Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Sep 17, 2018 #25 Jumbled Mind. Full name: Vulpesen Espadus Torrevaso
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Sep 18, 2018 #26 Vile Elven Tongued (Full name: Vulpesen Espadus Torrevaso)
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Sep 19, 2018 #29 Not much to work with here, [member="Natalija"] Just an 'N'...just an n...hmm, let me think...N....n....n.... Aha! Natia! Sure, not much. But I like Natia.
Not much to work with here, [member="Natalija"] Just an 'N'...just an n...hmm, let me think...N....n....n.... Aha! Natia! Sure, not much. But I like Natia.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Sep 19, 2018 #32 Gona have to stick with Natia.