The Page Master
The Storyteller
As [member="Azriel Zadimus"] jumped into the pool of water, gravity shifted once more. What should have been downwards was now horizontal and a layer of ice super froze over the top of the water, preventing his ability to go back. He would surely panic as he banged futilely against the magically hardened ice. However, he found that the water was...breathable! What sorcery could possibly allow for this?!? Why, my sorcery, or course. Did you think that I'd just kill off one of the main characters like that? Eh?? You think me a shamster of a poet when it comes to character development??? Well, by golly, I'LL show you a thing or two about---...umm. Heh heh. Never mind. As I was saying...
The only way forward led to darkness. As he swam forward, the light would wane but an eerie light would approach him until he would come face to face with a creature of the deep sea.
Meanwhile, back on the beach, Tahm was trying to figure out exactly what [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] was. She looked like a person with horns, but she sounded like a tiger. Some people were just plain confusing. As Zreame slid underneath Tahm, the blades got wedged inside of his flesh. They had broken the skin, but they were stuck in his meaty thighs. Surprised by the unexpected move, Tahm simply sat down on top of Zreame. The little scamp had managed to hurt the River King, but her body would make up for it in the form of a nice meal to suck on and digest in the depths of his stomach.
With a triumphant jeer, he was about to set to work when [member="Sheila"] intervened. He wasn't quite sure what she was doing with the Force behind his head, but it hurt like the Dickens. He reared his head back and swatted wildly at the mischievous "gnat". It was at that time that TWO pillars of lightning came down upon Tahm, one for each leg which had a metal sword sticking out of it. His skin lit up like fireworks on Life Day as electricity coursed through his body. A desperate and pained scream bellowed from the depths of Tahm Kench as his flesh began to swell and light up.
Then, his flesh burst, making the sound of a popping balloon. However, instead of spattering fish guts and gore, lots and lots of confetti erupted from him and the sound of children chorusing "YAY!" could be heard for a brief couple of seconds.
In the distance, out over the still dark waters, one could see a small, white-haired man rowing to shore in a row boat.
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]
The only way forward led to darkness. As he swam forward, the light would wane but an eerie light would approach him until he would come face to face with a creature of the deep sea.

Meanwhile, back on the beach, Tahm was trying to figure out exactly what [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] was. She looked like a person with horns, but she sounded like a tiger. Some people were just plain confusing. As Zreame slid underneath Tahm, the blades got wedged inside of his flesh. They had broken the skin, but they were stuck in his meaty thighs. Surprised by the unexpected move, Tahm simply sat down on top of Zreame. The little scamp had managed to hurt the River King, but her body would make up for it in the form of a nice meal to suck on and digest in the depths of his stomach.
With a triumphant jeer, he was about to set to work when [member="Sheila"] intervened. He wasn't quite sure what she was doing with the Force behind his head, but it hurt like the Dickens. He reared his head back and swatted wildly at the mischievous "gnat". It was at that time that TWO pillars of lightning came down upon Tahm, one for each leg which had a metal sword sticking out of it. His skin lit up like fireworks on Life Day as electricity coursed through his body. A desperate and pained scream bellowed from the depths of Tahm Kench as his flesh began to swell and light up.
Then, his flesh burst, making the sound of a popping balloon. However, instead of spattering fish guts and gore, lots and lots of confetti erupted from him and the sound of children chorusing "YAY!" could be heard for a brief couple of seconds.
In the distance, out over the still dark waters, one could see a small, white-haired man rowing to shore in a row boat.
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kyber Salurra"]