Disney's Princess
[member="Noah Corek"]
Jerry nodded and returned to the hallway. She began to find it strange that the other Jedi strikeforce had yet to contact her. Perhaps they were simply using Force Masking in an effort to recon the base more effectively. Secret missions were not her specialty and she decided it was best not to linger on the subject too long. Then the Force shifted and she knew what it meant,
"Squad C. Enemy units approaching from the south corridor. I think somebody noticed that their buddies did not return from downstairs. ETA on the south door in, ...seven seconds."
She lifted her rifle and began to hustle to cover. The south door remained close and locked securely with no sign of any enemy approach. However, the Force was ever mindful. It only took a long quiet moment before a giant metal thud began to sound against it's bulkhead with reverberating fervor. It appears the enemy had arrived.
Jerry nodded and returned to the hallway. She began to find it strange that the other Jedi strikeforce had yet to contact her. Perhaps they were simply using Force Masking in an effort to recon the base more effectively. Secret missions were not her specialty and she decided it was best not to linger on the subject too long. Then the Force shifted and she knew what it meant,
"Squad C. Enemy units approaching from the south corridor. I think somebody noticed that their buddies did not return from downstairs. ETA on the south door in, ...seven seconds."
She lifted her rifle and began to hustle to cover. The south door remained close and locked securely with no sign of any enemy approach. However, the Force was ever mindful. It only took a long quiet moment before a giant metal thud began to sound against it's bulkhead with reverberating fervor. It appears the enemy had arrived.