Secretly, Tyyni had wished for Sorel to talk him out of his plan, to give him time to reevaluate his options. That was not the case, and the small Hutt found himself inching past patrons and down-on-their-luck gamblers. His nose curled up as he tasted the scent of alcohol in the air, but the general stink of the place didn't bother him. He picked up snippets of conversation, mostly about money, or shady deals. Tyyni was pretty sure one twi'lek was selling deathsticks, something actually quite common on Nal Hutta.
Finally, the Huttlet Padawan made his way to Dex's throne, where the massive Hutt had its eyes closed, eating another squirming form. As he approached, Tyyni whipped on his robe, signifying there was more to his bulbous form.
Just as Dexio grabbed another snack creature, it was wrenched from his grasp, and sent flying by an invisible force. The large crime boss reacted slowly, sluggishly opening one eye, to see Tyyni before him, hand raised. Tyyni smiled, and levitated his lightsaber out of his bag. He decided keeping his haughty persona would help him against a Hutt. He cleared his throat, and spoke in basic.
"Good day, Dexio. I am Tyyni Oluja, of the Order of the Silver Jedi. May I speak with you? It is of the upmost urgency." Tyyni chuckled to himself, trying desperately not to shrink back in fear.
Dexio opened both eyes, as if finally finding a being in the galaxy worth his time. The gigantic Hutt responded in Huttese, monotonous and bland. "Ah... A Jedi, you say? But you are of my kin, are you not? How does a Hutt find their way into the Order." Heads turned, and Tyyni found himself stared at by countless hungry faces. He tried to keep a flamboyant appearance as he responded in Huttese. He wasn't sure if Sorel spoke the language, but he figured Dex would be more favorable to him if he spoke a shared language.
"That is of none of your concern. What is of my concern is your dealings with the Sith, as they have attracted me to your... lovely establishment. I believe you have some explaining to do."
The ancient crimelord guffawed, a disgusting, rotten sound, before responding in Huttese. "Is that so, Huttlet? Perhaps I have made deals with the Sith. Perhaps they gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. But perhaps not." A ring of onlookers formed around the two Hutts, and Tyyni tried desperately not to look over to where he had seen Sorel last.
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