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Approved Starship The Nomad Commercial Heavy Freighter

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Manufacturer: Arryn Jhanson
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average
  • Standard Vessel Systems.
  • Captain's Quarters.
  • Guest Quarters.
  • Droid Maintenance Station.
  • Starship Engineering Station.
  • Consumables: 12 Months.
  • Workshop Stations - Commercial Use.
  • Escape Pods.
  • Internal Cargo Hold - Large Storage.
  • External Freight Compartments (500,000 metric tonnes, each).
  • Provides a mobile residence as well as a permanent base of operations for "Machine Jack Mechanix", Arryn Jhanson's prime source of income and hobby.
  • Can transport a vast size/weight of goods between locations, dependent upon the needs of his customers.
  • The Stygium Cloaking Field offers optimal privacy whilst Arryn works aboard the vessel, and otherwise between locales.
  • Power consumption between the Molecular Furnace, the metal works stations and the Stygium Cloak essentially cripple most other primary systems, rendering them inoperable whilst the aforementioned are in use.
  • "The Nomad" is not built for war and will not fare well under attack from larger craft, or greater numbers. A commercial vessel, maneuverability and speed is also at a significant disadvantage compared to other combat-ready ships.

Based on appearances alone, there's nothing overly spectacular about the Nomad that catches the eye and cries for attention; in fact, the entirety of the Freighter looks old and beaten down, and without the detachable cargo/freight containers that line the sides, the shape of the vessel resembles something akin to a flattened rectangle. Like the tales often taught by our maternal role models, however, it's about what's on the inside of this vessel that truly counts! And much of it is of great personal value to @Arryn Jhanson which makes the Nomad his prized possession beyond most anything else.

The primary ambition behind this project of Arryn's was in order to allow him to set to work with his skills and hobbies, while also being able to traverse the Galaxy and keep himself on the move. Having spent a great deal of time working for a local spaceport on Lirra, his knowledge of ship mechanics had grown from an early interest, into a profession and great love of his, thus the Nomad has become the perfect asset and base of operations for his starting venture, "Machine Jack Mechanix" - a small-time company owned by Arryn alone, and operated under his guidance alongside a crew of droids purchased from Locke and Key Mechanics.

At first glance, the most obvious use for the Nomad is the rather vast freight shipping containers that are attached via the sides of the craft, these four individual containers carried by a modular system where the Heavy Freighter can pick up, traverse and then land and unload great amounts of product or heavy goods depending on the buyers' needs and purchase. Once on the ground, these massive crate's open up on both sides, the doors lowering to produce a vehicle ramp for the loading and unloading of storage/goods. Each of these massive containers is capable of holding 500,000 metric tonnes, and the Freighter can carry up to four at any one time.

Within the ship itself, the interior has been designed around Arryn's commercial and workshop purposes, as well as his own private living needs. Assisted by droids, there are no others within his crew, by his own choosing.

The key aspect to his work and ability to manipulate high-grade metal works is the molecular furnace for which demands a great deal of power consumption to utilize and requires the Nomad to be in an idle condition, in order to compensate for this expense. While in use, many of the other ships systems are unable to operate at full capacity and to be caught off guard by a hostile presence during his work, would set the Nomad at a great disadvantage in all respects.
In a bid to counter this issue, Arryn's vessel uses a Stygium Cloaking Field in order to keep himself and his company's products safe from pirates and other rival outlaw groups looking to make off with his commerce. Whilst the Nomad is adrift in space, power can be effectively rerouted from the engines and hyperdrive in order to sustain both the cloak and the furnace simultaneously.

Relying upon the LK Archimedes & Aristaeus Drones, the artificial crew is capable of setting up and adapting the production line within the Nomad to benefit a large variety of projects that Arryn Jhanson intends to create and sell to the greater Galaxy. That said, however, Arryn's knowledge base is not akin to some of the more state of the art designs that require such things as Nano-Tech for example, and in the early days of Machine Jack Mechanix founding, the Nomad has been stocked with the tools and required gear for the creation of weapons, armour variants and small ground-based vehicles; starting out humble and not setting his sights too high, too soon.

During a routine scouting mission through the star-speckled expanse of the Tingel Arm, Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , accompanied by Iona Starchaser at the helm of the Liberty's Edge, intercepted an emergency transmission from an unknown source. Curious and compelled by duty, the pair followed the distress signal to its origin. There, drifting silently in the void, was the wreckage of The Nomad, a commercial freighter. The ship's scarred hull bore the unmistakable signs of a violent skirmish, riddled with breaches and surrounded by debris floating like fragments of a shattered dream.

As Iona remained aboard the Liberty's Edge, monitoring their surroundings, Balun suited up and ventured out into the cold abyss. Boarding the derelict vessel, he navigated its dark, silent corridors until he came upon the still form of the freighter's owner—lifeless, a solemn reminder of the ship's grim fate.

Despite the somber discovery, Balun saw potential in the freighter, much like the one he had seen in his own ship, the S-91x Pegasus. Recognizing an opportunity, he reached out to his father, Judah Dashiell, for assistance. Together, they arranged for the battered vessel to be transported to the Salacia Consolidated Shipyard on Fondor. Once there, father and son worked tirelessly, repairing and refurbishing the ship, restoring it to its former glory. They restocked its supplies and outfitted it with new technologies sourced from Locke & Key Mechanics, preparing The Nomad for another journey through the stars.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To repurpose the Nomad Heavy Freighter formerly used by Arryn Jhanson, for the current use of Balun Dashiell .
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Balun Dashiell
Model: Heavy Freighter - Commercial Class.
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Mechanical
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Starship Components.
Armaments: Ax-108 surface-defense blaster cannons.
Tomral RM-76 heavy laser cannons.
ST2 Concussion Missile Racks.
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: None
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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