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Approved NPC The Master of Forging

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  • Intent: To create an NPC headmaster of a Rogue Light Side group for story purposes and lore building

  • Age: 400
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Academy Golem
  • Appearance: A bizarre looking but beautiful woman in a red an black catsuit
  • Name: The Mistress of Forging
  • Loyalties: The Academics of Flesh, Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
  • Wealth: Aligned with Nathan, she is technically rolling in dough
  • Notable Possessions: Double Bladed Lightsaber (Aqua)
  • Skills: A master Force User with skill in Alkahest, able to imbue weapons, and create creatures similar to herself
  • Languages: Basic
  • Personality: A strict, almost school-marm type academic, she is utterly dedicated to the cause of the Flesh Academics, given that she is its founder. A bit of an opportunist, She takes any chance she can to thwart the plans of Dark Side Users, and inflict casualties in their ranks, uninterested in gaining political power or public adoration or influence, just like the rest of her cult
  • Weapon of Choice: Double Bladed Lightsaber
  • Combat Function: The Master of Forging Is a Master of Force Healing, Telekinesis, Alkahest, and Double bladed Form One, with skill at Force Jump and Force Speed. Her spirit is able to control the shape and color of her living Clay body, able to reshape it to squeeze through tight spaces, and is highly resistant to kinetic impact, her body deforming at the impact point only to reform slowly. As she has no internal organs, it takes immense energy and kinetic damage to overwhelm her natural resistances
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):
Force Sense (Master)
Telekinesis (Master)
Force Healing (Master)
Force Jump (Master)
Force Speed (Master)
Alkahest (Master)
Force Light (Master)
Plant Surge (Master)
Force Stasis (Master)
Revitalize (Master)

  • Golem: Possesses all the strengths of an Academy Golem
  • Spin Cycle: Is a Master of double bladed lightsaber combat and Form One, allowing her to possibly decimate a packed crowd, or potentially eviscerate lone Force Users
  • Master Wizard: A highly skilled Light Side user and long time instructor. She can serve as an excellent mentor if you want to learn the Light Side...or the devil on your shoulder if you're thinking of going behind the Jedi's back
  • Spymaster: Her creations occasionally infiltrate Jedi Enclaves, allowing her to learn vital info that she passes to Nathan
  • Null: Null Fields or Ysalamiri bubbles Force her spirit out of her clay body, rendering her unable to use the Force
  • Power Duelists: Power Duelists executing constant overhead strikes have a high chance of destroying her weapon and possibly damaging her
  • Golem: Possesses all the weaknessess of an Academy Golem

Once a respected Jedi Knight whose name is long forgotten, she lost her son to a bunch of Sith Cultists, with him brutally murdered in front of her. Suffering a breakdown, she used her knowledge to craft deadly creatures to hunt and slay Dark Side users, and was imprisoned by the Jedi as a result. Somehow escaping their custody, the disillusioned Jedi felt she had been treated worse than her own son's killers, and founded an organization that thumbed it's nose at Jedi restrictions on manipulating life with the Force, dedicated to waging war on Dark Side users. Binding her spirit to a clay body fairly recently, The Master of Forging is very familiar to Nathan, as they had to work together in the past during the Gulag Era. Seeking her out, Nathan offered to let her ply her talents in secret on Kytrand, to which she readily agreed. Though fanatical in her focus, she remains just as dedicated to protecting the innocent as she was when she first rebelled.
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After reading through the clay submission in question, I will be asking that you make a species submission for this living golem.

  • NPC's can be made without a Custom Species Submission or a Canon Equivalent, however, a Judge can request it if they deem it necessary.
Her character has a lot in the submission just about her 'species', but there is a lot specifically within the living clay submission that I feel requires an actual species submission for this. Once you've made the species and submitted it tag me here whether it's approved or not and I can go ahead and get this approved. If the species isn't at the time I see it, I will go ahead and review it so this isn't held up for long. Thanks!

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
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