Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Net Is Cast

Aboard the Miid Ro'ik Vua Gul
The cognition hood felt snug against her skin, the prickling sensation of something living attached to her providing no more discomfort than the biting of orbalisks over her body, and the flesh-like seat she was slowly encompassed by seemed to lend itself to her senses. Her vision faded as the darkness took her, the force smothered by the overwhelming sensation of becoming a part of something greater - her sense of touch numbing as the grip of the tall yor, the cognition throne, assimilated her with the Miid Ro'ik to give her a control that the captains of navies only wished they could have over their metal abominations.

For the first time in over a decade the sensation of the world fell away and the canvas of the stars bled into view, her eyes as the Miid Ro'ik's eyes, her touch as the Miid Ro'ik's. The living ship was her brush, she the hand, and the empty void of space her canvas to paint the bodies of Jedi and their allies across in an impasto to memorize her union with this tantalizingly exotic sensation of extrasensory fullness. The lingering tenseness of her spine faded as the shuddering of the ship in the black of space replaced it, the maw of the great ship opening as though it was her own mouth baring fangs - yorik-ets lining up to launch as the Yammosks within the ship alerted she and the Yuuzhan Vong that dwelled with this ship - within her - of the arrival of the reinforcements she had been waiting for.

Out from the emptiness of dark space, which the natives to the galaxy referred to as hyperspace, arrived the flotilla the Yuuzhan Vong that had tentatively remained with the Sith had granted Braith - declaring themselves to she and her crew, Yammosk to Yammosk, villip to villip. Dozens of living creatures emerged, hulking monstrosities holding equally terrifying warriors of misshapen visage within the depths of their twisted bodies. Miid Ro'iks, A-vek Liluunu, Yorik-vec, and Vua'spar interdictors shook as they arrived, disgorging themselves of their Yorik-et which quickly swarmed the empty expanse of space that occupied the gap between the Yuuzhan Vong.

"Al' tanna Yuuzhan Vong knotte Yun'o! Do-ro'ik vong pratte!" "Long life to the Yuuzhan Vong, beloved of the Gods! And woe to our enemies!"

The Vua Gul, the Miid Ro'ik she was linked with in perfect synergy, shuddered as her voice was carried across its interior through the villips that lined it, joining the choir that was the echo of her battle cry transmitted across the rest of the flotilla. As if the cry was the only command that the Yuuzhan Vong needed, together they moved towards the enemy with a unified purpose - the living ships as motivated as the crew that they housed - and the yaret-kor that lined the larger ships, as well as those that lined the yorik-ets that were released to attack with a vengeance on the starfighters that plagued the Sith destroyers, firing with a singular purpose upon the fleet of ships controlled by the Jedi and their allies.

Seventh fleet or not, Jedi starfighters presence be damned, there was no outcome Braith would accept other than one which ended with a fresco painted with the blood of her opposition to remind the galaxy that there was only folly in attempting to thwart the Sith Empire.

Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Elise Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Bralin Bralin Beric Layne Beric Layne Josiah Josiah Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Ryv Ryv Malel Mal'gurith Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Khar Garak Khar Garak Vertigo Vertigo Darth Trellux Cei Kyros Finley Finley

Yorik-et swarming the Jedi starfighters and smaller capital ships; larger Yuuzhan Vong ships moving to engage with the 7th fleet.
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Malel Mal'gurith

Objective: Detain Sentient Assets for the Sith Empire.
Location: The Nebulon-B Escort Frigate.
Allies: Darth Trellux, Ellie Mors Ellie Mors & Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt (Indirectly).
Hostiles Nearby: Josiah Josiah & Beric Layne Beric Layne .
Opposition: Ryv Ryv .

"It's in my nature to offer you a chance to surrender. Gotta be honest though,
I'm pretty sure you're gonna say no and proceed to tell me how much fun you'll have killing me so...
...-We can just skip the pleasantries".
A heavy breath escaped the helm of the Warrior in the form of a scoff by response, the only reply the Jedi would receive would be spoken through the actions of the Acolyte of Darkness, for he had nothing to say to the Jedi that would hold any import or change over their situation. He was there to serve and the Jedi Knight stood between him and his objective, an enemy of the Sith Empire.

Once again the snap-hiss of energy sounded the ignition of the crimson blade, the Lightsaber held firm in his right hand while his left extended to his side, his open palm clutching into a fist, one side of the open bulkhead being torn from it's vice against the wall, being separated and rising a little off of the ground floor. As Malel Mal'gurith thrust his hand out towards Ryv Ryv , the great slab of durasteel was hurled towards his enemy, sparks and screeches sounding as it clattered it's way across the small distance between them, threatening to flatten the Jedi Knight with the momentum in which it had been thrown with the Force.

It was then that the Sith Acolyte began his approach, taking it in stride as he walked with a brisk pace towards his foe and bringing both hands to clutch the hilt of his lightsaber, he raised it high over his head, intent on delivering a powerful vertical strike with such strength that it could cut any man in two.

Sorry Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull , I did read your post, but I rushed my response and it slipped my mind. That's my bad!
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LOCATION: Aboard the Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1 R12 LMG, A belt-full(6) of Chaos Gas grenades
WEARING: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
ALLIES: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred (out of the area)
ENEMY: Malel Mal'gurith

Sasmay peaked her head around the corner with a distinctly bad feeling for actually looking. Peering down the hall she had seen the one running down, and had witnessed the large armored figure open the door like a can opener with caution. The caution was met with the sight of a large blast door as her eyes went wide and questioned her sanity about coming into this hangar. Do good she always told herself, don't let others suffer she always made a point to say. Sometimes she really thought about how bad it could be to be called a liar.

After the blast door was dealt with, she checked her LMG before moving to her thighs. Pulling out of the hand-cannons, she stood, putting herself inside the door enough to be able to take an aimed stance. She put the sights on Malel Mal'gurith with one of the heavy disruptor pistols. Even being down the hall, she still cut a figure for the large armored being to see aiming at the pair of them, and specifically him if he could sense the other force sensitives intent.


T h e C r i m s o n F o x
~ Kelsie ~

She opened up a comms line with the Idiot's Array. Probably the most fitting name for a ship Kyros was flying. <<"I'm here. Gonna focus on running interference on the fighters, can you move your cruiser in between the interdictors and their boarding craft? Seems like the Silver Jedi have the battle handled, but we still need to get the people out of here.">>A flick of the controls later and the Razorshot off. The YT-1300 swung by Kyros' interceptor frigate before launching into battle, the automated turrets nailing one of the Sith boarding shuttles in the nose on her first pass.

~ Cei ~
"Lay into em with the turbolasers!" he encouraged Finn, "Need her to stay with us."

Finn lowered his HUD VISOR as he smirked when they had dropped out of their burst of speed and regained control. He let out a loud and encouraging “Yee-haw” as he spoke
“With pleasure captain. Christmas came early today boys and girls. Lights show is commencing now!” The arrays weapon systems had already been primed and within seconds the ship began to fire upon the boarding crafts as one by one began to stall dead in space as Finn disabled engine by engine.

The Array shook with every jolt of blaster fire.
“Shields, 80%” Another jolt. “75%! Captain! There’s too many!” Finn hollered over to Cei comtinued into yet another run. He gritted his teeth as Cei expertly weaved in and out of the debris and fire, until the shot was clear. “ Keep her straight! I’ve got the shot!” The proton torpedos went straight out of the tubules and dead into a outward reactor on of the mid sized enemy frieghters and with a flash of light, it split into two pieces. It was quiet for a second as Finn rotates his chair around. “Shields holding at 60% Captain. Half our armament of Proton Torpedoes is depleted. Aft turbo canons are down. Your orders.”

Cei Kyros Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan
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Hutt Space // Pabol Hutta Hyperlane // X-01 Skywalker Class X-Wing
Engaging: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors
Squad Up With: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

Bad Reputation

Loske's run was closing in on the weapon systems poking out of the Interdictor when her comms were interrupted with a synthetic advisory.

Picking up several new bogies approaching on your tails. Immediate threat. Frank alerted when Ellie Mors Ellie Mors ' reinforcements snapped into real space. I'm registering biothermal readings.

"Of the pilots?"

No, the ships themselves.

Loske paled at the suggestion of something bioengineered cutting through space. A flicker of a memory, not her own, reminded her that she'd seen Vong tech before in another life. It hadn't gone that well. Her gut clenched as she twisted from the engagement she'd just ended -- a ball of fire before oblivion took it from behind a testament to her success behind the sticks.

The Yorik-vec cruisers were larger than the X-Wings by half a length, and almost double the width. Given those measurements, Loske mad the bold assessment that her trusty fighter would have an advantage with agility.

I can't sense them. What was that memory of the Vong from? Poison. The past iteration had been poisoned. Seen Vong all over Ahto City.

"Engage them, watch the cruiser's cannons and maintain visual scanning," The XO commanded to the other Jedi pilots "With all this energy flying, they could be on top of you before your scope can pick them up."

These look like ancient Vong tech. You have fourteen o`n the immediate approach. Moving all power to forward shield, switching to proton torpedoes.

"Eyes before The Force too, these things are force dead. Outrider - probably time for a slingshot-corkskrew-spin. The 'ol SCS." A maneuver they'd coined during a simulation run with the squadron, and had the chance to implement over several skies.

"Also. You're in charge of naming our next maneuver. I'm the worst with names."

I agree. Frank piped up, eager to exploit any weakness in his overconfident mistress.

Optional tags for Saber squad folks -- we are currently dealing with 16 of these from this post -- we were trying to blow up an Interdictor just before:
Four - Tempest Yore Tempest Yore
Six - Kaira Ayres
Seven - Kazuhira
Eight - Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Nine - Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Yeah," Ryv sighed as he watched the hulking man take hold of the slab of durasteel via the force. "I assumed this would happen," he said, more to himself than anyone else, before sliding his foot back. He continued to twirl the lightsaber hilt in between his hands up until the massive chunk of metal flew down the corridor towards the smaller Jedi. His left foot slid forward as Ryv called upon the aid of the force. Though, this time it was a far different experience. Months behind enemy lines in Sith territory left the Jedi wading through a choking darkness. Darkness took root from the horrors he witnessed during this time, something not even Kintan could accomplish.

Nonetheless, the kiffar strove to act not for himself, but the peoples of the galaxy in need of a guiding light towards hope and a brighter future. That very stain threatened his dreams more than any Sith ever could. If it weren't for his fallen father's guidance, even in death, Ryv might have fallen to such feelings. Fortunately, a Holocron left behind by the late Jedi provided Ryv insight into a style once created to channel such feelings in a way that could better arm a Jedi in their fight against the Sith. The form of Vaapad, constructed and perfected by the legendary Jedi Master, Mace Windu, proved a staunch ally as Malel Mal'gurith began his dark work.

Surging into action, the Blade of Ruusan carved upward through the slab of durasteel, threatening its master. Ryv lowered his weapon and held it out defensively before him, stepping forward to meet the monolithic warrior. The Jedi's training at the hands of both P Placeholder 0128 Grayson and Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga prepared him to take on such beings, his skill bolstered by the calming energies washing over him by the Blade of Ruusan. Rather than allow his foe to dictate the battle, Ryv met his downward blow with a cross-slash while angling himself to Malel's side. Even doubling the kiffar's strength, he could not hope to go blow-for-blow in a battle of endurance or power. Speed and technique were his greatest ally against the looming monster.

Not slowing, the Jedi Knight danced further around the armored being, hoping to perhaps outpace him before launching a horizontal strike at the back of his assailant's knee.

// SABER ONE // X-01 Skywalker-class X-Wing
// OBJECTIVE // Blast some Vong
Them Bones
// FOCUS // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Saber Squadron | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors
By this point in their tenure in Saber Squadron with one another they had fully matched each other's wave length behind the sticks of their X-Wings. At least, Maynard certainly made a point to be fully aware of where she was at any given time...for a few reasons. Having a cut a swath through many of the boarding pods even still the Sith Imperial offensive was frantic and intensive - those who made it through the net would need to be mopped by the Jedi and whoever else might be aligned against the Sith aboard the vessels.

"Copy, Blue." Maynard let out in reply before soon enough he caught visuals of the Yuuzhon Vong flotilla throwing themselves into the exchange. Blowing a heavy breath through his lips widened his eyes for a moment -- His X-Wing at Loske's flank not a moment later as he traced a path to her through the force. Over the several missions they'd flown with one another they'd built and maintained a pseudo meld in the skies.

Joining up with her X-Wing they completed the maneuver in uncanny sychronicity before eventually Maynard squeezed the button on the back of the joystick before he let loose two shadow bombs in the carapace hull of a Vua'spar Interdictor before veering up and away from the vessel.

"Good hit Loske but we're gonna need to do a hell of a lot more here..." Maynard said, letting off a low breath before he felt out with the force again. In isolation among the force dead vong, Maynard was able to center in on Braith embedded fully within the cognition controls of the vong ship. Catching a brief glimpse of Achlys strapped into the morbid controls of the ship he was struck in paralyzing fear for a moment before he snapped to reality, peeling out to light a Yorik-vec with a heavy volley of blaster cannons.

"There- shit, there's a Sith or something...running the whole show of these Vong - I know where they're at we gotta- I think the way to break em might be to stop whoever this is...shit I'm gonna try it." He said, breaking away from Loske's flank enroute to Braith's flagship. Ever reckless.
Location: Aboard the Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 6 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Nearby Tags: Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Ryv Ryv Malel Mal'gurith
Other Tags: Darth Trellux Malel Mal'gurith Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt Josiah Josiah Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Beric Layne Beric Layne Elise Bralin Bralin Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Kelsie Sylvan Kelsie Sylvan Ellie Mors Ellie Mors Khar Garak Khar Garak Vertigo Vertigo


There had been a change of plans. Ships across the stars were shooting at each other and fighting each other. That didn't matter though; that was why most of the ships here were here to begin with. This was never meant to be a peaceful operation. But Scherezade's focus wasn't on that. She loathed fleeting. She hated pressing buttons. Her passion lay with taking lives with her very own hands. Or, more often, knives. Poisons were also great, but they weren't something she often used.

Jai had told them to hurry, and though she did hesitate for a moment, Scherezade immediately stood by Sasmay a heartbeat later, suited up and ready to go. Another blink and they were on the ship.

But where Sasmay walked alone for the moment, Scherezade didn't follow next to her, but rather around her. The shadows were her friends, and she quite literally jumped from one shadow into the other, using the Force for her movements. The shadows would help her conceal herself, she knew. Especially when actual concealment through the Force was something her focus could rarely concentrate on. If she was lucky enough, if whoever was on this ship wouldn't be looking for her or get a whiff, she might even be able to get close enough before getting noticed.

And yet, any thought of stealth became entirely void when the blast door was. Well. Blasted. She was definitely going to point the pun out to Sasmay during the drinking rounds that came after successful missions.

Shrugging, Scherzade stepped out of the final shadow, and just stood by her peer, glowing green eyes looking with interest into the room, falling on Malel Mal'gurith.There was another one there, Ryv Ryv . Something was oddly familiar about him, but Scherezade couldn't remember exactly why. Oh well. She'd consider it later.

"Pew pew?" she asked Sasmay as she grinned, opting for once to start with her firearms rather than her blades, and aimed her Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets at Malel Mal'gurith, ready to start shooting as soon as Sasmay initiated the rain of bullets.
Wearing: Phyre's Armor

Ship: X-01

Her standard ship had starfighter controls, but this was Syd's first time deploying in an actual Starfighter. She knew where everything went, how it was all supposed to function. And she had the Force.

Syd had used her own blood to write a spell on the craft, one that would hopefully enable it to withstand a few extra hits. She had also traced spells on her own body to increase her chance of survival in vacuum before launching to join the rest of Saber Squadron.

Syd had scored many kills with her Scimitar, but she still didn't quite like the idea of having so little armor and shields. On the other hand, her new craft's manueverability was insane.

Syd kind of liked that trait in spacecraft to some extent.

She had never fought on a team though...

As she zipped into contact to provide support fire to Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt and Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt , she at last caught site of the enemy and the old aggressive nature in her came forward as she locked onto one vong fighter with lethal purpose and began sending bolts down range, tearing into the weakpoint of a ship about to fire on Loske and Maynard.

"This is Saber Eight, reporting in. You two need escort?" Syd called out on comms to Loske and Maynard as a salvo of laser fire from her lanced through another Vong fighter that she was having to track via electronic means, as she could not sense them normally. She had rarely gone up against Vong Tech. Vong Tech was some of the most advanced science in the galaxy.

Syd however, was a product of the most advanced magic.

Her heart raced as she ripped apart another three, engaging one in a short dogfight, loving the adrenaline her human body gave her as she relied on The Force to evade return fire, spiraling every which way to escape pursuers before aggressively shooting said pursuers down, trying not to think about how this was basically a TIE Fighter for Jedi.

Aboard the Miid Ro'ik Vua Gul

The Jedi lashed out as she had expected them to, the flies flocking towards the Yorik-vec - the equivalent of corvettes - while the Yorik-et swarmed the rest of the starfighters in the vast sea of black with little impedance and allowed the much larger ships to proceed towards the Seventh Fleet and its interdictor vessels without much cause for alarm. The Qworlth skaal snaked out from the belly of her Miid Ro'ik as the vessel closed the distance that had lay between she and the Jedi-aligned interdictor, She had came into this to abduct refugees fleeing the Bryn'adul but inadvertently became involved in a quickly ballooning offensive mounted by the Jedi and their anti-slaver allies, something she was sure the Sith in their interdictor vessels were more than happy to be a part of but also something she had not planned on but rather reluctantly resolved herself to see through to the end.

Unfortunately for the Jedi at large, it appeared that it was only the Immobilizer that provided them with a method of interdicting the Sith and Yuuzhan Vong ships in place. The benefit of the Sith Empire's use of multiple interdictor vessels, along with the Yuuzhan Vong's capabilities of utilizing dovin basals in much the same way, was that there was no one, single, target for the Jedi or the spacers involved to strike at - they would have to rid the area of all of their vessels to interrupt the inderdiction effort. Inversely, the Jedi had given them a single, clear, target to take out in order to give them the option to retreat if necessary. It was also this single vessel that the Qworlth skaal, a terrifying and gigantic worm-like beast, was unleashed upon.

Much like during the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Qworlth skaal moved through the void of space as the distance between the two vessels closed and bared its massive fangs as it opened its round maw. The creature had earned a reputation of terror during the war for its ability to tear through the hulls of starships, space stations, and even the surface of planets to suck out the people within. Unlike the Jedi that sought to simply destroy their foes with as little unnecessary pain as possible, she would instill the fear of impending doom in the hearts of the crew of this massive interdictor vessel and relish in their suffering even as they died in the stomach of a beast the Jedi couldn't even see in the force.

Connected to the Yuuzhan Vong vessel as she was, it mattered little how skilled or powerful in the force that Braith was - she could not see or feel the approach of the Jedi fighter, of Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt , as she became his target. Instead several Yorik-ets, the Yuuzhan Vong's analogue to a superiority fighter, made themselves useful and played to their role by flying hot on his tail as soon as his flight path became clear, especially after the destruction of one of the Vua'spar. Much of the rest of the Yorik-ets, in similar fashion, were already swarming to the defense of the Yorik-vec.

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Malel Mal'gurith Darth Trellux

  • [x8] Miid Ro'ik
    • Braith's Miid Ro'ik, the Vua Gul, is engaging the Jedi interdictor vessel (the Immobilizer 419-class Interdictor) in the 7th fleet.
    • Remaining Miid Ro'ik are converging on the Lucrehulk Class Super Carrier of the 7th fleet
  • [x8] A-vek Liluunu
    • A-vek Liluunu are providing support for the Miid Ro'ik that are converging on the Lucrehulk, firing on other vessels that draw near.
  • [x14] Yorik-vec
    • 2 Yorik-vec destroyed by Jedi starfighters, 14 remain
    • Remainder of Yorik-vec moving towards the Hardcell X Class anti-starfighter frigates with Yorik-et as a fighter support
  • [x3] Vua'spar Interdictor
    • 1 Vua'spar Interdictor destroyed by the actions of Maynard Treicolt, 3 remain.
    • The remainder of Vua'spar are engaging with the Skor-II class artillery frigates.
  • Numerous Yorik-et (gave estimates of numbers below based on hangar capacity of ships involved)
    • [x ~1150] Yorik-et (Coralskippers) via A-vek Liluunu hangars
      • One squadron (12) engaging Saber One, with several Yorik-et breaking off to directly confront and give chase to Maynard as he draws closer to Braith's Miid Ro'ik (intended to give Maynard's writer a way to board the vessel).
      • The remainder of Yorik-et are providing cover for the capital Yuuzhan Vong ships, swarming fighters that draw near and attacking capital ships as convenient.
    • [x ~570] Yorik-et (Coralskippers) via Miid Ro'ik hangars
      • The bulk of Yorik-et are engaging with Akula-class Star Destoyers of the 7th Fleet.
Hutt Space // Pabol Hutta Hyperlane // X-01 Skywalker Class X-Wing
Seeking: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors
Paired With: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

A single Sith controlling the Vong ships? They must be an incredibly aware multitasker. Loske shouldn’t have been surprised by Maynard’s tactical announcement, but it didn’t make it sit any easier. The last time one of the trio had gone against a bad guy solo, it hadn’t fared well. Selfishly, she couldn’t go through that again. Furthermore, if one person was responsible for the coordination across the flotilla, they’d surely notice the intrusion of an incoming starfighter –– no matter how gnat-like the annoyance. Or so Loske assumed, not really fully comprehending how the flotilla worked. If Maynard wanted to get on that ship, he’d probably have to do it as stealthily as possible.

“Woah ho, not alone you’re not.” She almost cussed through their shared comms, knitting her brow in frustration beneath the helmet before banking hard portside to avoid a barrage intended for her viewport. “You’re going to need a distraction..”

Saber Eight’s timing was impeccable. “Spectre! Yes!” She careened the angle of her ship to level near Maynard’s. If he’d located the source of this incredible puppet show, they’d need to follow him. “Saber One’s looking to board the flag ship, I’m going to make sure he comes back. We’ll need the biggest distraction you can muster...and uh, probably get that beast under control before we lose our biggest ships.” Saber Eight hadn’t been flying with them too long, but Loske had heard some impressive things about the magic-rooted Jedi. If anyone was going to create something impressive to counter the dastardly fleet, it was going to be Syd Celsius Syd Celsius . And that big monster thing was probably up to her.

The comms continued, the other Jedi pilots confirming their rallying for their wingmate. “Saber Eleven and Twelve reporting in on support for you, Eight. We'll follow your cues.”

You’re going too? Frank piped up. What about me?

“I’m going to need a ship to come back to, obviously. You keep coordinated with BD on autopilot, make sure we don’t get detected once we’re inside.”

Chauffeur duty.

“I don’t know why you keep calling it that.”

That’s what it is.

“I’ll get you the hat when we’re back at Peace if you’re going to be like that.”

Frank gave an indignant honk and went about coordinating between himself and Maynard’s astromech while Loske twisted to avoid another stream of plasma and redirect to the presumed flagship.
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// SABER ONE // X-02 Saber-class X-Wing
// OBJECTIVE // Confront The Sea Of Dreams
Humans Are Such Easy Prey...
// FOCUS // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Saber Squadron | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors


As Maynard's X-Wing soon became enveloped by the pursuit of the Coralskippers it only served to heighten the urgency of the pursuit of Braith as she continued to coordinate the Yuuzhon Vong flotilla unfettered. As he tended to in the more tense engagements, his comms went dark. A flaw, something deeply ingrained - failing to communicate where he should be leading the squadron. As a grouping of over a dozen coralskippers began to gather in the wake of Treicolt's fighter his options grew narrower and his vision tunneled to focus singularly on the flagship of the fleet.

Shutting close the S-foils of his fighter with a metallic hiss he surged the X-Wing in the direction of the Miid ro'ik. Shutting his eyes for a split second he saw another projection of Braith enclosed within the cognition hood - dark whispers filling his head before he snapped back into reality as the sight of the ship grew closer in his vision - the X-Wing's trajectory set to seep through the gill of the warship and into the 'hangar' within. Managing to activate the 'dogfight' inertial compensator within the fighter he spun the X-Wing on a dime precious meters before the end of the hangar bay as he snapped the S-foils into attack position once more - lighting up the coral-skippers in a fury of crimson blaster bolts from the wing mounted cannons as the X-Wing suspended still in the air.

Firing quick pulses of the blaster cannons toward any of the Vong crew quick to assail Maynard he slowly began to lower his X-Wing to the biomechanical deck flooring as he kept the fighter on a swivel before eventually snapping close the S-Foils with a hydraulic hiss before the landing gear deployed beneath.

"Alright - I'm in the ship's...hangar, I guess. I cleared a path for you, Blue." Maynard says before he throws the pilot's helmet from his head and unto the console of the ship's canopy. Raking fingers through his hair as his BB unit sat in the X-Wing relays him with a series of concerned binary chirps he offered a nod in return.

"Yeah, I know Buddy, I know. I don't like this shit either but...what hell else am I supposed to do?" He says before he fishes a breath mask and its connected air canister from a storage compartment in the canopy. Pressing the mask against his face he moves the straps over his head before he sucks in a breath to appraise its functionality - eventually forcing the release of the pressurized canopy before climbing out and drawing the
pistol from the holster at his hip.

Embarking out in the ship his senses were filled with a deafening silence as he traversed with careful steps, his finger resting against the trigger of the pistol as he slowly caught his bearings in navigating the vessel. Everything about the Vong ship, alien in nearly every way. He'd been a spacer for years but...never encountered anything like this.

He shut his eyes for a moment again to feel out Braith's presence in the force - getting a gauge of her proximity only for the haunting vision of her manning the controls of the vessel to seep into his mind again, jarring him from the vision. Breathing heavy breathes that only served to wash against his face from the breath mask every time he slowly and carefully navigated the dank and foreboding corridors of the vessel. Never did his eyes leave the sights of the blaster as he snapped it around every corner he traversed. If Braith could feel anything permeating from the Jedi, it was fear and doubt even as he brazenly boarded the flagship. He had the eerie feeling that he didn't have the initiative anymore, she was waiting for him.

Finding himself aboard the bridge of the vessel he looked toward cognition throne holding Achlys within before he slowly holstered the blaster pistol at his hip once more, drawing his lightsaber he flicked the ignition to unsheathe the brazen cobalt light as he kept a cautious approach, all but ready to cut the grotesque device down he swung the saber out at the legs holding it up before taking the saber in both hands to impale the top of the throne - seemingly with the aim of killing Braith within ; Evoking an ever present impulsive darkness which seemed to dwell within him.
"Roger." Syd replied to the strategic assessment of Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , Saber Eleven and Twelve immediately backing her up.

"Stay in formation." Syd ordered as she dove after numerous fighters. Even now, even in a massive space clusterfeth, her strategy was aggro. That said, there was also a bit of cunning. She didn't fire at the enemy vong ships to out right destroy, merely harrass. She wanted them to follow her and her back up.

"Eleven and Twelve, fire on the fighters. But don't fire to destroy. Lead them."

"What's the plan, Eight?"

"We're gonna kill that huge, slimy piece of worm-ridden filth that the Sith let loose." Syd answered firmly.

Sure enough, a massive swarm of vong fighters soon massed on the three, firing on them, until it was a bolt storm raining on them, and they were using pretty much every evasive manuever they knew and the Force to dodge the bolts.

"Break off and regroup behind them. Don't let them escape. Fire to destroy only if you must!" Syd ordered.

"Roger!" The two pilots responded in unison, breaking off and forming up behind the cloud of vong fighters chasing Celsius, preventing any of them from escaping as they chased both her and evaded blaster fire from their rear towards the huge giant worm...thing...trying to eat the giant starship. Syd wasn't good with names. As she evaded fire from her own rear while the Vong starfighters evaded fire from their own, she took a quick second to cut her arm and let glowing green blood seep into the electronics, chanting something unnatural.

Green arcs of electricity ran across her ship as she evaded fire, and as they got closer Syd sped faster to the giant worm beast, the magic in her blood charging the cannons up.

She fired, and instead of regular red laserbolts, it was thick, heavy green bolt that erupted, hitting the thick flesh of the worm beast and blasting it open, in some parts.

"Eleven and Twelve, start firing to destroy, but keep them on me!" Syd called out, manuvering like crazy to dodge the increase in fire from the enemy as she increased speed to the monster, triggering the Force, it body rippling and shuddering as it sustained her through executing the lethal turn at the last second away from the beast, and through the cloud of Vong Fighters that had been chasing her, which the other Vong Fighters were not fast enough to compensate, instead slamming into the torn open part of the great worm Ellie Mors Ellie Mors had unleashed, violently tearing open its side as the cloud of fighters, tricked into being used as improvised missiles by Syd, continued to slam into it, unable to pull away or break off in time. The explosions from the fighters were so violent that the worm burst in half, being flung near lifelessly from the ship it had tried to eat. But it still moved.

"Continue engaging enemy." Syd ordered Eleven and Twelve. "This one is mine."

While Eleven and twelve broke off Syd charged her fighter right into the maw of the heavily injured worm beast, creating a telekinetic cushion around her fighter still infused with Light-mutated blood.

She fired, keeping her focus on maintaining the cushion as the fighter sped down the worm, firing magically empowered bolts at its insides, emptying half her missiles into its dying innards, constantly firing until she erupted from the other side, the creature completely dead.

Wasting no time, Syd relinked with Eleven and Twelve to began harassing the ship defenses of Braith's ship, firing on every turbolaser she could as she skimmed its length with her backup.

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

Aboard the Miid Ro'ik Vua Gul

To link with the Miid Ro'ik meant to forgo the force, it meant to leave herself vulnerable while she became one, in mind, with the ship she controlled - it meant she could not hear, not see, through the force as she communicated with the Yuuzhan Vong warriors that lay in their own cognition thrones, communication that was almost telepathic in the same way one might convey a thought to a limb. The greatest flaw in this pinnacle of strategic control was its blinding to the world around the person who sat in the throne within the ship itself, meaning anyone could simply walk up to her and kill her as she lay still and never have known until it was already too late - but the events that surrounded the ship, the sight that the ship saw, of fighters swarming the Qworlth skaal, all of that was perfectly held within her vision.

Perhaps that had been the Jedi's goal, to distract her physical sight so they could board, perhaps they thought she was the central nervous system for the entire flotilla, the brain stem that controlled the entire sith fleet and its Yuuzhan Vong counterparts - and perhaps, in a manner of speaking, she was. But she was no Yuuzhan Vong, she could only fully exert control over her singular Miid Ro'ik, and even that had required the full attention and abandonment of her focus from the force. To have launched a diversion would have required something far more subtle - to have convinced her that everything was continuing as it had been, and to have prevented the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong, particularly those flying in their Yorik-ets, crafts unaffected by the force piloted by beings, too, unaffected by the force, from informing her of the chase that had led to the boarding of her own ship.

So when the Jedi approached her place of rest, and as the Qworlth Skaal died while Yorik-et after Yorik-et crashed into its massive girth, it was not that she was overwhelmed by a lone Jedi fighter, nor was it that the Yuuzhan Vong failed to comprehend that the Jedi was leading them into their own tool of mass destruction - the Dovin Basals, creatures that propelled and maneuvered through the void of space by projecting literal black holes, were far more maneuverable and agile than those unfamiliar with the Yuuzhan Vong's incredibly sophisticated biotechnology gave them credit for. No, a hand, its flesh as white as snow, that suddenly reached through the cognition throne, thrust through it with what must have been an impressive amount of physical force, to halt the lightsaber held by the Jedi that sought to snuff out her life, called upon the incredible might of tutaminis absorbing the very energy of the lightsaber to burn away the husk of coral-like skin and soft sponge-like fleshy interior that had previously encapsulated her.

The dark, two-toned, hair of the witch was gone, and so was any resemblance she might have borne to the Firrerreo body she had once occupied. Translucent tendrils of flesh-like hair pooled around her snowy face, her lithe body rising from the Yuuzhan Vong's analogue to a pilot's chair. The clothes that had garbed her had, apparently, burned away from the redistribution of the lightsaber's energy, exposing heart-like growth on her chest with a face etched into it of raw torment - of pain, of tribulation, and of anger. Its expression, this facsimile, reflected her own mood.

Any member of the crew, were they present, might have recognized that she appeared completely different than she had came disguised as. The glamour of beauty that had hidden her disfigurement gone; the truth of what sort of being that Braith Achlys truly was in its place. Her gaze, piercing, lowered to look at the man that was her would-be assassin, her height revealed in true, and for the first time in an age she spoke - not as the sack of flesh that had met the Jedi on the field of war on Kintan, but as the entity that she truly was.

"You should not have come alone."

What words should have followed went unspoken for they were words that she knew were once taught to every Jedi Padawan and Acolyte of the Sith - any master of the force could use its unrelenting might as a weapon that far outmatched any blade of fire - and were put into action instead in the moments that followed with a torrent of fire that erupted from the palm of her free hand.

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

The Yuuzhan Vong flotilla of ships will continue doing as they were in the previous post, with the Qworlth Skaal obviously dead. I will discontinue documenting their exact actions and let their actions fall into the background while I engage in my personal duel, though I will document their actions if requested.
"Great shooting, eight! That's some top tier maneuvering!" Eleven complimented Syd Celsius Syd Celsius -- even though he was somewhat disgusted by the idea of taking the scenic route through the innards for the vong worm. He, Twelve and Two flanked the wing of the magic maestro, heeding her instruction to unleash salvo after salvo against the living exterior of The Miid Ro'ik.

"Tch! Watch it! That Interdictor's firing up again -- we gotta take those cannons out. Let's come back to this!"

Hutt Space // Pabol Hutta Hyperlane // X-01 Skywalker Class X-Wing // Miid Ro'ik
Ellie Mors Ellie Mors //
Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt
Swan Song

"Ever the gentleman." Was the last thing she said before Outrider's comms were cut and he disappeared from her naked eye, though still showed up on her radar. Until he parked.

Loske was more than just a handful of seconds behind Maynard. Despite his clearing of the Vong's starfighter equivalents, there were still a few she had to tango with. She followed his trajectory and realized he'd meant clearing the path once in the hangar. The still smoking corpses of the spikey monsters sprawled around the painted X-Wing. The procedure of landing on the organic material was similar to landing on anything The Alliance had built. The same landing gear, etcetera.

It looks like BB's just sitting here. Frank observed while he projected the atmospheric readings of the ship and found them to be unsavoury for her lungs. She'd need a transition period. The Padawan searched for the respirator and swapped her helmet for the apparatus that would help where being a human failed.

"Still, link up. I'll comm you if it looks like we're not going to make it, you have my location?"

It's registering, yes.


Try and get me schematics, if you can. Frank asked greedily.

"Not really a priority, but I'll do what I can for you, Frankie."

Without much more dialogue between herself and her trusty droid companion, she leveraged herself from the side of the cockpit down to the ground. Always more dramatic when no ladder was present. Loske crossed through the hangar as quickly as she could, somewhat recklessly under the assumption that indeed had been cleared.

The inside of the ship looked like knotted, melted wax. From the pocket of her flight suit, she produced a tiny device about the size of her thumb, and flicked it on; attaching it to her hip to passively collect visuals and feed them back to Frank for him to produced rendering replicas.

As she took a corner -- focusing on the distinct signature of her friend -- she was taken aback by the discovery of an armed crew member who'd been sent to investigate the intrusion of the hangar. Loske hadn't been able to detect them at all! They were a complete void to her senses. The guard's mutilated face contorted in hostile shock. Its face looked like a skull, covered in a lattice of scars and tattoos, sitting on top of a creature that was much taller than herself.

A telekinetic burst blossomed from her palm to push the warrior away from her. It was undaunted and unaffected. Her power offering little more impression than that of a gentle breeze in a meadow.


It leaped forward, taking a swing with an incredibly sharp and ragged blade, and out came her lightsaber. In a quick twist, she maneuvered closer to the spiky armoured torso of the creature and shoved her blade backward, piercing through the armour and stomach with her golden blade.

"This is gonna be rough." She murmured to herself, her hot breath condensing the mask over her mouth. She disengaged her saber, dropped to a knee, and checked the guard for any sort of comms or alert system. She couldn't see one -- or, at least not one she recognized. Everything about the creature was foreign. But it was unlikely he (or she) was the last of unwanted company while the two Padawans intruded their ship.

Time was not on their side. Quickly, she stumbled forward and broke into something more akin to a sprint to the traceable signature of Saber One. A signature that was pulsing with something unfamiliar. Stress, strain...something else. A few twists and turns later, the pilot found herself at the doorway where she needed to be.

Her timing could have been better. The scene that welcomed her was an ungoldy silhouette belching a stream of flames at Maynard. She'd overheard the warning of You should not have come alone and really wanted her movie moment of: He's not alone! -- but action was required over any sort of holofilm script. She could only scream in surprised horror.

Leaping into the fray, she manifested a barrier in the space detectable (albeit quite constrained) between the Jedi and the witch; hoping to dissuade the flames from entirely engulfing Maynard.
// SABER ONE // X-02 Saber-class X-Wing
// OBJECTIVE // Confront The Sea Of Dreams
Humans Are Such Easy Prey...
// FOCUS // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | Ellie Mors Ellie Mors


<I...I hate him...> The BB unit said regarding the wayward Jedi as its photoreceptors shifted toward Frank, the two astromechs always seemingly left in the dark as their Jedi companions dove into the fray of danger.

Just as quickly as Maynard siphoned his fear into anger when he sought to strike a quick killing strike into Braith, that very same anger melted back in that primal fear again. It was a sight as unexpected as it was curiously grotesque when she emerged bare before him. His eyes widening for a moment before he was barely able to cover his face and lift his saber wielding arm to hide his bare flesh from the flames emerging from her hand.

Luckily, his shortcoming was redeemed at the abrupt and perfectly timed arrival of Blue. As she typically seemed to be. Moving his face from out of the crook of his elbow he brought his saber to the ready again as Loske kept the barrier held just long enough for him to reel off a low cry of anger in an attempt to inoculate the fear which seized him internally, aiming to thrust the cobalt saber blade toward Braith's abdomen. Jedi or not, he seemed wholly intent on killing her outright.

The battle within the Interdictor was reaching its peak by the time Lucien had reached the hangar with his detachment of Super Battle Droids in tow. The Legionnaires of the Sith Empire were fighting fiercely to repel the boarders, who had entered the ship from so many points that they had no choice but to battle all across the vessel in order to contain the threat they posed. The mixture of S1 Droids and B2's were an effective combination against their organic counterparts, and when joined by the lone Jedi who had dared to soar across the void to penetrate the ship, the Legionnaires of the Sith Empire were hard-pressed to overwhelm their offensive whenever Luc made his presence on the field evident through his actions.

It truthfully wasn't his finest moment, that much he'd admit. The degree of death which came about as a result of his desire to fight the bastards for the first time in his life was truly astounding, even for someone who'd never hesitated to take a life in their dealings in the underworld. The Legionnaires that blocked his path were met with an equal level of cruelty as their commander had given the refugees who perished before his eyes, and at no point was he ready to bestow mercy upon the fallen who were left incapacitated in his wake. The squadron of droids at his back gave the troopers the closest thing to mercy as their leader pressed forwards onto his next objective. Red bolts pierced their chests as the contingent pressed forwards, leaving behind them the mixed smell of burned flesh, boiled blood and warped composites that made up their armor.

It was a sickening smell, to say the least, and he didn't bother to look back to see the outcome of the few unfortunate soldiers that were left wounded in his wake. Their death was quick- a silver lining to the whole situation, he thought. He didn't have time to linger on his or their action, in any case. More legionnaires appeared to his front as he continued a steady advance through the ship, this time heading from the direction of the hangar on a course for the depths of the ship's interior. A barrage of bolts were released at his direction, and his lighsaber was brought to the fore to deflect the handful that were on a trajectory with his body and back towards the shooters in question. The droid contingent behind him reacted in kind, leaving bodies -- both organic and mechanical -- dropping on both sides once the next engagement picked up in intensity.

Luc met the group with the same level of intensity as the droids behind him, carving a path of limbs and viscera through their ranks until he was face to face with the commander at the head of their unit. The butt of a rifle swing towards his head, to which the blade of his lightsaber deactivated, just as Luc reached out and grabbed hold of the rifle before it collided with his head. Within an instant the aqua-blue blade erupted back to life, piercing through the man's chest and forcing the dying legionnaire to his knees. He deactivated his weapon just as the last of the men around them had been gunned down where they stood, and pressed forwards once more without waiting. The audible sound of bolts exiting the wrist-mounted blasters of the B2's were ignored as Luc activated his comms and reached out to the astromech slotted in his starfighter on Jinnosha's flagship.

"R4, I'm gonna need you to make your way into the hangar, pronto." Luc ordered the droid plainly, dropping the niceties in a way that queued the astromech to not mess around this time. "There should be enough chaos goin' on between the ships to make it one piece. The hangar's secured, but we're gonna need to make a fast exit once I'm done with this stupid ship." The droid responded with positively for the first time in a long time, prompting Luc to grin to himself before shutting off the line between the two. Jinnosha reached out to Luc as the lone Jedi headed deeper into the bowels of the ship, coordinating the overall assault and guiding Lucien deeper into the vessel to reach the ship's reactor.

Heavy fighting ensued the entire way through, and the contingent of droids behind him was slowly dwindled down to nothing more than a squad by the time he'd closed in on their objective. The Legionnaires ceded no ground without fighting to their last, perhaps out of duty, or perhaps out of knowing that neither the Jedi nor the droids behind him would show them no mercy if surrendering was even an option being presented to the table. A swift, yet brutal death was given, be it through blaster or lightsaber, and yet another scattering of fallen soldies and metallic shells were left in the wake of the finale that separated him from his intended objective.

Nothing else would get in his way- not without meeting the same end that their comrades had received, that is. The blast doors opened up, a mixture of non-combat personnel and security teams being greeted by the remainder of Luc's fighting force who entered the Reactor room first. Blasters sounded off with life as the bright red bolts impacted with armed and unarmed personnel alike, the droids programming not being designed to distinguish the difference between those who were a threat and those who were not. "A Sith is a Sith, it seems." Luc muttered to himself as he stood back and waited for the room to be cleared of any remaining hostiles.

It didn't take long for the multitude of unarmed Sith-Imperials to be eliminated with a cold efficiency that, for a moment, pressed enough buttons to warrant his empathy for their deaths. There was nothing he could do to stop the droids, though, and lingering of their deaths was just as pointless as the dozens of troopers that were given "mercy" at the hand of his droids over the course of the ensuing conflict that had been going on across the ship by that point. Even more death would follow in the aftermath of his plan, assuming it went off without a hitch. Those who weren't armed were just as complicit as the man who ordered the refugees in front of his eyes to die, and Luc would make sure an eye-for-an-eye was the message being delivered that day.

A number of Rail Charges were unholstered from his belt as he went to work planting them all across the Reactor Room's interior on ten minute timers. The final pair were tossed onto the reactor themselves, their sticky undersides ensuring that they remained in place. He ordered the remaining droids to guard the room from intruders indefinitely while he made his escape to the hangar. He figured their mixture of wrist-rockets and blasters would give them an edge for a while, plus the hundreds of other droids across the ship were relentlessly assaulting the Sith Legionnaires without needing to slow down their advance.

Luc bolted through the corridors, following the trail of dead bodies that were left on his way to the reactor room, and he managed to reach the hangar with plenty of time to spare after utilizing the force to assist in propelling him forwards at unnatural speeds. Midnight sat in the middle of the hangar on idle, the astromech turning around in its socket to greet Luc as the cockpit of his starfighter opened up on command. A quick leap onto the wing folllowed, and he slid into the cockpit just as it lowered down and sealed itself into place. He heaved from exhaustion; sweat, blood -- some of his own, but most of it not -- and grime covered his form after what amounted to the longest and most hard fought battle he'd engaged in personally.

He could still smell the lingering scent of burning organic material in his nostrils, and a slight tremble overcame his hands as the adrenaline filtered from his body and his senses became less dulled as a result. There was a hint of regret in his mind as R4 blasted Midnight out of the hangar and guided it through the chaos of the space battle around them on a course back to the relative safety of the Indomitable Hutt. The Sith had done something terrible to provoke his reaction, but in turn he'd done something that put him on an equal level as themselves. The trembling in his hands ceased as he clenched them into fists, slamming them down upon the dash and gritting his teeth in anger.

Empathy for those onboard the Interdictor faded as the sight, the feeling of the many that were killed in front of his eyes washed across his mind and covered up the doubt that entered his thoughts. Luc would no longer sit back while there were still bastards that were capable of murdering innocents. He'd avoided being on their radar out of fear of harming his family's reputation for so long that he forgot what it was like to aspire to fight for what was right; to not be afraid, and to gather the determination to do something where others simply couldn't. He didn't know how he'd fight the Sith, but somehow he'd figure out a way to do his part moving forwards. Somehow things needed to change, and he wouldn't accomplish nothing if he continued on as a lackadaisical spacer who was out for himself only.

Blue-grey orbs drifted out in into the void as the flashes of light sparked all across the glasteel of his cockpit, the multitude of factions around them still battling it out against the Sith armada. The GR-57's of Jinnosha's fleet surrounded the view all across his starfighter as they moved at full-speed on an impact course with the primary escort vessels of the aforementioned Interdictor, Jinnosha's ploy was activated, and the Sith were about to be given a fiery surprise once the vessels reached their intended targets and collided with them at ramming speed. Packed to the brim with explosives, the Interdictor was not the only vessel set to receive a devastatingly explosive finale, if Jinnosha had anything to say about it.

Luc reached the Indomitable Hutt's hangar with a minute to spare, and his starfighter swiveled on a dime, drifting in place after a quick interjection by Luc to his astromech. He'd planted the bombs himself, after all, which meant it was only right for him to see the result of his actions come true. He steeled himself for the sight to come, just as massive explosions of fire and plasma emanated from the impact of droid-manned fire ships onto several of the vessels surrounding it. The sight was as beautiful as fireworks in the night sky of his homeworld, although the feeling of death all across the battlefield made it sickeningly sweet to see. Even so, he was determined to see the job finished till the end. He wanted the Sith who helped open his eyes for once to see it too, from his vantage spot within the Interdictor's bridge.

Even if the sun goes down, we gon' make this queen L I G H T U P
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Aboard the Miid Ro'ik Vua Gul

It was said that Sith feared death, that their plots centered around either a physical immortality or a permanence of their legacy - and it spoken through hushed whispers had no reason to fear their mortality, believing in some mystical life after death in what they called the cosmic force. Fear of mortality, cowards of the Sith claimed, was a rational approach to a permanent end - a grounded perspective that kept them from illogical martyrdom. The Jedi, of course, taught that this mortal dread was the source of corruption for many of the Sith, that it was this fear that drove them to seeking out a darker master and their turn towards the twisted and perverse. Countless centuries, millennia, of debate and philosophy would, then, be thrown into question as Braith offered no visible resistance to the bright blue blade of the Jedi's saber while it cut clean through the center of her abdomen.

The pain was real - she felt every second of it - and though the genetics of the body Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis had created as her host, of Firrerreo stock, tried desperately in vain to repair the damage through rapid regeneration, the smug grin that etched into her bright, white, face declared an intent opposite of her body's natural response. There was fear there, of course there would always be fear in one grounded in the shadows, but what could be felt as the witch's body seemed to struggled against its fate was only a sea of dark - an eternal abyss. She leaned forwards, towards the Jedi knight that made his killing blow with such reckless abandon, and her grin spread into a small smile.

"Revel in your victory, master Jedi. Remember this taste, and learn to savor it." She whispered, her voice hoarse; cracked. "This is the power that lies where you cannot see, in the pit of the dark void you and your loved ones fear."

She leaned back, her body slowly becoming rigid, as if she were the clay set in a kiln. Laughing with what little physical strength she could muster as finality rushed to claim her, the gaze cast by her violet eyes lowered and set themselves upon the Jedi and his blonde friend, the woman whose presence had not gone unnoticed by her, though time had restrained her from retaliating to her timely barrier. "You strike me down and I will have become even more powerful than you could possibly imagine." She managed to say, seemingly forcing the words out of her quickly chapped lips - the bright radiance of her flesh now draining, replaced by a pallor that was cracking like dried mud.

"In death, I am born -"

Her lips remained still, her eyes unseeing, and yet the words still came - willed from a source unseen. The ship they stood within, the Vua Gul, groaned from within at her apparent passing, and yet the dark presence of the witch seemed to both remain and expand at once out into the void of space beyond its flesh. The body that the witch left behind, petrified as it were, simply crumbled away, like a castle of sand that finally served its purpose - perhaps the body exhausted of its ability to hold a shape as its firrerreo cells wasted themselves away from attempting to regenerate from the permanent wound that had been carved clean through the center of her corpse.

To the Jedi, perhaps this meant victory - or perhaps momentary survival in a galaxy that constantly sought to throw death and calamity at those that lived under the glimmer of the stars. The Yuuzhan Vong flotilla, perhaps made aware of her death through the villips on the Vua Gul, began their withdrawal, leaving the wreckage of the rest of the Sith fleet and those that remained as a reminder of the senseless violence, like a scar that would cease to heal. The ship the Jedi themselves stood within soon succumbed the wounds inflicted by the fighters that fired upon its flesh outside, providing the Jedi with an alarming need to escape as it was drawn towards the mass of the Interdictor that it had previously been assaulting - a collision that would destroy both vessels, living and steel.

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
Syd, along with Sabers Eleven and Twelve had busied themselves while all the drama took place aboard the ships.

Syd had begun to target the ship defense cannons, she would swoop in, stay real close to the hull and gun it as fast as possible at the cannon she was targeting, only pulling up at the last possible second after letting out blistering enchanted laserbolt fire that ripped through shields and armor, wading into thick swarms of fighters to aggro them, twisting and manuvering so violently through the Vong Swarms, shooting them to pieces with single bursts, that her partners had extreme difficulties matching her manuvers and attacks. She zipped through their defenses with high risk manuvers ordinary pilots would not have attempted.

Syd found herself reassessing her opinions on fighters as she flew. If she had known a dogfight would be this much of a rush she would have signed on ages ago. But she didn't have the thought processes back then that she did now.

After butchering a swarm she would resume targeting the turbolasers, this time corkscrewing and zig-zagging to avoid their fire, before blasting away, doing her best to inflict as much damage on the Interdictor's defenses as she could.

Eventually though, in the chaos, she saw that a good deal of Sith Vessels had been destroyed, and that the ship Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt and Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt were on was about to crash into the Interdictor.

"Saber Eight to Jedi aboard Starship, get the hell off there! I'll try and mitigate the impact, reduce the severity."

Syd took out a knife, cut open her palm, and recited an entirely different spell.

"Eleven and Twelve, get close to me! We're flying to the front!" She ordered.

"What's the plan?" Twelve asked.

"We give one ship a little bit of a nudge..." She answered.

The plan was simple: It would be impossible to move the ship out of the way completely but a dead on impact would do much worse damage than a glancing impact.

As the other two starships linked with Syd's green electricity leapt from her craft to theirs, joining them in a chain of Force energy to enhance their collective power temporarily. They then darted under the ship the Jedi were on, racing to the front before it could impact.

Syd's flesh shuddered and rippled everywhere as it channeled the magic needed to draw from her partners and refocus it, enhancing her own. She held out her hand as she reached the absolute tip of the vessel.

The Force Wave that exited her hand did not have much distance. It did not need to with the output. It slammed violently into the tip of the vessel, so powerful it likely sent a shudder throughout the entirety of the ship, and did not stop it from hitting the interdictor.

But because the entire craft had been tipped "upward" by a few degrees, which slowly grew to greater significance as it got closer, instead of a violent ramming, it was more like an extremely violent glancing blow. She could only hope she had made the right call as she darted away with her squadmates.

Ellie Mors Ellie Mors

Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
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