Zander smiled, "My past? What a thing that. Long, and filled with depression. But for the sadness, there was an immense amount riches, power, and love." As he spoke, Zander seemed to drift. His eyes went unfocused, his voice softened, "I literally helped build the entirety of the Fringe, did you know that? Ashin Varanin and Spencer Jacobs became family to me, as well as the whole of a nation that looked up to me. But for all the grandness I never felt I had enough...
"I needed more. Always more. Until the day I found those scrolls..."Pausing for a moment, Zander's eyes narrowed, "It almost seems as if I was meant to win those at the auction..."
"Before you ask what scrolls, Ill explain." Standing a bit straighter, Zander continued, "Though no longer, I became the literal Master of Darkness and Death alike. On the first scroll, was an ancient alchemical explanation on creating Sith Spawn, this i used to further the knowledge that came with the second....
"'Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut'" Even with no Force enfused to the words, the syllables rang with power, "'Reanimate Dead' This with what happened to me over time, I have conquered the ability to live on. Hell, at this very moment there are dual beings bearing my memories. This vessel," Zander gestured to his body, "And my last, whom now houses himself in an Andolith."
Realizing he had begun to ramble, Zander smiled, "Sorry. Anything in particular you would like to know?"
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]