Jamie didn't hold back the smirk or the momentary laugh, air blown through the nose in a stuttered fashion. "That, my dear Juniper, is the sound of your past being left in the wake of our ion trails. Nothing for a Jedi to be afraid of." She offered a helping hand out to the girl to get her off the floor, patting her on the back with her free hand. "You'll get used to all the sounds and vibrations of the ship as time goes on. R5 is a very reliable little droid. He won't let anything happen to us out here."
She gestured for the girl to follow as she made her way toward the galley. "There's plenty of food here, but don't mistake that for anything your folks at home might have made for you. There's nothing here that's overly tempting or enjoyable. It's meant to last, rather than to indulge. It does however make stops where those types of indulgences are available all the more special, mind you."
Again she motioned for Juniper to follow as she headed for the cockpit, whereupon reaching she would place her hands on the girl's shoulders to brace her, as for the first time, she would watch as R5 entered the coordinates for Vrogas Vas into the navicomputer. The whirring of the hyperdrive grew louder and louder for several seconds before then launching them into the vast expanse of hyperspace.
She gestured for the girl to follow as she made her way toward the galley. "There's plenty of food here, but don't mistake that for anything your folks at home might have made for you. There's nothing here that's overly tempting or enjoyable. It's meant to last, rather than to indulge. It does however make stops where those types of indulgences are available all the more special, mind you."
Again she motioned for Juniper to follow as she headed for the cockpit, whereupon reaching she would place her hands on the girl's shoulders to brace her, as for the first time, she would watch as R5 entered the coordinates for Vrogas Vas into the navicomputer. The whirring of the hyperdrive grew louder and louder for several seconds before then launching them into the vast expanse of hyperspace.