Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Malachor Tournament: Knights

The Last Son
For an absurd reason the man had lept off of me, when he could have continued and probably had beat me into submission. however, he lost his chance there. I would not take this man for granted. He hit like a hammer, and took hits like an Anvil. I only paled in comparison to him. my saber had not made it's mark, but only pierced into thin air. I cursed myself as I stood up rapidly and put my saber away. There was no need for it as this clearly was a fight with hands.

His attacks came in fast, faster than any other man I had seen before. Now I had faced a Brawler before in my childhood. and even then, it was hard to beat him with a man his speed and size, but now, I was grown, stronger, and in my prime years of the mid 20's. Meaning I had some experience to keep myself alive. I was glad to have a few training sessions with the Military as my real life. His punch came for my face, and with a swipe of my left hand followed by a sideways push of the force for the fist coming for my stomach, I was not hit, but the sweep of the legs got me. I fell backwards onto my back, but I could not stay there for long, and with a push of my feet I rolled backwards over my shoulder away from any attack that was sent my way.

and as soon as I got up, I used my force powers. Sending a force push into the sand at the man's feet. Causing an explosion of sand and dirt to go at his vision and possibly hinder him as I came in with a set of two force barrier punched towards his solar plexus. If I hit him or not, I send a force push with both hands out to keep him away from me. As he was a man clearly more experienced than I in hand to hand combat, I could only use a quick strike and retreat back to avoid punches from the man I nicknamed, "The Hammer"


(OOC: Edited my last post to supplement the powerful blows to the chest as per your request. Also reflected it slightly in here.)
As Djonas' pets engaged in combat, he utilized Canal's lapse of concentration on the real fight to move in on him. It was about time the non force user was put down like the mad dog he is. Djonas swiftly moved in closer to Canal as he focused on the storm beasts. He gave a quick wink to [member="Horror"], signaling for him to move in on Canal as well.

Djonas had been holding an orb of flame in his palm since he first walked into the arena. As time passed, the temperature of the flame grew substantially. The molecules Djonas had commanded vibrated with such intensity that the flames were scorching. He smirked slightly as he lifted his arm, with his hand held up with palm out, unleashing a flurry of unbearably intense flames aimed for Canal as he was in the midst of combat with the storm beasts, thus making his chances of evasion impossible.

"Like the rest of the galaxy, you will lie in ashes.." Djonas roared as the flames flew at Canal.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Canal was finished at killing the beasts and used them as cover to dodge Horror's slugs, blasters, etc. But, it was also useful against Djonas' fireball cause the moment Canal shot those last ten BANG slugs at the Templar he saw fire coming at him. He lay low with his cover and could feel the the temperature of the flames from the corpse that was his cover.

Once that was over his cover then suddenly turned to ashes. Canal was confused at how his cover turned to ashes from that fire. Sure it would've put a hole in the beast from the fire but turning it into ashes was possible but you needed a lot of fire to achieve that. He got up from his cover that was now in ashes and looked at the Templar and Horror. Canal took a guess that Horror was the one who converted his cover into ashes from his rifle. Now the clone was playing with fire but if he played his cards correctly he wouldn't get burned.

He hoped the Templar would get blown away from his BANG slugs and quickly inserted a clip full of VENOM slugs and loaded the grenade launcher attached to it and fired the round from the launcher to Horror. He moved to the other corpse, that was close to him, and used that as cover and had his HUD signaling the movements of his opponents. If the both enemies were coming at him then they would have VENOM slugs coming at them which the clearly didn't know of.

[member="Djonas Vile"] [member=Horror]
Under the scrutiny of Horror's tactical vision, Canal was seen loading what the mercenary's HUD notified him to be VENOM slugs into his rifle. Those would not harm his armor at all courtesy of the liquid armor coating that would cause the acid to simply run off of him like any other liquid. What did pose a threat was the explosive capsule about to be arching towards him right now. His armor plating, sleek and flexible, shifted and folded retroactively as Horror underwent the acrobatic flip that and subsequent fast-paced gymnastics that got him out of the blast radius in time. Sliding to a halt inside of a man-sized crevice approximately 7 meters from Canal's 12:00, the merc fired a three round burst of flachette capsules from the H-1 Charon Carbine attached to his disruptor into the air. These three small capsules will hone in on Canal's heat signature, go right around his cover and burst into countless durasteel shards sure to pierce his armor once they were close enough.

@[member=Canal Tal'Verda] @[member=Djonas Vile]
Following Djonas' pillar of flames that managed to be blocked by the body of a storm beast, Cana'ls shots had been fired at him. Djonas had to think quickly if he was going to survive. And so he did. Another worthwhile force power learned in the Templar order was how to direct projectiles with the force. As soon as the shots would leave the barrel, Djonas slightly changed their trajectory so the slugs would simply graze Djonas' armor. If it hadn't been for the Spider Silk of his armor, the slugs themselves would've taken a chuck out of his flesh.

This was becoming annoyingly tedious. Djonas reached through the force, but something was strange. Djonas couldn't sense Canal. That is when Djonas realized what Canal was. He deduced that he was one of the traitorous Dread Guard. That made killing him all the more sweeter. Djonas reached through the force once more, but this time for his ammunition. The templar recognized the weapon used by Canal as a Czerka rifle. So it was clear he carried Czerka slugs with him. Pyrokinesis was not the only thing he learned from his old master, Vulcanus. He also had the ability to implode objects through the force. The smaller the object, the easier and the slugs would certainly be easy.

Djonas was able to conjure enough power to feel most, if not all, of Canal's ammunition on his person. At first, he hand lied open, palm facing to the dark skies above. Then, in an instant, his palm closed into a fist. With this, all of Canal's ammunition would implode, causing all of his ammo to explode as if it were being shot at someone, also causing the effects of his ammunition to happen to him all at one.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"] | [member="Horror"]


Well-Known Member
Dust everywhere, motion sensors going crazy, the only thing Damien could do was brace. Caught against the core of his body, Damien staggered hard. His breath left him, and he saw stars. Rubbing where there had been contact, he felt a small dent. Using the mechanical lungs he held, combined with his cybernetic heart, Damien drew in a deep breath and oxygenated his entire body. Then, ducking down, he waited for the sand to disperse fully.

Leaping like a kangaroo on steroids, Damien shot high into the air to soar clean over his opponent. Once he touched down, D brought a powerful kick at his opponents neck, and then finishing it he spun horizontally to bring another towards the shoulder region. The prior attack, though powerful, was nowhere near the main assault. If blocked, the secondary would likely catch him off guard.

Combined with such dense strength, it would likely force him to his knees once more.

Whether it did or not, Damien spoke, "Your good. Lets team up and get the others." His voice was calm and unfaltering, no sign he had been in battle could be found - save the bruising underneath his armor.

[member="Darth Zacarän"]
The Last Son
My diversion worked, as well as my two strikes hitting him, but he was armored. taking my hits like an Anvil. it truly was good to have a foe that could stand toe to toe with you. Even when he was shooting himself into the air, I smiled knowing now that he was wearing very durable armor that could only have been Beskar. Meaning that my lightsaber could be used. Pulling it out and activating it once more as he had to take some time to reach the Apex of his jump, as well as the downfall. His kicks came for me. As the strike came for me to the head, I leaned back to let the soul of his boot graze my black helm.

I was kicked back slightly, but only enough that I had to take a step back. The second kick was expected as I had more room to see him, and more time to react. using my saber with two hands, I brought it up to my shoulder and pushed out away from me to counter his attack to my shoulders. With the force behind the kick, and my limited time to block, my saber was kicked back to myself, however, it ended the strike that could have sent me flying if it was strong enough.

As the foot of the man landed, he spoke finally, with a smile I nodded, "You as well, And better to take those others out then leave us to the end." I knew that if we teamed up against the others, we would surely beat them. Once at the end, however, we would have to fight again. And that would be one hell of a battle.

Looking to notice the others that were attacking what looked to be a Templar, Easy to be told of the Crossbow that he had, and one that I had once used. I knew that he would be a hard one to defeat. but he was also well versed in the use of weapons. Templars were always taught to fight their hardest. Once being one, I knew of this. "Take out the two who are fighting the Templar. Two birds with one stone."



Well-Known Member
Damien was surprised, and ended his kick by returning to his original position. The man was indeed good, probably enough so that he would be a useful asset. When the man agreed, he would eventually glance back towards his new ally to no longer see him. Tapping into the energy that made his body now glow from the continuous influx, as well as continuing to immerse himself into the darkness wrought by the planet, the Force Speed ascertained combined with his own natural speed, made it near impossible to keep up.

Charging across the field, fast and hard enough to kick up a sandstorm behind himself, Damien launched high into the air, letting his gained momentum carry him far through the air. No longer needing the Speed, the High Knight dropped his control, to transfer it to the vacuuming of excess energy once more. Physical combat impeded the flow, but not enough to stop it, thus it was still a necessary concentration.

At the height of his arc, roughly 20 feet in the air and a dozen from his target, Damien adjusted his flight to shoot like a bullet at the man he was previously shot at by. As he flew, D smiled at feeling his body literally vibrating from the surplus energy he had gained. Even after his small energy spent, he was nearly quadruple that of his at the start of the battle. When the time came, he would decimate whoever was left.

Landing a few feet past the Templar, Damien spun and brought a powerful kick towards his arm, followed through with a swift jab at the mans throat. Ending the combo, he used the last of the momentum, to spin and swing a swift kick seeking to drop to the ground. Each attack blurred even to his own acute eyes, pushing his body to the swiftest speed he had ever achieved without aid of the Force.

The energy continued to grow inside of the man as well, never ceasing.

@Darth Zacarän [member="Djonas Vile"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] [member="Horror"]
The Last Son
As the man had launched himself at the Force dead man, I smiled and moved to strike the second. ([member="Horror"] )

With force speed I charged at him. Instead of using a flying style as my new found friend did. I came at him like a brick wall. my saber turned off as I ran. Allowing for an increased use of the force. I used a even stronger form of a push. Propelling myself even faster at the man. Using my shoulder as a weapon I came to tackle at him. Not waiting for his reaction, Bringing my left hand up, Sand came up around me to hide my form while I had activated the Heat sensing module on my helm.

Still able to see him. I only smiled as I waited for him

[member="D-Man"], [member="Djonas Vile"], [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Now, Canal wasn't stupid as he saw the Templar doing what he was aiming for. He would realize that the clone was force dead but that didn't put Canal's guard down.

Back on Kamino he though that since he's dead to the force that he almost invisible to anything. But that view was soon changed. He was one of the clones who were personally trained under the supervision of Calico and Galaar. They taught him everything and gave him important lessons. One of them was that the enemy can you use your own equipment against you whether it be the force or physical. And they taught him how to solve problems when a force user would use your grenades or ammunition against yourself.

But in the Tournament of the Cauldron his first match was with a Sith. Once that duel started the force user used his grenades against him which made him throw the grenades away from him to avoid getting blown up.

Now, the Templar had his hand stretched out to Canal which made Canal react cause he didn't want to get blown up by his own equipment. Without thinking he took off his utility belt which had mostly all of his equipment, such as grenades, attachments to his rifle, slugs to his rifle and threw it away from him.

Luckily, he received minor damage from the explosion that was caused by the BANG and FLARE slugs, plus the detonator which didn't blew him up but did sent him flying back a couple of feet and left scorch marks on his armor. Bad what really sucked was that all of his ammo was gone, the smoke grenades we off and began leaking smoke, and his attachments were gone. All was left was the VENOM slugs inside his assault rifle and the grenade launcher. Basically, it was useless. Then he received durasteel shards from Horror but it didn't penetrate through his arm or to get to his skin.

Then he saw on his HUD a signature that was coming fast at him. It was the same guy who attacked him first. He didn't know if he was going to strike him with a lightsaber or something but he didn't want to risk getting killed by a Mandolorian who is dar'manda. He took a few steps backwards to avoid the lightsaber that would come at him.

But instead of a lightsaber he was using melle instead. Thank Manda that he was out of range cause that would've hurt. I'd the man is Mandolorian then he had to prove it.

"If you are Mando'ade then you will prove it to me in hand to hand combat while nor using anything than our hands, feet, head, and the rest of our bodies."

He had his rifle aimed at him, in case he didn't accept. But if he didn't accept then he would be a disgrace to him and everyone else.



Well-Known Member
"Fine. Be warned, I am Damien Daemon, fastest of the Czar Elite." Turning from the other man, Daemos moved closer to his new opponent, rather an old one reacquired. Rolling his shoulders, as well as his shaking his hands and loosening his neck muscles, Damien prepared, "I will go easy though, as your not Force Approved."

Using a quarter his speed, roughly a good boxers speed, Damien threw several swift jabs. None sought vital points, but all were dangerous none the less. He was sure his enemy saw what his strength did to the other mans armor, thus expected him to move, so now the concentration that usually fueled his speed, now fueled accuracy.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
[member="Silver Wolf"]

With his force-enhanced sense of hearing, Horror had long since known of Silver Wolf and Deimos's alliance. But what he didn't know was what was going to come next. He estimated that Deimos would remember their previous encounter on Mandalore and attack him. But seeing him jump over his head and start fighting the templar disproved that theory. So that left...

Horror turned and saw Silver Wolf rocketing towards him and attempting to cover his movement by raising dust as he moved and seemed to be coming in for a shoulder. There were two notable flaws in his plan, however. One, The dust wouldn't obscure Horror's thermal vision in the least. Two, even if --for whatever reason-- Horror allowed himself to be hit, the collision at that speed would harm the both of them equally. The veteran mercenary already had a plan going. And it was to cause the most pain possible.

Allowing his disruptor to hang at his side, Horror flew towards the incoming bladesman. With the both of them coming together so fast the bladesman literally won't see it coming and the fact that no man could control themselves moving at such speeds regardless, they would collide shoulder to shoulder. The effect would be as if he collided with a steel wall only doubled now that said wall was pushing back. Though enhanced durasteel plating over a thick layer of shock-absorbing thermal gel and bones hardened and thickened over years of damage and repair would mean Horror would be standing unscathed. Silver Wolf, however, from a high-speed collision like that, would be lucky if he could even recognize his arm let alone move it despite the armor.

There were plenty of ways one could take care of blindly charging foe; thousands. But Horror, being the sick man he was, preferred the one that would allow him to walk over to his fallen opponent and relish in the sight of them writhing in agony.
The Last Son
And the man charged at me. he intended to collide with me as well. Instead of it being just a simple hit on him, it would be a collision. Think of a speeder going 100km/h and hitting something. You would have a 100km/h crash. But lets say you were to suddenly ram into another speeder coming at you at the same speed. Now instead the collision would become a 200km/h crash. Causing more damage to either side. And it would be whichever side was the strongest would take the less damage.

It seemed that everyone took steroids around here because he suddenly lept up fast at me. Sure he maybe could have activated his helm, but that would leave him open. I was moving too fast for him to activate his helm as well as charge at me immediately after. He would have a weaker hit than my own. But I only smiled as I sped up. Sure I had already damaged armor, but that didn't mean that I could use the force with momentum. I allowed my continued motion and relaxed on the force to not push me any longer after that last push, and all over my side and body would suddenly become harder than any material that this man would encounter.

A force Barrier. A power that could stop lightsabers, Blasters, and if you were strong enough sonic blasters. So a semi-simple tackle would be nothing. and that's when we collided. There was no way to move out of it, but there was only to enhance the attack above the other to gain the upper hand. Even if we were both coming to hit, with some Science law stuck in my head, I knew that every action came with an opposite reaction. meaning that no matter who was stronger, we both would be blown back from each other.

For a second, Horror had forgotten the great reflexes these force sensitives had. Despite their current speeds making their collision nearly instant, he could sense Silver Wolf had managed to start activating a force shield. There was nothing more that could possibly be done at that point, nothing but the collision was left.

Once came shoulder to shoulder, all of the aforementioned defenses came into play and he bounced off of his opponent's force shield, landing 7 feet away from him. He wasted no time at all in taking his electrostaff from his back where his wings disappeared into. The staff extended to it's full 6 foot length and crackled with yellow electricity as Horror increased it's potency to wookie killing levels. He performed a single underarm spin and slammed it to the ground. He did not attack. He wanted Silver Wolf to anticipate.

@[member=Silver Wolf]
The Last Son
I flew back. There was no avoiding that. But as I was the one delivering a stronger hit, only because of faster reactions, and quick thinking, I fell back about a meter and a half away from the collision point. And man was he fast. he had gotten up quicker than me, even when he had been the one who got hit. As he got up and slammed his electrostaff into the ground. Making the point that he was not to be messed with.

I only smiled as I stood up myself. I drew my lightsaber and activated the Purple lightsaber blade. The hum was reinvigorating, but not nearly as a persons face that I wanted to see at this moment. The hilt was a little longer than normal, considered a long handled lightsaber in some cases.

I flipped the saber around my wrist and looked to him, "Try me." I taunted him. Standing simply with the saber pointed down towards the dirt, and open and relaxed. Indicating no real form of lightsaber combat. making him wonder, which one, or ones I knew of.

@[member=Silver Wolf]

It seems his opponent had been taught a lesson. The same person who had once came charging into battle was now waiting for him to attack first. The knight had taken a stance that, to the untrained eye, would seem unassuming. Though Horror could clearly see that based on the lightsaber's position and the opponent's failure to attack, Damiaon was primed for defense. The flaw in his plan was that an unassuming defensive stance only worked in unarmed combat or when dual wielding, in both cases equal protection is available for both the left and right.

Twirling his electrostaff around him with enough speed and dexterity to visually render the weapon as yellow rings surrounding his body, Horror walked closer. He sent a strike with one end of the staff to the side of Greyson's waist opposite of the lightsaber with a swift swipe of his arm. Despite the reflexes he knew force users posessed, it would take much too long for Damiaon to switch hands and block and on top of that, Horror, being a Matukai, would be many times faster.

Besides coming in with enough force to dent the armor on his hip, the electrostaff would send a deadly voltage throughout Silver Wolf's body enhanced only by the metal suit he wears. He'd be dead in an instant.


Well-Known Member
Damien stepped back once, awaiting the rebuttle that would soon come his way. Now away from his opponent, he continued to draw energy. Glancing across the arena, he spotted the glint of the hilt of his saber among the grains. He could attempt its return, but instead figured it best to simply continue as is.

Topping out nearly 5 times that of his normal power, Daemos let loose in a powerful attack, firstly crafting a metaphorical mace through mentalism, he drilled it down onto those whom fought to his side. Channeling all the power he gained into that first, he sought to bring them to their knees after which he would bring down the proverbial house. Charging closer to the three with raw determination, he began..

With what remained of the excess power, Daemos let loose with a Force Explosion, something he used before but rarely. The raw power left behind, still driven by one whom immersed himself the entire time in the Darkside of the planet, blew outward from the High Knight. First, through the initial concussion, Daemos stood in a small crater.

By the end of the blast he stood deep inside a hole roughly 20 feet across and several deep. The force driven outward, would rush hard enough to lift anyone there and whip them beyond forcibly across the arena.

Even if they didnt strike the outside perimeter, the actual concussion itself would cause considerable damage to the physical bodies of all, combined with the probable complete mental numbness caused by an ancient mentalist driving as much energy into cracking their minds open as he could, this would likely be the end game.

Walking from the hole, Daemos glanced around himself to see whom remained. His body ached from the strain he had already put on it, but none the less he once more began to channel energy into his body. He still had roughly 3/4 his normal strength, which would likely be enough to finish any left off but it mattered little to him. He wanted this over.

Having landed nearest to Horror, he looked for him first. He would have had the worst of all of them.

[member="Djonas Vile"] [member="Horror"] [member="Silver Wolf"]
Horror pulled back his staff and clutched his helmet with his free hand as he was fazed by a sudden attack on his mind. Having a very strong mental barrier set in place to restrain his insanity, Horror felt the bare minimum of the effects. But whoever was attacking his mind was a powerful mentalist and managed to cause the smallest of cracks in his barrier. And like compressed water shoots out of a tank, the vile horror of the man's true nature filled his very being. Before he could violently murder the individual standing before him, a great force that could only be described as an explosion violently flung him into the air. His electrostaff was wrenched from his grasp and his armor was torn away from his person in little bits, his helmet shattering from the force and revealing the man beneath. He landed into the spectator's area, destroying a few seats (and subsequently the people in them) as they served to catch his fall.

The man stood up, bruises, burns and lacerations all rapidly healing from his muscled golden-bronze form; wear stripped down to the pants and boots of his former armor from the explosion and showing a face that was never seen before. Though only for a split second. As suddenly as it appeared, the face with it's salt and pepper hair with matching goatee and the rest of the exposed skin began to glow slightly as Horror tapped into his Diathimian ability to appear in a way depending on the eye of the beholder. Though in Horror's case, instead of taking the form of what the beholder found the most beautiful, he became the opposite. When [member=D-man] looks towards him, he would see Horror in the form of his deepest and greatest fear, whether it be a person, a machine, a color or what have you, it would manifest in some way the moment he laid eyes on him. The audience all fled at the sight of him.

While to himself, Horror appeared in his true form, the insanity consuming him was producing an equivalent effect. Everything seemed to be tinted over in that dark shade of yellow he had grown to dread, fear and hate via his years spent being tortured as a child in the laboratory at the core of Hellgotha. Memories long lost due to the sheer trauma caused by the events flashed before his eyes, accompanied by an excruciating migraine. Suddenly, as he laid eyes on Daemos, he saw a man in a bright yellow lab coat, matching goggles and dark hair.

In the blink of an eye, Horror moving at his maximum unadulterated speed, closed the gap between him and Daemos, who he now saw as someone completely different. He clenched his right hand into a fist and translated his immense rage and despair into a backhand fist of unspeakable force aimed right at his jaw. The very skin on his knuckles would be torn off as it connected with his helmet and delivered a strike that rivaled (if not surpassed) a full bodied punch with crushgaunt.
"How many times do I have to kill you, Doctor!"
If he wasn't knocked out, Daemos would be stunned like hell, upon which Horror would capitalize and follow up by putting his right arm on his right shoulder and pulling him into a headbutt that would surely destroy his helmet with the sheer power and.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the mans heritage was a grand thing, allowing a default setting to change what one saw. However, this did not incline one to fear him. What was Daemos' worst fear? The creator of this very tournament, his Master, also a man he respected and dare say he almost loved. Yes, the idea of battling his master had an effect, but it was minimal.

How someone caught in the act of battling, had managed to thrust up such powerful mental shields with so little an effect was amazing. He would enjoy this fight. Then the man charged him, seeking to throw a blow towards his face, while rambling about some doctor.

All that mattered was one of the most powerful opponents he had ever face, had been blown nearly to pieces by his attack. Yes he healed himself, but that meant all the energy he had used to do so, as well as defend against his mental assault, was severely deminished.

Ducking under the fist as it came his way, Damien continued the flow of energy that swirled around himself. He knew full well that Horror was fast, the distance covered in such small increments of time being evidence, but so was Daemos. Bringing a powerful kick aimed for his opponents stomach, he also brought a swift jab aimed for the mans collarbone. With such damaged armor, any attack at this point that hit could crush his bone.

(He's not afraid of his greatest fear? Wut?)

Horror persisted as strong as ever. His rapid healing factor was a natural gift of his Firrerreo DNA and his strong resistance to mental attacks was passive and due to his insanity and mastery of Teras Kasii so they took up as much effort and energy as it takes the average man to blink and breathe. Instead of operating at diminished efficiency, Horror fought on, powered by his will to kill the doctor he saw before him and the inexhaustible power of the force.

His armor completely destroyed by his foe's force explosion, there was absolutely nothing between Daemos's knee and his abdomen. And when the kick landed, it hurt. But the things one becomes insensitive to after a lifetime of torture are numerous. Seeing the jab coming, Horror turned sideways, brung his elbow up at a 90º angle with his forearm pointing down so that Daemos's fist would slide past it and into his other hand. He would hold Daemos's fist outstretched the way it is while he used his closer arm to backhand punch him in the helmet (possibly breaking it). Finally, he would kick the back of Daemos's leg, sending him to his knees as he uses the same arm he used to hit backhand and comes down on his arm with his elbow, bending it backwards and breaking it.

Daemos, having his arm stretched out the way it was and held, would have very little freedom to dodge and being at 'roughly 3/4 his normal strength' after all the energy he expelled with his previous mental attack and force explosion, should frankly be much too incompetent to do so against Horror going at 100% capacity. But people are unpredictable. Most of the time.


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