Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The One Sith now have jurisdiction of Hapes Consortium

It has been four days since the last person has posted. It is my turn to post. The last two days I have been thinking about the collective Hapes Consortium now the Consortium technically falls under the jurisdiction under the board rules.

I said it before I’m not interested yet to get myself involved in Fleet battles with these new rules for Fleet engagements. That is one reason I had written up a new Hapen character. It is not that I disagree with these new Fleet rules. I just have not taken an active look at these rules that they use. Nor have I read any of the Fleet engagement threads that Fleet battles have taken place in. It is just at this point I’m not interested in taking a look into it.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Good. We should work to get ourselves ready for Fleet engagements as a team, though... It would be to our benefit in general. I'm sure the Republic will want their space back and if we can help them do it, then it creates opportunity for faction RP. If all are not opposed, we should start poking at these new fleet rules and work out a strategy that fits Hapan behaviour.

And I'm still not getting how an independent faction, minority notwithstanding, suddenly come under jurisdiction of Sith just because they have the surrounding territory. If anything, i just disagree with painting broad swaths like that. There is no reasonable reason why we can't have the scale and fleet size Canon indicates the Hapans had.... so either something needs to be worked out with Management based on this argument, or we need to stop being a minor faction, i think.
I am very confused where you are getting these "fleet rules" from?

And preparing for what?

You seem to be jumping all over the place.

Do you mean the factory rules?

If so the limits are a max length of 1k. We can't do anything about that. Nor can we be a major faction as we are under the cloud of the one sith.

It is my opinion that this faction active enough for major as it is. People simply enjoy quietly role playing for char dev. ( others may have differing ideas but I've run MF's before-- that's a big change. )

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Well, there is potential, and 1K in size is MORE than enough to be formidable in a Star Wars fleet battle. I think that what he is on about is how fleet battles are tracked and handled might have changed and I'm eager to see the rules for this myself.

Hell, the Battle dragon is a third of the size of an ISD. Newer and better ones are bigger, but not more than a kilometre in size. They dont' need to be bigger than a Kilometre in size to do some serious damage. Canon gives us something to go off of for Navy size and that's what I tend to stick with... I'll give us at least two fleets per planet (not an unreasonable supposition), which (by canon Hapan order of battle) is 160 ships (80 ships is considered a fleet to Hapans, according to Isolder) times 63.... I figure 10,080. That's the minimum size of the Royal navy... could be bigger than that at three fleets per planet... We know Isolder stated that the Consortium military consists of "billions of warriors, thousands of warships".

And as for faction status, I feel like we're getting the short end because of minority and all and frankly, we ICly have the ability to resist being steamrolled. We have the capability of remaining independent like before, so it's reasonable for not much to change if hostilities don't break out and the Sith leave us alone politically. But, the ball in their court right now as to whether they want to press their luck. Pressing their luck CAN produce interesting and lasting roleplay, frankly, which is why I'm not inherently against it. I just wanna be sure it remains fun, is all.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Persephone Callas said:
There are no fleet rules on the board.

So I'm still confused.

We don't have to engage in any fleet battles.
Yeah, I didn't see any. Fleet combat WOULD be interesting, tho, and potentially fun, I think. I've done some before. Once with my old account a couple of years ago when they had that coloured territories on a hex grid set up thingy and another in Second Life when they did something similar, but rolled dice to determine hit or miss.

Perhaps we should come up with rules for something and see if Management likes it enough to standardise it? Just a thought.
Persephone Callas said:
There are no fleet rules on the board.

So I'm still confused.

We don't have to engage in any fleet battles.
[member="Persephone Callas"]

The last time I was in a fleet rp was on that other board that we do not mention. Since I’ve been here I’ve not looked into it, simply mostly because of time constraints on my end. So my ignorance on the subject is not a surprise. I promise I will look into it.
[member="Relina Zhan"]

It might be another day before I get to make another post. If you want go ahead and post in you rp and don't wait for me. Sorry Real Life has just been killing me and I had zero free time.
[member="Relina Zhan"] yes a late Happy Holidays. I hope you and everyone else had a great one.

[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] the next week or two I might make a little noise. ;)

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Aleister Grey"]Good. we're missing all of you guys! We has an RP to complete.

In other news, i got two new Navy ships approved while you were missing. Check my post in the Ship Manifest thread. I made a list of the stuff I've been working on.

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