[member="Lorelei Darke"] [member="Alena Beswin"] [member="Torill Holgor"] [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Nitram Ozio"] [member="Persephone Callas"]
"In hindsight," Popo began as an idea hit him. "The opposition has a point. Who are we to demand a draft of those who may not wish to fight? Who are we to demand the poor to fight the wars they may not desire?"
The Hutt turned to Senator Beswin and nodded to the woman.
"Senator Beswin, there is an alternative to a draft of the population of the Republic," he said calmly. "We need not draft the citizens, but the planets themselves. The galaxy has seen what the One Sith do to planets they take; they hand them to the Vong and allow their Vong allies to terraform them. Slaughtering whole ecosystems to their perverse religion with no care of why or how. The people may not see the value in the war... but those who lead them do. The people may not wish to fight a war, but they do not wish to lose their homes. Let us not draft the citizens, but instead require the planets and their leadership to provide soldiers to us. Let us require each planet capable of doing so to supply a regiment of soldiers or task force of ships to the Republic effort. Those that cannot simply supply credits or materials. We have scores of worlds and such a move would give us scores of regiments or task forces to fight the One Sith. It would give us thousands of soldiers and hundreds of ships to fight in the war."
Popo gestured at Senator Callas.
"The Hapans are isolationist, but if the Republic falls, they may be at your door. Perhaps your gallant women and men, the best of your fleet, would desire to test the Sith. To understand their tactics and share them with their sisters and brothers within the cluster. To better prepare against them," he then gestured to the Kuati dignitaries. "Perhaps Kuat could supply us a small fleet of valiant ships and sailors and bring glory to the Kuat system and the noble families that reside there. Perhaps Kuat's next generation of rulers and nobles could be built on the glory and honor of combat in the defense of the Republic. Perhaps Morellia could gather its sons and daughters and send them forth to do battle against the legions we face, to hold fast in the face of the enemy and show the courage of their people. Alderaan is lost to us, for now, but there are many of her sons and daughters astray in the galaxy. Let them rally to our cause, our banner. Let them take vengeance against the Sith for the desolation of their world. Let them unite under this cause and take back their homes and rescue their families. We are a conglomeration of dozens, scores of worlds, but we all have one reason for being here: Democracy. Fairness. A say in how things are run. A voice among equals. No one world's voice holds more sway than the other. Yes, I know this is not always the case. Yes, bribes and payoffs are known. Yes, there will always be corruption in any government. Yes, I am a Hutt, a species known for corruption and deceit and a people whose hands dig deep into the galactic underworld."
Popo looked at the Senate slowly and carefully, gauging them in his mind.
"But I stand here before you today. I have no agenda, no private goals. I desire no money for my position, no gains or benefits. Were you to decide today that I were not fit for the position, I would step down without argument or qualms and report to the front lines where I can still help the Republic. We must all do our part. The Republic looks to us. The people look to us. We must all hang together in this conflict or we will all hang separately."