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Private The Other Side

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Orphanage, Zakuul City, Zakuul
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul || Kveld
Tag: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
As Mathieu began to respond to the woman, Ingrid was definitely glad she had never gotten into the Jedi order. It wasn’t as if it had ever threatened her, but based on what she had just heard didn’t like the teaching method. It was not as if she was satisfied with what Tacitus had given her. Her best teacher was her husband, AMCO AMCO . She learned the most from him and not only about the Force, but also about the sciences. The Sith Lord was a jackpot in every way; she felt lucky just because she managed to kidnap the man's heart.

"I understand. In any case, a strange system; I am definitely glad that I have always had private tutors all my life. This is also true for Force using. I like to learn according to my own methods and pace, not the way I should be with others."

It used to be that she studied with others, they just held back because they were slower than her. Sometimes even her teachers remarked she wanted a lot at once and too fast. Even if she had learned everything perfectly in a short time.

"Assembly? Are they the Jedi Council?"

When the young man mentioned that he liked practical education more, the woman smiled for a moment.Nodded afterwards, it really wasn't binary, that is, rather but, but if you were already, it really wasn’t after that. She knew for herself exactly when it became to Force Sensitive. She was examined when she birth and then the doctors said she was not. Never had any benefit from this, in principle, this Force dormanted in her at least Tacitus said this. Rather, she thought she had received something from the ritual where the five sorcerers died in it. After all, she were attached to them for reasons. She may never get an answer to that.

As they walked on the corridors, she got an answer to her question. Ingrid raised an eyebrow; just a year ago?

"So Voss was your first mission according to these? I thought the padawans would start training as children, not as late as you…"

From this it also seemed like she really didn’t know much about this training. Luckily, the building was in pretty good condition, only one bad connector was found. Ingrid was pleased to note that the locals were spending her money well. Shook her head, then waved her hand at Mathieu to calmly begin the repair, he didn't need to wait for her.

"If you've only been a Jedi for a year; what did you do before?"



He smiled softly at her, thinking that he would have preferred private tutors too. But in the end, an individualistic system such as the one the Silver Jedi Order offered was a good one in his opinion. It was nice to be allowed to learn in the way that worked the best for him - for not everyone learned in the same way. And in that sense, it was similar to how she had learned - Ingrid had been allowed to learn the way that suited her the best too "I think I would have liked that too" he said, looking at her with humble eyes.

With a simple nod, Mathieu confirmed that the Assembly was indeed like a council. Those kinds of groups had gone with a multitude of different names throughout the years. The fact that it was now called an assembly instead of a council was not something which he had reflected upon. She asked if Voss was his first mission, to which he shook his head "No" before thinking for a little bit "I have been on a number of missions. I was there for when we helped them with the Rakghouls on Taris, for instance" Time could get a little wonky and be perceived differently by different persons. It could be hard when there was no set galaxy-wide calendar. Maybe one person thought that an event happened a few months ago while another person would think that it had taken place a few weeks ago. It was not something to dwell too much on - it would make anybody's head spin.

"It is not like in the holovids where Padawans have to be taken into training when they are kids." he said - it was something which he had become accustomed to, and never having seen something different, Mathieu didn't think too much of it. "Many don't start training until their teens. But you're right, I started late. I didn't even know about my force sensitivity for a while. But a group called the Soller Navah took me in for training" he said as fond memories started to fill his mind "I was with them for a few months before I started my path as a Jedi."

After seeing her shake her head, Mathieu started to work on the faulty power coupling, making good use of the tools he brought as he pinned a few wires and detached the coupling itself. "I used to be a mercenary" he said, but it was clear that he was far less comfortable with this part of his past than his time spent with the Soller Navah. Mathieu's gaze sunk and for a while, his concentration fully shifted to the device in his hands. Finally, he looked up "I used to do a lot of bad stuff. But I'm trying to atone for that now" he said, trying to get past the less pleasant memories by viewing it from a positive point of view. "What about you then?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Orphanage, Zakuul City, Zakuul
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul || Kveld
Tag: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
The woman didn’t really have much choice in how she was going to study, this was decided by her parents pretty much before she was born. She was born in the worst possible time, right in the middle of the Assassin War. She had no chance of having a normal childhood, let alone that she later became the heir to the Clan L’lerim as well. True, this would have been more of a fighting position than actually a noble one, but even then. She could never go to a real community or school. Only private teachers and trainers.

"It really has its benefits!"

She agreed, although it may have been harder for someone who loved the community to bear this. The woman was not wrong about the Jedi Council. These have changed everywhere, in the Sith Empire the Dark Council has now been abolished and replaced by the Pillars. After the next reply she nodded, though did not know when there was such an event on the Taris; the galaxy is too big to hear about everything. She would have bet that most people wouldn’t have heard of what happened on Bursoll II, even though it could easily have affected the entire galaxy.

"So it is already understandable that most people start so late. For some reason, I still have old habits in my head that the Jedi take the children at infancy for a year or two and start training at such a young age. But what you say makes sense. And you weren't old, that's not what I meant. I was twenty-five when I became Force sensitive and my training began."

It was also a known fact that various intelligence could have been learned, so that’s why she told him. As for her age, no one could have said much older now than she had said before. The Overlord had good genes and looked much younger than her real age. Shape-shifting and regeneration have now helped in this. They also talked further during the assembly, where it turned out to the woman that the boy still hadn't read after who Ingrid was.

"Before I became a Jedi?" chuckled softly. "I was an intelligence agent, bounty hunter, soldier and assassin. Of these, only the bounty hunter needs to be pulled out at the moment, the rest are still active to this day. Although I must now reign as regent, I hope to return the throne to the Emperor as soon as possible." told the information that was well known about her.



They had probably agreed more this day than they had for the entire time they had known each other until now. Although, that could probably also be because they had only met each other twice before. He had shared a bit about his past and she told him that she didn't start her training until she was twenty-five. She didn't look old, not at all - so when she told him that she started at that age, it was hard for him to tell for how long it meant that she had been a force user. With a nod and a smile, he said "Well, you're certainly doing well for yourself now" He didn't ask how old she was - he was not a diplomat but even then, he knew that it might be better to just not ask.

As he was knelt down by the coupling, she joked "Before I became a Jedi?" causing him to look up from his work with a bright smile, failing miserably to hold in a laugh. Of course, Ingrid knew what he meant and proceeded to answer the question - but he was happy to have seen her joke nonetheless. When they weren't on opposing sides, the woman was rather pleasant to interact with. "I should've been able to guess that you had been an assassin" he said, once more concentrating on fixing the broken item he held. "Considering the moves you pulled on Voss and all"

With a snap and some extra tweaking, the power coupling seemed all but repaired. "There we go!" it was clear that he was happy about it as he packed up his tools and stood up. "It is hard to imagine anyone better suited for the job. If you want to return to throne to someone, I think you will succeed." he said, already impressed by her capacities. They could afford one last look on their way back, but after having checked on most things, Mathieu let out a satisfied "I think we're mostly done here, aren't we?"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Orphanage, Zakuul City, Zakuul
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul || Kveld
Tag: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
"Thanks! There are disadvantages and advantages to being a maximalist… and a workaholic."

Didn't reveal more about herself now than was well known, or there was just a rumor about her. Others may have only thought so in the Empire, but it was still true, and well, she was such a person. If she wanted to, she wasn't sure she could have done anything about it. However, she knew it would have been appropriate for him to give some praise as well; actually the boy deserved it, in part. On the other hand, disagreed with the Jedi and saw them as too blind. That will never change.

"You can not complain either. Although you are always terribly underfoot during a fight."

Winked at the young man at the end, alluding to the fact that he was constantly disturbing Beltran and her dance and she rather just felt the burden of his presence, who was always on her way to being able to fight Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr properly. True, this is so not surprising in a fight. Of course, she knew what he was thinking. Ingrid was blessed with a good sense of humor anyway, she joked a lot with Tubrok and Adrian too, only really not many people saw her that way. Nodded at the boy's words, though her training as an assassin was more complicated than that, both military and assassin; that is why her movement was so exotic.

"I could have been better, but I’ve never fought a life-and-death fight without being there physically and concentrating all the time to maintain another body and even fight. Like I said before, I was at a disadvantage all along."

That was really the truth, but she didn't want to quarrel. In fact, she thought several times about how the duel would have turned out with full force. Probably quite different. Smiled for a moment at the young man's words.

"You are flattered. In any case, I never wanted to be the head of a state. I am not interested in power, in any form, either materialist or what can be gained through the Force. I am content to serve my clan and the Empire with my abilities."

She pondered the last question for a moment.

"I don't think there's anything else. Unless you came here to the edge of the galaxy for more things than to hand out some soup. That would be quite a waste of money."



Producing a sympathetic nod, Mathieu recognised what she said "Just, don't overwork yourself. You've got many more years ahead of you" He felt silly after saying it, guessing that someone such as Ingrid already had that in mind. He hoped that she wouldn't be too bothered about him trying to give her advice but at this point, there was little he could do, highly doubting that taking it back was even on the table.

He let out a good chuckle as she mentioned how he had done rather well himself. It meant much to hear it from her - the woman whom he had faced during the battle and always seemed so competent. Naturally, he shook his head, letting out a brief "You're being generous." Mathieu didn't respond with words when she spoke of being at a disadvantage all along. Instead, he simply sent her an awkward smile. But it was too awkward. Quickly, he pouted out a few words "That's in the past now" in the hopes that they could avoid a subject which might lead them down a path that would bring them to a less agreeable point.

"Sometimes, I think that those who do not want to lead are the best leaders." he looked at her with a kind gaze and let out a chuckle "I guess time will tell" While Mathieu didn't know much about the woman from before - he had indeed not done much research on her after their encounter - he did think that she was a good leader. It was now known to him that she was leading a significant Galactic power and from talking to her, he couldn't imagine that she would be doing poorly.

She mentioned how it could be a waste of money. Maybe it was but he had done a little more than just delivering soup - something which he would clarify "I brought some other stuff too. Ventilators and some advanced machinery from the Core, but that is way less fun than being here with the kids" The Padawan moved towards the door - if Ingrid was also leaving, he would wait until they were outside where their paths would finally diverge. Milou came along as she saw her organic leave the building. He stopped right before they were going to part ways "Ingrid" he said, looking to her with a fond smile "I'm usually not that good with credits, but even if I just came out here to deliver soup, I don't think it would've been a waste" he said, extending a hand for her to shake before they parted ways. His words could be interpreted in many different ways but what he meant was that meeting and talking to her had been valuable to him. During the handshake, he spoke a few last words "I hope we won't meet on the battlefield again" before turning to leave.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Orphanage, Zakuul City, Zakuul
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | Soul || Kveld
Tag: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
It wasn’t Mathieu who was the first to tell this advice to the woman to do so. But she had always been of the opinion that she would have time to rest if she died. Not before. But she no longer responded with words, just as no longer said anything about Voss’s events, because she really didn’t want to start any arguing again. It really was a thing of the past, plus it wasn’t pleasant for the woman because of Adrian’s test. But she had already discussed this with her fiancé later; it was a purely private matter. Smiled for the next moment; she had heard this sentence countless times.

"Yes, everyone says that."

Time; she just didn't know how much of it was left. Just hoped she could wash away the stain of shame inflicted by Tacitus and bring a golden age for the Eternal Empire. Followed the young man back, where Kveld had joined her, to the great sorrow of the children, for they would have been glad if the big wolf had stayed with them. She returned the handshake.

"I was glad to meet you too. There’s little chance we won’t meet there again. But at least you already know that not all the Dark Side Force Users are Sith, and we’re not necessarily as evil as they’re told to you."

Then turned and walked with Kveld to the headmaster's office. She still wanted to talk to him before going back to Kalidan.

OOC: Last post. Thank you for the game. ^^


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