Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Past, Present and Future

Brennan landed in a bit of a stumble feeling the balance being taken from [member="Lady Kay"] at the impact of his knee, he stepped sideways and was forced to throw up his left hand to counter her telekinetic blast, throwing one of his own against it to dissipate the effect and step on through the wind that rushed around him in response. It seemed he had finally gained the upper hand with the Queen still on the ground and his lightsaber held firm in his right hand, the blade being spun in a full circle with a flick of his wrist, burning up the grass at his feet as it arced a line through the earth and gave off a spray of light against the rock and stone that it hit; he moving to step around her as she questioned him about Veiere.

Extending the blade of his lightsaber out to point down at Kay, he wanted to ensure she stayed down upon the ground beneath him as he spoke in answer; resentment loose upon his tongue. "I don't know where your soon-to-be Husband is" he gave something of a smirk, both sarcastic and dark as he edged the blade of his weapon ever closer to cross just in front of her face, not touching her though too not allowing much movement least she feel its burn; "Though I heard the rumors and you confirmed the rest for me. Now that I know for certain...." his force signature began to shrink, applying Altus Sopor, Brennan sought to cloud his presence completely blending into the rest of the life around them; only through physical sight would she still know he were there but the force and his connection to it seemed to have diminished entirely. "If I wanted you dead you would be dead. No, this is a message for Veiere...-He is to know that I am coming for him...-To understand that I can take everything out from under him and there wouldn't be a damn thing he could do about saving you right now...".

Again he sought her throat, taking hold of it and attempting to lift her from the ground while restricting the air-flow to her lungs, taking his time so that she might remain conscious and applying only so much pressure that she feel the struggle yet not black out. "Keep your eyes over your shoulder, your Majesty..." He grinned in defiance of the very title before releasing her and slowly walking backwards, his lightsaber withdrawing into the hilt with a strong hiss and an eventual snap of which the energy dispersed entirely. Using the SB-U01 Wrist Datapad he connected to the Corvette further back and the engines fired up in response, preparing for his departure. "Long may you reign!" He called out with a laugh filled with confidence before turning and stepping swiftly up the ramp and onto the vessel. The Repulsors firing and the air sweeping around the area as it began it's ascent for orbit.

She had identified him, he wasn't certain how but it was enough to leave him feeling unsettled. Everything behind him had been covered, he'd left no traces to the First Order nor anything else beyond his knowledge of Veiere. The Jedi had obviously spoken to her about him before, apparently in explicit detail for her to assume who he was. The next time he would make a move like this, he would need to have gained some headgear like many of the other Knights of Ren.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
He was too close. She couldn't get [member="Brennan Cabrol"] far enough away from her so that she could fully recover. Then his lightsaber came too close for comfort. She kept herself still as he spoke, closing her eyes as she had fallen into his trap so blindly. Her worry for [member="Veiere Arenais"] caused her to give up information that wasn't wide spread to the public yet.

Her eyes opened as she lost him in the Force, couldn't sense him yet still his lightsaber was near her face. And so was he; giving her warning as well as a threat. And then he was choking her again. Kay brought her hands up to her throat, dropping her saber on the ground as she was lifted into the air. Her saber shut itself off, the red blade disappearing into the hilt. If Brennan was able to hide himself so well, she'd have to take other precautions when it comes to her security.

Once he was inside her ship she was released, dropping to the ground and coughing as the air was allowed back into her lungs. Why was it that everyone liked to choke her? Maybe they just wanted her to stop talking? Kay just lay on her back in the field as Brennan's ship took off. She needed a moment to herself. If only she'd of gotten a tracer on that thing. If only she had a tracer on her to begin with.

Now she had to figure out where Veiere was and how to tell him that what she knew would happen is happening. People were using them to target the other.

She knew that he wouldn't be happy.

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