeth that was still there, why did the sniper and mandos have to be that slow, he tought. He then took three steps in the direction of the tunnel before taking a knee and let his body adjust again. The drums had also disappeared, he found that weird.
Location: Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]-Outside Bomb Chamber
Allies: [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | @A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: See Bio

Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mt. Tantiss Complex Tunnels - Base of core
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]

Elgyn smirked under his mask as he felt a tapping on his shoulder. It was Anija with a glop grenade in his hand. He loved those little things: adhesive foam to disable and immobilize a target without harm or explosions. It was a good way to slow down an enemy or cause a little bit of disorder. Elgyn like disorder, following in her wake he plucked his remaining two glop grenades from his weapon harness. It might have been the constant rumbling and seizures of the walls. The quaking and creaking were not beyond Elgyn’s ears. However, being himself, he would deal with whatever the sound was when it would come. There were few situations he could not keep calm in. But that wasn't to say that his companions wouldn't keep calm in his barrage of constant banter.

"Holy New Line Cinema!"Elgyn yelped as he peeked around the corner to see the herd of fuzzy monsters stampeding towards him and Anija.

Peering down at the two grenades in his hand he took a mental note that things were about to get messy. With a push of his thumbs the grenade's activation ring twisted and Elgyn released both grenades to cover and paralyze the wave of hairy critters.

“That wasn't the bomb” Elgyn Commed pointing out the obvious unaware of just exactly what a Chom-Vrone was...
It’s just tequila and the beach
Objective: C
Location: Eventually be useful
Allies: [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Ebenezer"]
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear:[SIZE=10.5pt] Sexy good looks, Sonomax Sonic Pistol, purple lightsaber, jungle variant of Armor[/SIZE]

Ok. So that was a long walk, and one cave in… Followed by what? Detention cells? They were cool. Look? She thought she knew what this place was. It was where robots dressed like doctor doom threw snitches at a gunslinger and his team after they stole twins and turned them back to their village all ruined. All so they could start dismantling the beams that held up existence. That was totally what this place was. And Token really didn’t want to stay.

So that was why she got moving.

“Need a lift?” The blonde tipped her head, and picked up the boot. Croke-filled-Boot. Not God Mod, there was writer permission on the other side of the fourth wall.

End of detention block.

And another cave in? Who the hell built this place? Surely not dwarves. One cave in was expected. But two? It was like divine providence was trying to keep her away from the rest of her team. And little creatures. That was quaint. Probably should get to those guys first.

“Hold on a second.” She whispered, more to her Croke buddy, and then she looked at the beasties. “Uh.. hi?” She bit her lip from behind her armor and began whispering a spell. She was reaching out with the Force, she was a witch, but… not a witch. Still, she could feel the little critters in the Force, and was definitely putting out a ‘I’m your friend’ vibe. Surely that tool could be used. She was a mid-level witch with a love of anything with a pulse.

Location: Wayland, Jungle
Objective B
Enemies: [member="Bal'gul"] [member="Damien Daemon"]
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"]
...the withdrawal Garrus had made was strategical in a sense however the Warrior quickly noted the Bal'gul did not follow him, allowing the withdrawal to occur, enabling him to fall back out of melee range. Initially Garrus didn't suspect foul play however it soon became apparent that his assessment of the situation was wrong. By this point the Mandalorian was mentally exhausted, the battle he'd won previous to this having taken its toll on his psyche, which meant that even though he, physically, had sustained very little damage he was starting to feel sluggish. Of course mental and physical fatigue were somewhat different. When Garrus felt the heat rising at his backside he'd have come to an abrupt halt...

...the tongues of flame started to lick over him from behind, embers splashed across the back of his Beskar'gam and he actually cried out once...
"GAH!"...the surprise he felt as one of those embers found a sweet spot in his armor beneath the right armpit and started to sizzle against the armorweave beneath. Every suit of armor had chinks, cracks, weak points and most of them were actually fairly similar in nature. Anyways the rising heat began to cook Garrus armor, the touch of fire was no laughing matter most times, the embers themselves sparked against his shoulderplates and other pieces of his armor as they showered across him. The Garrus went down...

...not fall down in the literal sense but as the flames and embers began to wash over him Garrus took a knee. Embers and fire would wash over him like waves from an ocean propelled by the subtle tug of the force that Bal'gul employed but that cascade did more than heat the Mandalorians armor it washed over, spread around him and eventually would be drawn beyond him. Making himself smaller when he knelt down Garrus actually allowed the fire to flow beyond him more easily like a crashing tidal wave which would have the simultaneous effect of igniting the flora ahead of him as well. Bal'gul probably had nothing to worry about, the two of them were out of range of one another after all but Garrus could still retreat away. A combination of the heat and the fire would likely put Garrus out of this combat for the remainder. No doubt. Bal'gul on the other hand still needed to contend with the fact that there was fire in front of him and fire behind him...

...the Mandalorian rose up from where he'd been kneeling, his left arm had come across and tucked into his right armpit where the ember had found a mark, his Beskad still held tightly in his right hand. The Beskar'gam he was wearing literally smoked. Breathing became labored with only the air scrubber in Garrus Helm ensuring the oxygen supply remained clean and the Warriors limbs grew tired. Once he was on his feet he'd withdraw again, further away into the inferno and away from Bal'gul and with fire all around him Garrus would be cooked, his body would surely be burned but he felt some satisfaction; he'd used the environment as a cagey trap for Bal'gul...

...the tentacled monster was wounded, slower than it had been and it was also trapped in front and behind by fire, a fire that was spreading. Garrus could survive retreating through the flames thanks to his armor even if he emerged on the otherside half dead, exhausted and incapacitated the question was how would Bal'gul fair in the flames?...
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandolorians [member="Conner Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Gear: Link is in my sig for the rest of my gear. Just to clarify though my jetpack has been replaced with ysalamiri nutrient frame

The world shook beneath the mandalorian warrior in such a violent manner that not even his ysalamiri was able to protect him from the force attack. Those that were paying attention to the legendary Mando, they would see his left injured leg buckle in mid stride. Then they would see Garon face-planting into the ground on such an epic level of failure that the impact had jostled the lizard into cardiac arrest and instantly extinguishing the force nullifying bubble of protection.

"Frak!" The old man cursed as he struggled to right himself. His vision slightly blurred at the face to ground contact but he was able to make out the flatline life reading of his lizard. This was not a good sign, he knew the lizards were fragile but of all things that had occurred in this battle a simple fall was what broke the camel's back for the Ysalamirir. the little creature's heart could not take any more of the excitement of the battle and the violent impact must of scared the beast to death.

"Fraking coward!" Strider would growl as he rose to his feet, discarding the battered tube from his back. There was no point in hiding the fact of the lizards death. The force wizards before him would sense the void being disintegrated. Guess it was time to fight old school. The old man gripped his grenade launcher and fired a round off at the two Primes, while he would try and close the distance the best he could on them.
This is just a NPC post.

Allies: [member=Arrbi Betna] [member=Olivia Dem'adas] [member=Zathra Fett] [member=Kezeroth the Beholder] [member=Rhodessa]
Enemies: [member=Zambrano the Hutt] [member=Vilox Pazela] [member=Ka-Aver] [member=Anja Aj'Rou] [member=Keira Ticon] [member=Mard Szaks]
-1 Mythosaur Walker
-4 ReedemerTanks
-50 Infantry
-18 are in bunkers
-32 in guard towers
-Vilaz Munin

Activity within the jungle was known by scanners within the military complex informing strategists of the wave of hostiles that was heading for the shore. Infantrymen in the bunkers that were also the first line of defense were shortly notified by command and prepared themselves for another invasion of parasites. The almighty Mythosaur also prepared its cannons to rage death on their guests. Seconds ticked away without a single trace of projectiles being fired from their user and hit whatever target they were aimed for. They could fire at that time, yes, but it would lead the result of wasting more ammunition than reaping the lives of the enemy.

They waited and could hear the roar of an animal in the jungle. Wasn't any roar from a native specimen, but it was a roar of aggressiveness, of violence, and of hatred. Then the running of the bombers came.

In the solid frozen ground before the line were dozens upon dozens of mad men who's sole purpose was to explode with or without a victim. A sick and disgusting way to use their army it was. Of course, the Mandalorians were artists of war, but never have they conducted experiments on their own to win battles like the damned Primeval were doing to these suicide bombers. Was there pity of these souls? Perhaps, but that didn't lay down their guard for these controlled souls that had no free will or independence.

From the bunkers full of weapons and lives and Mythosaur slugs and blaster bolts flew through the air at the wondrous, beautiful ice that these bombers were trekking to approach the bunkers. It would be painted with carnage and blood on the carbonite ice. Some bombers were lucky to come to a bunker and kill Mandalorians as well as themselves. The Mythosaur was still untouched by these savages.

The four Reedemer tanks continued their order and were now aiding [member=Kezeroth the Beholder] against the many soldiers he was facing. Knowing the history of this tank he wouldn't have any problems with the infantry, but he would receive a hand with armored vehicles. With the main turret of the four tanks they opened fire at the vehicles and allowed the Gen'dai to kill any foot soldiers.

-There are now 6 soliders in the Bunkers
-Mythosaur is firing at the suicide bombers
-Infantry in bunkers are firing at suicide bombers
-Reedemer tanks are aiding Kezeroth and firing at the [member=Ka-Aver]'s vehicles
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Primeval [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Conner Load-out
Viccae Assault Rifle

Conner was a good twenty meters from his target when he started firing, it meant that there wasn't a lot of breathing room in terms of range and firing. With the blast bugs being accelerated at about the same speed as a blaster rifle bolt this meant the reflexes of this force user was very impressive to redirect blast bugs at that short a range. It told Conner a few very specific thing, he was experienced, he was powerful, and in all likelihood he was a Sith Lord or elder of some kind.

Quickly trying to leap to the side the bugs went off and caused the man to his fly forward slamming chest first into a tree. Ribs broke and internal bleeding was a definite. Conner coughed blood and checked the vitals of the Ysalamari, vitals were weak but he was still alive. It was certain that in a few minutes this lizard was going to die and they would be torn apart by these force users. Staggering Conner looked up at his father to see he was getting ready to fire a grenade launcher. Conner looked over and saw his destroyed rifle and knew that his father was going to die if he didn't do something. So clenching his fists Conner took in a deep breath of air and spoke clearly and in basic.

"I love you dad." And that was it.

With his jump pack activating he rushed forward with just enough fuel to make it towards the two sith, extending both of his arms he extended them to try and either hold the both of them down while the grenades came in to kill them all, or at least knock them off balance or down so the three of them would be caught in the blast range. Chances were if he pulled this off and both grenades were successfully detonated he wasn't going to make it out alive. Once he closed the ten meter gap the force users were inside the Ysalamir's force neutral bubble, this meant that they wouldn't be able to influence the grenades coming in within a few moments. Sometimes sacrifices needed to be made.
Location: Jungle, Objective B
Enemies: [member="Garrus Garon"] | [member="Muad Dib"]
Allies: [member="Damien Daemon"]

The propensity of Bal'gul's antics to backfire was high. This he knew. Toying with fire resulted in weals, ash, and little else. But Bal'gul had no other choice. Unable to move with the Mandalorian's swiftness, nor to stand for long against the bludgeoning strength behind the quadruped's arms, Bal'gul continued to utilize the only effective tool he appeared to have left.

As the loricated troglodyte fell to a knee and hot embers and flames rushed over him and toward Bal'gul, the Iyra dipped into the Force and loosed a push as quickly as he had the pull. A gust blew forth, blowing against the raging inferno and pushing it back toward the Mandalorian, who by now was lost in red-orange fire and the all-obscuring smoke.

The smoke was so prolific, in fact, that Bal'gul began to release more minute Force pushes just to move the clogging smoke away and enable him to breathe.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one​
Objective: A
Allies: The Mando'ade; [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Enemies: The Primeval; [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
The wind whipped his black cape behind him as he and his metal beast descended on the battlefield. As he neared the ground his HUD lit up like a Wookie's Life Day tree. Reports from all over were coming in, Fort Monroe was still under heavy assault. The old man grunted and gripped his beast's controls tighter. This was becoming one hell of a battle, he trembled with excitement. As he fell through the clouds, he could faintly see the fires of war below. He pulled up his control reigns and red light flashed from the bes'uliik's photoreceptors. It spun, its wings shot out to the sides and its engines roared to life as the droid finally took control of their decent.

<Skirata.> He recognized the voice, an Ori'ramikad that been moved to M.A.S.S. It seemed they were around as well. Were the Primeval really such a threat to the Mando'ade? He pushed the thought aside and raised two fingers to his comlink,

<Su'cuy vod! How goes the battle?>

<On our end relatively well.> There was reservation in his voice. He was worried.

<Well now I'm here so you best get your men in gear and fall in on me.>

<Where are you sir?>

<You'll see soon enough.>

"Hehehe..." Gilamar's fingers danced over the controls as the Primeval soldiers below realized the metal monster was coming to rain death from above. He cut the engines as a volley of blaster fire came his way. Giant beskar claws came up to protect the rider and fell to reveal the charging shockwave generator rods at its nose. A bright yellow light filled the darkened sky as the concentrated sonic blast melded into a plasma burst with starship shredding stopping power. Its sound was deafening and echoed on the battlefield. To his surprise the Prime's tank things still stood. Not for long.

Beskar claws pierced the hull of a MIFV near [member="Ka-Aver"] as the Ex-Mandalore made his arrival, crushing it beneath its weight and velocity. Fire erupted around the black beast. Servos whined and strained as the besuliik pulled itself from the wreckage of the MIFV. Metal plates vibrated as it roared declaring its dominance over the pitiless machine which it had just ended.

<We see you Gil, incoming, danger close.>

Shatter missiles flew over the duo as they stepped from the flames, engulfing the Primeval assault in a new evil, an attack from their left flank. Thirty strong, thirty kin, thirty men and women with nasty metal friends. The left flank was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Objective: A
Allies: The Primeval; Anja Aj'Rou; Zambrano the Hutt ; Keira Ticon; Ka-Aver.
Enemies: The Mandalorians; Kezeroth the Beholder; Gilamar Skirata.

| [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Ka-Aver"] |

The strategy behind Vilox Pazela's attack on Kezeroth the Beholder was to distract the beast from the Primeval and trick him into believing that he was entering a real duel with the Dark Master. The Force Illusion would have tricked the beast into believing that the battle was still going on around him, so that he would believe he was still in the thick of the battle, held in the fabric of reality. There, Kezeroth would be held in an endless loop in which he believed he was only one strike away from ending the Dark Jedi, ready to move on to his next challenge; and with each strike, Pazela would rise again until the illusion served it's course; and then he would finish Kezeroth, when the beast was at his weakest.

Then Gilamar Skirata attacked.

The soft chill that had crept along the back of Kezeroth was the beginnings of the illusion that would have brought about his down fall. Manipulating the dark side of the Force, immersing himself in it's power, the Dark Master expanded his hold, switching out from his original plan. He envisoned himself leaving the battle with a defeated Kezeroth, where he would make him serve the Dark Jedi and his nefarious plans, leaving the Battle of the Mandalorian Wayland to the Host Lord and her forces. Eliminating Kezeroth would have given Anja and the others the advantage they needed. But reinforcements meant that Pazela's own battle strategy would have to adapt with the new scenario Gilmara Skirata had created with him joining the battle.

A purple glow overcame the Dark Master as he lifted his hands in front of himself, chanting a strange dialect that couldn't be heard over the sounds of the battle. Powering the illusion with the ancient words that he spoke beneath his breath, Pazela's illusion was not an attack on the mind- as it would have been originally with Kezeroth- but on the battlefield itself.


Rising up from the ground were the bodies of the men and women- both Mandalorian and Primeval- that had already fallen to their deaths. Necromancy was something that those scholars of the dark side- both Sith and other dark side sects across the galaxy- was a power that had been sought for and studied for thousands of years; and it was fabled legend that it was possible to see the dead rise again to strike down those that had brought about their death.

But to the naked eye, it appeared to both the remaining Mandalorians and Primeval were witnessing the rise of zombies to combat the former, when in reality it was a trick. For the Dark Master was versed in many skills, necromancy was something he did not know how to do, but instead knew of; and so he would trick the battlefield into believing that now they were under the attack of a zombie hoard, which rose to up to cut off Gilamar Skirata's men and the former Mand'alor's own assault.

In the epicenter of the battlefield, standing directly across from Kezeroth the Beholder and his undying rage stood Vilox Pazela, the Dark Master of the Primeval, who was weaving a Force Illusion that was making everyone think that the Mandalorians were now under attack by Zombies. Nearest to Kezeroth and Ka Aver were the deceased members of the Primeval that the beast had just crushed; and they rose up to attack the beast, to bring out the worse of him: fear.

And in the ensuing chaos, death and fear that came about before and after the illusion, Vilox Pazela fed on it all to empower himself and his powers in the dark side.
Objective: A - holding the paremeter outside the fort.[/background][/font]

Location: Outside the fort
Allies: The Primevil, [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Enemies: Mandalorians [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] @olivia demadas ?
Gear: Blaster, double bladed vibro glaive. Seated at a turret inside a Multipurpose Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Unit: Golden Banner

Strength: 12/20 MIFV + 51/120 infantry
Objective: Causing trouble for any mando reinforcement trying to reach the fort
Location: Outside the fort, fort paremeter.
Controller: Ka-Aver

Post 6

Ka-Aver spun his glaive in front and around himself, the intent was to severe any fingers or larger limbs getting to close to the weequay. He felt assured that together with this new arrival, some sort of Primevil sith lord they could hold this monster at bay. At least for a while.

Then a loud explossion sprung from a MIFVS AS [member="Vilaz Munin"] s tanks opened fire.

"Crapz..." Ka-Aver cursed and got distracted just as [member="Vilox Pazela"] used his mind powers on [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Ka-Aver never had a chance to realise if the monster indeed was trapped in a mind game or not. Because the next second the closest MIFV was crushed under [member="Gilamar Skirata"] and new mando reinforcement arrived to the field with him.

"CRAPZ!!!" Ka-Aver recognised a tight spot, it was not the first time he had found himself on one. Although perhaps not this tight...

Six of the MIFVs managed to scramble to counter the four tanks arriving as the remaining infantry tried to dig in to gain some cover from the fire of [member="Gilamar Skirata"] s men.

With the towering Kezeroth in front of him Ka-Aver tried to back off, searching for any mean to set up communication with his remaining MIFVs. Clearly they were underperforming without a firm hand to guide them.

Then the ground went dark. The very air turned cold and with dread Ka-Aver realised this battle field was nothing he had ever come across before. Slowly and with twisted moans the dead, mando and primevil rose from their rest.

" .. crapz... " Ka-Avers jaw dropped. For the moment he was frozen in a state of fear and disbelief.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Objective: A
Allies: The Mando'ade; [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Enemies: The Primeval; [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ka-Aver"]

Chills ran down Gil's spine as the groans of the damned and the stench of rotting flesh filled the air. Was the stench so powerful that it was getting through his air scrubbers and sealed suit? He pushed the idea from his mind as his droid began rocketing towards another tank as some of them moved to engage Vilaz's tanks. It had been many many years since the Dark Harvest event and the visage of the walking dead was disturbing. It was curious though that his droid was simply plowing through them like they were nothing...As the droid closed in on a tank, its beskar armor piercing claw raised high to strike...and a fallen fell onto the controls from the claw with a thud.

Its soul-less eyes looked up at him as it groaned. The old Mandalorian's eyes shot open in surprise, a quick, deliberate facial gesture caused the slot in his leg to hiss open and launch his Mandalorian combat knife into his open and ready hand. With one hand on the creature's throat and the other holding the knife, with a grunt he brought it down into its head. A sickening hiss, crack, and gurgle left the creature's skull as Gil squeezed the knife's hilt, releasing a burst of CO2 that sent unspeakable things all over his armor with a splat. He brushed it off his droid and it fell to the ground with a squish.

His Bes'uliik hissed in annoyance, Gil had stabbed the controls. Gil sucked his teeth,

<Sorry girl.>

The droid grunted again in slight annoyance as its claws ripped through a tank's hull allowing Prime soldiers to scurry to safety. With its nose in the tank like an animal searching for lost morsels the shockwave generator rods released a blast destroying the tank from within. Blaster bolts from the tank crew fell against the droid's deflector shield and only brought death to the crew.
Location: Outside the Fort, Behind the Enemy.
Allies: Mando! - Olivia Dem'adas [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Enemies: Primeval - Ka-Aver (<-- Main Target) [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Objective: Become a real Necromancer..Of threads ** Exiting post**

Dark-Devil Helm ( Head ) - Condition: Fine and dandy.
CEAS-Final Cybernetic Armor Suit ( Armor) - Condition: Ruined, though some plates still remain on Keze's body.
Mk.I Convergence Rifle ( in hands) - Condition: Ruined.
Bone Crusher ( Back ) - Condition: Usable and abuse-able.
Convergence Pistol Sidearm ( holstered on side) - Condition: Ruined
Ray Shield Grenade x3 - Condition: Damaged but usable.
Bandoliers of Ammo - Condition: Ruined

As the dead began to rise up and fear stirred amongst the faces of men all over Kezeroth was unphased and did not noticed till he saw the look of pure terror on @Ka-Aver. Taking the moment to turn around and look at those around him he forwned as the dead began to rise and slowly swarm at him and almost everyone else. It was a buzz kill to get so far and not be able to finish a fight, especially a one on one fight! It pissed the Gen'dai off. [member="Gilamar Skirata"] was also here? The mandalorian seemed to have the same reaction but with more experience behind it? For Kezeroth this was the first time he had watched the dead rise in person and his reaction was nothing compared to those around him, With his age and simple minded nature all these undead were to him were more bodies to hit around and destroy and that was an action he did not want to repeat again.

"Karking magic!" he grumbled at the mysterious hooded man who summoned them. Slamming a foot down the Gen'dai realesed a meduim force repulse to get some space and crouched down. His chest expanded as if he took in a deep breath and suddenly he exploded up in a Force Jump away from the conflict. Kezeroth didnt have much honor but the fight that was interrupted he would feel anger for days due to the events that occurred.

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