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The One Sith now have jurisdiction of Hapes Consortium

As per this map update: Here

The One Sith now have jurisdiction over Hapes. This will be an interesting switch for us, but should give us an interesting storyline.

I'll be discussing with the One Sith Faction admins how we can proceed, but my hope is to perhaps push towards a non invasive and sovereignty of the Hapes Consortium much like with the Queen of Kuat.

I'll keep everyone updated, but what ideas during One Sith occupation do you have?
Non Invasion would be great, and it will be interesting to see how we interact with them.

Will they allow the Queen mother to still rule, or will they install someone?

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Well, My only issue with this is that they HAVE to deal with a difficult resistant force. They can't jsut come into Hapan space, steamroll us, and say they have total control. It doens't work that way. If it didn't for Palpatine, then it can't for us.... and Palpatine lost, by the way. Hapes took what Star Destroyers they didn't destory. This is canon fact.

Anyway, I'm okay with it, if they play fair and acknowledge that they cannot get massive forces in to overwhelm us, because the Transitory Mists choke hypserspace near the hapes Custer. This forces invasive forces to Bottleneck, which means the Royal navy has the upper hand. They will have be extremely creative to seize our sovereignty.

I suggest working out a very long and drawn out campaign, full of skirmishes, poltical intrigue, and romance. The fringes of Hapan Space should become a heated battleground.... Seizure if hapes should not be quick and easy.

Addendum, considering the sheer size of the Consortium, total Sith control is impractical and probably not possible. We'de always have the capability of kicking them out, too... and that needs to be a condition of sith invasion should they win. Because frankly, I don't do storylines where the sith rule forever and no one has the ability to triumph over evil. So, yeah. We need to negotiate this out with those that want to make claim to Hapan Space. It has to be long, drawn out, and total defeat has to be possible for the Sith. Worst Case scenario, total control is not practical and not exactly possible, so they will frequently deal with insurrection and could either lose by attrition or seizure of military assets.... and any major atrocities, like orbital bombardment if they want to pull a space superiority means to control (as in no storm troopers and SS type folks on the ground, just big naval detachment to control space around our worlds, guns pointed at the ground... that kinda deal.. yeah, dealt with that kind of story before and I don't like it). Bascially, if they want us, they have to work pretty hard or it and even if they win, victory isn't total nor absolutely assured and should be able to change on a dime.

True, we're a minor faction, but that shouldn't mean we're pushovers.

Sooooo... help me come up with contingencies to make liberation sound and feasible should the worse case scenario happen?

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
The thing is [member="Relina Zhan"] is that there was battles between the Republic and the Sith. The Republic lost and lost a large chunk of their space. Hapes feel under that jurisdiction. So they have rped out taking the area and we can’t complain because not one Hapen helped to defend Contruum.

Yes we could ask for a battle in we try to defend the mists from the Sith entering. Here is the problem with that. Skirmishes, invasions and general combat are mostly character driven. Player characters here will be out number something like ten to one in this battle you wish to do. It would be a slaughter. Hapens are smarter than this. They would do their best to try to preserve the Consortium and their culture before leading it to ruin.
If Hapes fight the Sith will destroy the Consortium and most likely let the Vong reshape it. If we use politics and let then think they will save much of their fleet they might be willing to agree to our suggestions. They still have an enemy out there. They still have not finished off the Republic and the now has to deal with the Galactic Alliance. They will know this and will not want to lose too much of their fleet in trying to fly into the transitory mists.

Anyways the Sothern half of the Republic was lost fairly. That means by the rules of invasions Hapes has been taken.

[member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]
When I meant dealing icly with sith occupation, it basically means think in general terms that the sith gave showed up and are actively patrolling the area.

Much like any other planet under imperial rule where we now have to greet them like any foreign ambassador.

My goal icly is to ensure as much of our sovereignty as possible. The Queen is still the queen, that hasn't changed. We also have our own political and noble plots that Hapans are known for.

Icly people can plot perhaps a resistance or go along with it. I don't think this will lead to a bloody battle because Hapans are smarter than that. All political intrigue per canon has been in the shadows, so that's why I think it will be interesting for us as a whole.

Persephone has always been pro isolationalist and had pushed reforms in the senate to ensure the Hapes Consortium is left alone an their way of life maintained. She will continue that effort regardless.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Allana Badeaux"] | [member="Persephone Callas"]

No ma'am. The Sith dont' take kindly to sovereignty that isn't their's. They are conquerors and usurpers by nature. They won't let us retain independance for long, which is why if they want to waltz around ours space, then they have to deal with being fought like any interloper. They didn't RP with us, so to claim Hapan space as territory without first earning it from us is similar to god modding. We are not entirely inactive and we have established characters residing there, so we should behave as Hapans would: Resist, not capitulate.

We need to work out soemthing with the Sith and under no circumstance should plot locking be allowed, period. Hapes may exist within their reach, but that does not make hapan space thiers. Hapes is still its' own space and if the Republic is no longer present, then it's jsut us, isn't it?

They will have to contend with the unusual environment and how we handle our borders. So, if they are already waltzing along, then we need them to retconn that to going no further than the raggidy edge of our territory.... like Shedu Maad and Lorrell... that kind of fringe. Those two worlds are literally on the VERY raggidy edge of Hapan territory. They will not have made it any further without being fought viciously. We still have a military last I checked and we still have the means to throw them out like an unruly bar patron. Hapans are territorial and have a history of territoriality. There is no IC reason why they would be in Hapan space unimpeded.

They will not have been able to get an overwhelming force into our territory due to the fact that it will take a while to do so. hapan space is surrounded by the Transitory Mists, which cast a strong Hyperspace mass shadow. They are twisting, winding, and narrow lanes that are notoriously difficult to safely traverse without valid and up-to-date navigational data.... which isn't something you can just get on the fly. They would have to scout for a while to get this reliably and I'll grant them a trained Sith scout who might be able to do that in half the time of a non-force sensitive person. The Transitory Mists are still a Pirate-ridden no-man's-land and they should be contending with hungry pirates and highly ionised gas columns and ion storms ever-present in the thick of an H-II emission nebula. There is a reason why Palpatine's Imperial navy, the most powerful navy the galaxy has ever seen, lost to the otherwise "inferior" Hapan navy of the Galactic Civil War era. The Hapans knwo that space better than anyone and that space also bottlenecks incoming fleets, meaning they can be VERY easily picked off with the superior numbers inside Hapan space.... and we'de know they came in because we are always patrolling for pirates. They can't easily go unnoticed.

Hoenstly, the Sith just simply telling us how it is is not fair and not acceptable and we'll need to sit down with them to work out a fluid and open plot. In any case, if they insist upon taking hapan space as territory, they are in for a war.... and they can't be plot locked to win any and occcupy for a while. that has to be earned and in any case, they have to be able to be defeated at any point, even if they manage to occupy the capital and hold the Queen hostage or something. Even installing their own has to be reversable. We can't have our territory completely taken permanently. i've dealt with previous RP's that more or less involved this and I am really not keen on repeating that theme.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Now, there is an idea I have that, if they are willing to work with us on it, involves Sith. I'll need a world on the fringes of Hapan space bombarded or something during a war and I want something for Relina to struggle with as a result of it.... something for me to RP for my character. Of course, anyone else can be involved if they wish.

Relina is Force Sensitive, but is obviously untrained and I'm not really gonna steer her towards de facto training. Rather, while her Sensitivity to the Force helps make her a very good combat pilot, it CAN be a weakness. A wound in the Force can possibly cause a wound to form in a sensitive person kinda like geostigma in Final FFnatasy VII: Advent Children. In fact,t he idea was inspired by that illness. It would look similar and be an aggressive, spiritual cancer like it, too... and invariably lethal unless treated or cured. It might give some Jedi something to RP, as well, if they can be coaxed to get involved, apart from just Josh.

I had something of a running plot revolving around this in a previous RP that I never got around to.... one invovling a cure and expanding on a religion in Hapes that I reference on occasion: Wayism. The jedi who facilitates the cure (and the action of which I intend to use to bring the mystical feel back to the Force) would be more than jsut a hero, but probably be hailed a saint or something.... What do you guys think?

I mean, obviously, with my expectations, it would be a possibility should the conflict lead to it, but all the same, it should be also advertable, too.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Khallesh said:
Installs Dovin Basals under the surface.

Makes it rain.

Lulz. *shows tattoo on bottom... it's a realistic-looking, bright red lipstick print.* :p

So... since we have a Sith rep here. What do you think? Where exactly are we at this point and what sorts of scenarios are on the table?

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
I'm just worried about having everything dictated to us is all ICly without a means to resist or fight back. Ultimately, i'm afraid of capitulation and total domination from which we can't recover. I've been there before, so naturally, I'm wary and cynical. I'm used to expectations of being consulted, personally, because I used to be a semi-solo leader of a Hapan faction in another RP community.... forgive my reaction to all this.

Anyway, I'm not in that position now, so i'll chill out a bit, but my fears are founded upon the aforementioned and following history: The worst case scenario the last time in that other community was pretty much, "You dont' have a military, you make any seditious moves and we raze half your planets and make the biggest wound int he force the galaxy has ever seen, and you don't have any IC or OOC say in it. this is how it is and it don't change till we conjure it does"... and sure enough, in that situation, The consortium of that community had only two fleets (160 ships in Canon Hapan order of battle) and that group was stuck in a backwater area well away from the interior. Big fleets installed in orbit around key areas of power, used derelict ships decommissioned by the occupiers for target practise, and placed no ground troops at all... they were content to control and restrict space, meaning we had ZERO means to fight back. I REALLY do not wanna deal with an impossible situation liek that again, which is why I spoke up the way i did.
Relina Zhan said:
Lulz. *shows tattoo on bottom... it's a realistic-looking, bright red lipstick print.* :p

So... since we have a Sith rep here. What do you think? Where exactly are we at this point and what sorts of scenarios are on the table?
Would you prefer to be homeless, a mindless thrall or vong formed out of that dreadful form into something of true beauty?

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Khallesh said:
Would you prefer to be homeless, a mindless thrall or vong formed out of that dreadful form into something of true beauty?
I choose neither. And frankly, one Sith can't take a squad of Cyborgs. >.> Hapans are known to have those in their military.

Anyway, how does a Vong become a Sith? There was only one example of a Force Sensitive Vong in Canon. All the rest are dead to the Force. I don't think Zonoma Sekot restored their connection to the Force.... or are ya just a Vong warrior running with the Sith?

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