Amani joined the pursuit, just behind Noah as they set their sights on the target. As much trouble as the crowd was giving him, it was making it equally difficult for them to catch him.
The mirialan was able to keep a steady pace, in thanks to her shorter stature and natural dexterity, weaving through the crowd of people like liquid. Still it wasn't enough to make meaningful headway. Eventually her hand jutted out from within the mass of refugees, and pulled at strands of the Force. With a gust of energy, the runaway was tripped over into the dirt.
The mirialan was able to keep a steady pace, in thanks to her shorter stature and natural dexterity, weaving through the crowd of people like liquid. Still it wasn't enough to make meaningful headway. Eventually her hand jutted out from within the mass of refugees, and pulled at strands of the Force. With a gust of energy, the runaway was tripped over into the dirt.