Darth Arcis said:
The same reason a teacher rewards her students with early recess or a homework pass: participation and good behavior.
And would a 19km SSD hulk
not be a significant enough piece of meat in order to get "participation and good behavior" from those who sign up?
At the expense of other factions? How. No other faction completed a dominion in it. That's not the Republic's fault. At no point did their doing well have anything to do with any poor effect on another faction.
The space battle going poorly is also not the Republic's fault. Other factions could have gotten more involved.
There were OOC factors that turned other factions off from being more involved in the event. Any yes, the space battle's outcome is the fault of someone part of the Republic, not the entirety of the faction itself. My mistake.
The point of events is having BOARD WIDE RPs that shake the fabric of the community. Clockwork Rebellion offered zero rewards and was wildly successful because the premise was cool and people jumped on board. Their motivation was to be a part of something unique to a specific time and enjoy the experience not to win some thing that was pointless in the end anyways.
I wasn't here for Clockwork, so I can't comment on that.
Rewards can have an immensely negative effect. A faction can't win, they destroy it so that others can't have it. If the reward was not arbitrarily assigned then that would be interesting but that can be spiteful. Furthermore, once certain rewards become unobtainable people just drop out. Reason being? They are motivated by the reward and not the experience. This is a negative thing. Rewards for event victory, honestly, should be kept secret if they even exist at all.
Yes, and we saw that during Dead Space with the Phobis Device - Black Sun destroyed it as the CIS were attempting to extricate and disarm it. My next post in the Valen space battle, prior to its locking, was going to be tractoring the freighter and ripping it in half. Again, if rewards are not the key rationale behind running an event, why then do we have them as part of the event in the first place?