Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Morellia Of The Story (SSC Dominion of Morellia)

Location: Town, somewhere
Objective: Kill things

Another planet, another assignment, another place to murder creatures. Of course, this was a peace mission and all that. Caerys had little time for such fancy phraseology as she stalked across the streets of the largely abandoned town. Morellia had never been rich, but this place had truly seen better days. In the distance one could make out a run down MWC factory complex. It was difficult to assess at this distance, but to her keen eye the building looked like it was about to cave in.

Beyond the strategic rationale to shore up defences against Primeval, which was a fancy way of saying the Coalition wanted to get their enemy to focus on less relevant worlds rather than those that actually mattered, she saw little reason to come here. However, she had long accepted that organics did illogical things. As a matter of fact, the same applied to many droids.

Such as Archangel, the thought coursed through her mechanical mind as she surreptitiously made her way across the dust-covered road, which was in serious need of paving. Judging by the fact that the trash cans were overfilled and the smell very rank, they had not been emptied in a while. Passing a broken speeder she came across dead bodies. A quick scan revealed they were human and the kills were evidently recent. They looked like some form of wild animal had torn them to shreds.

Her expression was, you might have guessed it, indifferent. Sooner or later every being died, be it through sickness or violence. Her attention was commanded when she suddenly heard screams from a nearby street and immediately turned, picking up on humans running away from what seemed to be a rampaging rancor. She very briefly contemplated the illogicality, for this was far from their hunting grounds. Few predators strayed this far from their habitat. They were not even native to Morellia, though they might've been imported at some point.

A loud, anguished cry was heard when a woman was suddenly grabbed by the rancor and swallowed. A man who ineffectually fired upon the beast with his blaster rifle was simply knocked aside and sent flying into a wall, as the rancor charged.

Loading a flare round, Caerys squeezed the trigger of her Mark One Bolter and fired at the beast. A bright light emanated when the round hit home, causing small burns and most importantly temporarily blinding the rancor. A loud, blood-curdling roar emanated from the massive beast as it struck blindly, its massive clawed hands slamming into a wall here, a dead human there as it charged. Ammunition type was switched again and Caerys fired a hail of APEB rounds. BAAAM BAAAM and so on and so forth.

While the rancor was a tough beast, even its skull could not withstand the power of armour-shredding bullets. Thank you, physics. The sharp crack of the bolter was matched by the noise of the impact when the bullets smashed into flesh and made a mess of the rancor's skull. With a scream it finally toppled over. However, another beast suddenly charged her! Its heavy footsteps were unmistakeable and Caerys turned to engage it, but it was faster than anticipated.

Even an HRD did not want to be on the receiving end of a blow from such a creature. Caerys was able to dodge the first as it slammed down onto the ground, the second strike was blocked with her bolter, though the weapon was broken and she was knocked down. Instantly the beast was upon her, smashing and slashing at her. She managed to grab ahold of its clawed hand when it came crashing down upon her, and there was a satisfying crunch that heralded something painful happening to bones as she arm-wrestled it. However, it brought its foot slamming down upon her legs, preventing movement as she tried to wiggle her way out.

Roaring in triumph and enraged by the pain, the beast scooped her up, intending to swallow her. However, in this moment Caerys activated her wrist-worn flamer and sent a stream of burning liquid right towards the beast's face. With pain shooting through it as it caught flame, the beast abruptly dropped her and Caerys rolled when it tried to stomp upon her body. Seizing her chainsword, which had fallen during the fight, she rammed it hard into the creature's knee. Stumbling it fell and she brought down the blade upon its head, ending it.
Location: Orbit
Objective: 2 - Meet and Greet
Equipment: Lightsaber | Blaster Pistol | Vibroknife
Post: 1/20

Not much was known about Morellia. For a while, long in the past, it had been the focal point of the Morellian Commonwealth. Sometime between then and now, the Commonwealth had dissipated. No doubt this was due in large part to the decline of the Morellian species. This decline was readily evident when viewed from space; civilization lines were clearer from further away than up close. There had been some sort of expert, aided by the sensor operator, who had pointed out line after retreating line of civilization. The declining population grew too distant from one another, the dangers too close to withstand alone, and had pulled back closer to one another. Abandoned buildings and fields marked the lines.

Audren had heard this from the viewing area of The Beacon's bridge. Nobody had commented on his presence, nor had they objected when he'd joined one of the shuttles heading towards the ground. He was able to see some of what that expert had meant as the vessel descended: though the fields were overgrown, the straight lines that had separated them were still visible from a higher altitude. Buildings, though collapsed or otherwise abandoned to time, were still visible in all but the densest overgrowth. As they got closer to the ground, only the buildings remained visible, the lines of the fields began to blur and disappear. An interesting phenomenon.

When the shuttle landed, Audren headed off to the town. Given that the Sanctum was effectively taking over the planet, there were bound to be some that weren't happy. If those people were the ones in charge or influential, the situation could turn ugly quickly. Some of the others were working with ranking members of the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate, or factory owners and workers. Audren had decided to pull a related but slightly different task. If these people didn't support the situation...well, suffice to say the setup on the ground was already chaotic enough.

"Excuse me, which way to the Enforcers station?"
Objective: 3
Location: Southern Wildlands
Post Count: 1/20

Solan smiled as he pushed the butt of the rifle into his shoulder while two of his men stood on either side of him with their own rifles trained on the creature as well. It turned out that some rather dangerous creatures had become a pest problem and Solan considered the time before drawing a gaze down the sight and zeroed in on the creature. It was a gundark, a smaller one than normal by the looks of it. "The thing might be a young one, careful and watch for its mother after its taken down, relief crew be ready with the ship incase we get into trouble." His voice carried almost silently over the comm systems he had hooked up and around his ear, the mic at the edge of his mouth.

"Fire on three, not a second before or after." He let the timer count down, the three rifles steady as he aimed for the chest. To his right the man would be targeting the head while the left man would be aiming for the chest as well in order to take it down. Two to the chest and one to the head if they did this right, there was no way the creature would get up after that. "Three." With that the pressure he provided the trigger caused the butt to kick back into his shoulder and a rocketing sound of the slug leaving the rifles echoed through the area, dropping the creature and causing a eruption of noise. "Looks like there is a mama... Men, i suggest you get to the ship now."
Objective 1. Build and fortify Silver Sanctum Jedi Enclave of Morellia.
Location: On board a Jo'henry-class rare minerals mining vessel.
Leaving via a Thyrsus heart.
Mission: Scout the area below.

Completely focused in his hunt, he unfortunately was so singleminded in his walk, he missed the young man following! [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], stopping to give the boy a half bow as he became somewhat overfocused on his task, Taiden could sometimes block out the world around him and become so internal, that it was much to his detriment that he missed opportunities he might not get a second time! (oops) Not able to find Nima, the young Keth headed down with one of the departing groups to offer what assistance he could creating the training center, thinking she must have already headed down without him, in a rare moment of internal panic actually that he was late. The Thyrsus heart ship leaving the docking bay was incredibly fast, zipping away with a high pitched thrust of the engines, and a small shockwave behind it, much to the assured aggravation of those nearby the mining ship's docking collar!

Echani engineering inside was minimalist as usual, each room having its own purpose and being completely dedicated in every way to it, the bridge was functional and allowed for a flow of information and movement around it as the white clad purists went station to station, doing their duties. The SSC training center could maybe benefit from some Echani thinking, he did have volumes of it to hand! Taiden was bringing books, tomes by the dozen with him for others to read, new students or even teaching methods for the Jedi when they started. While he himself had a visual model to hand of a proposed design, as his race were visual creatures, a strange contrast to his great love of books! A rebellious streak perhaps?

Aboard the small scout vessel the few Echani with him began to get orders from those on the ground, while Kei had his hands full in the factory with iron, Taiden had books piled up in his pack and was placing them in order as they began to prepare, unload and organise them ready for the mining ships's arrival. So far everything looked quiet, but where would they be setting down?

OOC [member="Nima Tann"] | Theo
Sorry theo, didn't register it was for taiden, need more coffee! Nima or theo can feel free to surprise him aboard the ship. :)


[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Xander Stanforth"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="George O Rourke"]​
Location: Landing at an old run down factory complex, owned by the MWC.
Objective: Rebuild and establish contact with the MWC
Allies: [member="Elara Wahia"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] @Anyone assisting.
Unknowns: [member="Kip Radon"]

[member="Matsu Ike"]

Kei’s voice would come over her communicator promptly, “Master Ike, beginning our work on the courtyard,” giving Elara look as she worked with what they had, “need anything? Be awhile before we get the heavy gear inside.” They’d first have to organise and clear the route in before they could bring in the heavier machinery, which the Nikto were naturally doing now.

[member="Elara Wahia"]

Yet, the Nikto arguing with the MWC scavengers about what constituted borrowing gear, wasn’t helping matters get moving, Amadis breathed out and settled himself, working with the situation not pushing against it. Elara seemed to settle them when she approached in her usually direct way, Kei was hoping for that, people were paying attention to her.

It was hard not to.

“Weeeeell heating and cool chambers have blown their safety valves last month, we’ve got some grit clogging up the liquid metal mixers, our main generator is venting, something were not sure what, and" he looked behind him, "factory’s seen better days. “

The old engineer she was speaking to pulled up his sleeves a bit further, revealing that he did indeed know a hard day’s work by the state of his hands.

“Casing machine for the slugs is jussssst fine, production line works, we can build guns and ammo like the best of them,” the CE and half O, lit up a cigarra, “Treggs lost his hand the other week to some avians that have nested up in the upper pylons, might be what’s stinking up the generator,” he blew some smoke, at least he was smoking outside away from the chemicals!

Elara might be sorry she asked. Hands full again with moving crates, Amadis somewhere to her side was grinning, he’d stop, or more likely try to if she looked, they’d done the impossible before.

[member="Kip Radon"]

“Checking on something” [member="Elara Wahia"], sorry to leave her with her hands full, he put his box down. Getting a report from inside about some noise, and feeling something off, the Epicanthix’s senses were not the sharpest at spotting where that something was sadly. The Jedi Master decided to go in ahead to get a traditional ‘eyes on’ look. It was a big complex, the MWC needed the extra space for their antiquated machinery to operate, something the SSC would hopefully fix. Walking through the run down factory, not at a rush, he was calm and centered, nodding to employees and offering a friendly word of reassurance to those hard at work. They could make this work, give some hope of something better to these people and this whole planet.

[member="Elara Wahia"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Kip Radon"]​


Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 1 of 20
Objective: Exploration
Location: Subtropical Jungle


A serpentine form twisted as it slithered along a branch -- a ledge on a shelf of verdant green, forming the seemingly endless ceiling which enclosed the jungle below in a world of shadow and shadowplay.

The familiar hum of a lightsaber resonated, as the brilliant blade cut through the foliage like a machete of light. The sounds of the forest presented a world in which silence was not heard, instead it was a cacophony of orchestral ensemble. From bird song to clicks, whistles, woodpecking, and the rustle of leaves. It was a place in which nature had dominated for more years than man had existed. And, yet, still in the distance a step pyramid rose above the canopy to dominate the horizon like some ziggarut erected as a lasting monument to some earlier Morellian civilization.

Or its tombstone.

Shafts of translucent gold filtered through the shade of the trees, like fingers of some almighty god piercing a veil to gently caress the ground below. The small Jedi was awash in earth tones and green light from the lightsaber he'd wielded through five decades of adventures such as this. The green cloak of Corellia adorning the tunic and trousers of varying shades of brown. Blond hair fell just shy of his shoulders, presenting an appearance that was frighteningly human.

Particular since the young archaeologist was anything but.

A wolf in human's clothing, the Anzat held the lightsaber aloft as a torch, as he continued to venture through the dark jungle toward the foreboding temple of some forgotten yesterday.

Keeper of mysteries yet to be discovered.

...or horrors meant to be forgot.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kei Amadis"] @Elara Wahla

Matsu gave a nod to Kei's words while she was working with some of the others and setup a small grid as they were searching. "Go into these areas." She was letting the others go out while the factory lines were being set up and pointing on the map. "Saeko send a team to these coordinates we are getting reading." She moved letting herself inspect the lines and start brushing at some of the cobwebs bringing in more of the things. "Kei we are sending from red eye probes to help where needed, sync up with them for information and maps to be sent to you. I have my researchers beginning work on the power systems to the building to get it back and running. We'll start grid by grid if we need to and anything of interest flag on the maps."

Kip Radon

I like the way you bleed, boy
[member="Kei Amadis"]

Location: Run down MWC factory
Objective: Be Kip
Allies: None
Enemies: Maybe the sanctum

Kip was towards the back of the facility, near the junk yard and trash compactor. A lot of homeless had squatted in these locations of the large factory. Most of the personnel that were still around didn't much care, but apparently that time was coming to an end now that the sanctum had arrived. The young Sith Acolyte stood in the yard outside under the darkness of a few clouds that blotted out the sun, reaching into his pockets he produced a cigarette and lighter which he quickly light and inhaled.

"Children, almost time to go. Get your thangs." he said in his accent.

A group of fifteen or so children stood in a half circle around Radon in the yard, their faces dirty and clothing covered in grime. Broke and homeless, just the way he liked them. So with that in mind he reached into his pockets once more and pulled out a few ration bars.

"This is for the person who can pack their stuff up the the fastest." The Sith said and watched as the very hungry children start to rush to pack up their little squatter tents.

The Sith was playing the waiting game right now, he knew that whoever was coming he couldnt fight them. The most he could do was get these kids, put him in his beat up ship and take them to become loyal soldiers to him and other Sith within the organizations he worked with.


Storm of the Force
Elpsis Kallikora said:

Well, Tempest was being all official! Though that would not dissuade Elpsis much. In that regard she was a bit like a younger Siobhan. With...less of the psychological issues Siobhan had had back then. Also a bit lacking when it came to goals. Anyhow, she just gave Tempest a shrug, though she might have felt a bit sulky. On the bright side, the Captain had not said anything about her mother. "I can use a gun and set things on fire, so I'll be just fine," she replied firmly, not wavering when she looked upon the beskar-clad, very authoritative and thus immensely sexy Amazon. Attached to Elpsis' belt was the lightsabre she had taken off a dead Sith on Ruusan as a trophy.

She spared the massive war machine a glance when the walker was being loaded into the dropship. Perhaps for just a moment the wide-eyed look made her seem a lot closer to her actual age than normally. "That thing looks so cool," she declared. No, she was not going to pilot one. Firemane had strict rules against letting people without a license pilot dangerous war machines.

In any case, off they went as the host of dropships shot out of the hangar and swept down towards the planet, soon piercing the atmosphere. LZ was close to one of the few towns that were still intact on the planet, though the buildings had seen better days.

Word was that it had been afflicted by attacks from wild beasts, who supposedly still prowled close by. Upon landing, Firemane troopers would fan out and set up perimeter defences in preparation for the next wave and heavy vehicles. Dust was thrown up when the transports landed and a harsh wind blew their way.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]

The Firemane troops landed and moved with professional speed and courage. Needless to say they were all experienced soldiers, both inside and outside Firemane service.

As they came in to land the three waves deployed so that they were ready to repel any attacker. Fortunately no attack came, and everything was quiet.

Tempest came in on the first wave, and whilst her walker was readied she headed into the settlement on foot.

“All units deploy perimeter around the village.” Presumably with Elpsis following along (and watching her ass too even more likely) Tempest entered the village. It was unfair to even call it that. Rather, it seemed a mere collection of adobe huts clustered around a road junction. There was no one visible.

“We are with the Silver Coalition. We mean you no harm; we just want to discuss the animal attacks with you.”

There was no reply, but through the Force she could feel people watching them.

“Go away! We don’t want know wars here!” a single voice called out from an upper story.

“We’re not here for war, we’re here to help.”

“Then go away, that’s more helpful!” the voice said.

It took all her training for Tempest not to electrocute someone. “So be it. We’ll be back.” She looked at Elpsis. “What was your name? Can you keep up or did you want to stay here?”
Post 2 of 20
Objective: Establish a Nautolan Refugee Colony
Location: The Ocean​

It was a bold plan for a nine year old.

With the Sith conquest of the Nautolan homeworld of Glee Anselm, thousands of Nautolans lucky to escape the carnage -- and hundreds more who had been off-world for business or leisure -- had found themselves homeless overnight. And were lucky for it. In the end, even the One Sith 'allies' among the Anselmi had been put to the sword. The death toll had been catastrophic, with hundreds of refugees scattered around the cosmos.

The political situation on Mon Cala, whose oceans were already not deep enough to harbor both the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, made it impossible for the world to accept Nautolan refugees. Lamaredd was too remote, with a difficult and treacherous journey for those who would attempt to navigate the 'Reef' nebulae and thick debris disk surrounding that system. The water world of Sanctuary had long been host to the population overflow from Mon Cala, though it had been able to accept some of the displaced Nautolans it would not be able to take them all.

There was need of a home for these displaced aquatics, one which would allow their culture to survive in exile apart from their homeworld. And one in which they would not compete for resources with the indigenous species.

Which brings us to Morellia.

A world populated by a terrestrial species, whose ventures out upon the native waters of the world were limited to the surface. So the addition of an aquatic colony beneath the waves would be invisible to the populace writ large. At the same time, the potential to harness undersea resources presented a situation in which the entire planet could benefit from the Nautolan's presence. Sustainable, eco-friendly fish farming and sea mining were all trades well adept in Nautolan society. And with the loss of Glee Anselm to the galactic markets at large, the demand for off-world exports had driven the prices of goods exported from Mon Cala, Sanctuary, or Lamaredd.

This could be an opportunity to not only help a displaced people, but also leverage an economic market in which demand had begun to outstrip supply.

Now all he had to do was find the right spot, and then get the Morellians to agree to the colony.


Zak had no idea how he was going to do either of those. But, nothing ventured, nothing... something, something... stupid human idiom here.

Whatever. That.
Location: Landing at an old run down factory complex
Objective: rebuild and establish contact with MWC
Allies: [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]
Enemies: ?? Maybe [member="Kip Radon"]

Elara was listening to the long list of thing that were wrong in the factory. “Ok, well” She looked at Kei he was it seemed letting her do this and she could.

Just as they all took a breath something near a hissing sound caught her attention she turned her head she could hear someone else talking. She smiled briefly as the others began talking about about the assembly line, and the gears that turn the assembly line.

She looked to Kei for a moment, “excuse me” She went back to Kei taking his datapad from him and typing out

I can hear another voice from the far end of the factory at the back

She handed it back, “Do you think we can get that?” She did not want to alarm anyone but they had to be cautious here just in case.

The group waited patiently she nodded, “we can help with a lot of that you need a technician who knows a little bit about machinery.” Elara knew enough to be dangerous, “does Treggs need a doctor?”

They could get a doctor for certain. “let’s look closer at some of this equipment, is it back there?” She pointed in the direction she thought she heard the voices.

They looked where she pointed, “well a couple pieces but most of it is up here

Elara bit her lip, “I’m old fashioned let’s start at the back” Shrugging their shoulders they gave in, “ok..well back here we keep spare parts, broken parts, and a couple of back up generators” Their voices were lost as Elara concentrated on listening for that other voice.

Needless to say Elpsis tagged along with [member="Tempest"] when the Firemane commander and her troops moved into position. It also went without saying saying that the redhead paid plenty of attention to Tempest's lovely arse, though admittedly the beskar armour made it difficult to admire since it was practical and not form-fitting!

Regardless, Tempest's chat with one of the villagers did not go well. 'Hi, we're from the Coalition of the Willing and we're here to help, even though you didn't ask. We'll kill the beasties, and you'll be our subjects, but our taxes are low since you're too poor to pay much! Those evil Sithies north of us might wanna invade you because we planted our flag here. They kind of kicked our arse last time we fought, but we'll win this time! Besides, you live in a mudhole, so it's not like you can defend yourself.' Fortunately for everyone involved she did not voice these thoughts!

Anyhow, she glanced over to sexy Captain Storm when she spoke to her. "Name's Elpsis and I can carry on just fine," she responded. "Nothing to see here anyway. Place is a dump." The first wave of Firemane soldiers had already set up a perimeter defence at the LZ to defend against a possible onslaught; heavy repeater emplacements had quickly been set up and fortified with mobile barricades just in case, while the heavy equipment was being offloaded.

As it turned out, this was a prudent decision because soon the monsters were upon them! Before the soldiers knew it, the first arachnids began moving over the hills towards them in a death charge. "Spiders! Open fire!" Being professionals, the troopers did not need additional encouragement. Their guns began singing the song of death as the squeals and yells of the enemy dying echoed across the land. Bolter rounds and heavy repeater fire demanded their tribute in blood, producing dead spiders. Limbs were blown apart, internal organs exploded, bodies riddled with bullets.

However, not all creatures were so simple-minded to simply death charge an entrenched position, for some of the massive spiders had apparently burrowed through the earth. There was a screech, when a rather large and terribly pissed off spider burrowed out of the earth close to Elpsis and charged her, smacking its mandibles and spitting acid.

Speaking of acid, ouch! Alas, her armour was not that sturdy and so pain surged through her body. The spider attempted to strike at her with its large members as she reeled under the pain, but she ducked under a swing and her crimson lightsabre sprang to life, battling aside legs. There was a loud screech when her lightsabre severed a limb, but the beast pressed on. Wherever she moved, its clawed members were seemingly everywhere. A large spike slammed into her chest, pushing her away and momentarily knocking the wind out of her. A limb trying to wrap around her foot was narrowly sliced off. Feeling annoyed, she changed gears and activated her hold-out bolter, firing an explosive bolt towards the beast's abdomen. Boom.

The creature squealed in pain and Elpsis used this to her advantange, pushing herself off the ground with a leap and landing straight onto the spider's back. Swiftly Elpsis turned around to face the same direction as the creature did, planting herself firmly on top of it. The beast squealed and waved its frontal limbs, attempting to knock the girl off it. Then her lightsabre sliced and sizzled through its head, painfully ending its life.

Rolling down from the creature, Elpsis noticed the rather comical sight of Firemane's walker crushing a spider beneath its massive feet, before another beast commanded her attention. A Firemane soldier was suddenly gripped tight and vanished inside the large mouth of a spider when it suddenly sprang from the ground in front of him, then it charged. Power built up inside Elpsis as she called upon the Force. Her own body temperature increased rapidly and for a moment her eyes turned crimson, then she called upon her power and unleashed a thermic lance-like blast towards the beast, pouring every degree of heat into it in order to roast it nicely. The smell of burnt, roasted flesh filled the air.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 3 of 20
Objective: Exploration
Location: Subtropical Jungle


It was a fascinating discovery.

The step pyramid dominated the landscape like a man-made mountain. Forged from out of earthen brick, each stone holding a piece of some great story that no one now remembered. The monolith rose higher than the trees, with what might have been some kind of temple or other structure at the peak.

It would take him a day to even begin to get his bearings. Several more before he'd begun to understand the architecture. The study of this Morellian ruin might well consume years. Which, in many respects, was the joy of being an Anzat in his chosen profession. If there was one thing that the small Jedi was not want for, it was years.

The quintessential irony. Humans, and those like them, had such short a time in the galaxy -- but time in which they were masters of their own destiny. For Sor-Jan, time was never in question. Instead, it was a question of how long until that terrible fate -- the hunger -- consumed him and he no longer controlled any destiny. Merely pursuing a single thirst across centuries.

The green light of Paperweight's blade reflected dimly off the wall on which it was cast. The boy's cerulean blue eyes pausing to slowly scan each crevice, each facet of the brick.

What kind of material had they used?

What source of labor constructed such a feat? And where had the engineering knowledge come from?

Questions. History was so very full of questions. And it was never the answers he enjoyed so much as the further more questions that each answer supplied with it.

Leina was listening and she had some ideas of what to do while running over with the other medics while she bounced up and down seeing some of the creatures. They had been finding plenty of things of interest on the planet like that tree and that bush but this... this was amazing as she held her hands out watching it. "Now stay where you are." Her hand was up looking at the little thing, a kremlin was a dangerous thing but it was so adorable while she was going around it with her hand out speaking to it with the force to have the creature remained with its red eyes locked on her. Her fingers moving to keep the pinkie and index pointed to lock on with him.
Location: Moving through the ruined factory.
Objective: Rebuild and establish contact with the MWC
Allies: [member="Elara Wahia"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] @Anyone assisting.
Unknowns: [member="Kip Radon"]

[member="Elara Wahia"]

Elara was proving to him she couldn’t only soldier but also build, as well as caretake which was a vastly underrated phrase. In his experience, those who could face combat could often face problems or situations others might flinch from. A happy bias of the Jedi Guardian streak in him on show, the men and women with her were taking note of how she handled herself, just as much as he was.

The Ceo was appreciative of her help, if a bit unhelpful himself, as he’d been working with what she was trying to fix for the better part of his life, and as much as anyone wants to better themselves, huge changes were being resisted a bit by some of the factory workers, who crossed their arms or just hmmphed like a certain Jedi Master who shall remain nameless might. [member="Tempest"]

The Ce half O would show Elara the injured man, who received aid from the medics. Not long afterwards Kei got her message and sent a voice through the force, ~I sense it too. You’re doing,~ and yes his voice broke his professionalism when he thought of her, ~beautifully.~ The voice betrayed his feelings, before becoming steady again, ~call on the comms if you need help.~ Overprotective, yes, he didn't care.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

“Copy Master Ike, we will await their arrival, thanks.” Kei looked for an engineer wishing for a time [member="Fyor Nayus"] was present, because Kei's handling of droids or advance technology was poor, but he worked out how to operate the probes in the end, after some delays and a few impatient wildcards eventually just showed him, facepalming and having a chuckle.

“Investigating a possible, issue.” Was all he could sum it up as, the force unclear, “how are their production lines looking? Need anyone?” If so he directed anyone her way, engineers or technicians, the Nikto with them ragtag but effective at their jobs. While those orbs went out ahead, towards…..

[member="Kip Radon"]

One orb eventually zeroed in on the homeless area, the Jedi Master liasing with Matsu as to where they likely were, he came across a body on the ground and held his hands up. “I am Jedi and I’m here to help.” Alone he approached open and honest, slowly so not to startle anyone nearby.

Unfolding his temple robes, which although were camoflaged, were more like the tight robes worn by some of the guardians of old, he showed no weapons in his hands. Kip may or may not have hidden, and the youths might have run, but Kei walked towards the body keeping his hands up protectively, and a strong focus on the force to be sure of their safety as much as his.

“How long has he been like this?” the Master kneeled down to the body, asking anyone nearby to check for a pulse, readying to call medical team. Slowly but surely, he tried to take the pain of the other, trying to breath some measure of life back into the body, Coci had shown him the basics of healing with Saeria and here he used those lessons, as with the mandalorian skirmish. It was not working, and all that happened was the boy's hand twitched nervously. Kei closed his eyes not giving up, so young, he breathed out speaking into his communicator. "We have a body for the medics, also homeless here," but he still kept trying, taking on part of whatever had caused this to heal the body at his hands.

Objective: 3
Location: Southern Wildlands
Post Count: 2/20

Solan smiled as the blade hummed in his hands, the lumbering form of a Gundark moving through the forest as his men were in position to take the creature down. Solan would in the meantime be running the bait and being the one the Gundark chased. He in truth had no true idea on how to take down this thing without a good deal of blaster bolts or a saber through the skull and could possibly kill it himself, but at the moment that thought did not cross his mind. Launching himself up like a rocket, Solan's free hand reached out and grabbed onto the nearest surface he could before pulling himself up further and looking down to find the creature was in no way impressed as it lumbered up the surface after him. "Kark..."

With that and after only a second's hesitation he bolted away from the Gundark, letting it follow him back to where his men had been set up and going to attempt to take down the creature with surprise first. If they could kill it before having to actively engage it and have to take it down when its alert, there was a much greater chance of not coming out injured.
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Look over the factory[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: [member="Kip Radon"]??? Unknown[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She caught the voice of Kei in her mind he was doing his Jedi thing again that he had done on Nar Shaddaa, she wished she could talk back instead she’d try to be nonchalant about it. “Not as beautifully as when you were showing off your strength” She walked with the CEO.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]While she worked with the workers, and owners she could hear Kei talking she was starting to isolate his voice alone to make sure he was alright. She’d hear it in his voice if something was wrong and he needed assistance. So far it seemed he only needed medical help.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Elara looked over to the doctor helping Treggs, “Kei could use your help back that way” She pointed in the direction she needed him to go when he finished.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Stronger than she looked, or might be suggested she bear hugged the container standing on the conveyor and brought it to the floor. “Parts, excellent” They looked at her, she wasn’t sure what was wrong, she looked behind herself, and then back. “What spinach in my teeth from lunch?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They all laughed shaking their heads, clearly not an ordinary female. “No, you’re fine, more than fine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She nodded, “Ok…so can you close for a day or two, need to break all of this down, clean it out, fix it, and then reassemble.” The CEO was nodding his head no, “if we could I would have before this.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Elara nodded, “Ok, how about we do half move workers around and take them on one by one, if you have an engineer, I got people who can work with them to get it done quickly” From what she had seen Jedi were nimble fingered and needed the most basic of instruction.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked to where Kei was, was he alright? Was she being a worry wart? Yes. She was. But. She couldn’t help it. She couldn’t’ see him but she could hear him and that provided some comfort.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Let’s begin” Elara was ready to get dirty.[/SIZE]
Objective : New Location, unknown mountain chain
Posts : 3/20

Low talking and laughter echoed through the field as the Salacia workers fanned out. Survey equipment was hoisted onto shoulders as a small chain of employees moved towards the mountains. Someone stopped to point and gesture towards the Silurus-class vessel. Debate went through the group if it was wiser to have a landing bay on the field or built somehow into the mountains.

Judah watched his employees slowly filter out from the Silurus-class. He took out his datapad and took some holos to send to [member="Dirks Hutchinson"]. As head of Security, the man would have to know another base was in the works.It would mean overseeing another layer of security and more PMC soldiers from Firemane and [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. Judah made a note to ask Dirks how the third-party soldiers were doing in terms of their security. Personally, he didn't want to deal with the hassle of controlling their own security employees. Firemane seemed to be a good balance to him.

Dirks would also have to step up securing the area, hit and fade tactics from pirates and raiders were still a huge concern. Perhaps having the base in the mountain would be one of their better ideas. Judah couldn't have their items stolen on a regular basis. The quiet and low on population planet would just be asking for trouble, their would be no one to call on in case of trouble. He doubted the Silver Sanctum would station too many folks out on Morellia.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Objective: Fight the monsters
Allies: [member="Elpsis Kallikora"] [member="Tempest"]

After not a short time of being in another dominion, Nima was again doing her duties for the Silver Sanctum.The planet, Morellia, was like a box of secrets to the history. There was not much information about what they were about to find there, or what was about to happen. This, was not a mission that they knew very much about, instead it was like an expedition, to learn something that the histories didn't include.Fighting with the secrets, they had to build some defences, since she thought if there was a planet, there had to be people living in it. Being a Jedi required some work, of course, there was no way to run from responsibilities. As the shuttle slowly descended to the ground which she was supposed to meet the others, there were no one there instead of some corpses of spider-like creatures, some of them burning. Jumping off the shuttle, she started to follow the corpses, since knowing that the creatures around here didn't have incendiary powers, there was someone else, or more than one people, responsible for burning them. And she hoped they were a friend.

Keeping on following the burning corpses around, she was amazed by this not yet discovered part of history. Aside from the creepy aura of this place as she continued moving along the dead creatures, it had a good view of wilderness, green mostly with the voices from sky that filled the air. It looked almost like a place that could be a good home, but of course, this was just a part of this planet, who knew that every place of it was like this. Or already since the creatures were dead, it looked peaceful, she didn't know. She kept going, from afar, she could see some activity, a little settlement maybe. The ones she was supposed to meet would be there, and it wouldn't hurt to check if someone was really living there and if they needed something. So she started to move towards the area. And her Jedi senses were tingling, like there just happened something bad.

Finally arriving there, she didn't find what she expected. There were no villagers, not much city action, yet some soldiers, and a lot of dead spiders. Some of them were burning, especially the big one near a redhead girl... From the back, she thought she was Siobhan... Well, they needed to date more since Nima was seeing her everywhere already. The thought of it made her smile as she walked towards the girl to understand what happened here. The aura was still filled with darkness, yet it was sleeping for now, so it was the best time to have a small talk. "Hey!" She said, her voice had some confusion, since the girl really looked like Siobhan as she moved towards her. Interesting. "I am Nima, a Jedi Master from Silver Sanctum. You guys started without me." She said, her voice was sarcastic. She didn't like using titles while introducing herself, yet she didn't find a better solution yet for this problem. "Where are all the villagers?" Her shy nature was slowly getting away, as she felt more self-confidence while talking. And even, she was wearing the leather she bought with Siobhan at their last date. It was comfy enough to move, and hell, it looked good.

Kip Radon

I like the way you bleed, boy
Location: Run down MWC factory
Objective: Be Kip
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Kei Amadis"] Silver Sanctum

Kip and his little band of miscreant street youth had finished up packing their things and were now standing a good sixty or so feet away from the Jedi master that was checking Tomas' dead body. Kip didn't like this, that Jedi had to go and he couldn't have his people thinking the Jedi were here to help. So turning towards his group of ragged kids he looked down at the smallest and most innocent looking and smiled at a young boy who looked to be at least thirteen years of age.

"Samuel." he said letting his voice drawl.

"Yes kip?" The boy said with a bit of enthusiasm.

"I want you to take this." He said lifting up a small lunch bag.

"And give it to the nice man over there, he's a hungry man. And he's trying to help Tomas." He said with a smile.

The kid nodded his head and smiled taking the bag from kip and walking over to the Jedi master. However what the kid didn't know, was that there was a loaded and primed pipe bomb within the bag with enough explosive power to hopefully kill the both of them or at least Samuel so he could pin the death on the Jedi.

The child approached the Jedi and looked at him with a sweet smile and and hopeful eyes that maybe this person could help. Sadly though, this wasn't the case of reality. Because that bomb was going off any second now when Radon would decide to use the force and set it off.

"Excuse me sir, this is for you." The little boy said offering out the lunch sack.

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