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Rebellion The Ninn Kaggath | Rebellion of Ninn | WotS vs TSE




Having repelled the surprising attack of the New Imperial Order's New Imperial First Crusader Fleet the Warlords of the Sith had just occupied the Ninn System. But, they can no longer rest to regroup their continued offensive across the Rimward Worlds of the Corporate Sector. The Sith Empire has arrived to crush the Warlords' advance once and for all. Now the Warlords must contest a second siege and from a far greater and numerous force. The Second Conflict of Ninn will play out on the shipwreck strewn battlefield of Ninn's arid plains. Underneath the shadow of downed battlecruisers, embers of burning soldiers, and scorched craters the Sith Empire and the unholy crusade of the Warlords will meet for the first time!

Surrounding the fallen spaceport of Rynn's Hollow - the Dark Sovereigns of Warlords, their Knights and the Sith Empire's Dark Masters meet in a Kaggath of the Sith Lords!

In the shadow of a downed Warlords warship the Knights of the Sith Empire and the Warlords battle for control over the grounds of the plains surrounding Ninn!


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Location: Charging Sith Imperial Landings​
Called Targets: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru [Open to Additional Opponents As well]​
Allies In Vicinity: Sith Warlords​


Darth Voyance had been inside the captured spaceport when a Battle Chapter Trooper rushed to her presence. The Sith Rutian was seated on the blaster fire scorched floor, surrounded by corpses and debris. She had been meditating for some time, silent and reverberating with the Dark Side. So much so that the light hum of her churning powers resonating against the plating of the could be heard through the vibration of the bolts holding them together. The Chapter Trooper was halted by his own sense of danger, he stopped on the threshold of the entrance, whose doors had been blasted open during the conflict with the New Imperials, peeled inwards
like petals of a blooming flower.​

“What is it Captain?” replied Darth Voyance, her mind still entranced and her eyes closed.​

The Chapter Trooper hesitated for a moment. The Dark Saint of the Sith was known for her cool and frigid demeanour, but all knew cruel wrath boiled beneath – one that fuelled her mantle as the Dark Saint, holy and furious. “I see,” said Darth Voyance. “The Empire has finally come to address their past failures? They have so many these days it seems.” Voyance had known they were coming. Not long from the end of the last battle, which they just barely repelled a surprise attack by a combined New Imperial Crusader Fleet, Voyance felt a deep disturbance. Now they would now in the meagre occupation of Ninn defend a much grander armada. They would have to. They must. The Dark Side wills it. Voyance opened her eyes and rose, levitating to a standing position through the Force.​

She turned to Chapter Trooper nodded for him to go, replying, “Muster the Battle Chapters and rally the Warlords to the Spaceport. We’ll crush two sets of Imperials today.” The Chapter Trooper saluted and ran off, suddenly feeling reassured, unaware that Voyance had not spent her time mindlessly prodding the Dark Side but, buffing her forces through dark Battle Meditation by employing her supernatural powers of empathy and psychometry. The entire area around the Spaceport was drenched in her psyche, her will, and her fury. Stepping out of the Spaceport Darth Voyance stood among her Battle Chapter, the Sith Pure-Blood Clone Battle Chapter the Red Sons and eyed the descending Sith Empire.​

She ignited the first blade of her double-sided lightsaber and pointed to the raining enemies and through the Dark Side bellowed a war cry to the minds of her dark crusader, the Warlords of the Sith, “Death to false Emperors and their lashed slaves. Death!...THE DARK SIDE WILLS IT!” Summoning the Dark Side to her body and into her legs, Darth Voyance snapped into a Force Sped charge as the Red Sons followed – fury, sped, and the powers of the Dark Side erupting through the Dark Saint as she personally led the counter-attack against the Sith Empire’s landing forces.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Halfway to the spaceport, Ninn
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Rynn Vizsla Rynn Vizsla | Romund Sro Romund Sro

Ingrid was just in the Sith Empire, doing business and things related to Tower Vandiir when she was told about the events at Ninn. It was the last time a long time ago that she was not present somewhere as a representative of the Eternal Empire. Now it happened like it used to when she was here as a double agent. Only now did she go here as a member of a noble house from one of the Sith planets. The Empress did not use her address many times, that she was a member of the House of Terassi by marriage, but now that she did not want a diplomatic conflict, she acted accordingly.

After all, she also recently received an invitation from Darth Voyance Darth Voyance , to which she confirmed that she was going and meeting the woman. But now, for the first time, the Ninn offensive was more important. The red-haired woman was delighted to finally have an event where TSE could spread again, this was a very long time ago due to ongoing attacks. She hoped it would succeed and they could drive away the enemy Sith faction. It wasn’t a good sign that the Sith were starting to break up so much right now when they should get together against the danger. If not, will NIO-GA remove all three such factions from the map?

And then there was the Bryn’adûl threat that made the woman want the end of the war. As she made her way to the planet, she straightened the armband on her arm; exceptionally, it had the symbol of TSE on it, not that of the Eternal Empire. While landing in the dropship, Ingrid let the Force lead her where it wanted, so she directed the shop to one of the places where she felt she had to go.

Didn't wait for them to land, she didn't need it, could jump out of a few metres. Here she motioned for the pilot to stop, opened the door, and then jumped off the vehicle. Landed softly and silently on the ground, where the camouflage systems of her armour began to function immediately, and she set out to find a suitable opponent for herself and to assess her surroundings to see where she was at present.


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Stilicho Drumarch


Allies: WotS
Enemies: TSE | UX-0626 UX-0626


The gunship swayed as it returned to the site of the battle. Captain Apkari sat closest to the door, still coming to terms with the field promotion that had been thrust on him only a few short hours ago. The New Imperials had barely turned tail when he’d been put in control of a battalion. \ Something didn’t feel right, being raised higher only because of the deaths of other soldiers, his brothers. But such was the way of war, and war was the way of life for the Red Sons. They knew nothing but, and never would.

Ninn was another world of dry plains and rolling deserts that now buried his fellow clones. He gazed down to the ground from the view-port, seeing the wreckage of the New Imperial Crusader Fleet. Carnage. As it should be. The Warlord’s path of destruction was divine, a symbol that the Sith were about to return to glory. Every man, woman, and child who served or lived under a high lord’s banner knew the prophecy of the Sith’ari, and that it was finally coming to bear upon the galaxy.

The fleet of gunships touched down in some shrub lands. The air was filled with the smell of still smolder metal and burning starship fuel. As the Red Sons offloaded, they formed up without so much as a word, let alone a command from Apkari. Discipline was in their blood. Hundreds of clones, standing stoically in their crimson armour, waited for his commands.

Apkari paced before them, briefing them quickly before sending them down into the craterous graveyard of ships they had created earlier in the day. He would not make them stand on parade, not here. The time for ceremony had long passed. His inaugural message came clear through the comms of every man.

“Brothers! Today is the day when we will finally face the tyrants that call themselves the Sith Empire! It is our purpose to destroy them. Kill any Imperials, Sith or not, and help our own men to safety if you can. Our cause, and our Chapter, is built upon brotherhood. We have received word that some of our brothers still live on the battlefield, still fighting. I will personally lead the first platoon to relieve them, while the rest of the battalion is being placed under direct command of Lady Voyance, and you will make sure the Sith take no ground! Show her your valiance, and show the Empire the might of the Red Sons of Korriban! The Dark Side wills it!”

The entire battalion cheered, then broke off to join the rest of the Red Sons under Darth Voyance and Commander Rond, save for the platoon of soldiers left under Apkari’s jurisdiction. Apkari took his place at the head of the platoon and with impeccable skill and order, they marched into the wreckage.

The battlefield spanned dozens of kilometers in every direction, with the corpses of crashed Star Destroyers each covering vast swaths. The reports had claimed the surviving squads were trapped in the hull of a downed battlecruiser. Whether they were simply injured or they continued to fight surviving Imperial Knights was not confirmed, Apkari knew only that they were beleaguered by something.

The graveyard was loud, as loud as it had been hours earlier. But now the shouts and blaster fire off in the distance were nearly drowned out by the raging infernos around them, which had grown even larger in the Warlords’ brief absence from the battlefield.

When Apkari’s platoon reached the battlecruiser, unrecognizable as anything but a hulking monstrosity of twisted metal, his commlink pinged. The message was garbled, though he could tell it was from inside. Overhead flew a few starfighters, Imperials hot on the tail of some green rebel pilots. Many of the Sith Empire’s veterans had defected to the New Order, and those yet loyal to the Sith Code had been murdered on Bastion. It was why a clone army like the Red Sons had been commissioned, to be a cut above the ailing Sith Host. But even now, as the best of the best, they were severely outnumbered.

As the starfighters passed out of earshot, the roar they had brought did not end. Those starfighters had heralded something far worse. The silhouettes of the Imperial Legion broke over the top of the massive crater, a swarm of black armour blocking out the setting orange sun. The Imperials wasted no time, crying their war cries and unleashing the hail of blasters as they charged down towards the clones.

“Inside. Now!”
he beckoned his men to the open wound in the ship’s hull that would be their entry point. Already they were too late to escape unharmed, and a few Red Sons were swiftly taken down. Once inside, they had to find the survivors before they were completely overrun. He hoped Lady Voyance and the rest of his brother’s would be able to hold off the Sith advance, but having seen the force approaching him he was uncertain...


Objective: 2
Location: Crash site/ Ship Graveyard.
Weapons: Vibroblade
Vicinity: Open to Opponents
Nearby: Sith Warlords.


"Mesas foot caught in the karking cockpit Ughhh!" Zinn Zinn cried out as he had gotten himself slowly out of the crashed fighter of his. The space battle had gone well, especially with the shot of dark side adrenaline granted by the Sith Lords above him. While the flying had scared the kark out of Zinn Zinn especially with his first time in a starfighter role. "Thatsa it.... Yousa gunna lets go now!" He said lifting some of the wreckage slowly off of his trapped foot. Slowly getting out and onto the wreckage-stained battlefield. After fighting in the battle against the Imperials above, his fighter was one of those shot down. Relying on the instincts brought on by the dark side of the Force. He had narrowly saved his own skin. Mind the cuts and bruises all over his body.

Walking forward slowly, his Gungan-styled vibroblade had clung tightly. It had only been recently that he had heard that the Sith Empire had already arrived. The Gungan was only vaguely aware of what the Sith Empire was, knowing of the numerous losses it had suffered in the past couple of years. Now they thought the wisest course of action was to stop the Warlords' expansion before it could even begin. Something that Zinn Zinn wasn't sure if he was ready for nor not. Only the fiery feelings of pain and hate scorched his body.

Wreckage and burning grass was all around him, pieces o capital ships and fighters had sprinkled the world. The anguished cries of those trapped beneath burning rubble. Trying desperately to call for help. The anguished cries only fueled Zinn Zinn's dark determination. While those that saw him thought of a bumbling fool. He would only wear that so long until there was the moment to strike. Now alone, and cut off from any other Warlord forces. It seemed that now things had gone to a fight for survival. The Warlords would break out here, or face death. That was all there was to it, even a dreaded smirk started to appear on the Gungan's face. All the more eager to kill a Sith and to show his worth within the new way of the Sith.

Wandering aimlessly among the battlefield. Among the durasteel and blood-soaked metal. Zinn Zinn's own power started to grow. So much so, he started to transmit his own signature to any Sith that was hunting for him. His vibroblade ready to strike his foe. Zinn Zinn spoke.
"Come out Sithies!! Mesa am readies for yousa!!! Mesa am bombad!!!" He gloated, as he kept moving, until he found someone, or someone came to him.
The Devil | Kavar Lok Kas'Oni

EQUIPMENT: Armor - X | Main-Hand Lightsaber - X | Off-Hand Lightsaber - X | Right Arm - X
Primary RP Opponent: Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano
Overarching Opponents: TSE | Respective Allies
Overarching Allies: WotS | Respective Allies
NPC Allies: Sith Battle Chapter
Part 1: The Retcon and Recollection - Past and Present





These were the factors that had meant everything to him upon his re-awakening so many years ago under the alias of Kascalion Giedfield, Sorcery prodigy of the Koignalteth. Even at birth, it was etched into his sentience that he was not this person of amorphous flesh and energy. He did not belong to a race of entities that bonded with their hosts in such sickening rituals. His brother in the form of Lorale Farmar was a trick. Fiction that had gone wrong and was so poorly written, his first words should have been:
“You are as much a brother to me as the desert is to water. Your association with me shall cast aside all progress I could make in this life and subject me to a fate of mediocrity.”

In the lives he could not recall in detail yet knew existed, he had no siblings. In his first, he was an only child for parents secluded from memory, their names not even recorded to the histories. Yet, as these were thoughts that had no substance to support them, they eventually faded from consciousness and receded to a pit so far in his mind, not even his reptile brain could sense it.

For so long, he willingly suffered the indignities of these falsehoods and performed countless mental gymnastics to make sense of it all in a life drive by auto-pilot. All - as it would eventually reveal to him - to maintain a thinly-faceted facade of identity and knowledge on his origins and his purpose in the world. Incorrect remembrances of a childhood that never existed. Of bodies and forms that had only seen the light of imagination and dreams and nightmares. In the end, all of it would appear to an outside viewer to be a jumbled mess of uncoordinated narratives. Nothing meshing. Nothing sticking together. Ever-changing like the tides and the lapping of the waves against a rusted ship too far from the shore.

None was more prevalent in this collection of issues than whatever sorcery befell him during his initial clash with Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt upon Bescane, or the disastrous feud with the Imperator Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar . Bouts that...changed who he was, what he had forged based on his self-indulging lies. Fabrications that kept what he was from sight. Deceptions that destroyed his chances at reclamation of a self-built destiny every single second of the day.

He forced himself to make engineering and sorcery his tools of the trade, and into the Dark Council he went, serving Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , and raising an heir - a successor - in Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano . A successor he failed at every turn.

A million faces were created in the span of months, all in an attempt to bury the humiliation of his lack of authentic ego and character. Kascalion killed his brother for a race he had abandoned until recent years. Failed to showcase his might on Kalee. Barely defeated Rurik Fel Rurik Fel on PL-40112-CE-021105. Bled on Borosk and faced a man resistant to even his most lethal attacks, a man who was dead to the Force.

And finally...he abandoned Bastion when it needed his assistance the most. As the Imperial Flag hung high over the Sith Empire and those he called kin were scorched to their bones and marrow, he fled like a coward. No blades of metal sang their songs of violence that day and night as the man who dubbed himself the Devil Lion had shaped himself into a facsimile of weakness and forced bravado.

For this crime, he retreated into exile, refusing to show his face to the survivors of Bastion’s Razing, traveling from world to world as the Sith Empire faced off against the New Imperials. Only when he was sure he could face foes that he knew he could beat did he break from his retreating into the distant stars of shadowed clouds. Dishonored. Calamitous in his fear and severe self-deprecation. A thousand scars soon coated his body in his solitude, as deep as the skeleton and tissue.

Until, when opportunity made itself visible, he visited the Netherworld, forcing his way through its decrepit gates. An entry of rage and doubt and need.

And what happened there was nothing short of a religious experience, with himself as God. Himself as king. In the span of 500th a second, nearly every bit of knowledge, every smidgen of eldritch being that he was - vitality and all - that he once lost became his again. Each and every fraction of an aspect that made him what he was had been unlocked, reinvigorating not only spirit and mind but body as well.

From a weak, frail old man came forth a skeletal giant of reddened flesh and inhuman musculature that pumped electric blue plasma that now rarely saw the outside of the veins that held it. Within the web that was the Force, his presence progressed from a notable blemish of the Dark Side into the unmistakable projection of disaster itself. His competence doubled in the arts of sword and sorcery. His intelligence tripled in the ways of metallurgy and alchemy, bringing the ancient arts of his people - the Skator Hai - to the present day, fashioning himself sets of armor and weapons that spoke of times lost to the ages. Antiquated. Elder.

Indeed, this was his greatest victory to date in the modern era. But, while Kascalion had become sin itself - something recognized by even his most vile of enemies - two very important distinctions of himself remained lost still: his name and his true form. Even though the skeletal visage he now wore with dark pride was mighty in its own right, it was not him. Not really. And his name, Kascalion Giedfield, while infamous, was not the very conduit of terror that fouled the tongues of the ancients. Yet, these hurdles did not stop him, nor they did not weaken him anymore. They were not sources of shame. Rather, they were sources of energy. Of inspiration and drive.

For he was now God. Sith’ari. Jen’ari. Dark Lord. Overlord. High Lord. Dark Sovereign. The Devil. New titles. New names. All enveloping him in a void-blanket as he joined forces in an unholy union with Darth Voyance Darth Voyance and Vora Kaar Vora Kaar , forming the Warlords of the Sith. It was with these individuals, sickly and sinful in their own rights, that he now sought to unleash unstoppable hell upon the Galaxy and find those two remaining factors that eluded him. Locked away in the archives of his mind, unable to be sensed on his own. So much was their discovery paramount to the Devil that it could have been labeled an obsession.

As luck would have it in the new narrative he had begun writing - himself both protagonist and antagonist - the former came to him in the most recent of days. During a clash on Generis against the Imperial Knights - themselves invading the Sith Empire that the Devil once dutifully served - a lowly Kel Dor conveniently plucked too deeply from the archives of the Devil’s mind and pulled forth the identity of identities. Whether by happenstance, the fates, or the Devil’s own subconscious machinations, so came Kavar Lok Kas’oni.

The Armageddon.

Yet another moniker, coming from the rough translation of the name itself. And in his heyday upon the mythic world of Credence - once so named Krodonsa - he was this very thing and conquered a world by his teens. Thus, amidst this revelation - or more likely because of this penultimate remembrance - the ancient arts of Umbra Control twisted his soul beyond even any inkling of redemption.

Here stood the Devil, commanding it with such corruption and demonic intent, sundering the Generis as the tendrils of the prime nullification wrapped around him in vice-like grips. Snakes of smoke and shadow and infernos of black. And forth did he charge at the Imperials and Sith Empire alike, the slaughter wanton and grievous. Such was the fate that befell every other planet the man marched upon with his forces in the Warlords.

Such would be the fate of all who opposed the banner of the Sith.

Part 2: Demanding Loyalty - 10,000 Years Ago
The wind plastered sleet and hail upon his face and horns, the fires of his crest nearly snubbed to little more than crackling embers. Each step through the tundra was an arduous venture, and the warmth provided by his roguish leathers and cloths - hardly befitting a man of his station - had long since vanished. The many prayers his knights, who had long since passed in the journey, offered to the Gods of the Skator Hai had fallen on deaf ears and the chills of winter beat him mercilessly. Grol, Harka, Nyreen, Lusiap. None had offered intervention on his behalf A challenge to be sure, but a welcome one. If the King could not cross such a distance as this from capital to village, how could he lead with confidence and might?

Thus were the rigors of the frost ignored by the fire-wreathed lord, a sword of steel and gold sheathed on his left hip and another larger sword strapped to his back under the furred cloak. It was humorous, however, that he set out so prepared to fight for his life, as any form of defense was unneeded in this tundra. Nothing beyond the native kingdom citizens lived here. That and farm animals. The dangers of the snowfields had long since gone into extinction, which had been caused mostly by the villagers who feared for the safety of their livestock. Dwindling numbers in the harsh landscape did the rest. The blades, then, were mostly for show, for what was to come.

A gloved hand felt around the hilt of the blade on his hip as the stage for this show suddenly appeared through the haze of the blizzard. Wooden fencing and the snow-capped rooftops of the grain houses. Further beyond this border brought more structures into sight. Huts and an inn and a guardhouse - which was incidentally empty. Likely at the inn. Doors shut and shutters locked.

Inside their huts, they would be warm and cozy and unaware of what just walked into their vicinity. Were they even aware of what had occurred in their kingdom not a week ago? How their capital had been burned and conquered and that a new man sat upon the throne? Likely not, but they would be reminded now.

And so he called out, against the storm, and his voice carried for miles around as it was enhanced by his power and vigor. All souls within their homes scrambled to open those shut doors and locked shutters to gaze upon what had made such a cataclysmic sound. And lo, did they see the man dressed in clothes and leathers. Two swords to his name and a crest of dim fire as his symbol of regality.

They knew not who stood before them in the center of their village and received only a stern single word in their local tongue when they inquired. “Lord,” they were told, and the mockers were smote with a singing silver blade that cut through the snow and ice with a hair-thin edge. What remained of their very souls were eradicated by the solitary glare that watched them float in the blizzard. The rest cowered in fear as the stranger then granted them an answer to their now frothing confusion.

He explained, with great detail and succinct verbiage, how he had crossed the Lucent Beck into their lands with an army of thousands. Within two days, he laid siege to the city of Gralrith and placed the former king’s head on a spike above the throne. He was now their king and ruler and they were, thus far, the only village in the kingdom who had yet to pay their tithes to the capital and swear loyalty to their new lord, which was expected and demanded by the new rulers.

Almost everyone in the village opposed this claim and balked at this unknown, in spite of power he may wield. Dozens were once more smote in the blink of an eye, reduced to little more than stains of ash on the snow. The stranger then received what payment the village could scrounge up in that terrible blizzard, and every payment after, this part of his growing empire received a sliver extra from this village.

Part Three: The Rebellion - Present Age
The Devil was drawn away from this recollection by the sound of an old sliding door, the hiss, groan, and chunk of the metal a dulled sound in his head. The point of remembering this particular event was far from mere entertainment he swore to himself. Instead, it had a great comparison to the coming battle.

The survivors of the Ninn conquests, Imperials, and even the stray pirate group who had been hiding out in the hulks dotting the plains, had knowingly come under the control of the Warlords. And yet they refused to swear their loyalty. Yes, they refused because of the Sith Empire, which had come in a surprise assault to stake their own claim for Ninn. Perhaps they assumed they would get away in the chaos, escape back to the depths of space or Imperial space as quick as possible.

This would not happen. The Sith Empire would fail in their quest and be repulsed back into their own territory as the Warlords expanded with ravenous delight.

And to the Warlords, the survivors of the conquest - and those who survived this battle - would swear loyalty, as well as regular payments for both protection and allegiance.

But that would come in a few moments, for his attention was set on the Falleen Lord Chapter Commander Hani Grodvid. Grodvid was infamous for his ruthless tactics and leadership of Kascalion’s personal Sith Battle Chapter - the Hollow Despoilers. He had come to the skeletal Sith as a trained soldier from the Empire and received the indoctrination and modifications common for the Chapter, which was without a leader. It was under Grodvid’s hand that the Devil and his soldiers saw many military victories across their service, and this coming battle was to be no different.

“Speak,” said the Devil, his voice as thundering and electric as it always had been.

The Falleen commander bowed deeply and hoisted the large blaster rifle on his left shoulder, primed and set to fire in bursts of three.
“Lord Giedfield, the Empire has begun to deploy their soldiers to the plains,” he informed, his voice modulated heavily by the helm covering his face. “We have begun mounting a counteroffensive, but it would appear that the Empire is not limiting their numbers to the plains. We have seen several shuttles inbound, and several of your Knights have reported feeling presences aboard them. The Dark Side, Lord.”

Here. The Dark Side willed that blood spills upon Rynn’s Hollow. How quaint. A painting I would like to complete after the blades finish slicing the flesh.

“Good,” the Devil replied simply, rising to his feet from the half-crumbled table in a forgotten office of this spaceport. Abandoned for years, the spaceport had become derelict and rotten - rusted corners and support beams and dead lights. "Let the shuttles land without incident, but deploy your forces to encircle this place along with any others. Do not let any outsider interfere in this battle. This battle is ours, understood?"

The soldier only saluted as both departed the old room. A perfect spot for any Sith to do combat, he thought to himself as he began to traverse the winding halls, heading for where he assumed these shuttles would arrive. The hangars of course, but which ones?
I could hear it.

I could feel it.

All around me, I could smell smoke, the air crazed with fire as I could hear the yells of millions of men throughout the planet Ninn. I could hear the blood and my heartbeat pounding in my eyes, while I saw rivers of blood all around me. It seemed like a day for a big fight: even the clouds themselves were gloomy and dark. The dirt was also covered with dead bodies everywhere, all from various wounds: some from knives, others from blasters. Children, women, men: all at the hands of the Sith. Over a decade earlier, this were the men I would have fought against.

Now, I stand against them.

I remember my mistake. Once, I barely escaped with my life when Darth Ferus Darth Ferus , a renowned Sith Assassin came for me. That was why, before I joined the First Order, I had commissioned rings to be made in order to protect me and deceive my enemies. I don't need my new allies to suspect me for who I am, especially when I was hear to protect them.

But even I would be a fool to admit that I wasn't struggling to join the battle.

It has been a while since I joined the battlefield. Once, I lead millions of men, and now, I serve in the shadows. I never thought I would have struggle immensely with it. But the thought of crossing blades with someone, but I have a strong itch to finally cross blades with someone after so long. Someone who is my equal. But I know my mission, I know I have to stay here and help Lief Lief and her crew.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish someone could attack us.
Objective 1: Ninn Kaggath
Location: Spaceport
Tags: Open
Some music

Perhaps only an hour or so after Drako had captured the top of the Spaceport, and destroyed an Anti-Aircraft Battery and its crew, he saw from his perch atop his Uvak mount, a member of one of the many Sith Battle Chapters rush into the spaceport "How odd." Drako mused to himself. The battle was won and there seemed to be little resistance in the outlying areas if any at all.

It was then, through the haze of dust and smoke, that Drako saw more vessels entering the low atmosphere and what appeared to be landing craft. His eyes showed him nothing, the ships too far from his position to see any discernable markings of allegiance, but his instinct told him that they were enemies of the Warlords. Drako put a hand on the Uvak's neck and gave it a pat "Today is a great day friend. We've been blessed to be here for this moment." then the Sith Knight felt the presence of Darth Voyance, and her rage.

Drako looked down to see Darth Voyance Darth Voyance speak to the quickly assembling troops. Her words inspired them, and it inspired Drako all the same. As her very brief battle cry lead to her rushing towards the now landing opposing forces, Drako grasped the reigns in a way that indicated to the creature to take to the sky. Large reptilian wings splayed outwards then with a might downward thrust, and a hop from the edge of the spaceport's roof, the pair took flight.

As the creature flew overhead of the troopers and the Warlord, a gust of wind followed in kind. As Drako passed Voyance with great speed he rose his long power lance high above him, it was wrapped in a red tapering pennant flag bearing the sigil of the faction, in a zealous salute "Jen'ari Voyance, Saarai-kaar!" he bellowed over the clamor. It was in the language of the Sith, calling out Dark Lord of the Sith Voyance, Keeper of Truth.

Darth Ananta


Pitch-black orbs faded into amber-clad eyes full of scorn. Ludo Kressh would be proud - a budding empire of Sith idolatry and fanatic reverence towards some mystic belief in the conscious will of a pervading evil. She'd spoken little to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex since her reforming, but even those short, terse, words were inadequate to describe what, exactly, it was that these religious zealots were capable of. It was, however, a touch ironic for her to be working under the banner of an empire, at least in name, given her storied past - she was certain her partner had some degree of awareness of her machinations, as undoubtedly Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis had certainly told him all there was to know of her treachery that he had gathered before his attempt at destroying her.

Perhaps it was his keen awareness of her desire to bring civilization crumbling down around them that he willingly kept her around, pointing her like a rabid dog at governments that worked against him and his ideals - likely plotting a way to liberate himself from her serpentine coils in preparation for her inevitable betrayal.

She humored herself the thought, the great Dark Lord himself making a bid to be rid of her, and sucked the dust-ridden air through her nostrils as her lips pressed into a thin, firm, line. Her apparition on the surface, like darkness gaining shape, presented her as a lone target - a single woman, older in some manners of appearance and younger in others - and a small one at that. She stood straight and still managed to lack the height to make herself intimidating, her physique was lacking, and if the greys in her hair were anything to go by she was either silvered by age or genes. Dark ichor poured from the ground beneath her, as if manifested from her own shadow, and wafted up to her right hand as it reached out to grasp for something yet unseen - a
lightsaber that faded into view as the black smog dissipated from around her grip.

Garbed in dark robes,
concealing what may lie beneath, she stepped forwards, towards Rynn's Hollow. She knew not its name, only it's purpose - a bloodbath. Its soil would be the canvas, and their bodies paint.

Kainan Kainan




Objective 3: ok i crusade?
Tags: Open
Allies: WoTS


The call had come to him late in the hour, an emissary from a Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze , requesting the aid of the Brotherhood of the Maw on the battlefields of Ninn. He had considered the subject alongside the Heathen Priests, their very purpose was to wipe the slate clean, to end the heretical error that was life for something new, something better to rise in it's place. This was what what Scripture of the Hidden Maw demanded, what the Heathen Priests demanded, but he was no Heathen Priest. He was underneath the facade of the Dark Voice a Sith Lord, and as this he saw opportunity.

The Dark Voice roared out to his flock, asking individuals to take up the cause and support the Warlords against the Sith Empire. Only the Strong could Rule. The weak must be purged. This was the will of the Hidden Maw, the Dark Side incarnate, to cull the weak among it's disciples and bring forth the Avatar of Death new souls.

Of all the dark denizens of the Brotherhood, the Voice personally answered the call. He would come to Ninn, and one day call upon them to do the same for the Brotherhood when they took the fight to the Jedi Order.

The jet black shuttle tore out from the hyperspace path, it's trajectory straight for the Sith Imperial Landings. The Dark Voice scowled harshly as his upper lip curled with a tightening of his hand around his walking stick, his gaze fixated on the glasteel viewport as they pierced the clouds violently.

He could sense the presence of several powerful beings here, including that of Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru whom he had seen not but mere months ago on Ruusan. The marauder pilot gazed back to the Dark Prophet in worry as they met turbulence and laser fire. "Bring us in."

At some point between the roar of the Warlords and their chapter of troopers rallying out to meet the descending Sith Empire, the shuttle received damage. Black smoke rolling from the engines, the vessel came skidding along the ground near the approaching wave led by Darth Voyance Darth Voyance . Debris scattered in the wake of the crash and within moments later fire erupted from the thrusters.

The sound of twisting metal and groaning support gave way to the emerging form of the Dark Voice as the top hatch blew open, giving way to the Dark Prophet as he emerged.


Objective #2
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rynn Vizsla Rynn Vizsla


With a sore, aching body Romund trudged along. Having stripped himself of the Sith Trooper armor and pilot's gear he wore hours before in the battle above Ninn. He was left wearing the dark bodysuit in the arid land below amongst a grave of starships. Since the Sith knight lost his boarding party earlier he's been alone. He was effectively able to carve his way through the halls of the NIO star destroyer. But there must've been a screw up in orders or someone didn't care. Because he was practically shot down planetside with the ship.

All he really had on him, other than his special little eyepatch was his two, Imperial Knight Model Lighsabers that he turned red. But he hadn't switched out the hilts yet. In fact he kind of liked their ergonomic and standardized form. Helped when duel wielding them.

He hadn't heard from Siqsa Kun since they split up in space ealier. For all he knew she was dead, did that make him the new clan leader of the Athiss Horde? One could only hope. But given the newborn nature of the Warlords it was possible the Dark Saint would delegate it to someone else. But it was very likely he was simply getting ahead of himself. If anything she probably Siqsa probably thought he was dead.

His tired body protested every step he took. However, sensing someone, a newcomer? He perked up looking around. Was it more NIO survivors? It felt like a Force Senetive was close. Could they be a group of Imperial Knights? Coming to take revenge and finish Romund off, reclaiming their lost lightsabers that he took? Looking up above he witnessed more ships far up. But they didn't look of NIO or Warlord in nature. No it was the Sith Empire. Overhead he saw a shuttle pass by with it he sensed the Force Signature he sensed a moment ago before seeing someone remove themselves from the ship as it began to land. He would move close to figure out if it was friend of foe...


Victory through Annihilation
[ Theme ]

| Location | Ninn​
| Purpose | War​
Bellum's ethereal form moved across the surface of Ninn like a spectral wraith, dispatching the retreating New Imperial Order forces that had been skirmishing the Warlords by seizing their minds and bodies and turning their blasters on one another and driving them mad with a hunger for power and destruction, siphoning their essence as he did so to further empower himself. He did not do so for the battle against the New Imperial Order, as they had no way of combating the embodiment of war, but rather for the conflict that came on the horizon; the Sith Empire coming to lay claim to the planet Ninn. How fitting that they came like vultures and vermin to pick up scraps after how far they had fallen in their war with the New Imperial Order. Were he able to feel any emotion, such a sight would have saddened Bellum to think this is how far they had fallen in his absence.​
The body that Bellum currently inhabited of a New Imperial Order officer would raise their blaster to his own head, their aim shaky as they were unable to control their own actions before promptly pulling the trigger, a blaster bolt being shot clean through their skull as the body collapsed in an unceremonious heap, the shadowy figure of the Dark side spirit standing over it as he glanced to the horizon, the direction in which he sensed the Sith Empire's dogs approaching from. Perhaps they still had some fight left in them, and if that were the case, perhaps they were worthy of his time.​
The ghost of Bellum seemed to twist and distort into a dark vortex that sucked his figure out of sight, only for a similar phenomenon to occur closer to the Sith Imperial forces as they were preparing themselves for battle. The spirit was unseen to the untrained eyes of the Legionnaires as he raised his hand and rested it on one of their shoulders, their body strickening up briefly as he flooded his essence into their body, invading their mind as he seized control of the soldier. His dark aura would be briefly felt by those gifted in the Force, be felt as a foreign disturbance that none among their number possessed prior to their arrival on Ninn before vanishing just as quickly as it had been felt.​
One of the Legionnaire's squadmates would glance over at the possessed woman that Bellum had taken residence inside of as they spoke, " Kaiten, you alright? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now. " The woman Bellum possessed seemed to have been frozen for a few mere seconds as the spirit that resided in her sifted through her memories, familiarizing himself with the intent of the Sith Empire as well as their own personal experiences. The woman shook her head and looked over at her comrade before speaking, " Of course not. We have a duty to the Empire. " The man beside her chuckled and nodded, agreeing as he wandered off to go check on the rest of the squad. Unbeknownst to them, they already had a wolf hidden among them, unaware as none among the rank and file were particularly gifted in the Force to see or perceive Bellum, ready to turn and rip their throats out.​




// Outer Rim Territories // Corporate Sector // Ninn System //
Deploying the Death Watch Werda Verda.
Objective: Sow the Seeds of Discord; Slaughter Sith; Claim Vengeance.
Equipment: See Signature Link.

While garnered through second-hand means, the information was sound. Like any good rumour, word spread from one Outer Rim watering hole to another as Spacers gathered to share their adventures. They spoke of yet another schism within the ranks of the Sith. With the string of defeats and small measures of hope that came from what admittedly few victories they were given, the once indomitable Empire was fracturing at the seams. Their ideals once drew the most powerful Sith together, carving out their vast Interstellar Kingdom by consuming all that stood in their path.
However, as their war machine progressed throughout the Outer Rim Territories - the fires of ambition began to build within the masses. Sith Warriors grew disillusioned with the Leadership Caste and questioned their once blind adherence to the cause. These questions eventually gave birth to the New Imperial Order - the fiery sword of vengeance that put nearly half of the Sith Empire to the sword. But, it didn’t stop there. Others lurked in the shadows of the Empire’s failure.
It was those Sith that these Spacers spoke of in hushed whispers. They began to build their bases of power on the Empire’s fringes, siphoning valued personnel and war material away from the myriad fronts. Some attributed this shift as the cause for the Empire’s recent losses. Yet, others believed such claims to be nothing but conjecture, as the Empire was credited with being capable of ‘printing’ soldiers and warships like they were freshly-minted credits. However, the fact remained that the Sith Empire was now beset upon all sides by those that once stood beneath their banner.
The eternal quest for power and the possibilities of betrayal were paramount ideals within the religious ideology of the Sith. They believed that only the strong were fit to rule, and thus when weakness was seen - it was to be excised like a cancerous tumour. Therefore, it seemed only like a matter of time before the Empire began to decline and inevitably collapse under the weight of its ideals. For, such was the very nature of these vile sorcerers, and no amount of rules could chain their ambitions or ensure their obedience for long.
When those words, spoken in darkened alcoves and with hushed reverence, reached the Mandalorians of the Death Watch - they knew that their time had come. These Neo-Crusader’s weaned themselves on petty acts of piracy, stealing from those that they could to build and regain their strength. As their numbers began to swell, the Death Watch then turned their gaze towards their ancient rivals - the Jedi Knights - to see if their martial might was ready for what was to come.
The Sorcerers of Tython were potent adversaries, as their magicks warped reality as they sought to defend their ancient temple from Mandalorian aggression. But, such power was outmatched by the unorthodox tactics and ferocity of eager and ambitious warriors. Several Jedi were slain, and their precious temple was left as a partially-smouldering ruin. But, such a feat wasn’t wholly one-sided, as the Death Watch suffered several casualties of their own. While others would mourn their loss, these Neo-Crusaders celebrated their memories and their achievements.
For those noble, Fallen Warriors would become the first Heroes of the Crusade. Their legacy would echo-on for eternity, as their names and deeds were etched into the Halls of the Manda itself - the Mandalorian afterlife.
With their dead honoured and their plundered spoils distributed, the Death Watch turned their gaze towards the Outer Rim Territories. Their most-hated enemy lay within that region of space and sought to fight amongst themselves. It was only a matter of time before the bloodshed began, and the vengeful Mandalorians eagerly wanted to throw themselves into the melee. Thus, the Crusader Host raised their banner and gathered what forces they could for the coming crusade. Although it was a meagre offering, the gathered warbands and warships would be more than enough for the task at hand compared to their war-like ancestors.
The Death Watch didn’t have the strength nor numbers to face off against the Sith in an outright war of attrition. Their burgeoning crusade would be snuffed out in its infancy. That was an unacceptable outcome, and a different approach needed to be taken. Thus, the Crusader Host sought to strike their foes from the shadows, inflicting as much damage as they feasibly could before vanishing back to temporary obscurity. Some would consider such tactics and strategies dishonourable, but the scalpel to an exposed and vital artery was often more effective than a cudgel to a breastplate.
In the end, there was little credence given towards how victory was achieved - so long as the world of Ninn and the Sith that sought to claim it bled for their sins.


Rynn Vizsla, a Rally Master within the Ranks of the Death Watch, found himself toying with a newfound prize as the Dropship navigated through the war-torn atmosphere of Ninn. The vessel bobbed and weaved through the heavens as the layers of clouds filled with blossoming flowers of shrapnel and flame. It would’ve been a sight to relish with his own eyes as the Sith put each other to the sword. However, as the man was contained within the relative comfort of the starship’s troop compartment with nary a viewport - the Warrior was denied such a spectacle. Instead, the young Vizsla familiarized himself with the plundered spoils taken from the vaults beneath the Temple of Vur Tepe.
Within his armoured grasp lay a solitary spear of glittering metallic silver. The overall design was simplistic, as there were no embellishments to be seen on either the lengthy haft - or the tear-shaped head. Yet, that was where the true beauty of this ancient weapon resided. The weapon itself was forged from the purest strains beskar, making it ideal for combating the plasmatic fury of a Sith’s lightsabre. There was more to that weapon than met the eye. But, the acid-etched engravings and intricate lattice-work of ancient technologies did little to reveal what secrets were woven into the spear.
It was then that his attention began to waver. The lights within the troop compartment bathed the Rally Master and the warriors surrounding him in arterial crimson hues. The time would soon be upon them, and every Mandalorian readied themselves accordingly. As the Neo-Crusaders slammed fresh plasma cartridges home, making their weapons sing with accruing lethality, Rynn began securing the simplistic spear behind his Jetpack. While it would hinder his mobility in a meagre fashion - the weapon would at least be within reach should the Rally Master encounter opposition.
With the spear secured, the young Vizsla drew the brace of pistols mag-locked to his armoured thighs. As his fingers came to rest above the weapon’s respective triggers, the particle blasters were woken from their enforced slumber and thrummed with plasmatic vitality. He was ready to face what lay beyond the sealed assault ramp. The battle with the Sorcerers of Tython had prepared him for what was to come, as Sith were naught but darkened Jedi - enslaved to their own vices with the illusion of control. There was little difference in their measure, save for the ferocity that their evils brought to the fore.
The scales would evidently be tipped in favour of the Sith as a result, but not all was lost. The Death Watch learned many secrets in their time sailing across the solar tides, and through their endeavours - balance was attained. Through the combination of ancient practices and modern technologies, the Mandalorians of the Death Watch could rival even the most skilled Sorcerers within the ranks of the Sith. It was this truth that the Rally Master sought to employ within the coming battle - as several canisters bounced unseen within the man’s laden bandolier.
The Sith wouldn’t know what hit them, Rynn mused with a smile.
Suddenly, the overhanging lights shifted from a soft carnelian to a pulsating green. It was time, Rynn thought to himself - as he turned the false fire-light of his visor towards the yawning assault ramp. Warning klaxons blared overhead as the dropship opened itself to the violence that engulfed the surface of Ninn. The sound was grating but silently welcomed as it helped refocus the Rally Master’s mind. His heart was racing at that moment. He was eager to throw himself into the fray and do battle with the Sith, but the assault ramp was deploying far too slowly for his liking. So, the man took the time to centre himself - to hone his thoughts and guard his mind against unwanted intrusion.
As the warning klaxons stopped and the assault ramp finally descended, Rynn was the first of the Death Watch to charge into the fray. The Werda Verda, or Shadow Warriors in the common tongue, had arrived, and their rage would not be contained.


:// Death Watch Crusaders:
> Slay them all and let the Force sort them out.
>> Destroy their Infrastructure; Make their inevitable Victory costly.

Objective: 3 Ok I follow crusade
Allies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , WOTS
Enemies: TSE
Equipment: Kyrel's Necrochasis, Kyrel's Armor, Vader's Bane Lightsaber

The term enemy of my enemy is my friend. That term could be loosely applied to the Warlords, while Kyrel slowly had plans for the Brotherhood of the Maw, he had a greater grudge to deal with the wider galaxy at large. Particularly that of the Sith Empire, in life the Master of Ren had served the Empire to some extent, and at the end of his life enacted his hatred for them. Slaughtering all those in his path both on Mygeeto, and the likes of Eternal Empire space. Now with the approach of the Warlords that had asked for help from the Brotherhood, Kyrel was one of the few that answered the call. For any and all Sith deserved to die. But in this case, the Warlords were an exception for that.

Kyrel followed Solipsis, although he was unaware of his true motives for the Brotherhood, he had already begun to focus on the future. While some would say this would be business, for Kyrel it was a pleasure. For he looked to crush all his enemies, and yet to do so. He already noticed that Solipsis had a plan up his sleeve. What that was he didn't know. Acting as if a bodyguard to the dark voice that commanded all, the one that carried out the will of the Maw. He only wondered if what was planned would cause death and destruction unlike any other. If it would help advance the cause of the sleeping giant lurking in the Unknown Regions.

Thanks to the Path Engine, the craft of which they were on were able to go from the Regions to the other side of the galaxy in half a day. Kyrel accompanying the dark priest, and upon making it. Was beholden to fire raining from either side. If they had taken the Night Vulture as Kyrel suggested they wouldn't be prone to taking damage. He stood unafraid if only to make sure Solipsis remained unharmed. He could feel the immense power coming from being surrounded by so many Sith signatures. It had further echoed the mantra gifted to him by his creators. "Consume, destroy, feed." To devour the lots of the Sith only to give him more power. The hunger that gnawed at the half-dead was surely almost too great to even tell.

Smoke billowed from the craft, the lights had been knocked out, and for all he knew. The ship had turned over. Yet much to his astonishment, Solipsis slowly emerged from the wreckage of the craft. Coming through the opening, much of the smoke came rushing from the outside. He had no problems withstanding, as he could already feel, and even hear the conflict amping up.

Coming slowly through the top of the hatch, standing next to the side of Solipsis. While he wanted nothing more to go out and kill. He was still puzzled by the man's intentions. Asking inquisitively. "What is the plan now Solipsis? You promised me dead Sith, yet here we are stranded among the rabble." He said clearly frustrated by the turn of events that came forth.


Location: Sith Empire Landings​
Called Targets: Darth Voyance Darth Voyance
Allies In Vicinity: Sith Empire​


"Are you sure this is wise? We're heading right for the front lines." A deep voice spoke in the darkness of the landing vessel. Kalic Harppett, captain of his squad, glanced to the female figure beside him. Asides from the dull red glow illuminating the inside of the vehicle, the glowing yellow of her eyes was the only light to be seen. The gaze shifted to the trooper. There was a coldness to her features. Hardened from far too many wars for someone her age. A chill ran up his spine, and he wasn't sure whether it was the gaze or the grin that had spread across her features.

"We are not here to die for the Empire. We are here to kill our foes and rise above them."

Whether it was reassuring or not didn't matter to the young Sith. She was here for a simple purpose. Find the self proclaimed Dark Saint and put an end to her. Cripple the Warlords leadership. Or something to that likening. They were reasons given so she might be aboard this transport. The only reason that mattered was that her Master had tasked her with this.

A test against a truly powerful Sith Lord.

The grin wasn't because she was going to enjoy that fight. It was to force the fear down. While she had proven herself powerful enough to be a Knight, she still viewed Sith Lords as beyond her reach. Perhaps that's why Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf sent her. To make her face this potential weakness and learn to overcome it. The grip on her Lightspear tightened as she took a breath. Whatever the reason behind this task was she'd only find out if she survived. More so if she succeeded.

The ship was landing just as blaster fire erupted around the battlefield. An explosion rocked the gunship, followed shortly by a second before the ship started to spin. She hissed under her breath. Of course she couldn't just have a normal landing.


No kidding. The ship crashed into the ground, sliding through dirt and mud before finally coming to a stop. The troopers had been thrown about, but Alina had stopped herself from being thrown with an iron grip that crushed some of the steel of the door before her. When the ship finally came to a halt she stumbled forward a step before standing tall once again.

"If you can move, get out." Her red blade ignited as she carved open a hole in the side of the gunship. Hopefully away from the enemies. Given how she could feel the all too familiar and oppressive aura of her chosen quarry coming from the other side, she hoped that's where they were. If not, they'd just landed in the middle of all manner of enemies.

Thankfully she wasn't shot the moment the hole fell. More of the Sith Empire troopers were already rushing forward to use the downed gunship as cover. Good.

"Try not to die, captain." She glanced to the man who had spoken to her initially. A wink, then she was gone. The fear she felt. The hate for these Warlord pretenders, it all fueled her body as she sped from the crashed ship. She had begun to master the basics of her more Sith style of Matukai, but that mastery came with the realization that she'd need to change some things if she wanted to get stronger. A stronger control of her anger was the first step. Her yellow eyes narrowed as she felt through the flow around her.

There wasn't much life here in this battle. Not with so many powerful Lords corrupting it with their own strength. In a way, it made Darth Voyance that much easier to find. Fully taking advantage of the Taozin Amulet she had to hide her from the Force Alina closed in on the Sith Lord. From the side. While the Twi'lek's attention was forward Alina came speeding in on a collision course. At the last possible moment she reignited her lightspear, thrusting it forward with the strength of a rancor.

I will not fail, master.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows



"Thank you for joining me, Darth Daiara Darth Daiara . I'm happy we could handle this face to face."

The cavernous training room stank of smoke and cleaning chemicals. The place had a deep chill, an aura of the Dark Side. Aradia would have trained here more than once.


Ashin walked up to the central platform, which was large enough for a duel all by itself. Around the platform, steam hissed up from vents fed by alchemical furnaces elsewhere. She wore the sword Jentaral at her hip - her usual daily carry, not an explicit threat or invitation to violence.

"You made the cut to stand among the knights and masters who study in this...non-denominational academy of the Dark Side. You've grown since we met at Lake Krul. And you understand, I'm sure, that my friendship with your first teacher earned you no special consideration. You are here because you deserve it.

"Sadly," she added without the slightest indication of sadness, "other than you, how many of the Zambrano dynasty's loyalists have dared to apply, let alone succeeded? The answer is three, as it happens, none of them currently studying here. At the moment you are the sole representative of the Sith Empire in this academy.

"I'm no ethicist, Aradia, but I do find value in one principle: if an action is contemptible, I generally don't do it. I would submit that the Sith Empire is not good enough for you. Its principles and practices don't deserve your loyalty. Can we discuss?"


Last edited:



Objective 3: ok i crusade?
Tags: Open
Allies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | WoTS

The Sith Lord did not recall ever giving the Master of Ren his name. His title among the Sith. He kept his true identity hidden among the Maw, only the rare few within his circle knew the truth. Someone had been doing some digging, although he doubted his true intentions were known or understood. To Kyrel Ren, Solipsis was still the Voice of the Maw and this truth would serve his agenda more than he would ever know.

The Dark Voice emerged from the crashed vessel with a hiss, turning to face the anointed Master of the Knights of Ren with a quip of his own, "You forget your place. Do not fall under the illusion that I'd deliver them to you like a hound. Look at the horizon, see the enemy gathering before you." His hand gestured to the descending Sith Imperial vessels, "I suggest you take your misguided frustrations out on the enemy. Do not make the mistake of testing my patience."

His wretched gaze snapped to Romund Sro Romund Sro as he approached. A icy cold aura radiated around the Sith Master and the Master of Ren, the Voice recognized it was not of the Sith Empire, but a member of the Warlords approaching from the direction of the others. He stood as an Avatar of the Dark Side, a conduit of malice that flowed from every pore of his being. He remained silent in judgment, studying the onlooker with a brief look to Kyrel, his champion among the Hidden Mawites.

"The Maw has come, point the way and we shall devour."

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A multitude of vessels swam through the tumultuous aether of hyperspace, the scintillating maelstrom around them crackling with bolts of unnatural electricity. Light refracted along their sharp angular hulls, revealing the harsh brutalism of their design. These were ships meant for war, designed only for the purpose of destruction and ruin. At their head was a warship gilded with gold livery against a hull so black that it absorbed the light around it.
The Eternal Rule was the chariot of the Great One, his chosen palanquin of war. In it, the Great One maintained an impressive panoply of minions, servants, and soldiers of the Dark Side. The lightless energy which thrummed through every corridor and coalesced in the deepest darkest recesses spoke of an unceasing hunger, a terrible ravenous desire to consume all life.
But it was a pale imitation of the true hunger the Great One possessed.
His eye turned upon the world of Ninn, caught between the reckoning of two diametrically opposed factions. Though he had once ruled over one of these factions, he felt no pity in their plight. And should they stand in his way, they too will be tossed aside like so many of his tools that had fallen out of use.
The Eternal Rule exited hyperspace, a great and terrible storm preceding its arrival in the system. The ships which accompanied the Eternal Rule were shaped like tuning forks, the twin prongs pointed forward to form the ship's prow while the rest of the vessel flared out to form a wide base that served as the ship's stern. These pronged ships were fast, quicker than their size belied, and they raced down towards Ninn's surface. In atmosphere they tipped over until their prongs were pointed directly up, landing their wide bases upon the surface of Ninn.
On his chariot of war, the Great One watched as everything unfolded around him. He sat upon a throne of polished obsidian, the chamber around him fashioned from black marble segmented by lines of hammered gold in the pattern of a grid. He wore muted black and red zeyd-cloth garments, half of his chest left bare as the fabric wound up around his left shoulder and down to his lower back. Ahead of his throne was a massive projector, which was displaying the various skirmishes and conflicts which sprung into life as the many forces around Ninn converged on one another.
From the ceiling descended an individual wired up a vast array of cybernetics, the majority of what remained of his turgid flesh held together by the harness which suspended him. A single red photoreceptor stared out from under a decayed brow, yellow bone protruding from gray flesh.
"Great One, Lord of All, Progenitor of the Dark Side. We have evaluated the lowly world of Ninn to be of sufficient population to join with your immaculate existence." The voice which warbled out from the annunciator stitched into the creature's throat carried with it the invocations of masculinity, though it was impossible to determine with how decayed the body had become and how many cybernetics were melded with what remained. It mattered not what they were, only what they had become; a servant of the cold dark.
The Great One wordlessly rose from his throne, his garments melting away to be replaced by dark sarrassian iron and cloak interwoven with binding chains. Bowing what remained of its head, the creature disappeared into the darkness of the ceiling.
Striding forth with purpose, the Great One crossed the span of his throne room to the mechanical lift which connected the chamber with the rest of the ship. Riding it down, he summoned forth his solemn protectors to his side as he entered the Eternal Rule's launch bay. They moved silently behind him as he boarded one of the ship's many deployment pods, which burst free from their moorings to stream down towards Ninn's surface like a shower of cataclysmic meteors.
The one carrying the Great One crashed down somewhere close to one of Ninn's population centers, the sides bursting free to reveal the dark warriors hidden within. They rushed forward, all minds bent towards a singular will, and descended upon the natives of Ninn. Their advance was swift, their powers frightening, though they were but lesser extensions of a far greater evil. An evil that left nothing in its wake, all who passed under its gaze reduced to ash as the Living Force was ripped from their bodies.
Unrestrained, the Great One known as Darth Carnifex voracious engorged himself on the Living Force.



Objective 2

Theme Music


The air smelled of sweat and death. There hadn't even been enough time to clear the battlefield of the corpses, not that Khamul cared. He had grown used to the stench of war. He welcomed it, even. And lately, it seemed that the galaxy was more than happy to provide. He was overseeing the execution of what prisoners were left when he heard the message over his comlink...

The Sith Empire had arrived.

He had known that this day would come. Whether today, tomorrow, or a year from now... it mattered not. It was fate that they would meet on the field of battle. It was destiny that they would cut each other down in the name of the Darkness. The strong would prevail, and the weak would burn. Such was always the way of the Sith. The initial attack on Ninn was child's play to the Warlords, but this... this would be their true test. Trial by fire. Baptism in the holy flames of oblivion upon the killing fields.

Oh sweet, sweet death. His one and only true master. Khamul bathed in its blessed presence as he looked to the skies. On this day, he would be the right hand of his master... his god. On this day, he would become a living vessel of death. On this day, he would see the enemies of the Warlords die by his hand. On this day, he would prove his worth to his brethren.

Khamul took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts for the last time before the dance of war. He climbed atop a large piece of fallen wreckage, turning to his troops as he spoke.

"Brothers in arms! Look around you. We are surrounded by the fruits of our labor. Every corpse at our feet is another victory upon our name. Every death brings us closer to our true destiny. We have shown this world our fury. We have bathed in the blood of those who dared to oppose us. Would you see our success shattered in the blink of an eye? Would you sit and watch as the flames of defeat encroach us at our moment of glory?"

Khamul's lightsaber ignited in a fiery torrent as he pointed it toward the oncoming Sith, his voice growing in volume as hatred flowed through every inch of his being.

"Those false Sith would see us crushed like mere insects! They would have us grovel to a false ruler who has abandoned the true will of the Force! I, for one, refuse to be enslaved to those who have abandoned our holy heritage. Who among you is with me?"

His words were met with a cacophonous roar from the troops as he looked toward the approaching hordes of the Sith.

"Today, we will show our enemies what it truly means to be Sith! Today, we will slay the unworthy in the name of our holy crusade. Come with me to the gates of oblivion. Let us greet death together with open arms, and show these heretics the path to the next world. For victory! For glory! The Dark Side wills it!"

His final words were echoed as his soldiers joined in the rallying cry. As they charged forward, Khamul leapt from the wreckage, leading them toward the pandemonium of battle.

On this day, Khamul would feel alive.





"Thank you for joining me, Darth Daiara Darth Daiara . I'm happy we could handle this face to face."

The cavernous training room stank of smoke and cleaning chemicals. The place had a deep chill, an aura of the Dark Side. Aradia would have trained here more than once.


Ashin walked up to the central platform, which was large enough for a duel all by itself. Around the platform, steam hissed up from vents fed by alchemical furnaces elsewhere. She wore the sword Jentaral at her hip - her usual daily carry, not an explicit threat or invitation to violence.

"You made the cut to stand among the knights and masters who study in this...non-denominational academy of the Dark Side. You've grown since we met at Lake Krul. And you understand, I'm sure, that my friendship with your first teacher earned you no special consideration. You are here because you deserve it.

"Sadly," she added without the slightest indication of sadness, "other than you, how many of the Zambrano dynasty's loyalists have dared to apply, let alone succeeded? The answer is three, as it happens, none of them currently studying here. At the moment you are the sole representative of the Sith Empire in this academy.

"I'm no ethicist, Aradia, but I do find value in one principle: if an action is contemptible, I generally don't do it. I would submit that the Sith Empire is not good enough for you. Its principles and practices don't deserve your loyalty. Can we discuss?"


Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin | Closed​

Aradia stood at the edge of the room, not claiming the center of the platform with Ashin. She had no reason to mistrust the woman, even if the two empires did clash lightyears below their feet. The word friend wasn't easily given out by Kaalia, but when it was used, Aradia didn't easily forget it.

It was wise to know who might lend a hand in a world of deadly absolutes. Still, Aradia didn't approach the Sith Lord who had summoned her. The chill of the room reminded her of the secrets she held. She took in a deep breath and listened to the Ashin's address.

"I'm no ethicist, Aradia, but I do find value in one principle: if an action is contemptible, I generally don't do it. I would submit that the Sith Empire is not good enough for you. Its principles and practices don't deserve your loyalty. Can we discuss?"

Her rigid spine slowly released, her hands falling amicably at her side. "Usually it's the Jedi trying to convert me," she mused, no smile on her lips as she looked Ashin over.

A beat.

She tipped her chin and stepped onto the platform. "If I'm a loyalist though, the Empire is screwed." As Darth Pollix could contest... She grimaced and folded her arms around her front. "I'm just trying to keep the keep the Imperials back."

"It's the right thing to do."

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