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Approved Armor The Masque of Alicio Organa

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Manufacturer: Jenn Kryze, Alicio Organa
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light


  • Force-imbued songsteel
  • Internal rebreather/respirator (30 minutes of air). Easily adapted to vacuum.
  • Encrypted internal commlink
  • Slight Voice Modulator/Amplifier

  • Force Imbuement: When it was forged, Alicio Organa tuned this helmet to his signature in the Force. Because of this attunement, the user's focus is sharpened, allowing them to better concentrate on skills preferred by it's creator- sense abilities, especially those surrounding the Future.
  • Songsteel: The mask is made primarily of songsteel, with some anti-ballistic gel and padding for comfort. It is light and maneuverable despite it's unwieldy design, resistant to most forms of physical attack, and able to block blaster bolts and lightsabers.
  • Intimidation: The horns make you look taller. It can be a benefit on the battlefield, to be imposing and anonymous.
  • Force Negation: Any Force-negating effects (void stones, ysalamiri, etc.) will render the helmet mundane.
  • Horns: While the blades adorning the brow were necessary in the attunement process, there are plenty of situations where having long horns on your head can be awkward and clumsy. Doors, for example.
  • Grandiose: The wielder sticks out like a sore thumb on the open battlefield. Once spotted, there is no doubt that the wearer of this helm is somebody worth eliminating, and will certainly attract trouble. Alicio considers drawing weapons away from his allies a strength, if he can handle the heat.
  • EMP/Ion: This helmet has little EMP or Ion protection. It's systems are relatively barebones, with not even a sensor package to it's name, but what little electronics are there will be fried by even the most basic of electrical attacks.

Ever since his Gift began manifesting, Alicio Organa had been seeing visions of a horned helmet. At first, it belonged to a dark stranger, who whispered conflicting thoughts in his ears. It took some time, and more visions, to realize the figure was him, and the helmet, his.

Feeling some instinctual need to fulfill this particular prophecy, Alicio enlisted the help of his friend and ally, Mandalorian Forgemaster Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze . With leftover metal from his armor set, the pair got to work, Jenn providing her masterwork blacksmith skills, and Alicio pouring his essence into the project.

The helmet itself shines like silver, the songsteel plating devoid of scratch or blemish. Intricate designs etch themselves along the thin metal strips, giving the illusion of a gaunt, skeletal mask. It's most defining feature is it's horns, each long blade curved at the base, and wickedly sharp along it's outside edge. Despite having practically two swords growing out of it's temples, the helm don't seem to impede the wearer's maneuverability. While worn, the user's eyes seem to glow a dull, cold blue, as it augments the user's talents in sensing the Force.

This helmet isn't me... giving in to a dark path. This is... an acknowledgement of the harsh lessons that have molded me. It's a symbol that despite the shadows, and the pain, and my fear...

I yet stand.



Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal helmet for Alicio Organa
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Alicio Organa
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Songsteel, Electrical Components, Padding, Kinetic Impact Gel
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: None

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