Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: B, Jungles
Allies: Primeval, [member="Laguz Vald"] (On Communicator)
Enemies: [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Gear: Signature

The plants bit at him, dug into him and began to cut into the armorweave that was protecting his legs. He bit his own tongue, wanting to scream, reach down and pull the plants off of himself.

Yet he knew that was a mistake.

There was only one way he was going to stop those plants, only one way he was going to end this. He saw the stick heading for his face with his peripheral vision, his eyes going wide as the stick went towards him. The hand that held the knife sailed towards the branch, his wrist slamming into it. He heard a slight crack, though if it was the stick or his bone was hard to tell.

He bit down hard on his tongue, stiffing the pain.

Then he did the only thing that he could think of, the only solution to his current problem. His arm wheeled back, his hand forming into a fist, and then it shot forward. Over and over again he would strike down at the woman, hopefully hitting her in the face again and again until she was unconscious.
Location: Jungle, Objective B
Enemies: [member="Garrus Garon"] | [member="Muad Dib"]
Allies: [member="Damien Daemon"]

Ah. And there came what he'd been waiting for.

Plunk. Plunk. Plunk.

The sound of the loricated ignoramus' grenade launcher.

Blub. Blub. Blub.

The sound of Bal'gul's wet, grandfatherly chuckle.


The sound of Bal'gul's subsequent Force Push. A Force Push which slammed into the oncoming incendiary grenades and blew them backward. Directly at Garon. Oh he would undoubtedly attempt to dodge. Perhaps even get away unscathed. But it is rather remarkable, you know, having your own weapons suddenly turn on you in the blink of an eye. Some might even venture to say it is surprising. Perhaps he'd caught him off guard, hmmm?

Or perhaps not.

Perhaps the fellow would roll, or fly or do some other manner of avoidance techniques. It mattered little. He would still have to deal with an uncomfortable reality when he came back to earth. The jungle's humid climes could not resist incendiary grenades, however damp the air might be. When the incendiary grenades landed, well.... boom. Only this time the shrubbery surrounding the mandalorian would be set alight. And he would have to deal with an inferno.

Beskar protected the wearer from a number of obstacles, but it could not prevent the occupant from being cooked alive like a lobster.

While the incendiary grenades hummed toward Garon, Bal'gul erupted from the morass of flora like the tentacle monster he was and all eight lightsabers came to life with wicked snap-hisses.
Location: Wayland, Jungles
Objective B
Enemies: [member="Bal'gul"] (Primary), [member="Damien Daemon"] (Secondary)
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"] think that a trio of Incendiary Grenades shot into the vicinity of where that tentacled monster was last seen could be so instantly and accurately be fired back at him would have been something that Garrus found remarkable. If he had time to mull over the occurrence anyways. Regardless Garrus was still crouching down after he'd unleashed the salvo from the Micro Grenade Launcher and focusing ahead so he would able to see the Grenades as they shot towards their intended target, which was a radius around the last vicinity he'd see Bal'gul, then were abruptly flung back at him mid flight. That said this wasn't the first time Garrus had fought a force user either, a tentacled monster maybe, so his surprised was measured only by the fact that he undoubtedly learned what his opponent was...

...crouched down as the grenades sailed back towards him Garrus would have uttered a...
"Feth."...from underneath the cover of his helm before his legs uncoiled and he sprang forward instead of away or to the side of the grenades. If all the grenades were being propelled directly back at him he'd dive forward, under their arc of fire, ensuring that they landed in the brush behind him. At that point the subsequent immolation of the jungle behind Garrus was his worry not being caught directly in the middle of the fire. Even so as the Mandalorian was picking himself up off the floor of the jungle he'd have felt the heat on his backside, underneath his armor he'd begin to sweat and the grim horror of being burnt tugged at his mind. Willpower allowed Garrus to swallow his fear though, to temper it and he was back on his feet...

...the Heavy Beskar'gam hadn't escaped unscathed, there were actually a few licks of flame playing across the armor but diving down and ahead seems to have saved Garrus from much of the unpleasantness that would have followed were he directly in the path of the grenades when they erupted....

...climbing back onto his feet Garrus would have seen the slimy tentacled monster erupt at a distance ahead of him, all wriggling mass and eight, count em eight, lightsabers. One for each tentacle. The Warrior wasn't exceptionally concerned just yet though. If Bal'gul wanted to wriggle his way across the distance to engage him he'd still have a ways to go considering the distance they would have been at previously. No worries though Garrus would oblige him. Walking ahead, a pace none to quick nor lagging, the Mandalorian strode towards the tentacled creature and away from the fire that was lighting up the flora behind him quickly. The Vornskr Scattergun in his right hand was raised, Garrus used the hud in his helm to mark the distance between himself and Bal'gul, then when he came to the maximum effective range of 20 meters he squeezed the trigger and unleashed a hail of durasteel pellets towards the monster simply to test its response while staying well out of melee range...
Location: Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | @A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: See Bio

Sweet estrous cycle, the chemistry was flying from the start!

The punch impact took him a bit off guard. He wasn't expecting such an act dominance; was he supposed strike him back? No, that couldn't be right. Yet for a moment he pondered how he might get back at Hokan. Perhaps he would, in the coming months, skinshift into Ms. Detta’a form and then slip into his bed and deliver a real censored scare. El’s smile shifted into a grin. There was no need for the humans to know he was over eight centuries old. There was also no reason to let the alpha male know that a human, even clad in the finest of beskar’gam was still human, and their weak fleshy forms popped so easily

<<<"I'll take point, Briika on my six, and that leaves ad'ika here last.">>>

“ ...that cheeky, Klingon speaking...You won't be calling me a kid when you see me blow something up with my mind!” Elgyn playfully barked at Hokan down through the hole. “I forgot stealth is supposed to be a thing…” He said with a carefree shrug at Ms. Detta followed up by a laugh at Briika’s remark before her descent.

Humming a little tune as he plopped down at the holes edge he grabbed the cable with his crushgaunts and followed as requested while softly singing to himself.

“...Macho, Macho maaaaaan! I wanna be a...” ♬
Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mt. Tantiss Complex Tunnels - near the top of Computer Core
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]

We are near the top of the core. Our detour with the lifts has eaten up about five minutes. Edits have been made from my original post to adjust for this. Please be sure to post you EXACT location.


Anija shook her head at Elgyn's comment over comms, grinning slightly under helmet. She was just waiting for him to get punched for that one. That was most definitely not a comment to make to a Mandalorian woman. Looking around at the others in the lift car with her (A'den and Darth Wyrrlok), Anija shrugged. That was something the other two would have to sort out later.

But for now, they had other more pressing matters to attend to. The squeal of the lift mechanism against the lift cables attested to it's age, and for the first time, Anija thought that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea after all. At the time, it had seemed the simplest and quickest option. Now... not so much. That sound worried her.

They continued their downward travel for perhaps another twenty minutes. Suddenly, the pair of lifts lurched to a stop. The suddenness of it threw all occupants off their feet, and quite possibly caused them to land in awkward positions. The lift cars swayed on the cables, much like a pendulum. The cars still swayed precariously, and as Anija picked herself up along with her fellow vode, she took stock of the situation.

It was as she looked around and tried to get her bearings in the dead lift that she heard the staccato pop of the small charges Graad had set off. Frowning slightly, Anija narrowed her eyes, prompting ANNE to magnify that area on the sensors. They'd blown the lift floor. While it could work - it had blown the floor out - it could very possibly have damaged the cable as well. Force only knew how old the cables themselves were.

Knowing the men and women of Hyperion Mining, Anija knew they would have run fresh cables when they'd set up the mine. Which meant, that at best they were six to ten years old. Not bad in the grand scheme of things to be certain, but it was still risky. As such, Anija sighed and keyed her comm to Graad. <You're welcome to continue your climb down the cables, if that is what you intended by blowing the floor.... but it's not exactly the fastest way to the objective...> she reminded him over the comm channel.

As she spoke, Anija stood carefully in the middle of her lift car with the others around her. A deep breath and she reached into the Force, grasping the lift car with a phantom hand in the Force. If there was no power to be had, she would create her own. At least until they reached their destination or hit a collapse in the lift shaft. Which was very possible. Slowly, the lift car began to move downward along it's cable until it came even with where Graad, Briika and Elgyn dangled from the cable below their own car. <Hop on top of the car... and then climb inside. I don't think that cable is safe.....> she said after a moment as she felt a spike of warning.

The cable below Graad, Elgyn and Briika sheered off, perhaps ten meters below where they currently were. Gritting her teeth, Anija held her lift car in place with the Force, hoping they would take her advice. The trio had made a fair bit of distance, but Anija didn't want to risk it. They weren't all that far from where they would have to shift, anyways. At least if the map she had was to be trusted.

She waited, hoping they would use the remaining cable to swing over on top of her lift car. The distance between them was a matter of less than ten feet, and would be made simpler by the fact that her car was below them. Once she'd waited another minute or so, she began moving the car downwards again. The map Anija had presented several possible routes to get to the objective. One... which ANNE had helpfully highlighted in orange led them a bit out of the way.

While it might have been far safer, the team was running out of time fast. After a few more minutes, the lift car reached the switch over point. Slowly, Anija brought the lift car to a halt at the level indicated on her map. ANNE had overlaid the map on her HUD and provided a moving indicator to show their current location and progress. After a moment's thought, Anija whispered a few commands to ANNE, and then had the AI send the same bit of programming to the rest of the team. With no power, they had to force the lift doors apart.

That took a minute or two of grunting and straining by a few of the Mandalorians before the lift doors parted. She frowned at that. Maybe it was best to leave the doors open. <Alright people, here's our switch point....> Anija took a moment to outline the path they would be taking.... which differed slightly from ANNE's original projected route. The corridor to the next bank of lifts was mercifully short, and Anija found herself nearly sprinting through it as she clambered over the debris piles which littered the floor.

Once they'd reached the lift, Anija frowned and gestured them all into the same lift. it might be a bit cramped, but they were designed to carry men and heavy equipment down into the mine, and what remained of the complex. Once they were all side, Anija began moving the lift downward in much the same manner as she had before. <You may want to grab onto something, I'm going to speed us along...> she warned, gradually increasing the speed of the car. She kept it low enough that the inertia wouldn't be throwing anyone around, but still faster than they were moving before.

As Laguz continued his mad sprint down the stairs, he would stumble upon a rather large cave-in which blocked his progress further. The stairs before Laguz were now covered in concrete and large pieces of debris. Rocks and debris blocked the majority of the passage which led down to the detention blocks, but it was still somewhat passable. It would however, slow Laguz down by a few minutes.
Objective: Travel to Fort Monroe and assist there
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"] and Mandos
Enemies: The Primeval

Verz had acknowledged Anija's request for him to get to Fort Monroe as soon as karking possible, but he didn't leave right away. Even if she had outranked him he wouldn't have. He had seen too many Mando squads get ambushed when heading to an exfil point to not leave some protection for their escape route.

The warrior had organised thr platoon he was patrolling with into defensive positions on and around the mining platform. They would stay and guard this area, allowing the team in the tunnels time to complete their objectives.

The Field Marshal looked around, noting only Anija's speeder. He would need something more substantial if he was to ride into combat. So he raised her on the comm.

"Anija, ner vod, do you have a better ride than that dingy old speeder? If I hoof it back to the base, there won't be any Primeval scum for me to kill!"
Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mt. Tantiss Complex Tunnels - near the top of Computer Core
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | @A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: in bio

<<<"I have a plan... just keep the car moving, Briika and I will have the doors open by the time you get down there, and if our vod here wants to help he's welcome to.">>>

Graad chuckled under his buy'ce and let go of the cables. Briika and Elgyn would get the picture. While Graad didn't see a jet pack on the other male, he had the feeling the man had enough tricks up his sleeve to handle the fall. After all he made the comment about blowing someone up with his mind. If he could do that, he could stop himself from going splat against the duracrete shaft floor.

The drop was about 100 meters, and Graad let out a whoop as he fell. This wasn't anything like falling out a ship and dropping through the atmosphere of a planet, but this was as close to it as he could get in a mine. Fun, this was was fun. Graad loved fighting, he loved defying death, as much as he loved his farmstead.

His HUD was calculating the precise moment he needed to ignite his jet pack to slow his descent as his fall was feet first. When the viewer flashed red, he tripped the control for the pack which stopped him just in enough time to gently touch his feet to the bottom. Hopefully Anija could keep the lift from dropping on them, but right now it was time to get the doors open as this would put them out about at the bottom of the main core. They were likely on foot from this point on, but at least the descent was fast.

<<<"I want to avoid blasting it if I can. Anyone got something that will cut through the metal quickly?">>>
Location: Mount Tantiss maze [MAP]
Objective C: Run the maze!
Allies: [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Nandiach_Ankah"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | @A'den Shereshoy
Gear: TS-1

The distant screams of xir allies would ring briefly in xir ears, echoing down the narrow tunnels of the massive, labyrinthine mine, but Laguz was, for once, keeping xir eyes on the prize. Getting distracted could mean their death, and xe had no wish to be buried alive under some half-assed Mandalorian mountain, or — even worse — getting blown to bits by some ungodly doomsday machine. I mean, really; who designs these things?

Only a hint of xir smile remained, a ghost lingering on xir lips between fast breaths as xe pounded down stairwell after stairwell, xir chest aching, xir muscles straining. Might as well retire and start entering professional Olympics as a sprinter. Yes, that sounded nice. No impending explosions looming, no beskar-clad Mandalorians breathing down xir neck, no bombs at the end of the finish line.

Soon, the shifter told xemself, a touch of frustration bleeding into that inner voice at the back of xir mind as xe skipped step after step. Then xe rounded a corner, and that 'soon' disappeared right down the drain.


And thus, Laguz's eloquence was forever commemorated in the reverberations travelling the length and width of the maze. On the bright side, at least xir teammates would know xe was still alive. Xe could, of course, contact them by comm., but that wasn't exactly on xir mind as xe stared at the pile of rubble and detritus blocking xir path.

Murmuring more choice expletives under xir breath, words xe'd picked up during xir travels — well, travels; more like business, but same difference — studying the cave in for some sort of fault. Xe didn't have space-magic on xir side to help xem chuck the duracrete out of the way, and xe'd forgone any sort of explosives in order to be as stealthy and speedy as possible. And even if xe did have charges on xir person — or, rather, in xir person — Laguz wouldn't have used them; only a fool would set off another explosion near a cave in.

"Ffffffeth," xe released the lip xe'd been rolling between xir teeth, wiping off the small specks of drool that got on xir chin in the process, and got to work.

Bringing no armor was… well, a risky gamble, as always. If xe ever got into a firefight, xir chances of survival would be considerably lower compared to those that had come appropriately prepared, but for someone with xir capabilities, the gamble had a very important upside; xe could shift into anything.

Well, fine, not anything, but xir options were certainly less limited than what they would be if xe'd chosen to don some sort of restrictive protection. The sniper had not.

Xe hopped from the last stair and onto the crumbled pieces of duracrete — or was it ferrocrete? — nudging a few with the tip of xir foot to see if they would budge. No such luck. The shifter fell into a crouch, then, eyeing the ruins from up close in hopes of spotting something that had eluded xir gaze from xir vantage point higher up the stairs. Still nothing.

"UGH," xe made xir frustration known again, staring at the rocks with the dirtiest glare xe could muster, as if that could somehow help.

It didn't, of course, and all that happened was Laguz bursting a blood vessel in xir eye. So much for that plan.

"Yeah, kark this poodoo," xe finally growled, more than a little felacatian seeping into xir voice before the cattiness was gone, seemingly turning into liquid as xir features ran together into a single, incoherent, unfathomable amalgam of flesh, bone, and ligaments. It wasn't a pretty sight, that much was certain, but if it got the job done… and, well, it surely would. Without much ado, Laguz sacrificed xir breath for xir length (no pun intended), maintaining just enough girth to still be able to keep xir compact rifle inside xem, and then the snake — furless, scaleless, and shapeless — began pouring through the hole on the side, manipulating its flesh around the sharper edges and through the narrower crannies. It didn't always help, and there were limits even to xir ability, resulting in a multitude of stratches and small lacerations littering xir skin once xe finally emerged.

But emerge xe did.
[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Location: Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | @A'den Shereshoy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Gear: See Bio[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Bad Day! Elgyn thought Badday Badday. Elgyn grabbed to his utility belt and fired one of his grappling spikes and clicked it to his belt. The magnetically tipped head guided through the hole and stuck firmly to the roof of the lift car.As the cable was still reaching it’s mark he attached clicked the assertion port to his belt. Elgyn’s trajectory would have broken a human’s spine as he was ripped from his falling position to being ripped back upwards. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]As he ascended he reached through the out F[/SIZE]orce to telekenticly ease Anija’s heavy burden.
Objective: Pew pew pew
Location: Jungle? Trees?
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Gear: lol wat?

He didn’t attack straight out, which was surprising. Standing straight up she watched as he removed his weapon and prepared to fight her. The woman drew nothing and just stood there looking at him as he presented her with the question of if she knew him. A part of her wondered if she did in fact know him, there were a lot of people that she had met while she was on Eshan along with when she was affiliated with the Fringe. Ashin knew a lot of people as well and it was quite possible that they had met before this, but Spencer couldn’t put her finger on it. Sighing softly, she ran her hand through her soft bangs and shook her head.

“I’m sorry to say I have no idea who you are. I’ve met a few Mandalorians when I was the First Apprentice, maybe I met you then?” It was awkward and she really didn’t know what more to say. Tapping her cheek, she decided to introduce herself. “You probably don’t know who I am either, name’s Spencer.”

Shaking her hands a bit, she loosened up. He had given her some time to put into thought what she wanted to do. There wasn’t any reason for her to keep talking to him, she could feel his intentions and they were to fight. “Okay okay, now that you know my name let’s get to this.” Fingers curled as the Force shifted around one of the nearby fallen trees [lol jungles], it was a perfect setting for her and her skill set. The tree uprooted from its dead roots and flew forward towards the Mandalorian.

“Whoever you are, I do hope you’re not boring!”
Objective C
Location: Inside Mount Tanis
Allies: [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear: Personal Armour | Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

*Dum da dum, dum dum da dum, dum dum dum da dum dum* The sounds of drums appeared in the distance, and was soon drowned in the sounds of klaxons and flashing of lights. What was a groggy awakening among the debris of the former lift turned into a sharp awakening as a sharp pain shot through Jun Nez. "***** **** *** ** **** *** **** *** ********" he exclaimed as he awoke. He sat up in the debris and ran a scan of his armour. It appeared that nothing was damaged enough to render the armour useless, but it had taken a few beatings and so had Jun Nez. He shuffled his way out of the rubble to his surprise into a lit long hall that seemed to lead towards the detention block. Why would they need a detention block inside a mining station?, he thought and then he turned on his communications. "I'm at the bottom, the lift is unuseable. I'm proceeding ahead towards the objective." was the message he was trying to send to the sniper, but he couldn't be sure if it would reach him/her/xir.

The room was not lit by normal lights, but by what appeared to be warning lights flashing red to the sounds of several klaxons. He shifted the spectrum in his helmet to be better able to see inside this large structure. It appeared that the lift door had exploded into the room as the lift had gone kaputz, as several pieces of debris and metal was scattered throughout the hall. To the left of him was a large door with a sign next to it, written in basic it said "Emergency Staircase.". That's good to know, he thought as he turned his body towards the other end of the hall, with his scanners on full-drive. It outlaid the entire room as a layout, there was no moment. None at all and the air was thick with decay, he forgot about the mission for a minute and stepped over to one of the cells. Inside the cell several bones were scattered, some broken and others still with decayed flesh on. The bars appeared to be have been bent slightly by something, probably the bones. The sounds of drums stopped Jun Nez in his thought and he started running, at 3/4 speed due to injuries, towards the end of the block, only to be met by another block, similar in design, but without all the debris from the lift. The drums had now picked up in speed and this caused Jun Nez to press on through towards the third prison block.

Part in violet is a hallucination brought by Jun Nez' mania and injury from fall.

Or so he thought he did, as he took the first step, Jun Nez awoke once on the floor just next to a staircase. "Detention Blocks" it said in block letters. Using his scanners he could see this was the right path to go, he ran down the stairs until he hit a blockade of rubble and debris. That was a cave-in, had he caused it? He couldn't know for sure. He started scanning for a way through. If he crawled over the rubble and moved a few blocks, he could just about manage to squeeze through. It was hard to crawl through because of his armor, but possible because it was flexible. This took him about 15 minutes, as he squeezed and crawled through. Time was of the essence he thought, as he heard something move in the rubble behind him. A blob of gelatinous ooze appeared and Jun Nez jumped back in horror. He grabbed his blaster and was ready to shoot at this unholy mess, until it started resembling the sniper. "Hello there, about time you got here." he said and grinned. He waited for the sniper to take form and then began to follow it.

Fixed a few misspellings and grammatical errors.
Location: Fort Monroe
Objective: Repel
Allies: [member=Arrbi Betna] [member=Olivia Dem'adas] [member=Zathra Fett] [member=Kezeroth the Malevolent]
Enemies: [member=Anja Aj'Rou] [member=Ka-Aver] [member=Boo-Chiyo] [member=Mard Szaks] [member=Zambrano the Hutt] [member=Flannigan McNash] [member=Cadan Kazi]
-Two Dual WESTAR 34
-Fett-Kal knife
-One flashbang
-Two thermal detonators
-One Vornskr
- 1 Mythosaur Walker
- 4 Reedemer Tanks
-50 infantry

Things seemed fortunate up at this moment...almost fortunate if they could manage to keep up this rate. Those who had entered the walls of this fine complex would have the extraordinary chance to face the wrath of the Mandalorians in a close look. Multiple platoons of Warriors raced to pursue the sole vehicle to destroy and kill anyone inside the armored vehicle. Security would greet them in raging bullets and shells, and not show a sign of mercy and pity. A universal stimulus that all beings commonly shared was to retaliate against anyone that demonstrated hostile actions until one would fall. This war had begun a long time ago when this enemy had attacked them in the Muunilist System. Hopefully, they had learned a lesson to not attack the Mando'ade, but from the events of today it seemed the memo had went through one ear and gone out the other.

More reports had gone out when a small force of hostiles had blown up a portion in the outer wall of the Fort and a Vod that was a tank approaching the unit. Alone he would not fight this battle. The reaction the Rally Master had of this unseen tactic was to finally deploy his tanks to reckon with this flea, and Vilaz too would come and join his fellow vode to destroy this unit. The Mythosaur was done firing it's cannons as no vermin was scanned and was static, however, if any more Primeval soldiers and vehicles were scanned it would meet Death from this magnificent machine. Infantry units in the bunkers would do the same as the Mythosaur until another wave of aruetiise would waken them.

-Mythosaur: isn't doing anything
-Reedemer tanks are heading at [member=Ka-Aver]'s unit to attack
-Infantry in bunkers are not doing anything
-Infantry in guard towers are defending the generator
-Vilaz is also heading at Ka-Aver's location
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Wayland; Inside Mount Tantiss Ruins/Mine in lift shaft going to bottom of computer core
Objective: #3 - Maze Run
Allies: | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: Listed in bio

< I like the way you think, ner vod'ika," > Briika commed over to Graad, then she counted to ten and released her grippers from the lift cable and let herself free fall down the shaft; keeping track of her decent on the HUD readout in her silver buy'ce.

When the baar'ur got to around 85 meters, she ignited the jet pack on her back to land at the bottom of the shaft with only a soft thud of her heavy boots upon hitting the duracrete. The 100 meter trip only took a matter of seconds. They should have just done that from the start when the lift got stuck. Oh well.

<<<"I want to avoid blasting it if I can. Anyone got something that will cut through the metal quickly?">>>

< The only thing on me to cut with is my laser scalpel, but….. " > Briika paused for a moment as she looked around the shaft floor desperately to see if anything could be used. Stepping over to a darken corner, the blonde Mando'ad picked up a long metal bar that had bent hooks on either end.

< "We could use this crow bar to pry it open unless Ch'ika has something better up his sleeve," > she quipped lightheartedly referring to Elgyn's new nickname he'd earned.


Well-Known Member
Objective: Defeat the Mandalorians in the Jungle
Location: Jungle
Allies: Primeval | [member="Bal'gul"]
Enemies: Mandalorians | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Garrus Garon"]
Gear: Tantibus | Kalligs Scorching Saber | Sith Beskar'gam | 3 Betty Blasters | 12 Ammo Packs | 1 Bodo Bass Gun belt stocked with Traditional, Incindiary and Cryogenic Grenades

One second, that was all the warning Damien got, the Force whispering to use Force Drain. Once again activating the power, he pondered what was happening, when an agonizing pain pierced his lower abdomen. The bursting seam of his body was so overwhelming that he didn't even call out, rather just gasped. Dropping to a knee, he raised his gaze slowly.

Utilizing this pain though, while siphoning the extremely large amount of energy Muad used to make the Spear of Midnight Black, Damien brought himself closer to the Dark Side. Reaching deep into the energy that came from such, he combined it with the hardest pull he had done from his spirits.

Combining more power than he had before, Damien glared at his opponent and unleashed a devastating torrent of Force Lightning. Without armor, a large drain on his energy, holes in his leg and chest, combined with the over all destruction he had sustained, Muad would need be god in order to retain consciousness at this point.
objective: blah
location: bah bkahdisadoijsdoij
enemies: spencer jacobs [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
allies; k no
gear lol what

Preliat scowled. The tree came at him, but he heard it- a tree deep rooted in the jungle wasn't exactly quiet when lifted out of the ground. What Preliat wasn't expecting, was the speed at which it moved- the woman, his foe, was good at what she did. Preliat had no time to make a retort, as he flung himself to the mud below. His beskar'kandar armor slammed to it, skidding along the ground. Preliat watched as the tree flung overhead, violently crashing into the adjacent treeline. He turned and sneered beneath his helmet. Helmet. He felt naked without it. But he felt that he would sense things better- without out. So, Preliat stood, facing Spencer, and removed his helmet. He held it in his hand, before letting it fall to the ground with a heavy clunk. Preliat rarely, if ever, showed his face to people he did not know, let alone non-Mandalorians.

But Preliat was not going to be a theatrical opponent, Spencer was after all, fighting a Field Marshal of the Mandalorians, a fierce and deadly warrior. And most importantly, a savage. Preliat twirled the tomahawk, letting the heavy head of it fall behind his shoulder, tapping the armor of his back, before he beamed it at Spencer- but not on the sharp, bladed side. It was the blunt edge. Ultimately, it was a distraction, as he began to charge towards her, head down, going to tackle the smaller woman.

"They call me the wolf."
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] C[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Following Laguz Vald[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Ebenezer | Jun Nez[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Anija Ordo | Graad Hokan[/SIZE] | Darth Wyrrlok VI | Chaos Maxtor | Verz Horak | Briika Detta
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gear:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Sexy good looks, Sonomax Sonic Pistol, purple lightsaber, jungle variant of Armor[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]They could stop running now, right? She hoped so. What she [/SIZE]really[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]wanted[SIZE=10.5pt] to do was take a breather. Get her mind together. And then she could make [/SIZE]everything[SIZE=10.5pt] work for her. The witch took a second and smiled. She sat against the wall, well, more leaning. She was tiny, she was not going to be moving rocks. And Laguz was already... Gone? Why was Token so much slower. It would just be goodif she could like blink, and then teleport and enter the bomb room. Throw up a wall of protection to the other side, because she wanted her friends to get in from her side, and start disabling the bomb. That would mean that her team would win Objective C. And she didn't really do anything crazy, except making run like a normal person could run, and phase through a wall, like some Jedi were known to do. The Force could do anything.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]And she was a witch. She could do so much more.[/SIZE]

She could make walls, and she could manipulate vibrations. That last one? That was really fun. It would be better if she could manipulate time, and make it so she could move faster and keep up with Laguz.

But now? She was tracking Laguz. She spent enough time on Dathomir to know how to track. She was still after Laguz with Ebenezer, trying to get to her team.


But right. That bomb? She could so disable it right now.
Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mt. Tantiss Complex Tunnels - Above the first detention cell
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: in bio

<<<"Good eyes there, vod'ika,">>> Graad said as he took the makeshift crowbar from the Briika and jimmied it inbetween the double doors of the lift.

Naturally the bottom of the door was about where Graad's chest was, giving him the perfect vantage point to press the doors open. Using the butt of his blaster rifle to wedge it in further, Graad managed to feel where the metal wouldn't go any further. Graad pulled back as hard as he could, with help from the blonde baar'ur. The doors popped, and Graad muscled them open the rest of the way.

Briika was encouraged through first while Graad held the doors open. He wedged the metal in, along with another piece he picked up off the floor, and kept the doors open, before getting out of the shaft himself.

<<<"The doors are clear, now it's time for Ch'ika to do his thing. Briika and I will head down the stairs to the first detention center."

Starting off in a run, Graad, was beginning to feel fatigued. He'd exerted a lot of energy and strength with what he had just done, and would need time to let his body recoup before doing something like that again. If he had to get through anymore doors, he'd be using the small charges he had with him. A small amount placed on the hinges of a door would do nicely.
Location: Outside the Fort, Behind the Enemy.
Allies: Mando! - Olivia Dem'adas
Enemies: Primeval - Ka-Aver (<-- Main Target) Alkah'Kahtel Cadan Tazi Flannigan Mcnash
Objective: Be Gen'dai

Dark-Devil Helm ( Head ) - Condition: Fine and dandy.
CEAS-Final Cybernetic Armor Suit ( Armor) - Condition: Ruined, though some plates still remain on Keze's body.
Mk.I Convergence Rifle ( in hands) - Condition: Ruined.
Bone Crusher ( Back ) - Condition: Usable and abuse-able.
Convergence Pistol Sidearm ( holstered on side) - Condition: Ruined
Ray Shield Grenade x3 - Condition: Damaged but usable.
Bandoliers of Ammo - Condition: Ruined

Movement was the key for survival, the Cannons firing were becoming very annoying to deal with and though most his armor was destroyed he did not like resorting to strictly force abilities but would do so if needed. Feeling the Familiar sting of blaster bolts hit his back Kezeroth turned around and smiled as he watched as they began to engage on him as well. Throwing 2 concussion grenades by his person Kezeroth watched then land near and extending his hand to grip them both with the force he threw them at the Vehicles one of which landing near [member="Ka-Aver"]. It was unkown to Kezeroth who was in command here but it also did not matter. Sprinting fast to the right the Gen'dai carried his Power hammer behind him with his left hand and with his right swung it into the squads of men to send them flying. His right arms muscles stretching to what seemed to most humanoids exetreme lengths but him fact that was the Gen'dai make up. Force Rage was an ability, he was a master on maintaining it longer and fueling it, his force powers were enhanced as well but when the Rage ended he would feel it all at once and it was because of this Kezeroth did not want to abuse his mastery. Leaping in the air Kezeroth glanced at the MIFV Turrents as they continued to fire at him, 4 shells connecting on his right arm sent him into a spiral. His Main Body landing over by the rear with a crash and his right arm landing somewhere else. It would grow back but would take time, Time he did not have. The pain to losing a limb was nothing compared to the pain involved in the process to regrow the limb. As he roared the Darkside began to manifest around him physically.

" Now you pissed me off!" his voice boomed as he got up quickly and bull rushed the MIFV Turrets, As he ran the force shielded him from any attack that would come from the front by the annoying cannons. As force Rage began to run on fumes Kezeroth Raised his power hammer Bone Crusher and struck in full force, his arm stretching like before and traveled in a counter clockwise direction to get rid of these dreaded Turrets.

(( OOC: Good lord))
Objective: B
Location: The jungle
Allies: [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Enemies: [member="Conner Garon"] [member="Strider Garon"]
Gear: Chain-sickle, Primeval Advanced Agent Tactical Armor, Lightsaber

When Perla heard the rocks whizzing overhead, she broke into a crouch-run. Not sure what was happening, she looked around the jungle outskirts until she spied Vheissu Ireles who had unearthed some sharp rocks and were hurling them through the air at the older Mando. The last time she had seen Ireles was during an encounter in the Imperial Dungeons on Bastion, but there would be time to reminisce later as she also heard the shout from the other Mandalorian with the jump pack who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Perla had no time to look back. Using her last bit of strength, she called her saber back into her hand using the Force and ran as fast as she could to Ireles. She was wounded now and being able to regroup by his side and tend to her wound would help her not lose too much blood or go into shock.

Unlike the close quarters attack from the machete, Perla's armor was durable against the Carbine's blaster bolts, so she felt them hit her back, threatening to knock her down. She tucked and rolled, landing in a crouch on the ground close to Ireles. But as she looked back, she saw the limping Mandalorian right behind her, shambling like one of those zombie aliens she had conjured earlier. In her crouch on the jungle grass, she ignited her lightsaber defensively but did not strike him. To close the gap he would need to face, not only Perla, but the powerful Shaper who was now very close.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: B, Jungles[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Perla Pirjo"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Conner Garon"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Gear: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Hydrastaff[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, about it yo.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]There was a common misconception when it came to the organical technology of the Yuuzhan Vong and their state of “Force Deadness”. See what it [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]means[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] is that you cannot use the Force to influence it [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]directly[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], a fact that sometimes gets forgotten in the thrill of the battle, but this wasn’t Vheissu’s first rodeo and he surely did not forget it now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The first blast bug missed him, the fact that Ireles hadn’t seen it coming? The fact that it exploded behind him? Well, it either meant that the Mandos were experimenting with miniature Ysalamiri that were attached at every bullet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Or that it was a blast bug.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Second blast bug hit him in the side, Vonduun screamed in agony as a piece of itself simply got ripped away in the blast and made Vheissu stumble. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Two blast bugs was all it took to reverse the situation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Vheissu called up the wind and [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]corrected[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] the misconception by redirecting the blast bugs - not directly, instead using the air itself to press down against the blast bugs as they were coming and turning them around against their own owner.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Ain’t even necessary to influence ‘em directly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]At that point in time Perla had managed to detach herself from her opponent and was running at him, towards safety one could assume and to check her wounds. The Mandalorian… needed some time, but eventually got back on his feet and started to persue. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Seemed he had also managed to roll away from all the rocks. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Agile fellow for his age.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Vheissu gestured again and the earth rumbled behind Perla - a shock wave originating from the Master Shaper in the direction of Strider. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Depending on Conner’s relative position to his dad, he could perhaps also be influenced by the heavy shaking and tearing of the ground that his elder had to suffer right now.[/SIZE]

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