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Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders

The Old Ways.

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The Mandalorian Clans

  • fet.png

    Alor: Careena Fett Careena Fett
    Base of Operations: Hoylin
    • Hoylin
    • Echoy'la
    • Fett Homestead on Concord Dawn
    • Various Outposts scattered storing spoils of raids over the years
    • [ x ] - Due for an update soon
    • Lone Wolves
      • Due to their lower numbers compared to other Mandalorian clans, Fetts are strongly independent in their operations and ability to perform/survive on their own. That does not discount how terrifying they are in a group with how well they look out for one another.
    • Fierce Loyalty
      • Loyalty among the Fetts is among the strongest traits they possess, and they take their clans honor very seriously. A slight to one is a slight to them all.
    • Tenacity
      • Fett clansmen are stubborn and headstrong to a fault often times, but they are amongst the most tenacious Mandalorians to roam the stars, even after facing near extinction in their numbers. They will fight with the heart and strength of ten before going down
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned - Clan Fett was the one to put out the call to Crusades. Naturally, they are at the forefront in providing assets, intelligence, and resources for the Neo Crusades and among its most staunch supporters.

  • rmHkKSc.png

    Alor: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
    Base of Operations: Wayland
    Holdings: Most of Former Protectors Space
    Description: (Edit Later)
    Traits: (Edit Later)
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Hostile. See them as Darmanda

  • vz9mS8I.png

    Alor: Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt (by default for being the smartest)
    Base of Operations: The Rat's Nest
    Holdings: N/A
    Description: A disgraced Mandalorian clan founded long ago in the dune sea on Tatooine, shunned for a bizarre and erratic way of life and a signate viewed as weak. They roam the galaxy spreading chaos, be it at the fortune or despair of the people around them.
    Traits: Poor quality armor, a strange twangy accent, lots of guns, lower IQ/education, and one really smart guy that everyone follows.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. Clan Claiborne takes no sides due to Zel's desire for the neutral recording of history. The rest just do what their Alor says.

  • H2cyLq8.png

    Alor: NPC
    Base of Operations: N/A
    Holdings: N/A
    Description: Go watch Star Wars: The Mandalorian. Wiki page can be found here
    • Acceptance of all kinds of species
    • Some adhere to the tenets of the Children of the Watch
    • Honorable
    • Tracking
    • Zeal
    • Bounty Hunting
    • Creature Handling
    • Survival skills
    • Loyalty
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Majority aligned & minority neutral.

  • Dragr-Sigil.png

    Alor: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
    Base of Operations: White Scar Post, Kestri
    • The Bloodfort, Cheravh [Destroyed 738 BBY]
    • Norg Bral, Mandalore [Destroyed 858 ABY]
    • White Scar Post (Clan Dragr has control of White Scar Post, through which they hold implicit authority in the Cin'hastaal mountains of Kestri.)
    • Temple of Javarr (Specifically, Sahan has a secured underground Lab and Forge Factory {Kyr'bes Buy'ce} deep below the temple)
    Description: Clan Lore is here.
    Clan Dragr is an ancient and well-respected Mandalorian Clan whose origins date to the New Sith Wars. Once a powerful Clan that commanded massive armies, its size was reduced drastically in the Mandalorian Excision where they became a clan of bounty hunters and mercenaries. Once again in the Sith Genocide of Mandalore, they were reduced to only a few individuals, nearly rendering the Clan extinct.

    Clan Dragr in the present day is an extremely small Clan, with only four six active and known members. They run White Scar Post and as a Clan are generally reclusive from intergalactic affairs, with the priority of the Clan being foremost its rebuilding and preservation. Though their numbers are small, their reputation precedes them and Clan Dragr's warriors are well-respected among the Mando'ade.
    • Warriors and mercenaries, chiefly The Karjr of the Mandalorian Enclave. (Siv, Volo, And Sahan all have Infamous ranking.
    • (Secret) Possession of Tkiriyr Nau'ur Kad
    • Fierce loyalty to the Clan and its members.
    • Clan Dragr adheres to the Resol'nare and Mandalorian Catechisms.
    • White Scar Orbak Herd | Reknown across Kestri for the quality of its mounts. Bred and managed by Volo Dragr.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned / Neutral ( Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr is aligned. Volo Dragr Volo Dragr is retired and unaligned. Whereabouts of Obran Obran Dragrare unknown. Siv Dragr Siv Dragr is away on an extended hunt, but would likely be aligned as well (neutral for now).

  • mylXoYkC_o.png

    Alor: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla
    Base of Operations: Concordia
    Description: A controversial clan with a distrust towards any claiming the title "Mand'alor" after they were themselves betrayed by Mand'alor the Reclaimer during the final stages of The Shadow Crusade. Clan Vizsla has since become quite secretive despite involving themselves heavily in various campaigns via The Black Fleet, though they have been known to cooperate briefly with larger factions when it suits their needs or involves combatting Imperials, particularly Sith.
    • Guerilla warfare specialists
    • Hit & Run fleet tactics
    • Ruthless pragmatists
    • Distrusting
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral.

  • DQevMor.png

    Alor: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
    Base of Operations: The Kryze Clangrounds, located in the Highlands of Onderon. [I am yet to get a Codex sub done for it.]
    Holdings: The entirety of the Clan is located on Onderon itself. Although their seat of power is within the highlands, they also exert some influence on those communities at the edge of civilization, finding common ground in their simpler approach to life.
    Description: Clan Kryze (or rather, Jenn's branch of the Clan) was (re)formed during the days of the Mandalorian Enclave's ill-fated crusade against the Galactic Alliance, serving as an assembly for the more forward-thinking members of the culture. Eventually leaving the Enclave behind when their differences became impossible to reconcile, they travelled from one community to the next, offering a second chance to all those who would take it; including those members of the traitor clans, who betrayed the Mando'ade and sided with the Sith during the Purge.

    Bolstered with these numbers, they made a triumphant return on the galactic scene with their key assistance in the liberation of Onderon. From then on, they swore to protect Onderon from all threats, without and within, in exchange for calling its highlands their home. Although fiercely independent, their ideals have led them to fight alongside the Galactic Alliance on more than one occasion, thus fostering amicable relations between the two entities.
    Traits: Clan Kryze is largely defined by a progressive mindset; although not all traditions are abandoned by the wayside, the members of the Clan are not afraid to eschew select elements of the culture deemed incompatible with their new values of defending the weak, kindling hope, and never backing down. Renowned (and, arguably, infamous, depending on who you're asking) for their commitment to chivalric ideals, their flexibility has allowed them to consolidate their power pragmatically as well, notably through their recruitment of non-Mandalorians to serve as auxiliaries.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Hostile. Crusaders are treated as dar'manda and held as the embodiment of the worst impulses of the Mandalorian people; the anathema of all the Clan represents.

  • TcQ5Y0w.png

    Alor: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , Rally Master
    Base of Operations: Dxun, Roaming
    Holdings: N/A
    • A small shard of scattered fragments from the Mandalorian Civil Wars and Red Coronation, who went into seclusion as preservers of ancient history and traditions. Only recently emerged with the Crusade, this branch does not technically consider themselves a 'clan,' rather a movement, and thus follow a Rally Master over an Alor until they grow in numbers. They adorn similar armor to the original Neo-Crusaders, symbolically sacrificing individuality for unity, with ideologies generally emphasizing on the old ways of conquest for the sake of survival, renewal, or the worship of religion. I swear I'll make a codex entry eventually.
    • Historians
      • Highly knowledgeable on Mandalorian history and culture, even what was considered ancient before the Gulag Plague. They are often out-of-touch with current events due to their seclusion to accomplish this. Many members still maintain the practice of recording history as they go, with their re-introduction to the wider galaxy.
    • Victory in Unity
      • Being very limited in their numbers, members of this clan have strong ties to each other, and they often only work in groups. They are usually highly coordinated, accustomed to Helmet-comms being used often. This has resulted in an unusually high charisma in some members, who do their utmost to sway fellow Mandalorians to their cause, and further extend this to outsiders.
    • The Old Ways
      • Their education and training methods has produced warriors who fight differently compared to most Mandalorians. They champion the ancient ways of honor, conquest, the methods of the original Crusaders, and are adept at using them. Hit-and-Fade Raids, Military Occupations, and other such tactics are all things they excel at. Many believe all they do is in accordance with the natural cycle of Life and Death, and most are aware or even pay tribute to the Mandalorian deities.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned; They believe they are one in the same, brought together by fate. Their clan often serves as the greater movement's primary link to their predecessors, and serve as military & cultural advisors when not on the front.

  • cadera-symbol.png

    Alor: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera (x)
    Base of Operations: Evaar'la Yaim
    Description: It was formed from the old Clan Cadera, after the old clan led by Yasha Cadera was no longer very active. Silhana came into their ranks as an adult, but the Twi'lek don't like Force Users, so she started rebuilding the Clan in that spirit after the Second Great Hyperspace War. Part of the reason they are connected to the Eternal Empire is because they are not particularly close to the Force either. And after many years of building, Sil finally managed to revive the Clan | more soon, when I finally post the Codex sub
    • Loyalty: Clan members are always loyal to each other and to their clan. They see each other almost as brothers and sisters, and therefore always help each other and stand by each other.
    • Warriors and Mercenaries: Warriors, mercenaries or bounty hunters. The Clan Cadera does not even consider bounty hunting to be despicable, as combat skills can be practised in this profession, but they always need to keep themselves to the Mandalorian laws.
      Anti-Force: Clan members dislike or outright hate the Force and Force Users. For this very reason, they do not accept any Force users among their members and will only ally with such individuals as a last resort if their goals are common, and even then only reluctantly.
    • Orchids (Ladies only): A bounty hunter clan led by the Alor, whose speciality is to only catch bounty hunters who are male and only women are allowed to join the organisation.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned / Neutral | Probably most of the members are neutral, the liaison is Livia Cadera Livia Cadera

  • Clan-Kast-symbol.png

    Alor: NPC ( Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast 's uncle)
    Base of Operations: Enarc, Mid Rim
    Holdings: Minor presence in Enarc, Naboo & Chommell Minor
    Description: Clan Kast is a Mandalorian clan who is primarily active in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories. The clan is based in a remote compound in Enarc. They have settled in Enarc after they migrated from Nevarro sometime between the 5th century. It is believed that Clan Kast originated as an offshoot of Clan Rook, although they believe it to be the other way around. Almost all members of Clan Kast are aligned to the Bounty Hunter's Guild, especially in the Enarc Chapter, where they pretty much have a controlling interest on how the Guild Chapter is run.
    Blood and Lineage
    : Clan Kast's lack of interaction with other Mandalorian clans has led the clan to pick up some unusual views and practices that other Mandalorians might consider them as astrayed, or even Dar'manda. They believe that what makes a Mandalorian is their blood and lineage, not creed. They have their own interpretation of the Resol'nare, especially when it comes to family and Mand'alor. They see other Mandalorian clans as corrupted, due to their liberal approach to adoption, and thus they cannot accept any Mand'alor that's not a Kast, since they cannot in any way prove their blood and lineage. Adoption is practiced, but in a much stricter way. It has to be approved by the Alor and Clan Council, and limited to children found under the age of 5, and upon adoption, their development will be overseen by the Clan Council. Teenager and adult adoption into the clan is strictly prohibited, to prevent the corruption of philosophical views and ideology within the clan.

    Aruetii Friends: While Clan Kast is very strict on their views of what makes one a Mandalorian and their worth in the clan's eyes, they are surprisingly friendly towards aruetii. That's because with aruetii, it is clear that they are not 'one of us' thus they possess no threat to the clan when it comes to claimants, continuation, and legitimacy. A Kast more often than not prefer to work with aruetii than members of other clans, and some members even employ aruetii warriors and workers among their ranks.

    Our Place in the Galaxy: The majority of Clan Kast work as mercenaries, privateers, and bounty hunters. This is an extension of their inward-looking perspective and their view on the state of the Mandalorians today. Clan Kast believes that Mandalorians are strongly independent warriors, not empire-builders, and thus it is impossible to unite vastly different clans under one banner. They believe that their place in the galaxy is as warriors who leverage their strength to profit from conflicts, but to never attach themselves onto those conflicts on a personal nor communal level, and in the end, administer the wealth and power accumulated on a clan level, as their loyalty is to blood and lineage, not creed.

    Our Word is Good as Gold: A Kast will never break a contract. As their main profession in the galaxy is as guns-for-hire, they need to ensure that their reputation stays on top of everyone else. This also means that the Clan Council oversees the contracts taken by members of the clan, since they have to avoid having two Kast facing directly in the battlefield, or fighting for the same bounty, to ensure clan unity. A Kast only works with clear and specific terms of contract, and as a result, always aim to adhere to and fulfil everything that has been agreed upon.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. Members of Clan Kast are loyal only to the clans and the terms in their signed contract. They would fight alongside or against the Neo-Crusaders, depending on the circumstances. However, on a philosophical level, they view the Crusade as a misguided movement seeking to unite Mandalorians under the rule of opportunists, and won't answer a call for Crusade, as much as they won't answer to any Mand'alor not named Kast.

  • QGWGA2X.png

    Alor: Casany Praxor Casany Praxor
    Base of Operations: Kad-Stor
    Holdings: None
    Description: Originally from Mandalore, a clan born out of smiths and armorers, Clan Praxor were forced onto an asteroid with an abandoning mining facility named Kad-Stor years later. They converted this facility into their new seat and fortified it. Eventually, an enemy drove the Praxors out of this home. It wasn't until recently that Casany Praxor rediscovered Kad-Stor.
    • Survival
    • Integrity
    • Honor
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Indifferent

  • zJpBrYB.png

    Alor: Romul Saxon Romul Saxon
    Base of Operations: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon
    • Saxon Warfleet
    • Citadel of the Kom'rk - Kestri
    • Several military bases in old Enclave space
    • Reclaimed ancestral holdings on Mandalore
    Description: Clan Saxon began to distance themselves from other mandalorians during the time of the mandalorian empire, not wishing rule by the likes of Yasha Cadera. They became a strongly independent clan that focused the strength of their military. They fought hard against the Sith when they ravaged Mandalore and Romul took the decision to evacuate and save the remaining strength of his clan, leaving the galaxy at large. Clan travelled until Romul met the Quartermaster and became an important part of the early building of the Enclave around Kestri. Clan Saxon continue to be one of the key clans in the enclave and their armies are regularly led into battle by Romul's aggressive rallymaster, Celt Saxon.
    • Honourable
    • Independence
    • Militaristic strength
    • Significant space presence
    • Mobile
    • Disproportionate amount of super commandos
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: They will not swear off their allegiance to the Enclave so the concept of "crusader first" does not sit well. But respect for their willingness to take up arms, even if they run the risk of becoming the barbarians our enemies tried hard to paint the enclave as.

  • Ice-Bear-Symbol.png

    Alor: Kalðr Ísbjørn Kalðr Ísbjørn
    Base of Operations: Mynock-class light freighter, the Htagir'jorir
    • Hargeeva
    • Hoth
    • Kestri
    • Mandalore
    Description: Codex Entry
    Clan Ísbjørn was originally started several generations ago by Mandalorian foundling Jökul Ísbjørn, originally from Hargeeva, after completing his verd'goten, which was hunting a ferocious snow bear on the frozen world of Hoth. He then took the snow bear as his sigil and started the Ísbjørn Clan with a woman named Pulmu, who would later become his wife. The hunting of snow bears has been a verd'goten tradition ever since, often incorporating the pelt of the bear into the individual's beskar'gam.
    • Love of the cold.
    • Knowledge of a way to alloy Plas-bonded Ostrine with high-carbon Beskar that produces a chilling effect.
    • Abnormally large in size compared to normal humans (those of the Ísbjørn bloodline, at least)
    • Pelts and furs (typically snow bear fur) adorning armor.
    • Paladins who hold honor in high regard.
    • Calm and collected.
    • Cold fury when angered.
    • Cryo-based weaponry.
    • Jorir order of the Mandalorian Enclave Si'kayha
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. As long as brethren maintain the Resol'nare, there is no right to judge them. Even if adversaries in battle, this does not make them any less brothers who deserve respect.

  • Mythosaur-Skull-SW-100-Objects.png

    Alor: Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud
    Base of Operations: Nomad Fleet of Clan Awau
    Description: N/A
    • Lone Wolves
      • Hate the bickering politics and infighting of the Mandalorians. Many members not serving on the capital ships
    • Fierce Loyalty
      • Like the Fetts loyalty among the Awaud is among the strongest traits they possess, A slight to one is a slight to them all.
    • Independency
      • The Awaud help other Mandalroians or the Mandalore in a worthy cause, but are not inclined to submit to any leader but their own. Distrusting especially forceusers pretending to be Mandalorians.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: If they pay Clan Awaud they have their support in protecting their supply lines and blockade running.

  • Cxc391G.png

    Alor: Trask Skirata Trask Skirata
    Base of Operations:
    • Currently: Alderaan
    • Historically: Kyrimoruut
    Description: N/A
    • Mandalorian House:As one of the old Mandalorian Houses, Skirata leads several clans and actively recruits into the main branch clan of Skirata from promising leaders among their allied houses making its reach wide and large.
      • House Clans:
        • Skirata [Main Branch]
        • Clan Trest
        • Clan Tetsuya
        • Clan Cadera
    • Loyal: Members of House Skirata have historically put the well-being of the Mandalorians as a whole above their own squabbles. If a strong leader arose within the Mandalorians with a focus on Mandalore, the people's prosperity, and the ideals of the Supercommando Codex they would find allies in the House.
    • Bes'uliik Riders: Riding and modifying Bes'uliik has been a tradition among the Skirata for thousands of years.
    • Stubborn: Mandalore is their home. This has been something of a sore spot for Skirata for the last few decades, resulting in large parts of their population still being found on Mandalore despite their active flotilla of vessels that has been haunting the Outer Rim.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: If there was one thing House Skirata was divided on, it was the Neo Crusaders. As one of the Mandalorian Houses and clans hit hardest by the recent Civil War and Sith occupation of Mandalore, their people have been scattered across the stars leading to a dozen different views. The current Alor of House Skirata, Trask, has a non-committed stance. He is not unwilling to help Mandalorians he seek aid, but he sees the Mandalorian diaspora and looks at the Crusade as a distraction to what he believes should be their true goal - unity and reconstruction after the Sith genocide and the years of exile many clans experienced following the Seven Day War. He sees the crusade as a potential waste of life that could be put into rebuilding Mandalore. What his people did after regaining their foothold in the Galaxy though...

    At the same time, the youths of his House seem to flock to the crusaders seeking adventure, glory, and fame rather than the nomadic mercenary life the House has seen over the last several decades.

  • MousUM5.png

    Alor: Aether the Iron Aether the Iron
    Active Members:
    Base of Operations: Netra'yaim, Krant
    Holdings: Krant System
    Description: House Verd of Mandalore
    • Forceful
      • As many of the modern members of House Verd are direct progeny of Darth Metus Darth Metus , the House's population features numerous Force-sensitive individuals.
    • Broken Faith
      • The House has a long and tumultuous relationship with the older clans of Mandalore. After decades of butting helmets and failing to see eye-to-eye about Manda'yaim proper, House Verd prefers to keep affairs regarding the homeland at arm's length.
    • Wealth
      • House Verd and its members want for nothing in terms of comfort, financial security, and militant assets thanks to the stockpiling done by their former Alor.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. House Verd, as an entity, is largely removed from Mandalorian affairs in the Galaxy. Individuals carry their own opinions and affiliations.

  • HfS586J.png

    Alor: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
    Notable PCs: Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
    Base of Operations: Dathomir, nomadic
    Holdings: N/A
    Description: Forged from the blood of the broken and forgotten Clan Bakker, Clan Dryggo is made up of fierce and loyal warriors. Trained in the Old Ways and actively worshiping Kad Ha'rangir, the clan is dedicated to warfare and the art of combat, whichever form it takes. Ruthless, calculating, born to die in battle; Clan Dryggo strives to achieve the perfect image of Mandalorian glory.
    • The Old Ways. Clan Dryggo follows the Old Ways and actively views lesser of any Mandalorian who doesn't do the same.
    • The Old Gods. Worship of Kad Ha'rangir, God of Destruction in the Old Mandalorian Pantheon, is actively promoted and taught among the clan. To live is to fight, to fight is to die.
    • "True" People First. Clan Dryggo puts the needs of the Mando'ade first. However this only extends to those they deem true, exclusively those who also follow the Old Ways.
    • Crusaders. Founded amidst the Neo-Crusade and taking in Foundlings from various raids, Clan Dryggo is a major supporter of the Neo-Crusaders and the other clans also aligned with them.
    • Foundlings. Built by primarily Foundlings, with Sig Dryggo himself being a former Foundling, Clan Dryggo is welcoming of anyone of any walk for life. The only rule: recognize and pledge yourself to the clan's teachings. Otherwise, anyone may join as a Foundling.
    Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned - Made up primarily of Foundlings from the Neo-Crusader raids on Contruum, Manaan, and Umbara, the clan firmly supports the Neo-Crusaders. The mission always comes first.

Fill out the template in a post below and I will add your clan on here. Your symbol will replace the placeholder neo-crusader logo on its designated tab, obviously. Clans that have been split over a 'succession crisis' will be split into two distinct clans i.e Clan Booga - Alor Ooga Clan Booga - Alor Lil Ooga, etc.
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Clan Claiborne:

Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt (by default for being the smartest)
Base of Operations: The Rat's Nest
Holdings: N/A
Description: A disgraced Mandalorian clan founded long ago in the dune sea on Tatooine, shunned for a bizarre and erratic way of life and a signate viewed as weak. They roam the galaxy spreading chaos, be it at the fortune or despair of the people around them.
Traits: Poor quality armor, a strange twangy accent, lots of guns, lower IQ/education, and one really smart guy that everyone follows.
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. Clan Claiborne takes no sides due to Zel's desire for the neutral recording of history. The rest just do what their Alor says.
Clan Mudhorn


Base of Operations: N/A - Coming soon.
Description: Go watch Star Wars: The Mandalorian. Wiki page can be found here
  • Known for their...
    • Acceptance of all kinds of species​
    • Some adhere to the tenets of the Children of the Watch
    • Honorable​
    • Tracking​
    • Zeal​
    • Bounty Hunting​
    • Creature Handling​
    • Survival skills​
    • Loyalty​
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Majority aligned & minority neutral
Symbol: The Mudhorn
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Alor: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
Forgemaster: Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Warmaster: Volo Dragr Volo Dragr
Base of Operations: White Scar Post, Kestri
  • The Bloodfort, Cheravh [Destroyed 738 BBY]
  • Norg Bral, Mandalore [Destroyed 858 ABY]
  • White Scar Post (Clan Dragr has control of White Scar Post, through which they hold implicit authority in the Cin'hastaal mountains of Kestri.)
  • Temple of Javarr (Specifically, Sahan has a secured underground Lab and Forge Factory {Kyr'bes Buy'ce} deep below the temple)
Description: Clan Lore is here.
Clan Dragr is an ancient and well-respected Mandalorian Clan whose origins date to the New Sith Wars. Once a powerful Clan that commanded massive armies, its size was reduced drastically in the Mandalorian Excision where they became a clan of bounty hunters and mercenaries. Once again in the Sith Genocide of Mandalore, they were reduced to only a few individuals, nearly rendering the Clan extinct.

Clan Dragr in the present day is an extremely small Clan, with only four six active and known members. They run White Scar Post and as a Clan are generally reclusive from intergalactic affairs, with the priority of the Clan being foremost its rebuilding and preservation. Though their numbers are small, their reputation precedes them and Clan Dragr's warriors are well-respected among the Mando'ade.
  • Warriors and mercenaries, chiefly The Karjr of the Mandalorian Enclave. (Siv, Volo, And Sahan all have Infamous ranking.
  • (Secret) Possession of Tkiriyr Nau'ur Kad
  • Fierce loyalty to the Clan and its members.
  • Clan Dragr adheres to the Resol'nare and Mandalorian Catechisms.
  • White Scar Orbak Herd | Reknown across Kestri for the quality of its mounts. Bred and managed by Volo Dragr.
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned / Neutral (Sahan Dragr is aligned. Volo Dragr Volo Dragr is retired and unaligned. Whereabouts of Obran Obran Dragr are unknown. Siv Dragr Siv Dragr is away on an extended hunt, but would likely be aligned as well (neutral for now).
Symbol: Lagartoz War Dragon
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| Alor | Careena Fett Careena Fett
| Base of Operations | Hoylin
| Holdings |

  • Hoylin
  • Echoy'la
  • Fett Homestead on Concord Dawn
  • Various Outposts scattered storing spoils of raids over the years
| Description |
  • [ x ] - Due for an update soon
| Traits |
  • Lone Wolves
    • Due to their lower numbers compared to other Mandalorian clans, Fetts are strongly independent in their operations and ability to perform/survive on their own. That does not discount how terrifying they are in a group with how well they look out for one another.
  • Fierce Loyalty
    • Loyalty among the Fetts is among the strongest traits they possess, and they take their clans honor very seriously. A slight to one is a slight to them all.
  • Tenacity
    • Fett clansmen are stubborn and headstrong to a fault often times, but they are amongst the most tenacious Mandalorians to roam the stars, even after facing near extinction in their numbers. They will fight with the heart and strength of ten before going down.

| Stance on the Neo-Crusaders |
Aligned - Clan Fett was the one to put out the call to Crusades. Naturally, they are at the forefront in providing assets, intelligence, and resources for the Neo Crusades and among its most staunch supporters.
| Symbol |
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Clan Vizsla

Aloy Vizsla, defacto
Base of Operations: Concordia
Description: A controversial clan with a distrust towards any claiming the title "Mand'alor" after they were themselves betrayed by Mand'alor the Reclaimer during the final stages of The Shadow Crusade. Clan Vizsla has since become quite secretive despite involving themselves heavily in various campaigns via The Black Fleet, though they have been known to cooperate briefly with larger factions when it suits their needs or involves combatting Imperials, particularly Sith.
  • Guerilla warfare specialists
  • Hit & Run fleet tactics
  • Ruthless pragmatists
  • Distrusting
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral
Symbol: Vizsla cherry branch
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| Alor | Jenn Kryze

| Base of Operations | The Kryze Clangrounds, located in the Highlands of Onderon. [I am yet to get a Codex sub done for it.]

| Holdings | The entirety of the Clan is located on Onderon itself. Although their seat of power is within the highlands, they also exert some influence on those communities at the edge of civilization, finding common ground in their simpler approach to life.

| Description |
  • Clan Kryze (or rather, Jenn's branch of the Clan) was (re)formed during the days of the Mandalorian Enclave's ill-fated crusade against the Galactic Alliance, serving as an assembly for the more forward-thinking members of the culture. Eventually leaving the Enclave behind when their differences became impossible to reconcile, they travelled from one community to the next, offering a second chance to all those who would take it; including those members of the traitor clans, who betrayed the Mando'ade and sided with the Sith during the Purge.
  • Bolstered with these numbers, they made a triumphant return on the galactic scene with their key assistance in the liberation of Onderon. From then on, they swore to protect Onderon from all threats, without and within, in exchange for calling its highlands their home. Although fiercely independent, their ideals have led them to fight alongside the Galactic Alliance on more than one occasion, thus fostering amicable relations between the two entities.

| Traits |
  • Reformers:
    • By far their most recognizable characteristic, standing in sharp contrast with other Clans. The Mandalorians of Clan Kryze, though far from irreverent of the past, are not afraid to eschew select elements of the culture deemed incompatible with their newfound values. Change for the sake of change is never pursued, but once convinced of the rationale behind it, the warriors of the Clan readily embrace it.
  • Warrior Heroes
    • Wherever the weak and vulnerable bow beneath a cruel yoke, the warriors of Clan Kryze soon arrive to repay their oppressors in kind. Resolute in their commitment to their ideals, these Mandalorians believe it to be the duty of the strong to protect the weak and kindle hope where it is needed most.
  • Reformers:

| Stance on the Neo-Crusaders |
Hostile. Crusaders are treated as dar'manda and held as the embodiment of the worst impulses of the Mandalorian people; the anathema of all the Clan represents. They are opposed at every opportunity.


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Clan Akahl

| 'Alor' |
Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , Rally Master
| Base of Operations | Dxun, Roaming
| Holdings | N/A
| Description |
  • A small shard of scattered fragments from the Mandalorian Civil Wars and Red Coronation, who went into seclusion as preservers of ancient history and traditions. Only recently emerged with the Crusade, this branch does not technically consider themselves a 'clan,' rather a movement, and thus follow a Rally Master over an Alor until they grow in numbers. They adorn similar armor to the original Neo-Crusaders, symbolically sacrificing individuality for unity, with ideologies generally emphasizing on the old ways of conquest for the sake of survival, renewal, or the worship of religion. I swear I'll make a codex entry eventually
| Traits |
  • Historians
    • Highly knowledgeable on Mandalorian history and culture, even what was considered ancient before the Gulag Plague. They are often out-of-touch with current events due to their seclusion to accomplish this. Many members still maintain the practice of recording history as they go, with their re-introduction to the wider galaxy.
  • Victory in Unity
    • Being very limited in their numbers, members of this clan have strong ties to each other, and they often only work in groups. They are usually highly coordinated, accustomed to Helmet-comms being used often. This has resulted in an unusually high charisma in some members, who do their utmost to sway fellow Mandalorians to their cause, and further extend this to outsiders.
  • The Old Ways
    • Their education and training methods has produced warriors who fight differently compared to most Mandalorians. They champion the ancient ways of honor, conquest, the methods of the original Crusaders, and are adept at using them. Hit-and-Fade Raids, Military Occupations, and other such tactics are all things they excel at. Many believe all they do is in accordance with the natural cycle of Life and Death, and most are aware or even pay tribute to the Mandalorian deities.
| Stance on Neo-Crusaders |
Aligned; They believe they are one in the same, brought together by fate. Their clan often serves as the greater movement's primary link to their predecessors, and serve as military & cultural advisors when not on the front.

| Symbol | Ethrani Ouroboros
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Alor: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera (x)
Base of Operations: Evaar'la Yaim
Description: It was formed from the old Clan Cadera, after the old clan led by Yasha Cadera was no longer very active. Silhana came into their ranks as an adult, but the Twi'lek don't like Force Users, so she started rebuilding the Clan in that spirit after the Second Great Hyperspace War. Part of the reason they are connected to the Eternal Empire is because they are not particularly close to the Force either. And after many years of building, Sil finally managed to revive the Clan | more soon, when I finally post the Codex sub
  • Loyalty: Clan members are always loyal to each other and to their clan. They see each other almost as brothers and sisters, and therefore always help each other and stand by each other.
  • Warriors and Mercenaries: Warriors, mercenaries or bounty hunters. The Clan Cadera does not even consider bounty hunting to be despicable, as combat skills can be practised in this profession, but they always need to keep themselves to the Mandalorian laws.
    Anti-Force: Clan members dislike or outright hate the Force and Force Users. For this very reason, they do not accept any Force users among their members and will only ally with such individuals as a last resort if their goals are common, and even then only reluctantly.
  • Orchids (Ladies only): A bounty hunter clan led by the Alor, whose speciality is to only catch bounty hunters who are male and only women are allowed to join the organisation.
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Aligned / Neutral | Probably most of the members are neutral, the liaison is Livia Cadera Livia Cadera
Symbol: At the top

|| Alor ||
NPC ( Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast ‘s uncle)

|| Base of Operations ||
Enarc, Mid Rim

|| Holdings ||
Minor presence in Enarc, Naboo & Chommell Minor

|| Description ||
Clan Kast is a Mandalorian clan who is primarily active in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories. The clan is based in a remote compound in Enarc. They have settled in Enarc after they migrated from Nevarro sometime between the 5th century. It is believed that Clan Kast originated as an offshoot of Clan Rook, although they believe it to be the other way around. Almost all members of Clan Kast are aligned to the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, especially in the Enarc Chapter, where they pretty much have a controlling interest on how the Guild Chapter is run.

|| Traits ||
Blood and Lineage: Clan Kast’s lack of interaction with other Mandalorian clans has led the clan to pick up some unusual views and practices that other Mandalorians might consider them as astrayed, or even Dar’manda. They believe that what makes a Mandalorian is their blood and lineage, not creed. They have their own interpretation of the Resol’nare, especially when it comes to family and Mand’alor. They see other Mandalorian clans as corrupted, due to their liberal approach to adoption, and thus they cannot accept any Mand’alor that’s not a Kast, since they cannot in any way prove their blood and lineage. Adoption is practiced, but in a much stricter way. It has to be approved by the Alor and Clan Council, and limited to children found under the age of 5, and upon adoption, their development will be overseen by the Clan Council. Teenager and adult adoption into the clan is strictly prohibited, to prevent the corruption of philosophical views and ideology within the clan.

Aruetii Friends: While Clan Kast is very strict on their views of what makes one a Mandalorian and their worth in the clan’s eyes, they are surprisingly friendly towards aruetii. That’s because with aruetii, it is clear that they are not ‘one of us’ thus they possess no threat to the clan when it comes to claimants, continuation, and legitimacy. A Kast more often than not prefer to work with aruetii than members of other clans, and some members even employ aruetii warriors and workers among their ranks.

Our Place in the Galaxy: The majority of Clan Kast work as mercenaries, privateers, and bounty hunters. This is an extension of their inward-looking perspective and their view on the state of the Mandalorians today. Clan Kast believes that Mandalorians are strongly independent warriors, not empire-builders, and thus it is impossible to unite vastly different clans under one banner. They believe that their place in the galaxy is as warriors who leverage their strength to profit from conflicts, but to never attach themselves onto those conflicts on a personal nor communal level, and in the end, administer the wealth and power accumulated on a clan level, as their loyalty is to blood and lineage, not creed.

Our Word is Good as Gold: A Kast will never break a contract. As their main profession in the galaxy is as guns-for-hire, they need to ensure that their reputation stays on top of everyone else. This also means that the Clan Council oversees the contracts taken by members of the clan, since they have to avoid having two Kast facing directly in the battlefield, or fighting for the same bounty, to ensure clan unity. A Kast only works with clear and specific terms of contract, and as a result, always aim to adhere to and fulfil everything that has been agreed upon.

|| Stance on the Neo-Crusaders ||
Neutral. Members of Clan Kast are loyal only to the clans and the terms in their signed contract. They would fight alongside or against the Neo-Crusaders, depending on the circumstances. However, on a philosophical level, they view the Crusade as a misguided movement seeking to unite Mandalorians under the rule of opportunists, and won’t answer a call for Crusade, as much as they won’t answer to any Mand’alor not named Kast.

|| Sigil ||

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Alor: Casany Praxor
Base of Operations: Kad-Stor
Holdings: None
Description: Originally from Mandalore, a clan born out of smiths and armorers, Clan Praxor were forced onto an asteroid with an abandoning mining facility named Kad-Stor years later. They converted this facility into their new seat and fortified it. Eventually, an enemy drove the Praxors out of this home. It wasn't until recently that Casany Praxor rediscovered Kad-Stor.
  • Survival
  • Integrity
  • Honor
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Indifferent
Symbol: A gold sun on a field of red


Alor: Romul Saxon Romul Saxon
Rallymaster: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon
Base of Operations: Citadel of the Kom’rk - Kestri
  • Saxon Warfleet
  • Citadel of the Kom’rk - Kestri
  • Several military bases in old Enclave space
  • Reclaimed ancestral holdings on Mandalore
Description: Clan Saxon began to distance themselves from other mandalorians during the time of the mandalorian empire, not wishing rule by the likes of Yasha Cadera. They became a strongly independent clan that focused the strength of their military. They fought hard against the Sith when they ravaged Mandalore and Romul took the decision to evacuate and save the remaining strength of his clan, leaving the galaxy at large. Clan travelled until Romul met the Quartermaster and became an important part of the early building of the Enclave around Kestri. Clan Saxon continue to be one of the key clans in the enclave and their armies are regularly led into battle by Romul's aggressive rallymaster, Celt Saxon.

  • Honourable
  • Independence
  • Militaristic strength
  • Significant space presence
  • Mobile
  • Disproportionate amount of super commandos

Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: They will not swear off their allegiance to the Enclave so the concept of “crusader first” does not sit well. But respect for their willingness to take up arms, even if they run the risk of becoming the barbarians our enemies tried hard to paint the enclave as.

Symbol: Front view symmetrical boar head.

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Alor: Kalðr Ísbjørn Kalðr Ísbjørn
Base of Operations: Mynock-class light freighter, the Htagir'jorir
  • Hargeeva
  • Hoth
  • Kestri
  • Mandalore
Description: Codex Entry
Clan Ísbjørn was originally started several generations ago by Mandalorian foundling Jökul Ísbjørn, originally from Hargeeva, after completing his verd'goten, which was hunting a ferocious snow bear on the frozen world of Hoth. He then took the snow bear as his sigil and started the Ísbjørn Clan with a woman named Pulmu, who would later become his wife. The hunting of snow bears has been a verd'goten tradition ever since, often incorporating the pelt of the bear into the individual's beskar'gam.
  • Love of the cold.
  • Knowledge of a way to alloy Plas-bonded Ostrine with high-carbon Beskar that produces a chilling effect.
  • Abnormally large in size compared to normal humans (those of the Ísbjørn bloodline, at least)
  • Pelts and furs (typically snow bear fur) adorning armor.
  • Paladins who hold honor in high regard.
  • Calm and collected.
  • Cold fury when angered.
  • Cryo-based weaponry.
  • Jorir order of the Mandalorian Enclave Si'kayha
Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. As long as brethren maintain the Resol'nare, there is no right to judge them. Even if adversaries in battle, this does not make them any less brothers who deserve respect.
Symbol: Hoth Snow Bear
  • Alor: Jurr Awaud
  • Base of Operations: Nomad Fleet of Clan Awaud
    • Vlemoth Port
    • Traits:
    • Lone Wolves
      • Hate the bickering politics and infighting of the Mandalorians. Many members not serving on the capital ships
    • Fierce Loyalty
      • Like the Fetts loyalty among the Awaud is among the strongest traits they possess, A slight to one is a slight to them all.
    • Independency
      • The Awaud help other Mandalroians or the Mandalore in a worthy cause, but are not inclined to submit to any leader but their own. Distrusting especially forceusers pretending to be Mandalorians.
    • Stance on the Neo-Crusaders:
    If they pay Clan Awaud they have their support in protecting their supply lines and blockade running.

Classic Mandalorian Merc symbol

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Alor: Trask Skirata Trask Skirata
  • Base of Operations:
    • Currently: Alderaan
    • Historically: Kyrimoruut
  • Holdings:
  • Traits:
    • Mandalorian House: As one of the old Mandalorian Houses, Skirata leads several clans and actively recruits into the main branch clan of Skirata from promising leaders among their allied houses making its reach wide and large.
      • House Clans:
        • Skirata [Main Branch]
        • Clan Trest
        • Clan Tetsuya
        • Clan Cadera
    • Loyal: Members of House Skirata have historically put the well-being of the Mandalorians as a whole above their own squabbles. If a strong leader arose within the Mandalorians with a focus on Mandalore, the people's prosperity, and the ideals of the Supercommando Codex they would find allies in the House.
    • Bes'uliik Riders: Riding and modifying Bes'uliik has been a tradition among the Skirata for thousands of years.
    • Stubborn: Mandalore is their home. This has been something of a sore spot for Skirata for the last few decades, resulting in large parts of their population still being found on Mandalore despite their active flotilla of vessels that has been haunting the Outer Rim.
  • Stance on Neo Crusaders:
    • If there was one thing House Skirata was divided on, it was the Neo Crusaders. As one of the Mandalorian Houses and clans hit hardest by the recent Civil War and Sith occupation of Mandalore, their people have been scattered across the stars leading to a dozen different views. The current Alor of House Skirata, Trask, has a non-committed stance. He is not unwilling to help Mandalorians he seek aid, but he sees the Mandalorian diaspora and looks at the Crusade as a distraction to what he believes should be their true goal - unity and reconstruction after the Sith genocide and the years of exile many clans experienced following the Seven Day War. He sees the crusade as a potential waste of life that could be put into rebuilding Mandalore. What his people did after regaining their foothold in the Galaxy though...

      At the same time, the youths of his House seem to flock to the crusaders seeking adventure, glory, and fame rather than the nomadic mercenary life the House has seen over the last several decades.
  • Alor: Aether the Iron Aether the Iron
  • Active Members:
  • Base of Operations: Netra'yaim, Krant
  • Holdings: Krant System
  • Description: House Verd of Mandalore
  • Traits:
    • Forceful
      • As many of the modern members of House Verd are direct progeny of Darth Metus Darth Metus , the House's population features numerous Force-sensitive individuals.
    • Broken Faith
      • The House has a long and tumultuous relationship with the older clans of Mandalore. After decades of butting helmets and failing to see eye-to-eye about Manda'yaim proper, House Verd prefers to keep affairs regarding the homeland at arm's length.
    • Wealth
      • House Verd and its members want for nothing in terms of comfort, financial security, and militant assets thanks to the stockpiling done by their former Alor.
  • Stance on the Neo-Crusaders: Neutral. House Verd, as an entity, is largely removed from Mandalorian affairs in the Galaxy. Individuals carry their own opinions and affiliations.
  • Symbol:
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Clan Dryggo



Alor: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo (Founder)
-Field Marshal: TBaA
-Rally Master: TBA
Notable PCs: Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Base of Operations: Dathomir, nomadic
Holdings: N/a
Description: Forged from the blood of the broken and forgotten Clan Bakker, Clan Dryggo is made up of fierce and loyal warriors. Trained in the Old Ways and actively worshiping Kad Ha’rangir, the clan is dedicated to warfare and the art of combat, whichever form it takes. Ruthless, calculating, born to die in battle; Clan Dryggo strives to achieve the perfect image of Mandalorian glory.
  • The Old Ways. Clan Dryggo follows the Old Ways and actively views lesser of any Mandalorian who doesn’t do the same.​
  • The Old Gods. Worship of Kad Ha’rangir, God of Destruction in the Old Mandalorian Pantheon, is actively promoted and taught among the clan. To live is to fight, to fight is to die.​
  • “True” People First. Clan Dryggo puts the needs of the Mando’ade first. However this only extends to those they deem true, exclusively those who also follow the Old Ways.​
  • Crusaders. Founded amidst the Neo-Crusade and taking in Foundlings from various raids, Clan Dryggo is a major supporter of the Neo-Crusaders and the other clans also aligned with them.​
  • Foundlings. Built by primarily Foundlings, with Sig Dryggo himself being a former Foundling, Clan Dryggo is welcoming of anyone of any walk for life. The only rule: recognize and pledge yourself to the clan’s teachings. Otherwise, anyone may join as a Foundling.​
Stance on Neo-Crusaders: Aligned - Made up primarily of Foundlings from the Neo-Crusader raids on Contruum, Manaan, and Umbara, the clan firmly supports the Neo-Crusaders. The mission always comes first.
Symbol: See top of this post. Shout-out to Livia Cadera Livia Cadera for making it!
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