Objective: Get settled in. Don't traumatize any Padawans. Try and be friendly.
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Red sat in the main hall, where plenty of others were congregated. His helmet lay next to him, and he wore his armor. He had just came back from a mission, so he was still filthy. Mud and dirt caked his armor, and some flecks of dirt were splattered across his face. His red hair was a mess, well, more of a mess than usual, if that was even possible. There was even some blood splattered on him, visible specks of blood on his face and multiple others on his armor. Whose blood it was, it was hard to tell if it was Red's or someone else's, but Red just sat there, cleaning his blaster rifle of the mud, dirt, and dried blood on it.
Okay, so maybe he was a little intimidating, but he couldn't help it! He wasn't all that great at interacted with people, as he was physically made to be a badass supersoldier. That was his entire childhood, growing up and training to be the best, they didn't really ever go over how to interact with other people. Social interactions were not his forte.
Since becoming a Knight, Red had been more busy lately. Then, the Commenor Temple opened. Finally, someplace he could stay closer to his various assignments. The Silver Rest felt way to far away for him to frequent, so this was perfect! He was just waiting for another one of the experiments to show up,
Subject 648 Slipknot
, a Jedi Padawan, and a genetic experiment like Red. Red had already picked his dorm, so now he was just waiting for his friend to show up. So, he waited, cleaning his weaponry, looking definitely menacing...
If it wasn't for the pit droid sitting next to him, putting on his helmet, and doing a little dance.
"Pitt! Put my helmet down!" Red barked at him.
"Oh! Look at me, I'm Red! I'm so menacing and serious! I can rip your stomach out with my bare hands! Look at me! So serious! Pew pew!" The droid said mockingly, running around.
"Pitt! I mean it! Put it down! That's not a toy!" Red told the little droid.
"Look at me! I have so many weapons! I like to completely annihilate the enemy cause I'm so awesome!" Pitt continued, still mocking Red.
"That's it! You're gonna get it!" Red said, standing up and slinging his blaster rifle over his shoulder onto his back. Red lunged at Pitt.
"Ah!" Pitt exclaimed, and jumped out the way, Red missing him entirely. Pitt ran off further into the Temple, trying to escape the pursuing Red.
"Get back here you little mynock!" Red shouted, then chased after him.
Pitt dodged and weaved, running past many people passing or just hanging around. Red was right behind him, having to dodge the bystanders, trying to reach Pitt. Red was still shouting at him.
"When I catch you I'm going to toss you into a trash compacter! Get back here!"
Pitt ran past a group of people (
Phalsi Drynchen
Yula Perl
Cato Harth
), yelling,
"Help me help me help me help me help me help me! He's coming after me!"
Red followed soon after.
"You're dead Pitt!"
The chase continued down the halls of the Temple. Eventually, Pitt ran down a corridor, and found himself in the Knight dorm area. Pitt ran down the hallway, trying to reach the room that Red had chosen. He reached it, but he couldn't reach the panel for the keycode. Curse his small stature! He looked at the door next to Red's, and saw that it was taken, and he could hear somebody moving around inside. The room number said Room 323 (
Samara Raine
Pitt started banging on the door.
"Hey! Anyone in there! Somebody, anybody! Please open up! He's coming! He's coming to turn me into scrap metal! Come on, please open up!" He shouted, trying to get the person inside to open the door before Red caught him.