Shoom Gunray
Vyllia Santhe
Makai Dashiell
Casteban Mecetti
Alicia leaned forward to speak into the microphone again.
"I am pleased that House Mecetti and House Santhe have entered this arrangement. Should the Jedi or other members of the Galactic Alliance become aware of Mecetti technology being utilized by the Empire our friends on Lianna will obfuscate this arrangement and it will be leaked that the designs for the Ark, the Obscruer and the Singularity classes were acquired by the New Imperial Security Bureau. They were then sold to Santhe-Sienar to bring these ships into the Empire's naval forces. In this way collusion between Mecetti Nationalized Industries and the Empire will remain known only to a handful of people. Therefore maintaining the status quo and avoiding interference from third parties in the future business we will undoubtedly do together."
There was a pause as Alicia collected her thoughts. At the beginning of this meeting she had been quietly confident of bringing
Shoom Gunray
into the fold through the
Cortosis mine arrangement that they had just concluded. But the
Federation had declined the offer, and now the only incentive keeping the likes of Suu quiet about the
Mecetti-Santhe connection was Alicia's to the
Dark Empire. Alicia knew that the
Gossam- a cunning individual- would be able to grasp the possibilities of the arrangement and the consequences if it were discovered by the likes of the
New Jedi Order (or even those who sat on the
Federal Assembly) because even though the
Empire of the Lost were not at war with the
Galactic Alliance they were still a foreign entity that
Obulette were now providing military vessels too.
Through this revelation here at the
Obredaan Peel Alicia had finished the negotiation in front of the likes of the
Federation as a calculated test of loyalties. In the form of
Makai Dashiell
Alicia did not expect betrayal with this news. He was now doing business with the likes of herself, Casteban and Vyllia. Combined with the business arrangements that Alicia was set to create with
Danger Arceneau
and she expected that Dashiell would keep it to himself. It was more advantageous to him, and Alicia sensed that there was not a traitorous bone in the young man neither. But as for
Shoom Gunray
and her cohorts in the
Trade Federation of Planets? That was always a possibility. At the expense of
Casteban Mecetti
Vyllia Santhe
Alicia had expertly finished the negotiation in front of the
Gossam to see what would happen next.
Another bait on the hook.
Would Suu bite?
"Let us move onto the fourth item on today's agenda. I know it has been a long meeting already and the major business that we all came here to conduct has been finished. But good business waits for no man or woman. In the Empire of the Lost a new opportunity will be presented to each of the corporations sat here today."
Alicia changed the hologram hovering in the centre of the room to a
new logo. As
Drey appeared on the holographic projector she got up from her seat and begun her presentation to the meeting.
"After coming out of retirement I moved to Lianna and with the help of Santhe-Sienar I was able to recover some assets that had been lost over the years. As this recovery effort was undertaken I noticed a gap in the markets within the Empire of the Lost. The weapon, vehicle, ship and security markets are largely oversaturated and represented by a multitude of conglomerates, such as our friends in the Federation, all across the Galaxy, and within the Empire there is no finer corporation at ship manufacturing than Santhe-Sienar."
"But whereas these markets are oversaturated by competitors and manufacturers vying for contracts or arrangements there is no such phenomena occurring in the agricultural market. Foodstuffs, as a commodity and product, remains a market untapped by our competitors within the Empire or Alliance. This is especially true within the territories now occupied by the Empire of the Lost. Therefore I founded the Drey company to fill this void."
"Drey is an agricultural company that focuses on the manufacture of foodstuffs. Headquartered within Lianna city the company owns assets on Lothal and Ruisto. Farmland on Lothal, combined with infrastructure for distribution and delivery, were recently acquired while several fishing colonies founded across the saline coasts of Ruisto have been brought up by my new company at a considerable personal expense. My sources within the Empire have also explained to me that Kegan is set to join their territories. The animal cultivation that the Keganites are infamous for are there to be acquired following the Empire's inevitable annexation of the planet."
"In the next coming weeks I am set to enter another arrangement with Danger Arceneau of the Arceneau Trade Company to acquire shipping rights and leases to begin trade within the Empire. With the ATC's distribution and shipping lanes available to Drey the company can begin distributing foodstuffs across the Empire of the Lost for profit. Combined with this I have negotiated a grant with the Imperial Moff Council for thirty-five billion Imperial Credits to invest into this project. This investment by the Moffs should be a strong indication of their belief in Drey and the need for such a corporation to be successful at what it is supposed to do within their Empire."
As Alicia reached the end of her presentation of
Drey she moved to finished her proposal to
Mecetti Nationalized Industries, Santhe-Sienar, the Trade Federation of Planets and Salacia Consolidated with this:
"I am seeking to bring new business partners into the Drey project. With your added investment and expertise we can facilitate unprecedented growth of this fledging company across the Empire. With over forty star systems to deliver product too; the backing of the Imperial Moff Council; and an untapped market for us to enter into we can work together to make the agricultural markets ours. I have calculated that the involvement of the Trade Federation, Santhe-Sienar, Mecetti Nationalized Industries and Arceneau Trade Company we can create a monopoly over this market within the Empire of the Lost within five years."
"Is there any interest in joining the Drey project? The invitation is there. I am ready to answer any questions or concerns."