Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Maverick and the Rogue (Any Jedi Welcome)

Qhorin Solas

--Auril Sector, Adega System, Ossus; Knossa, Jedi Praxeum
...everything and everywhere was dark and silent as the grave, and in that endless black there came a spark of light with a snap and a hiss. With one great rending cut, the darkness was sliced in two. And inside there was-


Qhorin turned his back on the locus, chest heaving as he inhaled slowly and deeply, grounding himself in the ebb and flow of the Force. He did not dwell on what the Eye had shown him, for the young master had never forgotten his grandmother's lessons on the follies of interpreting the future. He could hear her voice now, smoky and low and soothing: "Always changing is the future," Qhaina Solas had said, "and always changing are we, for the Force is never stagnant; it is always growing, always moving. You feel it, eh' boy? In your mind and your heart and your bones. The future is chaos because we are chaos."

His steps took him, seemingly of their own accord, up the winding stair of the minaret to the northwestern tower where the jedi of the praxeum practiced their combat skills. By their creed, fighting was meant to be a last resort, and that stood true even by Qhorin's code, but the galaxy was a much darker place than even he had realized, and he would be a fool not to hone his blade whenever the opportunity arose. He was a jedi, a shield against darkness...but he was also a weapon to pierce it, when needs must.

There is no want, there is no need. There is only what must be. The thought gave him strength where he didn't know he needed it.

There were several jedi loitering about the dueling arenas when he arrived, padawan, knights, and masters, practicing katas and cadences and sparring with training sabers. One of them in particular stood out from the rest. He was of similar size to Qhorin, perhaps a bit shorter, with dark skin, short, stylized hair, and a bionic arm. Qhorin immediately pegged him for a warrior, and approached with a soft smile, holds folded behind his back. The golden filigree that traced the edges of his forest-green tabard glinted from the light of the twin suns shining through the window walls. "Greetings, Master Jedi. My name is Qhoran Solas. Would you care for a duel?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Ossus
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Qhorin Solas

Jax was busy meditating trying to allow the Force to flow through him again. He had to prepare himself to confront Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and the only way to do it is to have the Force on his side. "Only through the Force," Jax thought. "Is where I will be granted victory."

Victory to Jax was to survive and break the hold from Carnifex. His father is a wound in the Force that would take hold of an organism and corrupt it to its will. Just then, Jax was interrupted by a fellow Jedi who asked to spar with him. "Why certainly!" Jax immediately sprang up trying to relax, maybe some sparring could take his mind off things. "Let's do it, name's Jax Thio: Jedi Master and you are?"

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...


Location: Ossus

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Allies: Qhorin Solas Jax Thio Jax Thio

“Stop giving the best part of you to those unworthy of that gift.”- Carlos Wallace

Caltin Vanagor was a lot of things, and was accused of being a lot more, but one thing he was never thought to be was oblivious. When the massive Jedi Master had figured out that, to most attune to the Force, that he was all but “Force Dead”, he learned to use that when he wanted to. Now when you read “Force Dead” that does not mean that he can slip into a Dark Temple and prance around like a Nexu on Felucian catnip. It is possible to detect some level of energy “out there”. However his “new” connection to the Force made it so that one could not discern his aura from that of a Bendu(for example).

That let the big man walk around the Ossus Academy without being escorted. Make no mistake, the big man was here at the reconstruction and had more than enough clearance to walk around, but it was still nice. It was nice because he was not being doted over, not that he was very often, but being able to talk in on two others ready to spar unannounced was quite satisfying.

Slipping into one of the darker corners of the “arena”, his arms folded, the massive Jedi Master just watched Jax Thio Jax Thio and this other individual go at it. Caltin knew what Jax was capable of, the former Battlemaster of the old Jedi Order trained him in several respects, but this other one would be an interesting watch. So, without another word, he just quietly watched.

... is my undivided attention.


Qhorin Solas

“...Qhorin Solas,” he said again, smiling ruefully, as if he hadn’t just introduced himself. “I hail from Lwhekk, in the Unknown Regions. I’m eager to test myself against a jedi from the greater universe. The sect I grew up in was separate from the Jedi Order for many centuries.”

He took his place in the center of the dueling arena and drew his saber. With a familiar snapping hiss, the indigo blade came to life, humming gently at its low power setting. He gave it a few practice swings to loosen his arms, weight balanced on the pads of his feet.

He had never considered himself a warrior, never considered himself as anything more or less than a jedi, and yet he could not deny the growing excitement thrumming in his veins, like electricity coursing through circuitry. It wasn’t the thrill of the fight that drove him, but the art of expression, for he had yet to discover a more honest way to express the truth of who he was than through the art of combat.

“Whenever you are ready, Master Thio.” Qhorin adopted a measured, closed stance, elbows tight to his side, blade gripped in both hands, his feet spread wide, ready to step in any direction.


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