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The Old Republic: Am I the Only Person Who Likes It?

Darren Onyx

I am starting a new game as a Bounty Hunter. I never actually did a full bounty hunter walkthrough. Should be good.
I got it fairly close to the start, played it to level 26 Sith Inquisitor and 23 Republic Soldier.

The graphics are very nice and serviceable. The music is gorgeous and the voice acting and characterisation is almost universally good. The plots are really quite fun too.

And yet...I stopped paying for it after a couple of months. It was just the worst sort of MMO, a grind fest with somewhat clumsy gameplay.

Now compared to GW2 where I found the story and characterisation rather weak, but it was much more fun to play, I thought.

So yeah, I don't have the time to put that much effort into it, so I'd rather spend my time on GW2 which is free to play and much quicker moving.
Rebellious Vanguard
I was playing TOR until my internet went berserk on me. And I was gonna pick up GW2, but I'm such a sucker for a game that's story/character driven.

Darren Onyx

@[member="Ventasia Terana"]

Ventasia Terana said:
I'm such a sucker for a game that's story/character driven.
Me too. Like Mass Effect. Greatest. Series. Ever. I don't care what you say about the ending of Mass Effect 3, I enjoyed every minute of that series and I won't let twenty minutes of the finale, ruin that.

Auri Vesta

Captain of the Rimrunner
I love SWTOR! Its a great game! The fully voice acted cut scenes are the best part. But, I do find it a difficult game to stick with. I play it for a week then set it down for a month, then I come back and I'm blown away again. It only needs a combat update.
Tegaea Alcori said:
I got it fairly close to the start, played it to level 26 Sith Inquisitor and 23 Republic Soldier.

The graphics are very nice and serviceable. The music is gorgeous and the voice acting and characterisation is almost universally good. The plots are really quite fun too.

And yet...I stopped paying for it after a couple of months. It was just the worst sort of MMO, a grind fest with somewhat clumsy gameplay.

Now compared to GW2 where I found the story and characterisation rather weak, but it was much more fun to play, I thought.

So yeah, I don't have the time to put that much effort into it, so I'd rather spend my time on GW2 which is free to play and much quicker moving.
This. Usually I hate playing MMOs but I decided to get TOR anyway because 1) it was SW and 2) Bioware developed it. I had a relatively favorable opinion of it initially as I thought the prologue for the Sith Warrior class was very well done, but the game just started to get extremely bland and repetitive for me. I think I made it to Balmorra and I never touched it again. I also thought Huttball was the stupidest idea ever and the game insisted on constantly making me play it in PVP.
I actually thoroughly enjoyed the idea behind huttball. Needed more layouts and to be rolled less often in the PvP finder engine. Aside from that... really loved it.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
@[member="Delana Saan"]

I loved Mass Effect and it's ending. It was great. The Synthesis ending really ends the series. Citadel to me is the true finally though. That last shot of the Normandy makes me cry every time.
Lurrrrveee TOR! If playing it together becomes a thing, totally count me in.^^ I'm on the Ebon Hawk server with a Sith Maurader. Had to stop playing because I got a job (lmao!). Would def be willing to start up again.
Yeah. It's ironic, the Sith Warrior, who's presented as the brute compared to the Inquisitor supposedly being a schemer, actually gets the chance to turn a Jedi to the dark side!

Granted, it's through a sledgehammer approach, but the supposed schemer must put up with an annoying Togruta who insists she's still a Jedi.

However, based on what I've seen, the Imperial Agent story is quite good.

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