Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Other Side of Peace | GA Invasion of TSE's Ziost/Tiss'sharl


Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo


"Right." She had no idea how to process any of that information. His reasons for everything he did seemed so whimsical, whereas her training as a Sith was a necessity. To avoid being killed. Having a family that cared, that wanted them to be safe. Having the freedom to choose. It was nothing Alina knew. Her gaze fell, eyes narrowing on the ground before her. Would her life had been different if she was born in a different family?

"It's hard to say what happy is. I feel happy, at times. Not all the Sith stab each other in the back. Close friends, people I can genuinely trust. But, I guess no. Death is always around the corner." She laughed. This life certainly wasn't for everyone.

"I've no intention of leaving, however. So I wouldn't bother offering that."
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

"Bit of a paradox isn’t it? A lot of your culture revolves around the survival of the fittest. So, if you're not looking to backstab or dominate everyone. You're not that good of a Sith." At least that was his interpretation of the Sith code. And he had yet to see much that would prove him wrong. He was still unable to wrap his head around how their code was meant to give them any form of freedom when all it did was enslave them to their passions. Even more so when all who studied in this academy were further shackled to the husk of a dying empire. "Suppose I'll never understand." He said, grunting as he moved to force himself to his feet. Shaking his head as he dispersed the wooziness.

"And don’t worry. I'm not looking to convert anyone. With how you are, the Jedi way would not suit you." He said, giving a slight shrug. "Not sure if the Sith suits you either. So, if you want my advice. Take a good long think about what you want from life. And if the path you're on will get that for you."

With a small gesture from his hand. Alina's lightsaber would fly from where it stood and into his grasp. Taking one last look at her, Aaran gave a slight nod before beginning to walk away. "Come find me when you've got an answer."

"Bit of a paradox that the defenders of justice and the Light are here to exterminate all life." There were paradoxes and contradictions everywhere. The most she could do was strive to keep to her own code. She said nothing, only watching the Jedi rise. Not daring to edge him on in case he decided to take that blade of his and strike her.

But she couldn't ignore the fact her saber started to fly in his direction.

Anger flashed in her gaze as she lifted her hand. It was her families saber, for generations. But more importantly, it was the last link to her sister. She reached up her own hand, all her focus and hate immediately on the saber. It lifted, moved just a bit, then fell. Suppressing the Force in others was a difficult thing she was still learning. But breaking the effects of the Force around her was something she had started to learn. And there was no way she'd let him take her lightsaber.


the M I S T R E S S


DIRECT ENEMY FOCUS: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Jairdain Jairdain Ismet​


"Now," the Matriarch began with a smile, standing alone, facing Jax Thio Jax Thio , "you just don't seem to comprehend how this works."

It is not going to be like last time.

The Wanica had absolutely no interest in truly possessing the jedita. In fact the twelve are far more happier being outside Jairdain Jairdain 's essence than within, finding the light she aligned to incredibly revolting, even if their momentary bonding was farce.

The witch seemed to suggest the Nightsisters wanted any part of her. "Oh, we're good," echoed around the coven, signifying they are just ducky, while they enclosed this jedita in the middle of their circle. Wicked smiles creeped over each their faces. The witch facing Jairdain head on slowly glanced over her shoulder towards their Matriarch and back to Jaridain. Her wicked smile and her motion was meant to help the woman draw the conclusion on her own that her beloved Jax is now currently separated from her. They wanted more to see the lasting emotional and mental turmoil that would ensue, than an immediate termination of life.

There had been many skills introduced to her upon the budding of her relationship with her intimately adored Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . The Matriarch took lessons in private from any who would share knowledge in exchange for her most prized Potions. Deeply honored to be accepted into his family, Pomstychtivé safeguarded that which she learned from the Kainate as secret and sacred.

The instant the Jedi's muscles flexed, the Matriarch twitched her knee and planted her stance; the power of the Darkside radiated from her core. As she did so a hidden metal scythe flung free of its clip at her hip. She immediately grasped hold of it, without so much as dropping her stare. The triangular contraption unfolded into a Chain Sickle with an audible clank. Each hand gripping an opposite end of the bar, she began to swing the chain around, quickly building up momentum to product a powerful strike.

Separated from their Matriarch the Coven is no less connected, no less volatile. They chanted a spell of speed and invisibility to assist the Matriarch. With palms turned toward the trapped jedita, Darkside energy stretched across to one another over the head of the jedita Jairdain. Connected, the Wanica fortified one another with Darkside energy to pour into their Magick. The jedita would physically feel cold bleeding forth from the witches as they stirred their Magick completely around her, applying pressure from all sides to collapse her protection bubble.


The Graug unleashed by Darth Vulcanus were a wholly wicked populace to behold. With their crude weapons, they hacked and slashed their way across the straggled formations of invading Alliance soldiers, who had yet to answer the call to supply adequate back-up to revert the mayhem unleashed by the Sith dominant in the area. What a terrible landing site they chose. Really! In front of the Sith Academy of all places! The Acolytes were desperate to beat down the GA soldiers, for they sought with every fiber of their being to impress their Masters and maybe earn a promotion among the ranks.

The Graug tore open the tanks submerged in the sand dunes and lifted out the members of the crew by tufts of the hair upon their head. The crew struggled and fought to free themselves, but they were no match for the physical brawn and maliciousness of these brutes. Acolytes skewered those tossed out upon the ground before their feet. Death would be merciful at their hands, unlike what would befall the enemy when the Graug do not break focus from them enough to simply cast them aside.



Xappyh Sector // Tiss'Sharl // Tiss'Sharl League Chambers.

The moments of reprieve from the boardroom were precious. Each delegate spent it according to their own needs –– needs that escalated to the greater demand of moving the pieces into play required for the Alliance’s triumph.

"We i suggest is that we hit them where they least expect it. Bring up a topic that they wouldn't be able to properly counter with their own words , one that would discredit them and have the Tiss'sharl lose their faith on them. So far the Claims and Statements made by the Sith have been somewhat reassuring despite the many lies embedded in them and we need to cast doubt in their statements with something unexpected. We need to do something unconventional if we want to secure the upper hand. But then that's just what i think"

“What sort of unconventional approach would you suppose might get us some traction?” In the meantime, she pulled out her own communications tablet to seek out some suggestions from the outside.

Pausing mid-correspondence with her aide, the elder Tagge looked up from her datapad at the heaving sounds coming from across the room.

The Vice Chancellor seemed gripped with responsibility, and it clogged his airway and capacity to think. She’d seen this once before from her late husband. For an interval, she was brought back to the perspective of a younger woman watching as her rock incomprehensibly crumbled under the weight of unperceivable pressure. Wasn’t it silly? That now, whatever the problem had been, she couldn’t remember. All she recalled as the crumpling of his body, the panicked clutches to his chest, his wild eyes and strangled breaths. And how paralyzed she’d been by it all.

The silhouette of her late husband faded and was replaced by the reality of Tithe and she was once again helpless to assist the situation that unfolded. It wasn’t her problem to solve, though, and it reached some level of catharsis soon enough.

“You’re doing fine, dear.” She offered with a brief pat to the bureaucrat's shoulder.

Short, slender Tiss’Shar appeared in the waiting room. Instructing them that the reconvergence would be in much more intimate teams.

She’d be sharing a room with the cold, calculated, militantly minded Empress. The very woman responsible for initiating an attack on Byss. That had been costly. If Brama wanted to, she could likely establish a mutual connection over the loss of marriage mates. Ones too soon gone from this wretched galaxy. But was it worth that emotional expenditure?

“Looks like the table’s set, gentlemen.” She muttered, adjusting the string of krayt pearls that ringed her neck and glancing the way of The Executive and Tambor. “How hungry are you? Let's see some more of that putting her in her place approach, hm?”

Dutifully, she followed the Tiss’Shar usher back into a smaller meeting room and nodded at the Empress.

“Now dear," Brama started, crossing her legs as she took a seat and shuffling her skirt over her knees. "A smaller audience is much easier to speak your truths, hm? A space you’re not beholden to speaking in front of your brawny allies.

Empress L'lerim-Vandiir, what are you true thoughts on the Vice-Chancellor’s earlier proposal? You looked hesitant for a moment. About as hesitant as you felt when you attacked Byss, I'd wager. Wouldn't you find benefit in a Free market too?"

BOARD MEMBERS | GA | NIO | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Enlil | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | The Executive | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Otto Shule Otto Shule
BORED MEMBERS | TSE | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Alli Vern | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
SMALLER COMMITTEE [ENGAGING] Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | The Executive | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Location: Ziost, Orbital Defense Center
Allies: GA and their allies. Nearby: Jax Thio Jax Thio
Enemies: TSE and their allies. Nearby: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
Objective: Operation Stonefist

Yes, the two of them were separated but they had a connection that went deep. Even though these entities had pulled them apart, Jairdain could sense his desire to chase after her. In a quiet moment, before she got hit with another rock as she passed it, she sent him a bit of support through the Force. If Jax picked up on it through their Force Bond, he would sense some encouragement from her.

Then the rock collided with her knee as they kept pulling her away. Finally coming to a stop, she found herself surrounded by these twelve beings. On the chance they expected her to feel any sort of distress at being kept from Jax, they were going to be disappointed. Giving them her full attention, her focus on them, and any feelings she had were kept locked away from them.

Having given up any pretense at keeping the illusion about her appearance, it fell as they stood there. Pale, yellow eyes stared unfocused at them as she looked through the Force. Searching for any weakness to be found in her opponent, she made a lunge with her dagger out at the nearest one.

Since Jairdain was not a very good physical fighter, the blade entirely missed the entity. Cursing under her breath, she phased to appear behind another. Her tail waved in the wind and her long ears were pinned down against her head. Attempting to stab again, she was not successful.

Irritation started creeping into the Jedi as she did this several times...each time was a miss. Putting her dagger away, she drew air in through her nose and let it out through her mouth. A simple method of calming. Not doing it soon enough, however, the internal anger came out and she let out a bellow. Drawing her hands together, a bubble large enough to encompass herself and the witches formed.

A split second later, she found herself out of it. Hardly giving any time to collect herself, she turned to run away and rejoin her partner. In theory, that bubble would hold and contain the coven for at least a short period of time. Enough for her to return to Jax and keep her word of protecting him.

Just don't die. I couldn't live with myself if you die.

While she assumed she thought this to herself, Jax might still pick up on her words as she hurried back as fast as the Force could carry her.




Location: Orbital Defense Center, Ziost
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé (Enemy), Jairdain Jairdain , Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt , Captain Raith Captain Raith , Darth Strosius Darth Strosius (Enemy), Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen ("Marlon you did it! YOU DID IT!")​
Jax skidded to a stop as soon as he saw Pom magically summon a Scythe casually twirling it in preparation for an attack. A large dust cloud formed behind Jax as soon as he stopped, he held his Lightsaber at the ready holding it close to his face eyes narrowing at Pom.​
"Oh I know how it exactly how this works Pom," Jax responded with a smirk spread across his face. For the first time for what felt like eons, a genuine smile formed on Jax's lips. The old Jedi Maverick starting to emerge from the prison bars of despair and regret and take form inside of the battered and beaten Jax. "It works by me kicking your ass, call me a hypocrite all you want Pom but I'm not the one running away from their past. Spesa is still alive, that much is clear by your reaction and no matter how much you can erase her from your memory she'll still be with you."​
The Jedi twirled his Lightsaber putting himself in a Ataru ready stance. "The memories of Korriban still linger inside of me," he said. "But I accept what happened that day and I do not allow to dominate me! You on the other hand is still fighting tooth and nail with your other self still have lingering doubts and working up a sweat whenever somebody mentions her. You have never let her go Pom did ya?! Allowing Spesa to dominate you?!"​
He thought of Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin and how she was doing, when he returned to her Jax will teach Aveline how to let go lest she ends up like a sad old woman like Pom. "Pom!" Jax yelled. "For all of your talk about the Force setting you free, you seem to be shackled by personal vendettas! Always failing to see the big picture!"​
But Jax missed the part where that's his problem.​
He felt Jairdain speaking to him telepathically: Just don't die. I couldn't live with myself if you die. She said with Jairdain's love pouring into him like a waterfall crashing onto a riverbank. The potion's effects started to wear off thanks to Jairdain's minor battlemind technique giving him the strength and valor needed to survive.​
"Jair," Jax thought. "I didn't want you to come but I'm glad you did. Come back to me please."
It felt like the force bought them together, their destinies intertwining with one another forming a unbreakable bond that was bound through love and understanding with each other. Jairdain's spirit was inside churning her force energy throughout and guiding his actions.​
Jax dug his feet him calling upon the force to to erect a boulder from behind Pom. He then held his Lightsaber like he would a spear and hurled it towards Pom while simultaneously launching the boulder at Pom's back. Jax began to run using the force to enchance his speed in a zig zag formation trying to confuse Pom but at the same time assess his best angle for attack.​
As the Gruag continued to tear the GA forces apart, multiple Imperial Dropships began to arrive descending from the atmosphere. Imperial Commando units about 500 of them disembarked rushing in and reigning fire onto the creatures well placed blaster shots penetrating their head, chest and legs. The creatures roared in pain before collapsing with some retreating having been caught off guard. The Imperial reinforcements have finally arrived. Jax could sense them as he continued to approach Pom "about damn time!" he thought with a smirk.​

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She Left Behind A Legacy
Location: Ruins of Hâsk
Allies: GA
Enemies: Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos

There it was, the next trick.

Romi flexed and tucked her saber arm in bring her blade slick across her face and across her form mid-air -- she could feel the scarlet heat on the surface of her skin. Jade crashed the base of her blade against the terminatrix's opposing rod that shot out in extension. It knocked the Jedi off her intended path and she landed awkwardly off to the side stumbling as she came out of her running form.

When she landed she jabbed her wrist -- activating her comlink

R0 would know what to do from there.

But even though she was fighter, someone who craved challenges, bore on through exhaustion, and even relished the satisfaction of winning...she wasn't just worried about herself anymore. And as her maternal feelings were deep, winning this was gonna be worse than losing. The cost of winning wasn't worth the life growing inside her...something she sensed a while ago way before her body would ever show signs; she knew.

And she deduced earlier that her saber wouldn't cut fully through her body frame, she was unprepared for this fight.

That's where her mind was when she got back up earlier.

She unwound the cord around her arm, and when the blade retracted she frantically wove her arm through a wave motion while giving on the cable reservoir to force it up. When she swung out she intended for the cord to wrap around Enyo's saber arm, but she knew the cyborg was strong enough to to withstand her pulling her down so she didn't....

She knew if it caught she would only have a few seconds to possibly a minute to act.

Jade pulled it tight, locked it, and thumbed the other end of her spike launcher. This time, shooting the spike itself into the wall behind the Cyborg to bind her and keep her at bay while she got a running start. Recalling her weakened state, she backpedalled and spun into a drive form as she stretched her stride.

Oh she could feel her leg again, just in time.

"I'm on my way R0, stay hot!" she looked back, "She'll be on me."

A series of clicks

"I'm moving as fast as I can sassy pants! She almost took out my legs!"




Loske’s heart? Ironclad.

Her will? Steadfast.

Her mind? Delicate. Impressionable.

It always had been –– as was to be expected. It was an impressively complex result from years of memories not her own, fused with the cognitive abilities of a young adult. It was compromised from the start.


Djorn sounded a hundred thousand lightyears away. She couldn’t make any move to gesture she vaguely registered his shouts –– she was too consumed with her own situation.

Zami dzana iw ri Nimyi.

The Lady of Secret’s extension spread and infected through Loske’s psyche, crushing the Jedi’s ability to resist.

Zami dzana iw ri Nimyi.
Zami dzana iw ri Nimyi.

Desperately she pulled at memories to counter the attack, like a magician stringing ribbons from a hat. They fluttered and spiralled in a fantastical blurred spectrum of words that melted into one another.

“And I want you to know… I am proud to call you my sister, Loske. I love you too.”
“Loske, I love you. You’re like a sister to me.”
“Such a bright star. It doesn’t matter who came before or what lay after, never doubt that you are a true Saint of the force. Never let anyone crush that spirit, that cheer, and that strength you possess.”
"I love you too much to let that happen,"
“I want to just- go. Just leave it all. I want to live peace, with you. I don’t- I don’t want to care about anything else. Just- Settle down, find somewhere and just...just live."
"When- if we decide we start a family, have children and all that then. We can give them a good upbringing, work ethic, humility, all that."

Quotes that brought her comfort, that protected her, drowned one another out and she was deafened to their helpful, preserving intent. The Sith woman sought to prey on them, to shatter them into such tiny fractals that while Loske worked to piece them back together, the Sith’s influence exploited and filled the exposed spaces.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you again, Loske. I just can't. I've lost everyone and- I just...I just don't want to lose you either."
“You’re not going to lose me. Ever.”

What was recalled as warm, strong arms wrapping fondly around her turned cold and slick, gripping and choking out the comforting reflection and mutating it into grief. Like something distant was laughing at promises made in futility.

She had to stop trying to console herself, and shift gears to lock herself down. In a final attempt to salvage, Loske tucked her connections and fondness away in the corner alongside her bond to Maynard. That tiny, protected space was quickly becoming full and threatened to collapse in on itself.

Zami dzana iw ri Nimyi.

Her mind was as compromised as her body.

And she was alone with it.

The last time she’d felt so desperate had been on Muunilinst; clinging to life. It had taken both her and Maynard’s will to pull her from the reaper’s grip. In her mind, she was isolated with the reverberations of The Sith’s chant. It wasn’t death that wanted her this time, it somehow felt like something... worse. Something that relegated her to a hostage in the husk of a Jedi Knight.

”Sto—I can’t—-“ Her protesting wails were broken and weak. The knight curled in on herself, tears flowing freely as she struggled for air. Her body was a battlefield. Her strike armour’s nanotechnology reacted to the cues of her mind, warring against the organic oppressor that bled against her flesh. Navy blue collided with the black substance in tidal bursts around her elbows, knees, and ankles. The heat regulation was irregular, spiking in hot and cold spells to try and counter the chaos in her chemistry.

Her connection with the Force waned, threatened by the Sith’s echo in her mind –– being made and unmade again and again as she fought it, vying for release. The spores that activated the symbiote hated her. She could feel the unnatural abhorrence within her. They retained a level of sentience to remember she’d killed their original vessel –– a creature far eviller than the Jedi –– and now they needed a new host. The experiment hated her as much as she hated the moment she’d encountered it. The moment that had opened a wound of guilt that it exploited and burrowed in, spreading it open further and further. It needed to bond. It needed to amplify a foundation of hate and that instant was enough for it to sink its proverbial teeth into and infect. Hate forged the bond. Experiment HX7 commandeered what remained of Loske’s lucidity in a feat of revenge.

“Make it stop!” She sob-snarled, tilting forward and shaking into a ball while her armour failed to reinforce itself and the gaps in fabric quickly filled with noxious black, blue and violet skin that thickened over her lithe frame.

Amidst her hysteria, Loske Treicolt was overcome entirely with something much, much worse.

Anguish contorted into fury, and whimpers turned into growls. When she uncoiled, muscley sinews tightened and flexed, overtaking her silhouette. She felt naturally stronger, an enhancement she didn’t have to rely on her armour for. It was built into the physical rendition that consumed the woman hidden away inside. Her human emotions were dominated by much more primal instincts. With wild and blurred vision, Eldaah and Djorn were little more than indistinguishable shapes, present only in The Force. But those violet eyes..they were enchanting


It broke through. It broke her.

She was lost. Something new was found.

“We rise.”

It was instinct. The symbiote felt eager just to be revived and in control, readily absorbing and calibrating to its new host. It lunged with incalculable speed toward the doorway of the containment room. It flashed, flickered, and passed through the wall as if it weren’t there. An instantaneous, localized teleport that discombobulated both their consciousnesses.

The maneuver was too ambitious, and on the other side, Loske managed to regain some control –– just enough to drop to her knees and vomit from the volatility of transmitting from a physical to atomized, to physical again. Painfully, she gasped in stale starship air before her face was concealed once more by the stretch of the symbiote.

When she looked up at the approaching guards, it wasn’t with her eyes. She saw their fear –– like a glowing spot in the emotional spectrum –– and revelled in it. They sounded scared, smelled terrified. What looked like a hand outstretched brought her up to stand, and the opposing outlines tightened, arming themselves while making cacophonous noises. It took too long for their shouts to form into words that she could understand. She didn’t stand down, and they fired –– unaware of who was within the horrifying shell.

It was like she absorbed the plasma. The skin separated and re-fused, healing almost instantly. But it was enraged –– impulse cued a stretching tunnel of dark tendrils to burst from her claw-like hand, telekinetically reinforced and pushing the approaching Alliance crew out and into the hallways to clear her path. Their bodies almost broke on impact, concaving the durasteel walls around them. Following her movement, she made the same gesture toward the door of the interrogation room. The sheer force behind her blast folded the door in and jettisoned it into the room for the Sith acolyte to leave.

What little was left on her mind was mono focused on the Rise directive from the Lady of Secrets. Get off this ship, and eradicate whatever stood in their way.

ALLIES | TSE | Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
ENEMIES | NJO | GA | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

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T H E _ W O L F
Armor [ 104th Skin ] | Concord Brawn |



Those horrid memories. The agent. The exchange. The infection. The lie. All whisked into his consciousness in line with the struggle to endure that demanded everything of his mortal fiber. It did nothing but feed the flames. The rage. How could this deceit coalesce in his wake. In the shadows. False sentiment built upon gilded, rotten foundations. He'd kick in the door soon enough, let it all come tumbling down. See the life snuffed out of his enemies. Those closest to him which he'd gathered in his cherished retinue.

He had no choice but to hang 'em all high.

That fierce thrust through the Force nearly staggered him, leaving a trail of dead Graug and Sand Demons in its wake. The Wolf Pack was being drowned in the chaos. Though a unit deemed elite and indomitable by the Galactic Alliance Defence Force, seen worthy of the highest risk operations was now put to the killing field, brought to the blade and left to ruin.

With the barrier broken, the Graug could meet the Wolfpack man to man now. Luckily, whatever they could manage for cover managed to stagger the wall of flames wrought before them. One of the warriors met Maynard dead on. The Alpha Wolf bled in the sand, a prey ripe for the killing. A jagged axe swung to meet Maynard's neck, his sole hand clutching the hilt of the blade surging up to catch the weapon, surging off of it in a riposte before he cut the cobalt blade up and into the abdomen of the Graug, disemboweling him on the open field. Another approached, and a similar fate was met. There -was no illusion to the faint, the quarter a Jedi might offer to those who opposed them.


There was none of the Jedi left in the soul of Maynard Treicolt. He reflected much more of the grounds that bred and raised him up to be the man he was. The Mandalorian. No creed was a greater enduring testament to the will to prevail, to survive. To win. He tried to beckon another charge forward past a gap carved in the opposing lines. He jolted out once and a blaster bolt stung his chest, the tibanna searing into his abdomen. What will he could muster through the Force to dampen the pain withered to none alongside the well expended bacta injectors made him bare the full brunt of the heat. He offered a low and drawn out guttural note of pain, more angered than it was truly hurt as he collapsed to his knees, killing the light of his saber to clutch the wound.

The harsh inflection of Amon Vizsla sounded off before an arm tucked under Maynard's shoulder to will him back up to his feet. Whatever pain he endured, whatever ware threatened to pull him from his feet. He must not falter. Amon knew that better than any, in these situations the soldiers with them looked to one another with the fear of gods in their eyes. No room to spare other than to do what need be done.

<"Get up. Our armor is bogged down, our line of reinforcements is cut off. We're surrounded."> He spoke without the hint of dread in his tone that should have accompanied his sentiment. Panic, fear, forlorn. Nothing would've offered them reprieve here.

Only the fire.

"We keep moving. Forward. No retreat now, Amon." Maynard stated, as he regained his footing once more, his cobalt blade ignited to life again. He leaned his shoulder into the Mandalorian commander, offering low exhale of his waning breath before he spoke up once more.

"Vode an."

One indomitable heart.

<"Vode an.">

Brothers all.
Fire. Tibanna. Metal. All the weapons of will which carved the wolves deeper and deepered into New Adasta. Their numbers thinned with each grueling moment. Such was the toll of the hunt. They'd managed to carve their way into an open square of the broken city. There, they dug themselves in defensively, grasping a faint reprieve with a wall of fire, smoke and explosives to guide their approach into the center of the square. The crack and blast of each rifle, and grenade was a deafening symphony of destruction, the chunks of gore and molten flesh of the Graug polluting the streets as the Wolf Pack feasted on their pray.

<"Plant the banner! We hold this ground!">

Vizsla barked out in command. It was tradition for the Wolfpack to bear the sigil on every campaign, only rarely ever making due on unfurling it on open ground. They couldn't script a better opportunity if they wanted to. Atop a pile of the gathering dead, the pale blue and white of the Wolfpack flew in tattered glory in the streets of New Adasta. Claiming their territory.

They would not yield from this spot. They'd have to pry it all from their cold dead hands.

At the forefront of his unit, the Jedi General continued the butcher. The cobalt blade was his defiance made manifest, grasping to life from the jaws of death, the rage was his fuel, as much as it was his so deeply embedded instinct to protect those who'd come to care so deeply for. Ryv was sight not seen. Loske, his so cherished love had left him to the carrions. Only the men with him mattered now. Rook. Vizsla. The Pack. No one else could he dare rely upon.

He made a call of affirmation to all of them. Make certain that it was victory or death. Nothing else would suffice this day.


The Jedi howled out in a guttural call of hatred to the enemy and defiant will to the crawl of death that threatened to envelop him.




The Wolves barked back. Roaring their call above the fire.​

Surrounded, outnumbered. They would not yield this ground lest it serve their venue to the sacred silence awaiting them. The gaze of the Wolf would rise above all, the flames, the ashes that rained down over the choking sand.

All else be damned.


ALLIES | GA | NJO | Ryv | Krau Rook | Aelys | Captain Raith Captain Raith | Marcus Rail | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Caldon Tenneth | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | OPEN
ENEMIES | TSE | Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé | UX-0626 | Darth Vulcanus | OPEN TO SCRAP

Zef Halo Zef Halo gave me permission to NPC Amon Vizsla ok ty
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

He did not reply to her jab about the supposed defenders of Justice being on the attack. They could literally spend hours arguing ethics, the moral justifications and the nature of actions have consequences. He had already told her. Both orders were caught in a vicious cycle. His presence alone defied her reasoning. Having her dead to rights. It would have been a simple matter to plunge his blade into her heart. Ending her right then and there.

But he did not. Because despite what she was raised to believe. A true Jedi did not act in such a way. They but so long as institutions like the Sith Empire existed. Someone would have to roll up their sleeves and do the grim work of fighting them. But he would not hold such things against Alina. Basic self-awareness was not one of the subjects covered by this Academy. The idea of actions having consequences is something a Sith rarely comprehended.

As he felt the lightsaber rattle in his grip. His placid stare turned to a frown. His own will steeling itself. Refusing to let the saber free from his grip. He opened his mouth, as if to say something in response. Before he felt something, a tremor in the Force. A pair of words, that for some reason, filled him with utter dread. Hand coming to his head as he dropped the lightsaber. Letting it fly back to Alina's grip if she had the strength to take it.

"We rise."

The flash of images, of sensations and sounds filled his mind for the briefest of moments. Perhaps it was the dark nature of the world he stood on. But he found his own senses, for the briefest of moments linked with that of his oldest friend. Her pain, her fear, her rapidly fading memories. All subsumed by a primal instinct and hunger. What was before a beautiful and unique soul twisted by Sith magic into another servant of the Lady of Secrets.

Lokse was in danger. Danger of losing herself, danger of falling into the clutches of the Sith. In danger of losing that wonderful spark of life that made her unique and wonderful.

It was not an event that Aaran would allow to pass. The sheer idea of it simply not meshing with his view of how the universe should work. If before Alina thought his will was strong. It was but a rickety wooden shack compared to the bastion of determination that followed soon after.

He was not there for Lannik. He was not there for Bernard. His own personal issues preventing him from being there for his friends when they needed him before.

He would not fail Loske. Not after he worked so hard to become strong enough to protect those he cared for.

Not even sparing a glance at the Acolyte he had previously overpowered, Aaran sped off, his form as blur as he made his way through the halls of the Academy. Refusing to allow anything to so much as slow him down.

New Objective: Rescue Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
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Elena Lowe



Private Karina Lowe - Sorzus Sith Academy, Ziost
Objective: Do as you’re told
Equipment: Flight Suit ~ Judicator Battle Rifle ~ Particle Pistol ~ Power Mace
Allies: TSE - Darth Daiara Darth Daiara - Darth Strosius Darth Strosius - Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Enemies: GA - Strike Team Windu ( Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka - Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze - Creuat Creuat - Takui Takui - Mrurh'en'lase | Hel Mrurh'en'lase | Hel ) Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill


The Jedi’s voice boomed across the hall, dripping with anger and malice.

"How many worlds have you seen burn?"

Kintan, Moridinae, Mygeeto, Borosk. Take your pick, she had been there, walking amidst the fire and the blood and the screams. Doing her part to aid in the destruction. Images of her battles flashed through her mind’s eye. She tasted the atomised rubble on her tongue, smelt the toxic smoke of the fires they had set. She felt the heat of the flames. Karina saw the Empire’s enemies, but she saw others too: Legionnaires fallen and broken, trodden underfoot. She had seen her soldiers burning too. The Sith were not the only ones with blood on her hands.

Karina raised her pistol as the Jedi stepped out. Waves of nausea almost brought her to her knees, as if he were emitting some strange and hostile radiation. Fear coiled inside her gut, and she gripped the pistol tightly as she took aim.

Her shot never came. The Jedi raised his hand and Karina felt a sudden tightness. Her blood pounded in her head as she was lifted up, her boots scrabbling for purchase against the floor, weapons falling with a clatter as panic gripped her and she struggled at invisible bonds.

"Tell me."

Her vision dimming at the edges, Karina gasped for air that would not come, looking pleadingly at the Jedi who suddenly seemed like he could not see her. Darkness pulsed around her, and she felt herself losing strength and awareness by the second.

“P-” She choked out “Pl--.” Please. Please let go. Clumsy fingers grasped at the rifle on her back but she had no strength.

The pressure on her throat released and the floor rushed up to meet her. She fell forwards, her helmet cracking sickeningly against the polished stone, leaving her sprawled, face-forward and sucking in deep, agonising breaths of air. Karina groaned and rose up onto her elbows, her head thick and fuzzy.

A blaster bolt whizzed by her head and she ducked down. On the other side of the hall her squad had seized the opportunity, firing at the Jedi now standing in the open with full force. A hail of crimson bolts filled the hall, the soldiers paying little mind of Karina lying exposed in the middle of it all. They had decided she was a goner, that they stood a better chance of surviving if they acted now. If she was hit in the process, so be it. Karina knew that in the same situation she would have done the same.

Gathering her wits Karina rolled aside, muscles burning. Her throat felt tight and raw. No doubt she wouldn’t be able to speak for some time. She ducked behind the cover of one of the pillars, pulling the rifle off her back and resting it on her thighs as she sat heavily. She would wait until the storm of fire died down and then make the sprint to her squad using the smoke and dust as cover for her run.

With a grunt she stood up and peered around the pillar into the red-tinged gloom. When she saw no movement she leaped out, lungs burning with pain as she sprinted back towards her squad, her boots pounding loudly against the stone. Knowing now what they were truly capable of, she hoped against hope the Jedi wouldn’t pursue her.
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LOCATION: League Chambers, Tiss'sharl
OBJECTIVE: Operation Clever Girl Chokehold
ALLIES: Otto Shule Otto Shule
ENEMIES: Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano
KIT: Lesser Ring of the Protected Mind | Visions of Gold | Limited Liability | Attire



At the height of his business dealings in late-840’s ABY,
Tithe was controversially named No. 37 in the Top 100 Most Eligible
Tiss’Shar Bachelors, the first human ever to make the list.
(Source: Tiss'shar Vogue)


And yet, not a peaceful darkness.

Rather, a horrendous darkness. A darkness soundtracked by the heavy pounding of his heart inside his chest. A darkness consumed by a throbbing headache. A darkness engulfed by overwhelming nausea. A darkness slicked with perspiration running across his skin. A darkness heavy with his every mistake, fuelled by his every misstep, and incited by an unfathomable self of failure.

In a hallway outside the Galactic Alliance’s meeting room, Aerarii Tithe - Vice Chancellor of the Alliance, former Sith-Imperial Moff, and a luminary of galactic commerce - felt the crushing weight of defeat bearing down on him. The Sith Empire had not only outmanoeuvred him before the eyes of the Tiss’sharl League, they’d revealed him as a pretender. A fraud, an imposter, a man not worthy of the titles and responsibilities bestowed on him. He’d been charged with bringing the planet over to the GA, and yet he had come up short. Everyone had been counting on him, and in return, he’d let them all down.

“Tithe… Tithe… AERARII!”

A familiar voice momentarily pierced the darkness surrounding Tithe. He raised head from his knees and looked up at the aide standing over him. Sheepishly, the aide produced a handheld holoprojector displaying the likeness of Chancellor Chandra.

Tithe came face-to-face with the woman who had put all her faith in him, who had put the fate of the Alliance’s push toward Ziost and Tiss’sharl in his hands. Without Ziost, the forces slicing through Sith space alongside their New Imperial Order allies, would be cut off from their supply lines. Tithe had promised her the resources-rich world on a platter without bloodshed. And yet, here he was, cowering alone and scared in a corridor as that promise slipped through his fingers.

Adhira yelled at him to pull it together, noting that she had sent him for a reason.

The beratement seemed to pierce the heavy fog which surrounded the Aargauun. His mind paused its constant relay loop of his failures and was cast back to his first time meeting the Chancellor. He'd arrived in the Alliance with nothing, only his promise to sell out the Sith keeping the former enemy bureaucrat out of prison. He'd met Adhira shortly after his debriefing as part of the formal pardon process. From there, a surprise election as the Senator of his homeworld had followed - a surprise, of course, to the pundits, and not Tithe himself. Various committee positions had followed as he quickly climbed the ranks of the Alliance with his eyes firmly set on becoming the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Trade.

Instead, he'd leapfrogged his dream job when Adhira had come to him and offered him the role of Vice Chancellor. She had placed her trust in him, and if Tithe had learned anything from the Chancellor, it was that she was seldom mistaken. Adhira paused for a moment to check her tone before reminding Aerarii that he was perfectly capable of completing the task assigned to him.

And deep down, beyond the doubt, the fear and the darkness, he knew she was right.

“I, ah, apologies ma’am,” Tithe fumferred in response. “I had a, well, I’m embarrassed to say, ah, an episode.” He gingerly rose to his feet and patted his chest. “The ol’ ticker, Tithe family legacy, helped in no part by an excess of good living.” It was a strange notion that somehow a life-threatening medical condition was more palatable in the circumstances than a simple panic attack. But to admit as such would be to admit weakness or deficiency. Clogged arteries from too many nerf steaks and Naboo cream pies were comparatively a badge of honour.

“I’ll have it checked out of course,” he added, grabbing the holoprojector from the aide as he stood up straight and adopting a well-rehearsed posture. Even if he didn’t feel it on the inside, he could still project confidence with the way he carried himself.

“The Sith emissaries are adept, but we’ll have this wrapped shortly. In time for dinner, I do imagine.” He injected a dash of humour as a means of distraction. “I’ll call back when it’s done.”

The Vice Chancellor called together the Alliance delegation and assembled them into smaller groups for the negotiation's closing stages. He and Otto would meet with Telis, while Tambor, the Executive and Brama would talk with Ingrid. That left Marlon and Enlil would talk with Alli, with each discussion attended by the League members. Once they were sorted, the groups split off into separate meeting rooms to continue the negotiations.

Chaos theory, he explained as he took a seat opposite Telis. The search for underlying patterns and deterministic laws within seemingly random systems. Minuscule factors and changes drastically affecting outcomes.

Here, I can show you...
he explained, picking up a glass of water. Now there's a famous experiment, dripping water on the back of your hand to demonstrate how tiny variations, microscopic imperfections can vastly affect the outcome of repeated actions. He looked around the room for before sighing. The scaled hands of the Tiss'shar and Telis or the artificial hands of Otto would not suffice.

Ah, let's try a thought experiment instead. Imagine, if you will, a single planet enacting new fiscal policy, a sudden drop in the price of lutetium, a promising financier switching allegiances. He offered a wry smile at the final references, a thinly veiled allusion to himself. These events, overlooked and inconsequential at the time, set off a chain reaction of occurrences which bring us to the present day.

Tithe rattled off the well-trodden speech as he had in hundreds of boardrooms throughout the galaxy. Falling into the familiar presentation allowed him a degree of separation from the talks and kept his nerves at bay. If he could get to the end of the talk without breaking down again, the Alliance may just be able to bring themselves equal with the Sith in the eyes of the League.

The Sith Empire, once the most powerful government in the galaxy, now backed against the wall, encircled on all sides. The galactic core, once a stagnant haven for despots, now a shining beacon of the free market.

He turned to address the League representative directly to make his final, impassioned plea. He could feel himself beginning to sweat again, his stomach starting to churn as his heartrates skyrocketed. He just needed a few more moments to seal the deal before he could give in to the abject fear which refused to release its vice grip on him.

The proud people of Tiss'sharl, standing at the precipice, a galaxy of chaos laid bare before them, chaos into which many have sadly fallen, blinded by loyalties long past their prime. Yet all it takes is to grasp the opportunity which the Alliance offers, to bravely step through the chaos, and claim what is rightly yours.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Boardrooms, Tiss'shari
Objective: To negotiate and obtain information.
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
TSE and Allies: N/A
GA and NIO: Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | The Executive
[ To the End ]

"All of this also reveals a lot about your Imperator, making contracts that no one knows anything about… and all of that just verbally. This is also telling of my former emperor, King Enlil, but we have discussed this matter with the Imperator, it is a pity to waste more words on it."

During the short pause, followed Telis, hoping to get an answer to her words, or the idea she had said, and tried, but that had not happened yet. During the short pause, tried to clear her mind and thoughts instead. She had enough of this war; wanted to put an end to it so that she could deal with what she wanted without having to always distract herself; to deal with how she could bring AMCO AMCO back from the Netherworld and merge his soulshard into one again. She didn't get any better after killing Runi; not even if she’ll kill the other woman. Nothing could make that better.

They say time can be a cure, they lie. The only thing time can do is have time to learn to live with pain and emptiness. If it doesn't kill you by then. Squeezed her blue-lit amulet the jewellery with Adrian’s soulshard; as she thought, felt as if Adrian had stroked her face and smiled reassuringly at her. The red-haired woman would have given her life to talk to him again. She didn't feel strong, tears welling up from her eyes and dripping down her face, which eventually turned into black smoke.

When sensed someone approaching, she looked toward the door, wiping the tears from her face and standing up. Nodded to the ambassador and followed it. The former thoughts were not visible on her, only the usual determination and coldness. In the room where the woman was escorted, Brama Tagge, the droid Got Tambor and one of the men were present. In the smaller room, she also sat down, but she was in a stiff, military seat, her legs tightly pressed together with a stiff, straight back.

Listened intently throughout the woman; hesitation? Maybe her acting was more successful than she thought? Did not hesitate now, but responded immediately.

"The thought is that the Free market is an illusion that can never be created until certain conditions are met. So we got back to what I suggested, but no one responded. Maybe I was hesitant to bring up the subject, but that had nothing to do with what you think, ma'am. The Free market can really come about if there is peace; under conditions of war in any way. Would the Alliance therefore be willing to do and end the war on TSE to make it happen? This question is also true for the NIO. With this unnecessary war, you strengthen the real enemy. You and we may be away from Bryn’adûl right now, but sooner or later they will reach our borders…"


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Krau Rook



t h e _ d a r ' t s i s


oh lazarus


The Mandalorians of Old worshipped a being simply known as Kad Ha'rangir, normally translated into Basic as the Destroyer. Fitting with the nature of the mainstream Mandalorian culture, this of course was the primarch of the Mandalorian faith. It was believed that his constant waring and waves of devastation across the Galaxy were the machinations of change and progress, in some backwards, horrific understanding of how the wheels actually turned on the Galactic scale, the Mandalorians attributed the suffering and torment that they inflicted on the Galaxy with their endless wars as positive. As forcing change upon what would otherwise be a stagnant Galaxy. An iron willed demand for conflict, to forge the “weak” into “stronger men.” Accepting, xenophilic, and all too horrifically toxic was the Mandalorian culture, even from it’s inception.

Krau had started into the eyes of Kad Ha'rangir before, he had watched as the visor of a slave-driver was brought to flaming life as he was given permission to turn his lash against one of the Foundlings of the Clan. Someone that had stepped just too far out of bounds, someone who’s lips danced just an inch past what was requested of them, someone who’s thoughts and ideals challenged the very nature of the oppressive grindstone that was the Mandalorian culture.

The Ghosts of the New Mandalorians still carried in the shell of Krau’s beskar.

May the Duchy give him strength in the face of this great evil of warfare.

A staggered wave of demons, monsters, and Sith Troopers raged against the Wolfpack and their push onwards. And in the face of it all? Krau allowed his lightsaber to stay on his belt. Taking each step with purpose, not this section of sand, this one, not this turn of the shoulder, this one. One after another as his breathing settled into a determinable pattern. In and out, back and forth. He let the Force filter through him, entering through his mouth and infesting his veins. The echo of ages, of lives past sparked along the ends of his nerves, and for once, in the chaos, in the madness and the noise. Krau felt much like himself.

He focused that peace and calm into localized mallets of energy at his forming knuckles.

He would not let jingoism make a killer of him.

His eyes opened, burning past the beskar in brilliant yellow as the first demon was upon him. Screeching and morphing through the space as if it was just another dune being rolled over by the wind.

He threw out a hand as the beast leaned forward, letting it’s jaw fly open as it went to lunge, freezing in the mid-air before the Mando followed the move up with a harsh right-hook to the Sithspawn’s face. Disconnecting the stasis to see the beast go flying off and dissipating into a puff of sand.

Another, this one of the hulking brutes of the Graug. Nothing besides brute strength and muscle.

A fist thrown to the knee, another to the side of the head, crumpling it to the floor.

He didn’t even register the trooper pair that came rushing up before he ripped the rifle from one’s hand, crashed it into his buddies head, snapping it at the center of the blaster before throatslamming the leader into the dirt.

There is only the Force.

Somewhere in the nonsense and confusion, he caught a glimpse of Maynard going to the ground, a smokewrought bolt blooming from his chest. Before another member of the Marines materialized out of the abyss, bringing the Jedi to his feet. They spoke as if they were brothers, as if they had known one another for years.

And then came the planting of the banner, and the demand of a steadfast defense against the night as the hoard thickened around them.

Turning his back to the Wolfpack, he heard the shouts of his native tongue break through the air. A deep breath.

<”Ogir cuyi nayc kyr'am.”>

His snapped his saber to his hand, and in the face of the legions of the damned, the green glow stood in defiance.


// ALLIES : GA | NJO | Ryv | Aelys | Captain Raith Captain Raith | Marcus Rail | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt \\

Time slowed down.

He focused on his breathing. Adrenaline coursed through the Jedi Master's veins. With enough training a sage could open their mind and become an instrument of the Force. His exhaustion faded along with any remaining soreness from his wounds. Even in this place of power plagued by crimson skies Zark could feel the light shine through. Fleeting perhaps but now he had enough strength left to accomplish his mission.

"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me."

San Tekka murmured the mantra over and over. His voice once more echoed off the Academy's stone walls. He could feel the legionnaires nearby. He could feel their surroundings. He could feel one of the atrium's many pillars towering over them. Reaching out with the Force he crushed the stone's foundation and guided a toppling monolith towards his enemy. More debris rained down over them all as the Academy's architecture was not entirely decorative.

Using this distraction the Jedi crusader moved fast. He was in among them, first raising his crossguard hilt aloft to generate a powerful energy wave that threatened to knock the Sith troopers off their feet with its kinetic force. There was an ominous snap-hiss as Zark ignited the brilliant white energy blade and lashed out hoping to disarm a few of the legionnaires quite literally. More particle blasts scored his armor. They were wild shots that his precognitive double vision could not quite predict.

"For the Alliance!"
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ENGAGING: Aeric Kaze Aeric Kaze


"No death...?"

"Then... Where is our mother?"

"Then... Who haunts me... Every time my eyes close?"​

Aeric's words constricted his airways far more than his force grip. He shook his head erratically, refusing to believe, to see the truth. He shuffled through his brother's memories, Dagon's hopes were shattered like glass. Millions of fragments, like daggers, plunged deep into his heart. Where Dagon saw the memory of their home under clear blue skies, Aeric saw it as a prison in the midst of a storm. Where he relived summer, his brother relived winter. Where he recalled fields of green and rolling hills, his brother recalled fields of war and carrion mounds.

Where he remembered a mother's smile, his brother remembered a mother's grave.

Anger rushed within at his own foolishness and ignorance, to never see, to never understand. Before it was too late. Before they had become like the sun and the moon.

Too late.

"Your... Jedi teachings can't save me... For I am no victim that needs rescuing."

"The Dark Side Dagon... The Force... It is the tool that I'll wield to end my own suffering. To bring me Peace."

Never too late.

The Light Side soared through him, pierced through the gloom, through the despair to rekindle what his brother's words sought to extinguish - hope.

The molten sulfur raging in Aeric's eyes were met by chasmic blue rising in Dagon's eyes. Determination, conviction, and zeal crashed like a tide, drowning the sorrow and anguish. Redemption was never out of reach. Never.

"I see it. I see it now." Dagon said, steeled resolve resounding through his voice. No more tears left to shed, no more memories to recall, no more pain to relive. He would bring back his brother from the clutches of the Dark Side.

"The curse of our father's legacy, like a fog lingering before your eyes - a thick veil that blinds you. That suffocates you." he calmly gestured with his hand. "His corruption like a knot binding you to doom and destruction."



He sprung forward towards his brother as quick as a viper throwing all his strength and will to pacify him, rather than kill him.

The blue blade in one hand - swinging precise cuts and thrusts; the Force in the other - hurling telekinetic shoves and blasts.

Empyrean wrath.

GA | ALLIES | Mrurh'en'lase | Hel Mrurh'en'lase | Hel | Takui Takui | Creuat Creuat | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder


D I A M O N D _ S N A K E

He didn’t understand what was going on or what to do. All he could do was react to the events transpiring right now between all three individuals. He did know what he had to do: kill the Sith and save Loske from whatever enchantment that afflicted her. Blood from Eldaah’s arm flew in different angles with some of it landing on his armor and face. His teeth clenched together in rage as the knife cleaved through the bones and tissue until it was dismembered from Eldaah’s body. In agony she screamed.


It’s what he should’ve done earlier. It would’ve been best for everyone, for her. Now she had to suffer for his decisions. What had he done? Too many damn questions went to his head; too many scenarios playing out if he had done this alone and save Loske from whatever fate awaited her here. There was no way everything could’ve been planned by Eldaah, not when everything was so precise.

But maybe...there was some hope. To reverse all of this. He could do it right now. Save Loske from whatever pain shot through her body. Cut off the head and leave the body to rot.

Yet hope was a dangerous thing to believe in.

Power was cut off when the lights faded away and replaced with blinding res lights of the emergency reserves. Red like the blood belonging from a Eldaah dripping from his face to the floor. That moment led to another opportunity for the Sith as she removed herself from the table. That didn’t matter. He could best her, especially with an amputated arm that still was bleeding. She’d suffer from the loss of blood before she could even make it out of here.

"Thank you for your help, Djorn,"

He knew that voice. All too familiar.

Before he could strike down the Sith, something caught on to him.


The arm and hand holding the knife was suddenly trapped from Eldaah’s left arm that he tore apart not too long ago. Tendrils wrapping around his limb, preventing him to move with ease.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that, queen,” he snarled in defiance and anger, taunting the Sith.


And another card was revealed by the possessed Eldaah when she uttered that damned word. He didn’t know what was happening to Loske as he was focused on the Sith Knight. He took a look at the Jedi with a turn of his head only to find her body consumed by something insidious, coveted by a substance of midnight black. Her wailing ceased, and only growls came from her. He stared in horror at what Loske had become under the enchantment of the Sith.

A monster.

“No,” he said subtly under his breath, the creature with incredible speed leaving the doors of the chambers and attacking two guards ordered to reinforce the Imperial and the Jedi.

Enough of that, he had to do something.

His arm was overwhelmed by the dark tendrils, almost practically immobilizing him with how force it was holding him. His free one, however, went to unholster his pistol and aimed it at the Sith; despite whether his mark was accurate or not he fired from his pistol and hoped one landed center mass.

“You’re not getting off that easy,” and then aimed at the control panel of the chamber’s doors, hoping to land a shot and close off Eldaah’s escape. Close her off from an enslaved Loske bounded to her will.

“And you’re not taking her with you!”

He would make sure of that. His defiance would make sure of it.

ENEMIES | TSE | Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt

Equipment: Armour, Rifle, Gas Grenades, Sidearm 1, Sidearm 2, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer, Cryo-Ban Gun.
Romi Jade Romi Jade

In mid-air, the Jedi's lightsabre clashed with hers. Their laser swords seared and cried. It was a terrible song of unyielding energy searing and seething with a great hiss. Her strike did not rid the Jedi of her legs, but her foe was knocked off her intended trajectory and hit the ground. The Cyborg's mechu-deru senses tingled when the Jedi activated her commlink. Swiftly, Enyo arose, blade in hand. There was something else she sensed from the Jedi. Something deep inside her. She ignored this though. The Jedi was close now and, by Enyo's estimation, in a disadvantageous position. She could sense that she was weakening.

Suddenly, the Jedi activated her grappling spike again. She seemed awfully fond of it. The cord wrapped around Enyo's sword arm. The Cyborg's eyes flashed crimson in annoyance once she found that the spike had been tied to the wall. Raising her unimpeded left arm, she fired the Uprobar Blaster at the Jedi's retreating form - once, twice.

Perhaps the shots hit, perhaps not, as the Jedi retreated. Endurance sliced through the cord, freeing Enyo from her confinement. And soon she was in motion again, though the damage to her leg slowed her down, buying the Jedi time to flee. Enyo could still sense her though. Doubtless the Jedi would her hear as she followed. And when she gave pursuit, she gained a greater clarity of what she had sensed earlier inside her. For but a moment, it gave Enyo pause. Perhaps it was minor pangs of hesitation about killing a babe, not that this had stopped her from helping the Sith unleash a zombie outbreak on Mirial or committing many other vile atrocities. Or the conclusion that she had already won the fight.

There was a jolt in her skull as her internal comlink was activated. "Alpha One to Command Unit."
"Alliance forces pushing into Adasta. Fighting at the Academy."
"Archangel casualties?"
"Within acceptable parametres. Reserve forces are ready for counterattack."
"Negative. Initiate Harvest. Round-up captives for
processing." Enyo had always been a fan of recycling.
"Yes, Command Unit."

Enyo made a mental note to dump more contraceptives into her siblings' food. She did not want to end up running a nursery. Naturally she would not tell them about it. She was their big sister and knew best.
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if they're watching anyways

Even a look was enough to make them freeze -- and then burn. She couldn't bear look at him directly, yet she could feel that deadly gaze sweep to her and Lucien. It was soul-crushing. She couldn't move her limbs. At first it was like needles, then daggers piercing her skin; white-hot and tearing at her flesh. It hurt. It hurt more than anything she'd ever experienced.

The tears that filled her eyes were no longer for her.

She watched Kisaku charge in a rage at the Dark Lord, attacking with abandon. Lucien was beside her; she could tell he was trying to move just as she could see the pain overwhelming his body. The meld was filled with so much pain and darkness.

Yet, despite the pain, she felt calm. Around her was a violent storm, but the waters were still. She didn't feel anything. The little light inside was still there. She reached to Lucien, too; though he might not feel it, might not see it, at his core there was still that light. For him it was defiance to the dark. And Kisaku, his fire unbridled, yet his rage was not his own. He, too, had the Light.

Carnifex's dark hand was reaching for them, reaching for her; he looked to destroy her in a way worse than just death. Pain and suffering would take them.

She'd had more than enough. He'd done more than enough.

A single step. It wasn't far; a little less than a foot forward, but it was a step. She was shaking from the exertion but she moved to step again.

"Carnifex!" She screamed. Her throat was dry, her voice was hoarse.

Her fear had evaporated.

"You are empty! You are nothing! Your gifts are the same!


The floodgates opened. The tide shifted. There was no pain, no suffering; only Light. It surrounded her, bound her friends, and burst out to blind Carnifex.

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