Objective: A - holding the paremeter outside the fort.
Location: Outside the fort
Allies: The Primevil, [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Enemies: Mandalorians [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] @olivia demadas ?
Gear: Blaster, double bladed vibro glaive. Seated at a turret inside a Multipurpose Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Unit: Golden Banner
Strength: 14/20 MIFV + 79/120 infantry
Objective: Causing trouble for any mando reinforcement trying to reach the fort
Location: Outside the fort, fort paremeter.
Controller: Ka-Aver
Post: 5
With the monster laying his eyes on Ka-Aver the weequay warrior sensed death. Ka-Aver was a formidable warrior and had trained close combat since he was an infant. But one hit with that hammer and it would all be over. As [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] started his approach Ka-Aver leaned his upper body forward, resembling a cat ready to leap.
The monster knocked over yet another MIFV who went tumbling through the air landing on its roof several meters away. Ka-Aver cursed.
"Wut the hellz iz thiz thing..." he mananged before they finally were face to face on the battle field - the terrible hammer arced through the air meant to end Ka-Aver in one swift blow. Decisvly he pushed his legs onto the rock behind him and leaped up and to the side. Flipping his body barely escaping the huge hammer head. As it sdmashed down creating a crater where Ka-Aver had stood the mere shockwave caused Ka-Aver to stumble to the side and trip over. With a roll he managed to regain his footing but was slightly dazed.
He would be an easy target, a sitting duck.
Then, out of nowhere [member="Vilox Pazela"] appeared. Ka-Aver blinked as he realised that it had been enough to distract the monster. He regained momentum and flipped forward once more landing slightly to [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] side. In an ever flowing motion he ended the move with sweeping his glaive across the ground aiming for the monsters heel tendons.
Location: Outside the fort
Allies: The Primevil, [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Enemies: Mandalorians [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] @olivia demadas ?
Gear: Blaster, double bladed vibro glaive. Seated at a turret inside a Multipurpose Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Unit: Golden Banner
Strength: 14/20 MIFV + 79/120 infantry
Objective: Causing trouble for any mando reinforcement trying to reach the fort
Location: Outside the fort, fort paremeter.
Controller: Ka-Aver
Post: 5
With the monster laying his eyes on Ka-Aver the weequay warrior sensed death. Ka-Aver was a formidable warrior and had trained close combat since he was an infant. But one hit with that hammer and it would all be over. As [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] started his approach Ka-Aver leaned his upper body forward, resembling a cat ready to leap.
The monster knocked over yet another MIFV who went tumbling through the air landing on its roof several meters away. Ka-Aver cursed.

"Wut the hellz iz thiz thing..." he mananged before they finally were face to face on the battle field - the terrible hammer arced through the air meant to end Ka-Aver in one swift blow. Decisvly he pushed his legs onto the rock behind him and leaped up and to the side. Flipping his body barely escaping the huge hammer head. As it sdmashed down creating a crater where Ka-Aver had stood the mere shockwave caused Ka-Aver to stumble to the side and trip over. With a roll he managed to regain his footing but was slightly dazed.
He would be an easy target, a sitting duck.
Then, out of nowhere [member="Vilox Pazela"] appeared. Ka-Aver blinked as he realised that it had been enough to distract the monster. He regained momentum and flipped forward once more landing slightly to [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] side. In an ever flowing motion he ended the move with sweeping his glaive across the ground aiming for the monsters heel tendons.