Equipment: Lightsaber,
Valery Noble
Kahlil Noble
Unfortunately the grenade belt idea went about as well as he had expected, it would have been too easy for the Jedi to simply get blown up after all. No, they were a persistent breed of pest indeed. Even worse the battle before him was very much turning in the favor of the boarders, with soldiers dying left and right as they lost ground with each that fell. He had hoped that they could hold longer than this but the ship's garrison was far too spread out dealing with three boardings at once to be as effective as it should have been.
Alisteri cursed under his breath and tapped the side of his helmet to switch to the comms used by the ship's defenders. :"
Pull back! All forces pull back to the bulkheads guarding the escape pods and hangar. We need to evacuate immediately!": As the soldiers began a fighting retreat however, the Sith would stride forward to give the boarders and their allies a far more enticing target.
Carnifex is the one who's leash has almost strangled him Jedi, much like you have done yourselves by boarding my ship!" Lightning crackled across his fingertips as he adopted a combat stance and readied himself to face the boarders, not seeming to pay any heed to the blaster bolts being fired around him by the retreating soldiers. "
Surrender? Really? Has that ever actually worked for you?"
The masked man chuckled and shook his head, but there was no mirth or humor to be found in his tone. "
We'd have better luck and chances of survival trying to invade a star than surrendering to Jedi scum." The last soldier crossed the threshold of the area and the Sith threw a hand behind himself to launch a bolt of lightning, hitting the door control and shutting it with no chance of opening it in a functional manner.
Without another word Alisteri leapt up, stabbing his blades into the ceiling and swinging himself up to kick in the vent that sat right above where he had been standing. "
Should've minded your own business Jedi!" He wasted no time after using the momentum from the swing to land inside the vent, rushing through it as best he could.
Bay 12 is sealed, find some way to vent it before the Jedi get out!":