Bulthos Dorrir
Without a word and a salute that came just shy of outright mockery, Bulthos unstrapped himself and strode after Ke'Cholo.
The first thing he noticed as he stepped off of the freighter was the sheer heat of the desert moon. His brown coat was made of a rough suede leather, and it went from cozy to caustic in the space of a few seconds. The second thing Bulthos noticed was the temple off in the distance; for all his misgivings about their Duros companion, he'd landed them a safe distance from the temple, well out of range of any automated defenses that might - somehow - still be operational after over eight centuries. Standing almost like a beacon against the flat of the desert sand, the Sith temple before them had to be absolutely massive. Not long after seeing the temple itself, Bulthos could somewhat make out the shape of alterations that clearly hadn't been a part of the building's original design. The Confederate listening equipment. It had to be.
"Righ', best bet now," Bulthos said, doing his best to ignore the heat, "woul' be t' go in through the CIS way. Easier on the slicers, an' it's go' t' intersect wi' the actual temple a' some point, considerin' who the renovators were..."
While not an especially far distance to travel, the scorching temperature was already starting to wreak havoc on Bulthos's body. He was secretly, desperately hoping they wouldn't have to walk the whole way.
The first thing he noticed as he stepped off of the freighter was the sheer heat of the desert moon. His brown coat was made of a rough suede leather, and it went from cozy to caustic in the space of a few seconds. The second thing Bulthos noticed was the temple off in the distance; for all his misgivings about their Duros companion, he'd landed them a safe distance from the temple, well out of range of any automated defenses that might - somehow - still be operational after over eight centuries. Standing almost like a beacon against the flat of the desert sand, the Sith temple before them had to be absolutely massive. Not long after seeing the temple itself, Bulthos could somewhat make out the shape of alterations that clearly hadn't been a part of the building's original design. The Confederate listening equipment. It had to be.
"Righ', best bet now," Bulthos said, doing his best to ignore the heat, "woul' be t' go in through the CIS way. Easier on the slicers, an' it's go' t' intersect wi' the actual temple a' some point, considerin' who the renovators were..."
While not an especially far distance to travel, the scorching temperature was already starting to wreak havoc on Bulthos's body. He was secretly, desperately hoping they wouldn't have to walk the whole way.