And the Pubs are getting extremely desperate since I just received a PM to edit all of my posts. Some character apparently wanted to attack my Veles after my first post in the invasion when I was asleep and I never responded to the post of her detonating some explosive near Veles merely meant to disorient him... obviously, as the attacking character seemingly left the invasion without actually attacking Veles further before I even woke up.
They also dislike me posting in the thread without giving the character that "attacked" Veles time to respond although the character in question seemingly disappeared from the thread a few days ago. According to them, they
just wanted to respond to Veles' actions when I posted again. And I did that twice,
just before they had the chance to post, I posted my own post.
Then the same person has a problem with Veles using Force cloak and Force stealth, as according to them Veles has no knowledge of his main powers.
Force corrupt, a power that is used to control enemies, is also bad since Veles manipulated the mind of the artillery commander and ordered his men to fire on the palace.
I will take it to the RPJ since I am not editing anything.
Is it just me, or do they really want to find any reason to have me edit my posts so Veles does not get to fire the artillery?
EDIT: And the player just withdrew all of their statements... :huh:
EDIT2: Apparently the player told the Pubs pilots to focus solely on Banshee's ship as there are suddenly several posts starting with "Specifically engaging the
Dragon's Breath, controlled by
Darth Veles and
Darth Banshee" ...Okay...