Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The New Home

The beeping of the Nav console brought me out of a light sleep. Looking to the screen, I see the count sown reads 30 seconds until the ship exits hyperspace. It had been a long tip from home, Dxun, to Kestri. I had heard about it from another mando I did a few jobs with. Its supposed to be a secret enclave for mandalorians after the sith invaded Mandalore. As the countdown reached zero the ship dropped out of hyperspace above and icy world, looking down on it I thought, Well its not the prettiest planet but hopefully it can grow to be a home for all mandos.

As I steer my ship towards the planet my coms come alive. "Unidentified vessel you have entered restricted space identify yourself."

I lean over and hit the switch to open the link and reply in Mando'a. "This is Thror Cal Vorn, Alorn of clan Vorn, I was told that this is a refuge for all vod. Im requesting permission to land."

The voice came back over the channel. "Alor Vorn welcome to Kestri. landing permission granted follow the coordinates."

Following the coordinates, I landed at the spaceport and made my way into the city. Asking for directions i found my way to the nearest tapcaf. Going I made my way to the bar ordered a drink, walked to a table near the back, took my helmet off and began to enjoy my drink. exploring the city could wait.



Location: Surbhir Tapcaf, Tor Valum
Tag: Thror Cal Vorn Thror Cal Vorn

The atmosphere of the Tapcaf was much brighter than Siv's usual Kestrian haunt at the Shukur Kyr'bes Tavern in the Midtown Sector of Tor Valum. It was almost. . . cheery, an odd way to describe a place that would find one of the galaxy's more infamous bounty hunters lounging at. But then again, when practically everyone in the city was a Mandalorian, one more didn't turn many heads, even if his beskar'gam was a little more worn than most.

He sat with his helmet off, a basic cup grasped in a gloved hand as he sat and the end of a bar. His close-cropped hair was tangled and greasy with sweat, the same sweat that stained his brow and high cheek bones. Several days worth of a messy stubble had grown over his features, giving him almost a beard. His mind was lost in thought, but his eyes surveyed the tapcaf out of habit, though it was unlikely that one of his brothers or sisters in the Subhir would be after his head. Unlikely, but not impossible, the bounty hunter's instinct inside him said as he swigged his drink. "Another," he said shortly to the droid barkeep, who mechanically grabbed the glass and poured in more house netr'a gal. The mix was stronger over at the Shukur Kyr'bes, but tonight Siv was looking for something light to ease his mind, not pass out blind and drunk.

He noticed the newcomer walk in, the smell of ozone fresh on Siv's nose without the rebreather of his helmet to mask the scent. There were new helmets in Tor Valum every day now, and long gone was the time when Siv could name every Mandalorian in a given room. Still, he was familiar with most of those who called the Enclave, and this newcomer was certaintly. . . new. Out of the corner of his eye, he observed him order a drink and take a table in the corner of the room.

Normally Siv wasn't a very. . . social person. But he had a secret, soft spot for Mandalorians who, like himself, were alone. So he found himself standing up, walking over to the Mandalorian, and sitting down. "Siv, of Clan Dragr," he said, introducing himself. His helmet was tucked under one elbow, his glass of netr'a gal in the other which he used to point at the newcomer. "You?"

Sitting at the table with my drink, I watched the room, it had been a long time since I had seen so many mando'ade gathered in one place, it was a good thing to see. The atmosphere of the tapcaf was jovial and lighthearted. Sipping on my drink my thoughts wandered. This planet out in the middle of nowhere in wild space was a cold one, I don't like the cold much. Having grown up on Dxun, I was used to the heat and humidity. My mind still wandering I thought of home, the smell of the damp jungle with the slight undertone of decaying plant matter, the calls of the various wildlife, and most important my family. Being the youngest in and of itself was hard, then add on to the fact that my five siblings were all girls, well one can imagine.

While I was mulling all of this over I didn't notice that someone had sat at my table. My father would have chided me for not being observant to my surroundings, but in my defense I was on a planet that had only mandos on the surface. I looked over to the newcomer. He was well armed, as wer all mandos and wore beskar’gam. I personally didn't like to wear the full armor even the lightest of suits restricted movement. Looking at his face he looked like any other battle hardened mando, but there was something about him I couldn't put my finger on. He introduced himself as Siv from clan Dragr.

“Olarom Siv, I’m Thror, Alor of clan Vorn.” I introduced myself, with a warm smile. "This is a nice place, haven't seen so many of us in one place that wasnt a battlefield in a long time. Tell me how long has this settlement been here?”

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr



Location: Subhir Tapcaf, Tor Valum
Tag: Thror Cal Vorn Thror Cal Vorn

The newcomer -- he introduced himself as Thror, of Clan Vorn -- seemed to be pleasant enough, giving a warm smile when he introduced himself. Siv reciprocated with the faintest motion of a smile, not exactly used to the facial expression but not wanting to come off as cold or hostile. Clan Vorn. . . Siv couldn't say that he knew the Clan, but then again there were hundreds. At least it wasn't another Vizsla. Siv had grown tired of Vizslas as of late.

"We won this world from the Vong near a year back," Siv replied to Thror's question about Kestri's history. He wouldn't exactly call the massive city a settlement, but it was far from being rebuilt back to the way it was, and there were still entire quarters that stood derelict and empty, so he let it be. "Didn't start the rebuilding 'till about six lunar rotations ago. But yes," he said with another faint hint of a smile, "It's nice to see so many of our brethren in one place. Reminds me of Mandalore, before it burned." His eyes went cold at that, the mention bringing up unpleasant memories.

He shifted in his seat, quickly changing the conversation. "And what about you, Alor Vorn? Where do you come from, and what brings you here?"

Listening to Siv’s answer I smiled at the mention of a victory over the Vong, I absently touched the Vong ear trophies on my belt. They were a tough foe and to win a planet from them was no small feat.He went on to explain how long they have been rebuilding for. At the mention of the razing of Mandalore I saw a bitter look in his eyes. While the conquest of Mandalore stirred a feeling of remorse, I didn't feel as strongly as some, I didn't grow up there.

“Please just call me Thror. With my clan being so small I don't use my title much outside of official Chieftain gatherings.” I replied. “As for where I come from, my clan is housed on Dxun right now in a small compound.” As I say this I pull out a small holo-projector and activate it showing an ariel shot of my family's compound. The compound is small, with only enough room for about ten people.

“For why I'm here, I heard about this planet from and old bounty hunting partner of mine and decided to check this place out.” Finishing my drink i pull out a flask and pour some of the contents in the cup.

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr



Location: Subhir Tapcaf, Tor Valum
Tag: Thror Cal Vorn Thror Cal Vorn

Siv's eyes narrowed as Thror's hand moved towards his belt, his bounty hunting instincts preparing him for a sudden confrontation. His instincts abated however, when he saw that the other Mandalorian was not reaching for a blaster pistol but for a set of. . . ears hanging from his belt. Trophies from past victories, Siv assumed, and at a further glance he noticed that they looked like they had belonged to Yuuzhan Vong.

"Thror," Siv nodded, affirming the name as he shifted his attention back from the Mandalorian's belt to his face. He didn't say much, but he made a mental category of the information Thror gave. Though he'd never been to the moon, he knew the jungles of Dxun were perilous. Warriors in the Enclave who'd traveled there were respected -- those who lived there no doubt deserved the same, if not more, recognition.

"Welcome to Tor Valum, then," Siv said gruffly when Thror had finished. "Colder than your homeworld, probably, but its the safest place for Mandalorians in the galaxy." He gestured around to the other patrons, all wearing the signature Beskar of the Mando'ade. "At least, that's what they say. For now, the Sith and anyone else who isn't Mandalorian doesn't even know this place exists. I don't want to know what will happen when that no longer becomes the case," he finished grimly before taking a long draught from his cup.

Taking in Siv's words I chuckled at the mention of the climate differences. "Yes it is quite a bit colder than home, as for what will happen when this place is found by aruetiise. We will do what we have always done, protect this world with the full might of the Mando'ade." I got lost in thought for a few seconds thinking about what the sith would do if they had found this planet.

Casting those thoughts aside, I downed the rest of my drink. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Reaching down and pulling the Vong ears of my belt, I set them on the table. “I saw you give these a glance, let me tell you the story around these.” I dove right into the story. ““I got these on a world ship above Ord Cantrell. What a fight that was. I was on my way back from Mandalore when I got the message. So I diverted course and pushed my ship at the time as hard as it could go. I dropped out of hyperspace just as our forces were beginning the assault. I followed the landing force with the intention to join them at their LZ, but I was shot down on the way and ended up crash landing about a kilometer away and had to make my way through that massive ship to find them. I ran that kilometer and only fought one Vong, but as soon as I got to the assault group I found out why there were so few on my route all their warriors and thralls had been pulled to defend against us. The fight that ensued was a sight I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I took up a sniping position and began to take shots when two Vong ambushed me. I was able to kill them but I was stabbed by one of those amphistaffs they carry, went right right through my suit and it’s got beskar woven into it. After I took the ears from the Vong I saw a rocket fly and hit their leader. I think it was a mando named Adenn that fired it. After that I hitched a ride with his force and that was that.”

As I told my story I pointed to the spot on my suit that hap been patched. “I will also say this i don't think i have ever seen my siblings so mad before in my life, because not only did i lose our fathers ship but that i also got hurt. I thought they were gonna finish what the Vong started, don't get me wrong I love my older sisters, but damn they scared me that day.”

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr

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