Hunting Again
Quietus watched the approach of the young Dorn and her savior; the skreev setting down stiffly as the girl slid off its side. The woman was unimpressed as she looked to the beast - clearly a very aged dragon judging by the pale color of its scales and the absence of many of its teeth. It bore a myriad scars and several broken tusks.
Riah, the Beastia tipped a brow at the creature and shook her head.
A pity-play, that's what it had been. The skreevs were trained to catch a falling human, but most of them wouldn't have bothered with a human like Evelynn who hadn't earned their respect. Riah was a gentler creature, one that no longer carried a rider because of its age. Seemed she decided it was time to come out of retirement.
So be it.
Five days passed by in a flurry of lessons from dawn until dusk. Quietus trained Evelynn the body language of the beasts, taught her the fundamentals of how to read them and understand their moods, their intentions. Riah proved to be an easy beast to work with - an opportunist in the greatest respect, the skreev was willing to play along patiently. On the fourth day, once Evelynn learned how to approach, she was taught how to handle the creature, and finally on the fifth day she was given her first flying lesson.
The morning of the sixth day they met in the cliff courtyard again. Some of the nests had begun to hatch, but the care of the young drakes was entrusted to the Beast Tamers. Today Evelynn would be tested on everything she'd learned.
Call Riah, Quietus told the girl as she arrived. The woman was offering Miir a slab of meat as his massive form furled from the skies, landing on his sunning boulder with a hoarse roar. In the skies to the east the sun was just peaking over the mountain range, pinking the horizon with dawn. While Miir scooped up his snack Quietus adjusted the saddle fitted over his barrel before mounting.
Soliael you may take your pick, the woman motioned to the other skreevs about the area.
They were going to the jungle clans today, a far enough flight to test Evelynn's newly minted skills.
Riah, the Beastia tipped a brow at the creature and shook her head.
A pity-play, that's what it had been. The skreevs were trained to catch a falling human, but most of them wouldn't have bothered with a human like Evelynn who hadn't earned their respect. Riah was a gentler creature, one that no longer carried a rider because of its age. Seemed she decided it was time to come out of retirement.
So be it.
Five days passed by in a flurry of lessons from dawn until dusk. Quietus trained Evelynn the body language of the beasts, taught her the fundamentals of how to read them and understand their moods, their intentions. Riah proved to be an easy beast to work with - an opportunist in the greatest respect, the skreev was willing to play along patiently. On the fourth day, once Evelynn learned how to approach, she was taught how to handle the creature, and finally on the fifth day she was given her first flying lesson.
The morning of the sixth day they met in the cliff courtyard again. Some of the nests had begun to hatch, but the care of the young drakes was entrusted to the Beast Tamers. Today Evelynn would be tested on everything she'd learned.
Call Riah, Quietus told the girl as she arrived. The woman was offering Miir a slab of meat as his massive form furled from the skies, landing on his sunning boulder with a hoarse roar. In the skies to the east the sun was just peaking over the mountain range, pinking the horizon with dawn. While Miir scooped up his snack Quietus adjusted the saddle fitted over his barrel before mounting.
Soliael you may take your pick, the woman motioned to the other skreevs about the area.
They were going to the jungle clans today, a far enough flight to test Evelynn's newly minted skills.